
Comments by s88 (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Political discussions on TUSCL
    Unless my SC is going to be shut down by LE/liquor board or its about abortion and the pill, politics don't belong here. This site is for strippers, escorts, and fun with women, nothing more. Sausage factory bar chatter doesn't belong here.
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    9 years ago
    Strip Clubs going Downhill
    @estafador I agree. The NYC market is stupid expensive. Worst one I've ever seen in the USA. If you want college girls, no post partum, no BBW, you will pay dearly. All the good dancers work at mutli $100 dollar house fees clubs. Customers who will drop $1000s in 1 night at the SC without blinking. Standing once in a NYC SC, I over looked someone signing a $7.5K credit card receipt. Fuck that. From the times I visited NYC, I was greatly disappointed with NYC SCs. I found out going far far into the suburbs for quality SCs in NYC, especially NJ, is the only way to get an american SC experience. NYC SCs are stupid expensive, or super bad talent. @Dominic77 One of my favs moves her weekday SC every month to a different place. Fortunately she stays at the same one for weekends. "takes a week off" from dancing, shes a woman. Some SCs require every weekday or every weekend and filing your schedule a couple days in advance with the manager. Miss a date and you are fined. No way to take a couple days off for aunt flo. Other SCs are much more loose with their rules and dancers disappear for aunt flo, the schedule evens out though because dancers dont have the same time periods.
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    9 years ago
    Prego fettishes
    @Tiburon I find a bulge on a skinny girl sexy. Its the dancers who never loose the baby weight but go back dancing that I dislike. I am pretty sure I got a LD from a pregnant stripper once, there was something strange about her stomach and I felt it during the LD. I didn't ask because it was a stripper I'd never see again. I suspected she was preggo when I picked her for LD and it was a bit of a turn on. There is a common thinking about strippers, if you have a baby, to have any chance of getting your pre-baby earnings, you need implants because your tits will be a disaster and the implants distract or complement the love handles/no so thin stomach. I think I agree with that theory. I personally think postpartum dancers waste space in a SC but pregnant is fine. There are fetishes and fantasy around being pregnant, look at the pregnant porn that is filmed. There is a customer base for porn of it, so why not in a SC in real life?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's your favorite thing that a Stripper has said to you this week?
    "its been 4 songs already, are you going to cum tonight[from LDs]? should I just stop now?" My answer was yes.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Love em and leave em.
    Too many emotions in a combination best friend, soulmate, GF, and nymph. It will end with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and make up sex. Your relationship will be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oRdxUFDoQe0#t=200
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    9 years ago
    A bad VIP (trip report)
    When I discussed women in a SC with strippers, I've never had a positive remark from strippers about women in a SC. -I am a stripper, not a lesbian escort, you dont get a free pass to kiss me and finger me because you have a pussy -this a SC, not a nightclub, you pay the same door fee as a male customer, do not argue with a bouncer for free entry saying you are a female -there is no free drinks for you because you are a female customer, this is not a nightclub -you make it impossible for me to hustle your man for VIP room, you forget to give me permission to touch him (s88's interpretation is SOs in a SC is as bad as a PL bringing his momma to the SC to keep the dances clean and protect him from whores) -I cant make the LDs special or high mileage or grab his dick because you are right there, I can see in his face how miserable you make him and HE doesnt like this -you are drunk and get on the stage to pole dance, you aren't a dancer GTFO I've never seen 100% confirmed escorts as female customers in SC before. I sometimes suspect my lounge style SC has escorts but IDK how to pickup female customers in a SC. If solo to 3 women goto a SC (no man in their group), that look like strippers (implants, makeup, nightclub or gowns or party dresses), and sit together for 2 hours and do hookah or drink a tiny tiny bit, they never sit at the front row, they never get LDs (not lesbo), stare in their phones most of the time. I sometimes see them hug and kiss a stripper and sit back down on their phones and sip their drinks. What did I just see? Retired stripper who is an escort? Off schedule stripper meeting a regular just to talk without paying her house fee? A stripper from another SC evaluating this SC whether to dance here? Women who want a nightclub atmosphere without men hitting on them?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Is It OK To Tell A Stripper She Smells Good?
    I recently asked that after a hint from TUSCL that I should ask that. The answer was Chanel No 5. Now I know. Any complement is a good complement. The whole point is you are sexually attracted to the stripper, not a gay friend (but they gay friend might complement her more than a straight guy paradoxically :/). Any pickup line or talking point is good for building a stripper/customer relationship.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    @JS69 "Most guys start out like you describe, passively waiting for the dancer they want to approach them even though she rarely does, but it's time to evolve beyond that. The dancers probably perceive your weak, passive attitude which is one of many reasons they choose other customers." I agree. @Timex345 One of my fav strippers repeatedly accuses me of "chasing" and "stalking" her around the club to guilt me into buy LDs (I give in sometimes). If she goes up on a pole, I goto that stage. If she goes to a different stage after her set, I follow her. She accused me of "chasing me" the first night I ever saw work at the SC and never stopped accusing me of it but its now she says it as a joke with a smile in a sweet voice instead of dead serious low pitch voice. I think the first time I saw her I was really creeping her out, but now she knows I'm just a regular and not a serial killer after many LDs and VIP room trips. "I bought dances tonight from a girl. I was prepared to buy more dances from her but she never did follow up with me. She lost a lot of money by not checking back with me. Some girls will stop back by and ask if you would like more dances. I am glad now I did not buy more dances from her. I am not asking for anything special. But, just being cordial would be nice. Rudeness doesn't make me want to buy dances from a girl. I hate when girls tell you they will be right back and they never return." "maybe later" and "not now" are my regular lines for dismissing strippers. Only once a year does a random stripper ever come back and ask "are you ready now?" and challenge me on my initial dismissal. That is why they never come back. Strippers lie, customers lie. Get over it. You have to walk upto the stripper you want and get their attention. You do bring up a valid problem that some strippers dont care to pole dance. I had a couple times a dancer sitting with me said "fuck that, Im not going up" and eventually the DJ called the next girl. It might be a calculated move, that if I buy even 1 LD, or dancer drink for her, or give her a $10 for her being a nice talker, it will be the same $ as 1 or 3 songs on the pole. Other strippers stay in the dressing room, walk around looking for regulars, or new faces for a minute or 2, then go back to the dressing room. They wont sit in the corner on their phones, or pole dance. I think some strippers have an attitude that pole dancing is degrading if you want any stage dollars. You must show pussy, must spread lips, must wave pussy close enough to front rail customer to smell it, must do lesbian stuff with another stripper on stage and split the dollars. LDs and VIP rooms are for classy girls. Stage is for whores. They are nuts for applying morality to a SC but whatever. I sometimes have to ask strippers go on the stage since they dont like to pole dance. Of the 2 times Ive ever asked, both times they agreed. I should ask more often in the future. It was me and her, nobody else at that pole/stage when she went up. This was a multiple stage SC with some of the poles always unused. There was no discussion of how much I will tip them for a pole dance before they did the special stage dance for me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I often have my phone out in a SC if it is allowed. My #1 regular club has almost no phone on main floor rules. Strippers constantly put selfies in the club on IG. Customers occasionally do on IG. I even know the color of the walls in the dressing room of SC #1. My #2 regular SC has a very strict no phones policy. When the bouncer sees the screen on he will tell you to put it away. You have to leave the main floor and go into the bathroom, door cover cashier area, or the outdoor fenced smokers area to use a phone. If there are no good pole dancers up on stage I will be on my phone in SC #1, usually doing office work (*sigh*, I am working in a SC now, and Im the customer). In SC #2 I leave the main floor until I hear the song change and use my phone infront of the cover cashier. Occasionally other customers in SC #2 are also in the lobby on their phones. When its so dead the strippers are sitting on their phones in the corner, and you are sitting on your phone, if any of them are fuckable, it is time to go say hi and start a BS convo with them. They will usually BS with you vs sit on their phones unless they are completely unfriendly since they are 10s, alpha bitches, and their shit doesnt stink.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's your favorite thing that a Stripper has said to you this week?
    "I wanna take you home" stripper to me
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    PLs will have more money for lap dances
    @Tiburon That is why we old guys send you young PLs to Afghanistan and Iraq to die, so we can fuck your young widows.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Johnsmith69 - Did your dog die?
    Lesson of story, dont write and file motions from your phone in the SC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    PLs will have more money for lap dances
    http://tinypic.com/r/2w7edg4/9 I dont trust any online pharmacy. Walmart works well for me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    White dancers at predominantly black clubs...
    My regular SC is called a black club, or mixed. 20 black, 4 latinas, 3 whites. You would think the customers are the same ratio as the dancers, but not here. Because this SC in the financial district near hotels has cheap prices its customers are only 40% black. The 3 white girls make a killing with asian, white and indian customers. Being the only white girl in a black club, with mixed customers, makes you very high in demand. All the white dancers say the club is ratchett and so are the customers, but $2K on a friday night with a low house fee is worth working there vs the competition SCs. One white dancer told me in 3 years of her working there, no asian customer ever turned her down when she approaches them to sell LDs, but the black customers always reject her when she approaches them except for once, the black customer got one dance, then said he isn't paying her because she has no ass (she doesnt, hence she is one of my favorites). From that point, her policy is black customers have to initiate contact since she isn't going through that again she told me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    She puked her guts out...
    @gawker happened to me once, thankfully hotel didn't realize someone smoked in the room @rickdugan I'd give $20-$30 per hour since all you got was shitty talking as if you bought her a drink, so I'd pay her 1 or 2 "dancer drinks" per hour. $60 was too much. $0 is wrong. I'd give $40. Once had an experience with a binge drinker civilian. Not my house party, but she secretly took an unopened rum bottle to the bathroom, drank of 3/4 of the bottle, put the bottle back on the kitchen counter. My friend noticed the bottle got empty and nobody knows how. 20 minutes later drinker girl is vomiting and not talking, questions are asked what to do with her, since everyone was high and she can't be removed by ambulance from the party house or people will goto jail. Her antics destroyed the mood since everyone is now worrying how not to manslaughter or murder charge. The correct thing to do is drag the person to the nearest corner so its unknown what house she came from, call 911, say fainted/unconscious, do not say anything that would get a LE response, when the EMTs come, point her our, optionally say what drug she is on, then run, never give your name to the EMTs. The moment the EMTs see her, leave the scene fast. Your legal responsibility ends when they lay their eyes on her. Alcohol has choking and breathing problems. Drugs have blood pressure and heart rate problems. You dont want a manslaughter charge when a chick dies on you. Let her die on the EMT's watch, you aren't responsible then. Drunk girl was also the designated driver that night... Story ends with me and her female cousin pulling her up 1 flight to stairs to her 2nd floor house. IDK what the cousin did after that. Remember to go through drunk girl's handbag for her DL to know where she lives, and go through her phone to find family or a close friend to her to take over care of drunk girl.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    PLs will have more money for lap dances
    Viagra has been sold generic for many years now in the USA. Ask your doc for a Revatio 20 mg prescription. The "20 mg" part is very important. "25 mg/50 mg/100 mg" are ED Viagra and expensive like fuck. The 20 mg generic Revatio pill is $3 each at Walmart. Its not labeled for ED but its the same chemical as Viagra, just a smaller dose. Take two $3 pills instead of one $60 pill. Lots more $ for lapdances. Any USA pharmacy asking for more than $5 a pill for 20 mg Revatio is a rip off because they know Viagra is $50-$80 a pill and they price the 20 mg just under $50 a pill to fuck men over. Try Walmart if the chain pharmacies are giving you cash prices identical to 25/50/100 Viagra.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Airplane seats
    @Tiburon If I pay for first class, I probably wouldn't be able to afford hookers and strippers. Just because you club 2 nights a month, doesn't mean you are rich. All strippers earn more than me, but it is none of their business to know my income.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Airplane seats
    I am on a long haul flight to the USA going from a AK47+RPGs+attack helis war zone. Dont ask what I was doing in a hostile enviroment. I have a first class lie flat seat. A senior lady in the lie flat seat next to me, but it has no power so it can't move or recline. All first class seats are filled so she cant be moved. She bitches the whole flight to me and FAs. It gets worse. Since I am flying from an active war zone, I know there are many refugees on this flight. 2 rows ahead of me at the bulk head is 1 older woman and 2 20 something women. I can tell its a mother and daughters. The group had 4 first class seats. 1 8 year old boy and 3 toddlers/babies. The 8 year had his own seat. The 3 toddlers/babies didnt. The tear jerker is the 3 women sat the whole flight on the edge of lie flat seats while their kids slept in the lie flat seats. The babies and toddler did wake up a number of times. So yeah, crying babies in first class and the passenger next to me bitching about her broken seat. Not a good flight, but atleast my lie flat seat worked but I slept with ear plugs AND the noise cancelling headphones (nothing playing but they were still quieting things a lil). At some point in the flight, my phone bounced out of the arm rest and fell underneath my lie flat seat. When I arrived in the USA, very drowsy, when I raised the seat, I crushed my phone and broke its screen with the motor that moves the lie flat seat. Bad flight from a bad country.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Seattle police officer ‘hanging around’ strip club during sting placed on leave
    One SC I went to has an armed uniformed city cop standing in the entry lobby next to the bouncer that does a pat down (no metal detector here). Not standing infront of the SC, but indoors next to the door cover cashier. Local news papers complain every so often why the mayor allows cops to work off duty at a SC but the mayors office says you can't discriminate against a morally wrong but legal business. I really wonder what the rules of engagement for those off duty detail cops. Ejection as if they were private security or trip to jail for discon, solicitation, and resisting arrest? Do I want to find out?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers wearing glitter.
    My SC clothes are exclusive to clubbing. SC clothes get damaged in way normal clothes do not. My favorite SC pants are starting to look like http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6088/6153029145_f01797caea_b.jpg http://makeitorfixit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fuzzballs1.jpg.jpg but only on my lap, from too many lapdaces. Pant zippers get broken. A dancer or massage girl opens my shirt and breaks a button. Period blood on your pants. My only worry are lipstick stains. Thats a bitch I got no idea how to clean off but I've never had that problem yet. Glitter is not really noticeable.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    do I fire dancer #2?
    @IwillLapAdancer Dancer #1 #3 and #4 are in one strip club. Dancer #2 is a different strip club. Keeping my options open and my sanity in check. #1 and #2 are my favorites of the 2 different SC they work at. So each is my favorite of that particular club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers wearing glitter.
    @rickthevulture Viniq, drinkable safe to eat glitter Smelling like ladies perfume, body lotion, and pussy, with a hint of glitter make happy at the end of the night.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How much authority do bouncers have to eject and/or ban custies from the SC?
    Saw an ejection of a doesnt-speak-english semi-wealthy tourist from my regular SC. First time ever I saw an ejection happen (6 months weekly visits). At this SC, there is alot of stripper customer interaction at the front rail (you can smell the pussy its so close to your face), but the tourist customer tried to finger the dancer on stage which isnt allowed (other touching of the dancer is okay on stage).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What do you prefer a sober, slightly drunk, or very drunk dancer
    slightly drunk, wont stop talking (somethings not a bad thing), gets pissy and storms off if you touch her or ask for a dance very drunk, she has no rules, horny, wants to get the job done
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How strippers feel about sober patrons
    I've been asked to leave an alcohol club by a waitress for only buying non-alcohol things like redbull and soda. She called me a jew, then called me a muslim, then called me a cop and asked me to leave. At a different SC, I told the story to a dancer and she told me cops are allowed to drink in this state and will drink at a nightclub, bar, or strip club, and that was just a hustle from the waitress. I agree. If you are drunk, you pick dancers you regret, hell, you will buy LDs and tip even the uglyest bitch who sits down next to you in the club. If you are drunk, you will use the SC ATM after she promises "you wont regret it" in the >$300 VIP room. I do think having a drink on the table for show matters in an alcohol club, but because I stick to non-alcohol clubs it doesn't matter anymore for me. I'll spend my $ on women, not alcohol which is 1/10th the cost when I drink at home. I'd need $80 to get drunk anyway with bar drinks.