Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals

avatar for krystal123456789
In the past. I danced for alittle over a year and during this time i came to realize that i like girls better than men.

I would pay more attention/give eye contact to the girls more than the guy i was sitting with, to the point where countless of these men would end up asking me if i like girls. I didnt even realize this myself i started to really recognize these signs after being asked on numerous occasions. Mindyou i never came in with feeling for my own sex, at least it was never this intense. When i began to evaluate things i came to the conclusion that these things might have lead me to drift apart and had no feelings for my opposite sex:
On many occasion i had guys come up to me asking for extras ( sex). i would reply: No. It happened so many times that i was beginning to think that they were asking me hoping that one day i would give up and then say yes and follow through. This disgusted me everyday. Just them coming up to me asking if i do or assuming i do in the lapdance area. Ive even had guys that would try to take his d***k out and try to penetrate me inside the club. I was sick to my stomach of how they would behave. Maybe i was too sexy for them, they cant control their urges. It got to the point where i would only do table dances, which does not include grinding on their crutch, stage dances or i would only sit and talk solely to married men who i knew would not want to meet me outside the club or try anything slick inside.

I used to sit and contemplate;
Im selling an entertainment ( im very good at dancing, i was told this a million times). Probly the only reason strippers have to be half-naked is because we dont want accidents or injuries occuring on the stage. I know many poletricks and i can imaging if i had to perform some of my moves with jeans or t-shirt on, id be slipping and sliding all over the stage. By being up there half-naked i never told anyone i was available for sex for a price. Im selling an entertainment, to keep you amused and thats all it is. You might say i have no respect for myself to be half-naked showing my body to countless men, but i still have enough respect left for myself to not prostitute myself. For the more than a year that i have been dancing, i have never left the club with a guy nor had sex in the club and when i tell people this, they never believe me. They think that this is something dancers have to do, like its apart of their job, its not.
Ive had guyz spending cash on me then get to asking if i do extras. Id reply


last comment
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Your question has been asked alot amdbthe general consensus is that a large percentage are bi, a few are lesbian.

In regards to your other observations, each dancer is different and each has their own perspective on what they can handle as part of the job. Each has her own boundaries and AA long as you so what's right for you you can still dance and be somewhat happy with it.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Just i have met alot of other girls that are also lesbians and was wondering if this is very common. But thanks for the insite
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Is that why female customers always get the best mileage? Whether it be stageshow or lapdances.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Hey krystal
I'm a female customer and bonafide lesbian. In my vast experience I have encountered many, many bi and bi-curious dancers and a small amount of lesbian ones. I think that there are more lesbian dancers that will never come out at the club, even to a customer like me. It would hurt their business too much if the male customers knew it.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Hey lopaw. I hate to disagree with you about being gay and it hurting business. You have alot of guyz that find lesbians attractive and a turn on. Ive seen and been on stage with other dances and performing freaky shows and i have to say that this is where i have made the most tip as opposed to being on stage alone.
Its like competition or a challenge for them, and they love that.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Well that's good to hear, krystal. In my experience alot of guys-especially the older ones- are very threatened by lesbians and hate knowing that the dancer has no sexual interest in them. But if you're making it work more props to you!
But I gotta ask- are you sure that they don't think that you are bi? Then they would think that at least they have a chance with you sexually.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I had one dancer tell me that 50% of the dancers were bi or bi curious. I've had many tell me which dancer they had the hots for. I'm inclined to go along with that number.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Nobody knows I am a lesbian too.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
I think the vast majority are at least bi. Shit, why wouldn't they be? It would kind of turn me off if I found out a favorite was completely lesbo.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
I Knew i wasnt the only one with these types of feelings, just wasnt sure how many was like this. Im convinced many will not admit they are a complete dyke
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Why would they admit it? Like lopaw said it might hurt their business. And if they tell other dancers those dancers could go out and blab it to customers hoping to steal them away from her.
Interesting that you use the word dyke. It's not a word most actual lesbians seem to like. It's rather derogatory. Are you even a dancer, or are you a pissed off customer that just found out his ATF is gay?
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Im a female on and off dancer (Means i dance everyone in a while). And i didnt know that dyke was derogatory. I wouldnt be offended if someone called me this. Im also no originally from USA, but legal resident. Im from the islands.

avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
To me its still a word with appropriate meaning. As long as im not being called a bitch which has a completely different meaning. I find this way more disrespectful than being called a dyke.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Which islands? Hawaiian? Philippines? Do tell.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Caribbean Island
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
It must be intolerable being gay and trying to be yourself in a very closeted and homophobic place like Jamaica. Or have they become more tolerant? I seem to remember some very ugly anti gay shit going down there a few years ago.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Your right. But they arent that bad with the lesbians. They more homophobic against gay men. They still the same

avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
timex345 - I have that one one of my t-shirts. :)
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Many female hairless ape strippers also enjoy licking the vulture cloaca. I give it to them whenever I can. That's the ticket!

avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Do you like vulture jizz krystal123456789? If you haven't tried it I'll fly down and give you a taste.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
I find that many dancers are cynical about men (through bad choices in men or of men their mother had) but are not gay. I think that there is only a slightly larger number of lesbian dancers than there are lesbians in the general population. On the other hand that are a much higher percentage of Bi-sexual or bi tolerant(meaning that don't mind playing with a little carpet especially if there is money to be made) than elsewhere.
Many live with girls but still like men.
I also know some dancers that like to dance because they are in charge, in control and have all the power over the men in the club!

avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
I see
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Lopaw and Krystal 123456789, I can only imagine the crap lesbians put up with, in or out of the club. In the club, as long as the "entertainment" is good, the fantasy, I would like to think it would not bother me knowing the dancers was lesbian. Like Krystal says, she is selling entertainment. I've never knowingly run into a lesbian dancer though. But beauty and attention are my primary reasons for going to the SC.

I can imagine as a lesbian (?) Krystal would be put off being constantly propositioned for extras. But also have to say, surely it comes with the territory of dancing in a SC.

And to close, I just have to say, if you are a lesbian, well, I'd like to see that! I think it is very hot watching two beautiful women together.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
I used to believe it impossible to be a lesbian stripper, but a few weeks ago I met one in a gay marriage. That was an interesting conversation, to put it mildly, but she then went on to deliver a HJ as I fingerbanged her. I think she is really bi and gets permission to take on all the guys she wants.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Ive met alot of strippers that are in gay marriages too. One i met recently just got engaged.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@krystal - the word "dyke" is indeed typically used in a derogatory fashion. To me being called a bitch is about as meaningless as it gets, since that word is so overused that it just makes me laugh. My gay friends and I sometimes use some socially questionable terms & words like "dyke" among ourselves, but using it amongst ourselves in the gay community weakens any stigma or power it may hold. But to hear someone outside of the community use it, especially venomously, would not be acceptable. But to each her own.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
I think quite a few strippers have "girl crushes", but don't act on it.
avatar for krystal123456789
9 years ago
Ok lopaw. I didnt know. And im sorry if i offended you or anyone else on here by me using that word. As i said im not from out here, i never knew that word to be disrespectful. U must have recognized i did not mean it in a disrespectful way as i too consider myself to be a lesbian.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
So if it’s ok for females or dancers to get turned-on by other dancers and the females/dancers to want to have sex w/ each other; then why is it not ok for a male custy to also get turned-on by a female-dancer and want to have sex – it seems like a good-ole double-standard.

Asking a healthy heterosexual man to not want/desire to have sex at the site of a beautiful nude woman dancing/moving in sexually suggestive ways is like asking a person not to sweat while standing out in 100-degree weather – biology is biology.

Many people want to have their cake and eat it too – i.e. many dancers want everything to be on their terms with the paying customer having no say – i.e. many dancers want to turn-on men and get them to give them all their $$$ but god forbid the guy gets in the mood for sex from the actions of the dancer – it’s just a part of the job – just like a doctor having to deal w/ sick people.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
This is a simple illustration someone once told me w.r.t. female/male double-standards; it went something like this:

Suppose a man is walking on the sidewalk and he sees a woman thru an open-window getting dressed; most would say “look at that perv looking thru that open window at that woman getting dressed”.

Now let’s say it’s a woman walking on the sidewalk and she sees thru an open window a man getting dressed; many would say “look at that perv guy getting dressed with the window open”.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@krystal - no offense taken :)

@Papi - I think you are mistaking a dancer being pissed off at a guy not accepting that a "no" is a "no" and being disrespectful with one that is happy doing dances per her terms, regardless of the gender of the patron. Not every dancer is ok with extras, and pushy customers demanding more from her than she's comfortable giving is not acceptable and can quickly turn a dancer off to whoever is doing that, male or female.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
In my limited experience in talking w/ some dancers; I think it’s not rare for dancers to get it on w/ each other but I don’t think most are exclusively into women and IME for many it’s either a phase or just curiosity – plus a fine female body is a beautiful thing and one could see straight women finding other fine women’s bodies attractive and desirable at some leve.

Sstrip-clubs are sexually charged atmospheres with naked women all-around thus probably leading to more temptation/curiosity than in most other environments.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
@ lopaw:

Absolutely – I don’t like someone forcing me into something I don’t want (e.g. badgering me for dances or VIP when I’m not interested) – I think most of us are in agreement that no-one including dancers should be pushed into doing something they don’t want to do.

But when I hear from dancers about customers “always asking for sex”; I don’t necessarily take-it as the same custy constantly asking for sex; but that multiple customers ask for sex and just being asked once by multiple customers seems too much for some dancers to put up with especially for one that is not into men.
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
Yes, mrs sea gets a lot more physical contact from strippers than I see men getting. Whether they are bi/lesbian or not is an unknown but it goes both ways. Seems strippers give females more leeway yet at the same time you hear strippers talking about how female customers think they can touch or do anything they want with them. I guess if you're going to give the female customers more leeway then you should expect some of them to go for everything they can.

Dyke is derogatory but really only if you're using it to be mean or hateful I guess. At least that's the way we feel about it. i think it's more descriptive than anything. Mrs sea was getting her eyes checked today and apparently the 2 women working there were unattractive lesbians. They kept pouring compliments on her but she didn't like either of them. I wasn't there and have no clue what they looked like but when she texted me that both the dykes at the eye place were saying this and that to her (how gorgeous she was, beautiful her eyes were, how great her hair looked, etc, etc...) I immediately had an image in my head. I guess it's derogatory AND descriptive at the same time. When we hear dyke we think manly and are simply using it to be descriptive.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I think very few dancers are full on Lesbian. It's a very tough job for someone who is genuinely not attracted to men, and lesbians are a small percentage of the population.

I do think a large chunk have some bisexual experience. I'm not counting just drunken make-out sessions, I'm saying there has to be at least clit rubbing or pussy licking by one party. If I recall something like 10-20% of young women have a serious bisexual experience at least once, and I bet strippers are way higher than that. Still probably less than 50%.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
Real lesbians despise being identified as hetro women and hate being hit on by men. They will do their best to NOT attract men. There is a male thinking that if their GF makes out with another girl, its not cheating and shes not a whore, and its a precursor for a threesome, that he can later get high-fived by his bros. Straight girls experiment for the sake of having an experience or fantasy to later tell men to attract them. "turning a gay M/F hetro" is a fantasy for both genders. I've seen multiple groups of drunk ladies try to unsuccessfully seduce gay men back to their hotel rooms during a pride parade. For a man to believe he fucked a lesbian into being hetro is a very masculine affirming action.

LUGs are just playing hard to get with men. They ruin it for actual LGBT people.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
I'm straight (though I am a very good actress and can put on a good lesbian show ) which I found out fast was actually strange for a stripper. I learned quick that almost all of the dancers no matter what club I was at were at least bi, and maybe a few lesbians.
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
I fucking hate the fucking fake word homophobic. The word itself is fucking hate speech. God damn progressive bigots. In my experience about 5% of dancers are lesbians; about 75% are bi to some degree and 20% are straight.
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