
Comments by Ch3ll (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jackson MS 2AMer
    Shadowcat thanks for this one. I'd say Jackson, MS is my hometown since the town I grew up in about 15 miles away nobody probably has heard of. Anyway. After reading this I remembred vaguely my first ever strip club visit. It was a bachelor party for my brother in law and at the time I was like 17 or 18. I didn't know what to do with myself and sure didn't have money to tip or spend on a stripper. I'd stay away from any Jackson strip club unless it's in like North Jackson aka Ridgeland. Other parts of Jackson are crime ridden. Burglaries probably is the highest crime. Plus I've been away from black ass for years. Wouldn't know what to do with it.
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    9 years ago
    Making it rain
    I'm probably repeating what most have said, but in my opinion you're wasting money, because more "fun" or "contact" can be had in the club if allowed or outside if the girl is down with it. Another point in my opinion is that you're making yourself a target. After while some regulars are going to get the impression you have alot of money so they may be scheming a way to get yours. Its cool you go with your buddies, but you never know how many or what kind of buddies they have. Disregarding the above, really if that's your thing by all means do it.
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    9 years ago
    Has anyone here been ripped off by a dancer?
    I had a miscount happen twice and both were with dancers that I wasn't thrilled with or a favorite. The first occasion was a miscount of 3 when we only did two. I argued it with her and she checked with he bouncer who said it was 2. The second occasion was with a dancer I'd say I was okay with only because she'd always talk and show me her art work which could last 10 minutes or so and then finally ask for a dance. So with this one she miscounted by 1 and we did 3 if I recall. I argued it with her too, but ended up giving her the money with no tip. If it were a favorite I honestly wouldn't care as long as it wasnt too far off and probably wouldn't know any better since I enjoy the favorites. Nowadays, favorite or not will get asked how much per dance before we begin and I always get the count after a song ends. If by some chance you think it ruins the mood I wouldn't worry. They don't want to get counted for a dance they didn't do anymore than you do.
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    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    "the other man" part deux
    He probably figured what the hell you'll share a common interest so here's my photo book. That's a bit crazy to front $1k in HOPES the Bf overdoses.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strippers and Friending Them on Facebook
    I sent her a friend request so I'll see if she accepts. I messed around with my profile privacy some, but she already knows my city and will now know my first and last name. Her profile is pretty straight. It doesn't scream "I'm a stripper". However if one were to look closely they'd assume so. I don't post shit unless I have to for instance an app or to download something, so I'm really not too concerned. Truly my main concern is with my estranged wife. We have yet to divorce and for financial reasons are just going on about our lives separately. The stripper has kids and seems to be just doing what she has to to take care of hers.
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    9 years ago
    Why do men always assume its bad sex?
    Back when I was about age 16 - 20 if a girl said she had a boyfriend/man I'd come back with "he's just temporary". Don't recall if it worked much, but in my opinion it was my attempt to see if she was playing hard to get or really wasn't interested. Im 31 now been married and now separated, but nowadays I wouldn't put much effort in or pressure a girl that told me she had a man unless she was complaining about her situation with him.
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    9 years ago
    Strippers and Friending Them on Facebook
    Phoenix, So did your current bf ever bring OTC when he was your regular?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Revolving Topic - OTC
    Appreciate all the feedback. Will definitely bring it up next visit which will be on a slow day.
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    9 years ago
    Revolving Topic - OTC
    Things are progressing with this stripper I've visited 3 - 4 times in the club. My last OTC discussion with a stripper (actually cocktail waitress) was initiated by her after 3 visits, but unfortunately I slacked off on visiting her so that never took off. Not calling the prospect dead just yet though. Two previous OTCs I brought the subject up and it was between 1 - 3 visits with both. So, I guess I just like when the stripper brings it up. I know there are plenty more strippers out there, but I'm dead set on making OTC happen with this one, so I'll play it cool maybe two more visits spaced out over a week, couple of weeks and if no initiation by her I'll have to bring up the topic.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers handing you their money
    Never had this happen to me. Closest I've come with their money aside from table side or in their gstring is it being placed behind my back in a chair while she gave me a lap dance. You guys don't worry or think they're trying to give you a run around about "he took my money."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: 4 final tables and 1 win in 2 days
    You put in quite the volume. What site are you on? I play on Bovada, but most of my cashouts have come from blackjack. Their poker toruneys have good structure except for most of them have late registration that spans anywhere from 60 minutes - plus after the tourney begins so it takes forever to get in the money. Sit n gos are straight, but not enough players to get one going in a decent amount of time.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Stage Tipping Etiquette/Protocol
    The only time I stage tip is if I'd like a dance from the girl or she's really putting in the effort to give a good stage show. When I tip for either the show or the girl for private dances its usually 2-3 dollars. If its for a private or lap dance sometimes I'll ask her to stop by, but usually I just sit back and see if she comes over since I've seen nobody else tip her.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    True Love Vs $1000
    Are you getting it for free? She must not be familiar with dude or he was too old/ugly.
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    9 years ago
    OT: 4 final tables and 1 win in 2 days
    How many tournaments over those two days?
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    9 years ago
    Today at work
    Its just the beginning of him trying to introduce you to something deeper. 1k for dancing.... I wouldn't pay that for any girl just dancing. Most guys by nature want sex at the end of any festivity with a girl.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The futility of pursuing a 10 for OTC
    Based on how you said she's in high demand Id stick to building the rapport as itll appear to he you can go the distance financially. Doesnt look like you'll lose too much in the process though if she's in high demand and you might come across a hard 8 in the meantime. Lastly, if she's really in high demand as you say, seems she may not need to do OTC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Getting involved with a stripper
    Lol Papi Chulo. Man I haven't heard the word coochie since I was back in Mississippi! I know you like the black strippers so I'm sure you hear that from them alot!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancer Switch
    I asked this question once on here and got some feedback. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=37034 Since, I haven't really had any problems with strippers in the same club. With their different schedules, entertaining another customer, or no longer there since I never see them has made for it being of no concern at all. I did have one stripper though and she wasnt even a favorite, but she was cool and we'd talk and eventually I'd do some dances with her so we became familiar. Anyway, one visit it was the same routine talk/dances except i did less dances than usual and she made a comment about "Oh, is so and so your favorite now". I played it off, but took the less direct approach. She was cool about it the whole time though. In hindsight she just wants the money! I plan on going to the SC tonight and believe I may run into a situation where two strippers I like at the same club will be there. If so, I'll be straight up with either. Good luck!
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    9 years ago
    Poker in relation to Da Club
    Just_the_nuts Congrats on the promotion and the come up on poker. Always nice to have some extra cash aside from your main income. I play online too as well as live, but Man! since 2007 I've yet to really break out. My live results are better than online, but I'd like to kill the online since I get more play in there than in the casino or card room. Well, keep it up good play and bankroll management. Since you're doing well with the finances would your SC hobby increase? Would once a week to the same club be too much? I'm asking you as well as others as Ive really had good blackjack winning sessions the past 3 weeks and I hit the SC up afterwards each time.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Biggest strip club accomplishment to date
    Having a stripper on her on will in VIP over an hour dance 3 songs for money but sit and talk the rest of it and not want money for it. Although I gave her what I thought was proper for the time nonetheless.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Damn - Phoenix has some strange weather
    Oh and not too sure about Phoenix, but if its like Tucson you won't be finding too many African American strippers. The two strip clubs I frequent on a Saturday night would for example have 10 - 12 girls and 1 African American in the lineup. And the African American is way smaller than what you're used to seeing in the South. The majority population here is whites and hispanics. I grew up in Mississippi and can assure you the AAs here are not as thick or home grown as those from the South.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Damn - Phoenix has some strange weather
    Tucson, AZ is my main SC area. The weather is weird here. Today it feels like its 80 out but the high is 71 in my city. I have yet to visit a Phoenix SC but will one day.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [TIP] Keeping the Conversation Going
    Sha - 90 minutes! That's the one I want so I'm not spending money! Ishmael - once the dancer and I have introduced ourselves if she doesn't lead off I usually lead with how's your night been. If she's a talker or the type to put in effort that usually gets them going. Might hear about a customer, something they want to buy, or the stupid house fees. I've noticed unless she's one I've did dances with before or she approached me, if I stop her for a lap dance usually the conversation just doesn't flow.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Yeah I'm concurring with those who have posted. Really, who cares???
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC Negotiations
    I'll be sure to review this thread before my next visit to see her. And Subraman is right, I'm a novice so I'm trying to not get suckered as I've experienced that in my first two OTC happenings. Thanks for the in depth analysis rickduga and Subraman. Papi Chulo too. One thing that's common among all is the get within your reason or walk away.