Strippers and Friending Them on Facebook

avatar for Ch3ll
I got a stripper I frequently visit in the club and she wants to be friends on Facebook. We've exchanged real names and as far as I know she doesn't know my last name, but will if I friend her. So for the guys who aren't married do you friend them on Facebook if they find you or vice versa or if one of you bring it up mutually? Why or why not, concerns? I'd like to friend her because I feel like I have nothing to lose as I don't post on Facebook anyway, plus who knows if any of my hometown, high school friends have went down stereotypical less desirable paths in life.


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I don't do facebook. I vote just exchange phone numbers and let her text you. I could see Twitter, as cam girls often market shows via Twitter? But facebook? I don't see the point. I say, no.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
you might get something out of friending her. My bf was my regular for months and I eventually let him have my full name and he added me on facebook. And that's how we would communicate and how we ended up hooking up one night that led to more nights that led to dating now.
I have a fake Facebook account that I use to friend dancers. I have probably a hundred or so "friends," mostly strippers, but some friends of strippers and a few I know to be escorts.

A large number of them know it's me, and that the account isn't my real one. I've met a few *after* adding them, and often tell them so, especially if I expect to see them.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
So did your current bf ever bring OTC when he was your regular?
avatar for s88
New York
9 years ago
Unless >50% of your FB is strippers, it isn't obvious if they are or aren't strippers, or if you go into SCs, or you just know many people, or "friend" random people in your city. If their profiles are "no employment listed, no career listed" and alot of regular club/bar, but not SC photos, only you know they are a dancer. If the FB profile has something that looks like their regular name, and they post civilian life/daily life crap on their FB, and other acquaintances interact with them (but not "honey when we gonna chill again", and "I miss you" messages from guys) friend them. If the FB profile is their escort ad with twerking videos and tons of mirror selfies, dont friend them, since that will look bad on you.
I love being FB friends with strippers. If you enjoy social media, it can be fun to interact with them there. And, somewhat like George Costanza in the Seinfeld episode where beautiful women were attracted to him just because he was dating a model, I found that I was "in the club" once other strippers saw me on her facebook page. You can also get early warning signs to self-destructive behavior -- I was able to disengage early from a stripper because she was showing signs on FB of a downward spiral into drug abuse.

I have a fake FB page that I use for most strippers. Based on my FB interactions with strippers so far, there's really little to no risk in letting them onto your real FB page, but I think it's a common sense precaution to keep her out of your real life until you know her really really well.
As I said in another thread most of the time I don't care to know a stripper's real name. This applies to Facebook too. I'm friends with a few strippers on Facebook, but that's about it.
If she has you face book she has every thing about you.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
@Ch3ll no we didn't do anything until we were a couple really. It wasn't business just personal.

The first night I went home with him I had a friend drop me off at Wal-Mart after work. I was nervous since I didn't know him well. Your not a suppose to have outside relationships with customers so I had to meet up with him I couldn't just leave work with him. He lives way out in the sticks and so in the way there I worried about him possibly being a psycho. But all was good. I ended up sleeping in the same bed as him we cuddled and made out some then went to sleep. The next night I came over we did have sex and it was amazing! And I just kept staying there until we eventually declared it official
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Something to note though you might get lucky with a stripper if she is expecting pay for it, it means your not the only one she does that for so don't expect a serious relationship only a business one
Mrs sea does Facebook but I don't. I've had a fake personal account for years with absolutely no personal info on it except for a couple of pics but my real friends know it's me. We also have a stripper/swinger couples Facebook page that has absolutely no personal info on it in case we want to friend anyone or simply search stripper pages.
Like others, I don't have a regular Facebook account but I do have a fake one. And yes, there area couple strippers on there along with a couple civie women who are Facebook addicts. Re: the posts a lot but it's some funny/interesting stuff. For the other, it's boring as hell. Intelligence is an amazing thing that manifests itself in many surprising ways.
My experience is that it is a small minority of young women who are interested in online. Most shun it. They got the looks, so face and body are what they are. Anything else is irrelevant to them.

Only after they get too old to draw that kind of attention do they have interest in online communications. But their reasons are disingenuous. They are hopping to start a relationship that way, without being rejected for their age.

I have about 15-20 strippers on my FB but I'm single and have no one to report to. It doesn't bother me. I have actually been able to find out some useful info about a lot on their FB pages.
Like others above, I maintain a FB account that does not use my real name, personal info, or pictures of me. It is linked to an email address that is also used solely for this hobby. I use it almost exclusively for messaging with various dancers who primarily communicate via FB.

I have zero desire to give dancers any sort of window into my life outside the strip club. Everyone has their own comfort levels based on their particular circumstances.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
I sent her a friend request so I'll see if she accepts. I messed around with my profile privacy some, but she already knows my city and will now know my first and last name. Her profile is pretty straight. It doesn't scream "I'm a stripper". However if one were to look closely they'd assume so.

I don't post shit unless I have to for instance an app or to download something, so I'm really not too concerned. Truly my main concern is with my estranged wife. We have yet to divorce and for financial reasons are just going on about our lives separately. The stripper has kids and seems to be just doing what she has to to take care of hers.
I am friends on Facebook with a number of strippers. This is my one and only real Facebook account that I use with other friends and family. I have never had a problem, but I don't have a wife or SO.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I haven't been using Facebook except to surf and show a relative pics that other relatives post. Some strippers or former strippers have looked at me on Facebook probably because I looked at their Facebook page. I wondered if you can send messages to people who aren't friends but my one attempt got no response.
I tend to disagree that if a stripper finds your Facebook page that she will know everything about you. Maybe true for younger guys who post everything on Facebook. I rarely post anything on there. I posted something on there some time last year I think.
i'm friends with Jack, Johnnie, and Captain Morgan.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
If you're single....why not?
If you're was nice knowin' ya.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I don't do Facebook so the answer is no.
I have a few dancers and ex-dancers as FB friends. None of their pages indicates they are dancers so I watch what I post.
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