Stage Tipping Etiquette/Protocol

avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
I am hoping to learn what TUSCL contributors consider to be proper stage tipping etiquette/protocol.

Even if I am not sitting at the stage, I feel obliged to periodically tip strippers at the stage a buck for their show. I don't tip all of them (probably 1 in 4) as I would be constantly going back and forth. Might as well sit at the rail. I feel that since I am at a strip club and not just some bar I should tip something. But I am starting to think that I should consider the stage dance as just the stripper marketing for private dances.

Reading comments on here leads me to believe that I should only tip at the stage of it is to get the strippers attention.

What are your thoughts? Also, are strippers appreciative of one dollar stage tips or do they consider a custie that tips 1 dollar to be cheap?

I've been SCing for 25 years and am rethinking my SOP ( standard operating procedure ).



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avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Further clarification. If i want private dances I ask the stripper tip see me when she gets off the stage. Otherwise I just thank her for the show.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
* i ask the stripper to see me
avatar for etsutwigg222
9 years ago
I think to majority of dancers appreciate a tip on stage because you made an effort to come up. Probably only think your cheap if you never get table dances or you stand and gawk after the tip.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I never sit at the stage without tipping, but then I only go to the stage to tip my regulars.
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
I go to the stage to tip my regular girls. usually $5. If I go to the stage for a random or new girl I usually give abt $3 unless I want to get her attention and want her to come see me. In that case I tip a $5.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I think it depends on the club. I didn't spend $5 on stage tipping last year but had no problem getting attention.

Another question a buddy of mine keeps asking. After he has fingered a girl on stage he asks "are we allowed to do that"? :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IMO one should spend their $$$ as they see fit – it *is* their $$$ - I will sometimes spend up to 4 hours in a SC and tipping every girl can get a bit expensive – plus some dancers may see $1 as no tip at all – additionally it's not easy for me to say no to dancers; kinda feel bad doing-it; thus I see a stage-tip to a dancer that's not my type as her thinking I'm into her and then have her come-over asking me for dances and then me having to say-no/reject-her.

If $$$ was no issue for me; then I'd be more generous – but since I have a budget I need to stick to then I feel I gotta use my funds for what I like and not just spend $50 per visit tipping out of obligation.

Additionally – it may seem like the benevolent thing to do to tip every girl – but at the end of the day most dancers would not do shit for us unless we are paying them.

I'd say it's ok to stage-tip just to stage-tip and it's ok not to state-tip just to stage-tip – whatever makes a PL feel good.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Plus I don't really get that much out of the stage-set – most of the time I'm scoping the floor or just getting dances and not really paying attention to the stage.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Why don't you post this on StripperWeb ask the girls if a custies should tip every girl and if they should tip more than one $1.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Based on what I've read on here, I have no desire to go on stripperweb. I could only imagine their response. I should tip every dancer and at least $5.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I was being facetious - kinda an inside joke.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Thanks for clarifying. I'm pretty new to this site so am not yet in tune with a lot of the standard subjects. I'll catch up eventually i hope.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
You should tip if you want to, not be forced or shamed to. Some of the girls are appreciative and some are jerks, just like anyplace else.
If a dancer spends some time with you than you should tip but only if its your choice that she is hanging with you.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
"Based on what I've read on here, I have no desire to go on stripperweb. I could only imagine their response. I should tip every dancer and at least $5."

well you don't know enough about stripperweb then because they would want you to add a zero after that 5!!!! lol
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Maybe I will go on there and ask just to get a laugh at the suggestions.
avatar for rizzle01
9 years ago
I generally tip at least a couple of dollars per song bare minimum unless the girl is a dog. I live in ID though and so I am used to going to smaller clubs. When I am out of town in bigger clubs I have to adjust to the environment as some girls will take a tip to indicate that they should harass you for a private. You don't really have to worry about that in Boise or SLC. I think every club in every city is a just a little different. In Toronto it is practically unheard of to tip the girls on the stage because they don't have bills smaller than fives and you aren't allowed to tip in coins.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
I only tip the CF and the girls I find attractive.
avatar for SmithWV
9 years ago
" I generally tip at least a couple of dollars per song bare minimum unless the girl is a dog."

That is about what I do and it is usually with the regulars that I see.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Dogs need a bone too Smith !
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ yeah but dogs bite - you gotta be careful approaching them

avatar for SmithWV
9 years ago
twentyfive - I was just quoting the whole sentence ha ha. But you and Papi are right.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
If you are sitting at the stage, you should tip. For me, it's at least $3 per song, more often $5 per song. Period. Just fucking tip, it's just a few dollars, or else don't sit at stage, you cheap fuck.

If you're sitting anywhere else, tip however you'd like. You'd like to get a girl's attention on stage, or just express some appreciation, go over and give her a few dollars. Or not. If what you feel like doing is sit at the back bar buying beers and just watching the show for free, that's what you should do, there's nothing wrong with it, it is part of the business model. Some of the girls will hate you, but they're incredibly entitled anyway, and that's not your problem, just realize you could be a target for harassment.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
My system more or less matches Subraman's. $3/song default tip. $5-7/song if I really like it. $5-10/song for CF or ATF.

I found myself trying to tip most of the stage dancers (3 out of 4) but that's a PITA to have to get up from your seat, tip, then return back, so largely I don't bother unless I'm really enjoying it. I find I stage tip $36-44 per visit all told. Now, I just plan to "tip however I like." Some dancers will hate it, but IDGAF at this point. I'm there to enjoy myself.

I find stage tipping, at least at my home club and geography (in Ohio) just confuses the dancers and makes them think I'm showing interest and want them at my table and/or want dances . . which I have no trouble declining. I'd rather save some of that stage tipping money to load up my CF and get her ready to go.

For me, the greatest $$ value in the SC visit is tipping for time and buying drinks at my table with a dancer. I get more mileage and latitude at the table than in the LD area, tbh.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I used to tip every dancer that went onstage, thinking that I was doing a good thing. But then I realized that the dancers thought that I was just there to tip the stage only, so no one approached me for dances. Then I started getting more selective in who to tip on stage, and all was right with the universe again.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
@ 77:

In case you don't know lopaw is a chick and I think perhaps why the dancers thought she was just there to stage-tip b/c IME that's what a lot of fem custies do at the SC.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Lopaw makes a great point. Some dancers don't want to pull tipping customers away from the rail. Especially if it's slow day shift.

I tip a dollar if I'm at the rail. Otherwise I'm often too lazy. If there's a new dancer every 5 mintes, it's $12 an hour.

I do leave the rail for a drink or restroom or just check my phone when dogs are up.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
If I see a girl on stage who I like I'll go up and tip her $5 and ask if she can stop by when finished.

Any girl I have seen more than once in a club will usually just stop over, without any tipping involved.

I rarely sit stage side, and would have no problem randomly tipping a few $1's here and there, but guess my only problem with randomly tipping girls you're not interesting in VIP with is them stopping by your table, then somehow politely trying to get the point across that I was just tipping to be nice, but am not really interested.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
The only time I stage tip is if I'd like a dance from the girl or she's really putting in the effort to give a good stage show. When I tip for either the show or the girl for private dances its usually 2-3 dollars. If its for a private or lap dance sometimes I'll ask her to stop by, but usually I just sit back and see if she comes over since I've seen nobody else tip her.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Actually did know that, but I DO appreciate you taking a moment to clarify - thank you. I caught many if her archive posts on SW, and saw that she had s pink ribbon there prior to me coming here (sadly incl. her goodbye posts as she seemed to stop feeling welcome there). It's just not custy friendly there, esp. for a female that I can see.

I do agree that tipping nearly every stage dancer (in my club) just to be nice does seem to confuse the dancers or at least set up the wrong expectation with them.

For me it makes each dancer feel that she thinks I want her to sit with me after her stage set. Which isn't what I want. If I do want that, I explicitly tell her while I'm tipping her or I'll make eye contact while she's walking the floor.

I don't mind declining the dances. But all it does is waste her time (really) and cockblocks/clamjams another dancer from sitting down that I DO want.

With all of that said: I DO shop for a girl on the tip rail often. I will tip her $20 in her stage and tell her I want her to sit with me. Then I aggressively guard my space and wait for her to finish her stage, freshen up, and find me. I get her a drink, get her buzz going, then the fun starts while we talk. ;-)
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
I've been going to clubs as long or longer than any others here. I've always pretty much had the same SOP as yours.

I think a lot depends on your reasons for even going to a club. One that is going to just kill some time and scope some naked women, likely won't tip the same as one trying to hook up OTC.

It also depends on the club. It is common in my area for a dancer to do the "tip walk" after her set. So you I much tip them all for their stage dance. No more than a buck or two. Now if I see my Asian hottie dancing on stage, I'll walk up and tip her $% or $10, making pretty sure she sees in wasn't a buck. When she tip walks, I tip more and ask her to come back and see my for the LD room. If she returns, she will make the bigger $'s. If not, there are others. So bottom line, I tip her for her stage dancing about the equivalent of a single private LD. :)
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
Also, as sc said, "I think it depends on the club. " Example, in a dive, a $1 might be the norm, when in an upscale club $5-10 would be the more normal. I wouldn't mix the two.

The ideal is to hit that happy medium sweet spot. Get her attention, yet not spend all your money.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Thank you all for your input. Definitely a lot of variation, but a common sentiment seems to be not to feel obligated to tip. I really appreciate the insights.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
If I'm at the tip rail I tip each dancer a minimum of $2. If not I tip all of those whom I would like to have come to my table. I don't usually count the money I tip, just reach in the $1 pocket and grab a few bills. I probably average $5 per tip. It's ok to just tip $1, certainly better than nothing, although personally I'd rather not tip a girl at all if she only motivates me to give her $1.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
If you literally just get to the stage just as the show ends, don't feel obligated to tip even if the girl ask. In that scenario explain that you literally just sat down.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@Dominic77- yes SW became increasingly anti-customer, with much of their spiteful venom targeting us few lady PL's. Since life is too short to waste on haters, I hi-tailed it outta there and found my nirvana with the characters here as well as on my local customer based boards :)

And welcome to TUSCL!
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

I never sit at the tip rail.

But if I find a girl I'm interested in, I will walk up to the stage and give her a tip and ask her to come see me after her set.

Most of the girls in the clubs I go to consider $1 to be cheap. So I usually tip at least $5 or $10.
But, again, I'm only tipping the ones I might want to take to VIP.
avatar for Harderlap
9 years ago
I try to tip every dancer at least once in a visit, and some every time they dance, as long as I am not getting a lap or VIP dance. If I sit at the rail, I tip once per song. Usual tip is $1 here. I think all of the dancers appreciate tipping at the stage, and I have had dancers tell me that they were glad I tipped so and so because so and so doesn't get many tips. I think tipping builds good will and that is good at a strip club. Plus, you never know when you need to find a new favorite.
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
If I'm at the stage, then I tip, it's a no brainier. I usually tip min of 2 bucks a song. If I'm not at the stage, I'm under no obligation to tip, so I usually don't tip. If I don't feel being at the stage, and I really like a girl's stageshow, then I will get out of my seat, put 2 or 3 bucks on stage, and then walk back to my seat.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I like to watch other guys at the stage tip and depending on how much they tip and how bad I want her influences how much I will tip. Regardless of what the others at the stage are tipping, if I really want her I will tip $10s and maybe even a $20.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
This fucking troll. So you've been strip clubbing for 25 years, and you're asking questions about stage tipping protocol?? Which one is it? You can't even keep your story straight. I nominate you as the biggest troll on TUSCL.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
I've been clubbing for a long time but never saw a forum to discuss these things before stumbling across TUSCL. Then I just read reviews. Just started reading the discussions less than a year ago.

Makes for entertaining reading and some pearls of wisdom when you recognize who to disregard due to their bloviating.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Lol, whatever you say flagtard.

You picked the wrong person to mess with. I'm gonna troll your ass so hard.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

LOL. You like guys' asses?

You assume I care what you think. You seem to be the one getting sore that I point out your obvious BS. A little insecure?
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I found out that as much as I enjoyed tipping most every girl on stage (as long as they weren't cunty to me) it worked against me because the dancers started thinking that I was just there to watch the show, so they never approached me for dances. That was bad. I then started tipping only those that I wanted to get dances from, and sometimes sitting stageside to tip those that I was curious about.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Yeah. It was reading this forum that taught me the errors of my ways. I focus my spend much better now and enjoy my experiences quite a bit more. Without having to spend more.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
FYI. Some douche decided to resurrect this thread for some reason. Not sure why. I'm not trying to bump my old posts in front of new topics.
avatar for Shylynn
9 years ago
well you don't know enough about stripperweb then because they would want you to add a zero after that 5!!!! lol- Shailynn

Most retarded comment all day
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