
Comments by s88 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    why is an extras girl an extras girl?
    I didn't make it clear, my LD with Amber and CF's LD with fatty were in the same room. Amber and I both can see CF 3 chairs down next to our chair if we turn our heads.
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    8 years ago
    Terms of endearment
    Dancers calls me boo and babe.
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    8 years ago
    What if the roles were reversed?
    What would you do if the roles were reversed and you were the stripper and not the customer? What would you do with all the money you made? Clothes, better car, throw some $ at my house. Would you do extras? Yes. The thinking is the same, I meet a hot young unobtainable thing I never saw before that I want, so I ignore OTC civie dating rules and go for it. I meet a not too smelly pot of $ that I want, so I ignore OTC civie dating and go for it. I've rejected extras and FS before from dancers who were too smelling/dirty/whoreish, so I'd reject customers for extras if they look homeless. What do you think would be your best feature/money seller? No idea, Im a man.
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    8 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Personally seen many wheelchairs but only once a blind man with a pole.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying a dancers shift
    $500 is her gross, not her net after LD and VIP commissions+house fee+tipout+drinks for herself. Cut that to 3/4 or 1/2 for the real amount she makes.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Club atmosphere and dancers attitude
    I used to think a dead club with girls on their phones was a bad thing. I now have mixed feelings about it. One dancer said, "If I wasnt sitting here on my phone I'd be home watching TV. Here there is a possibility of making a little bit of money, you never know who will walk in, my house fee is $20." Another said "Im not going to walk around desperate for dollars, if the guy likes me he will walk up and introduce himself like you did". Aslong as you are sure you aren't hitting on a female customer, you need to walk up and say hi. Those might be the least-hustle, most GFE or friend zone dancers in the SC. I dislike SCs where dancers must wear dresses/gowns, they are indistinguishable from most female customers then.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Real lesbians despise being identified as hetro women and hate being hit on by men. They will do their best to NOT attract men. There is a male thinking that if their GF makes out with another girl, its not cheating and shes not a whore, and its a precursor for a threesome, that he can later get high-fived by his bros. Straight girls experiment for the sake of having an experience or fantasy to later tell men to attract them. "turning a gay M/F hetro" is a fantasy for both genders. I've seen multiple groups of drunk ladies try to unsuccessfully seduce gay men back to their hotel rooms during a pride parade. For a man to believe he fucked a lesbian into being hetro is a very masculine affirming action. LUGs are just playing hard to get with men. They ruin it for actual LGBT people.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Clubbing with Your Friends
    "I think the most annoying thing is the general lack of respect my buddies showed these girls. Yeah they were drunk, and so was I, but still just because a girl is shaking her tits at you is no excuse to disrespect her. But then again on the entire ride to the strip club I'm telling my friends "you're not going to get a BJ, you're not going to get a BJ, you're not going to get a BJ," but they didn't hear any of that shit!" I dont collect such acquaintances. If I did say "you're not going to get a BJ" the convo would go "I am gonna get a BJ, you gonna be dropped at off at the gay club for a dick up your ass". At that point my "friends" get a knuckle sandwich and later deleted from my phone. Any man who doesn't own a SC or a porn company and posts daily pics of tits and ass on his FB isnt someone I will get along with for more than a minute.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Kissing/Proper Etiquette for Kissing
    You dont know if a girl in a civie club or bar was swallowing semen that day, you dont know if a stripper in a SC was swallowing semen that night. Unless you picked her up at an animal shelter or a library, she will be a "fun" girl. Dont get an unhealthy fantasy she is some kind of virgin. She isn't and neither are you (I hope, but this is the internet.....). I'll write more about it in the future, but IME, the kissing ratio is 7%. You must try atleast 14 unique dancers in the VIP room or LD area to find 1 that GFE kisses.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Picking a favorite
    I'd pick #1, you know what to expect. Druggies treat all guys the same and the guys are interchangeable and replaceable. #2 seems to keep secrets and maintain a different or unique style of relationship with every guy. #2 seems like the first to start limiting herself to manipulate you. #1 wont remember anything except "him and I fuck" and wont be bright enough to scheme without you realizing it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Clubbing with Your Friends
    "... Who the fuck tries to negotiate a lapdance price in Las Vegas ..." "Some people will negotiate for everything" I am standing in line in McDs, a guy is negotiating the prices at McDs. "Do you have a special? What if I want fries with that? How about the burger, the drink and the fries? Cut the fries, just the burger and the drink, what can you do for me? Hmmm, chicken, you go that? Can you help a friend, I want the chicken, the burger, and drink, how much? Nahhh, just the chicken and the drink. Can you do it for $5? We bros, Ill pay you $3 now, and $2 later, I swear on my mother."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Hypothetical: what if only black girls did extras?
    Race baiting, no comment.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dressing nice
    Jeans in a SC? Only if LDs are illegal in that city.
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Dangerous Precedent?
    The onstar's cables have to be disconnected. The onstar box is always accessible from the trunk. No lift needed.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting my pockets picked
    I never drink in SCs. Once a dancer knocked my wallet out of my pocket onto the floor, I instantly stopped the dance, picked it up and put it back in, and she laughed, and the dance resumed. I use a SC wallet with nothing but cash in it, and an ankle wallet that I only withdraw from in the bathroom stall that contains my ID/CC/most of my cash. I keep 1.5 VIP rooms in $20s+$100 bill+$50 bill in my SC wallet, the rest in my ankle wallet. The 2 large bills are for extras negotiation if needed. Showing the money in your hand (but not giving it over) and eventually putting it back when the negotiation turns negative is an effective negotiating technique.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Life after dancing.
    Hair stylist or makeup artist are also related to stripping jobs that strippers already have some experience with as stripping.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Life after dancing.
    Real estate agent. Work the hours/days you want to. Its a great low income, low hours, but plausible day job. Fills a resume time gap. Leaves lots of time for being a dancer, and you have to do your hair, nails, and makeup identically between stripping and representing.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Getting your rocks off
    I maintain such a list. 75% of dancers I interact with go on the list along with notes of everything they told me and what I told them. LD experience and personality and who are her typical customers in the SC all get written down. The 25% of dancers I interact with that don't go on the list were dancer I didn't like that approached me and I had to shoo them off, their names are irrelevant. I organize the list by SC, then by stage name. On the trip to the SC, I read through my notes for that SC. If I didn't keep a list, my head would explode trying to remember that info. Connecting faces to names is hard for me. My list with dancer descriptions helps tremendously.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Experimenting with writing short stories...
    Sounds like something I'd read in Esquire or Cosmo under a pen name of a "former stripper". Not a bad job.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Bad Decisions
    This is how you treat strippers before giving them a ride. https://youtu.be/igQDvYOt_iA?t=139 I always scout a SC or notel location a day or 2 before actually going there as a customer. Drive up and park on the street half a block away and watch for 20 minutes what is going on, who is walking around. Or if I am walking, just stand on the nearest street corner in a hoodie with a baseball cap. Who are the customers? What are they dressed like? What kinds of cars drive in and out? Are there non-staff people loitering about the property, but aren't stepping onto it or in the building? Are there normal (parents with kids, groceries, work uniforms, seniors) civilians walking around who are not supposed customers? Do cars stop or strangely drive slowly on the block? Local knowledge of the city's PD is also good. Some PDs, have a policy to investigate any car parked in a suburban area on a commercial property at night after the business closes for the day. The strip mall or retail pad parking lots are supposed to be empty at night. There are only 2 reasons why a car can be in a commercial lot at night, the car broke down, driver got a ride, and it will be towed the next morning when the garage is open, or "illegal activity".
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Would you believe me if I told you I got sex from a pornstar?
    Completely Believable. Pornstars are easier to fuck than any stripper but 2-3x more than an stripper. 2x more than I'd spend in 1 night at the SC. I've done one pornstar twice. I probably should stop SCing and just save up for porn stars but I'm more into the seeing the same couple stripper faces each week and talking with them than a once a year pornstar on her tour through the USA.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How does FB know the providers i use ?
    Every website has a Facebook share button. With that share button, Facebook knows every site you visit with cookies and http referrer url from the random page on the internet with a share button.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How to make strippers disappear
    One stripper told me she has an arrangement with a regular to take her to the VIP room during the lap dance special, she mentioned other dancers also have this set up. This is why only the ugly half of the strippers in the club are out on the floor during the special promo dances.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    dancer's weight
    Heavy or big ass and johnny looses his blood flow during a dance. Even worse, I get back from the club and my legs have bruises. If you can't cowgirl her, you can't buy a dance from her. Just because you can do missionary doesn't mean you can be a stripper.