
Comments by Ch3ll (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Recommended Necessities before starting your SC adventures
    @ ATACdawg you forgot the bucket of chicken! A second cell # number, something like Line2 Steady money because the shit is addicting. Read old threads here and articles, so you're prepared for the SS you'll encounter.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Shortest/Longest Time In One Club
    Longest...I'd say was 2 hours. Shortest has been 10 minutes several times because the club was shit and I just needed to finish my beer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Mixed signals
    Probably was an honest mistake. Had one I've done dances with on multiple visits over count by 1 dance, saw I was upset, and started to apologize and trying to seduce me to ease it over. We've done dances since and hasn't happened again.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC question
    Wouldn't that be "The System."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Smile on my face
    I don't use the terminology, but I'm guessing it at least means they had a good time. Like JS69 stated that could be different for each PL.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    how many years have you been visiting strip clubs ?
    I think I'm close to or just over a year.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How strippers feel about sober patrons
    I can't see that it matters either way in my experience. The drinking not drinking is all a benefit of the customer in my opinion. If you need it to loosen up or have fun then there it is. If you don't need it then you are probably saving yourself some slight money and not risking driving or needing someone else to drive. I doubt this matters any as to what you are asking about, but when I decide not to drink I'll ask for a glass of ice water. So I'm guessing it's possible for a stripper to misperceive it for an alcoholic drink, but as I said before I doubt it matters. The clubs I frequent ice water is free as opposed to having a bottle of water.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Housing Whores
    Read the last sentence of Call Me Ishamael's article the "10 rules for the strip club customer."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Housing Whores
    I'd go with no. Too much risk and you know their tendencies.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Compliment from a stripper
    "You seem like you got your shit together."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Timing of Dilemma
    I'd say it's #3. Having been married before if I were to go out of town we'd have sex before. When I got back we'd have sex. And vice versa if she traveled. The only thing that would stop this is if she was on her period. I do think they can sense something is going on because more than likely the desire for them won't be its usual
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Scary looking bitch.
    She had potential before the tats on face and crazy hair.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Mileage Composition Question
    I like it all it just depends on the girl. This one Asian wouldn't let me touch her tits, but would her ass and the rest of her body minus pussy. But she really gave the GFE in my opinion slow grinding, her face, body close to mine. It was great. Now anything above that is always good too. When I first dove into SCing I made out with this one dancer many times. Now, I'll pass on the kissing as I've come to learn more of what a stripper will do in their respective club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What states allow you to touch boobies and butts during regular lap dances?
    I think you get a better thrill reading the short preview of the reviews (non member/VIP/or whatever it's called) and finding something different upon your own experience. Hell, even at a touching spot the girl may not let you if that's not how she gets down.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What states allow you to touch boobies and butts during regular lap dances?
    Yep read the reviews. For example, Orlando, FL doesn't allow any touching from what I read while out there. But drive a little over an hour to Cocoa Beach and you can touch.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever been too embarassed to show your face there again?
    Agree with the above posters. She could probably care less if she saw you again and probably wouldnt approach you if she felt disrespected or something from your last visit. From your story seems you only saw 3 girls. You'd be cutting yourself short not to go back.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How many strippers did you ask before you were given the OK for OTC?
    The 2nd stripper I asked said yes, but it would have been just a blow job and some dancing back at my hotel room. I say "would have"because I thought we were going to have sex and she said no and I was like fuck doing anything else then.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What to do next?
    I like the shop around idea. Roll with it though. An apology is something. One stood me up 3 times before OTC went down.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    how much to tip dancer "for her time"?
    Its up to you, but the consensus seems to be not to. There is only one recurring stripper i pay for her time only because Ill get dances from her on a different visit. Like someone said earlier we've recently talked about this. Go back a few discussion pages until you see "How much to charge for talking."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How often do you go to the club?
    At least once a week, but its usually twice a week. Attempting to take two weeks away from the SC as I write this.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    From ITC to OTC, AMPs, etc
    I've seen it in a few threads and just looked at the glossary and Google real quick, but no answer. What is AMP?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    How much to charge for talking (From StripperWeb)
    I think it's ridiculous for a stripper to charge for convo. I recall reading on the pink site some strippers talking about guys just wanting to talk and paying them for their time. Don't quite understand those type of guys. There is a stripper at a club I frequent that I end up giving $5 - $10 after her time of talking. Sometimes it has been because I felt generous and others because I wanted to get rid of her so others might stop by. I guess I have a soft spot because I do want to keep it in good with her when I do want dances from her when nothing else is available. There is another stripper at this same club who will take 2-3 song talking breaks while in VIP or on the floor with me. The club or bouncer allows the breaks in VIP so I oblige and go along with her, but she doesn't charge me for the breaks. Not sure if it's part of her hustle plan hoping to get something extra for the extra time or she's genuinely lazy/tired. Either way I pay her a little something extra because there does be some holding/rubbing going on during those breaks. Despite the above, I'd never pay a stripper on her request for time used for convo. The convo is the persuasion or just usual prior to getting dances. It beats the walk up "Want a dance?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    This story is hard to believe on some levels, but in regards to the money I'd say it's very possible if his pockets are deep like that. I'd guess most PLs just tend to spread their money around therefore getting more experience of SS, but taking it further outside the limits or within the limits of the club with a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    To answer the thread question yeah you were a regular to her, especially if y'all never met outside the club. Strippers are some hustling motherfuckers. Once you get over the emotional part of this, you probably will look back and say at least you had fun, plus you got into shape to attract civilian women. Has it been days since the email was sent and were y'all conversing via email like sitting at work behind a desk answering emails as they come in? Anyway, if she calls don't fall head over heels for her. Not trying to jab at you because we've all been fooled by these strippers on occasion, but think about it email?? A last favorite of mine (25 yrs) gave me her number that supposedly her and her lil sister shared. Plus she claimed she wasn't into using a cell phone. I texted once just to say it was me and crickets.... I see her a few more times in the club and on my last visit she tells me to find her on Facebook which I do. A few weeks later she post to the public she's going to another state for a few to get her life right. I send her a Facebook message that offers encouragement and what do you know it shows she replied and was on lately via mobile.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sending out a shout out to non dancer club workers.
    Going back to my military days...do the managers yell "male on the floor" or something before they just come up in the dressing room? I guess this wouldn't really matter at an all nude club, but topless might be another thing.