The other night, I snagged myself a little hottie from my local club and thought I was about to have a great time. But things started going south when my normal motel was uncharacteristically sold out. So she then stated that she knew a place where we could park and do the deed. Well, we did end up parking and I got a very mediocre (and expensive) blow job, but right as the deed ended we essentially got chased out of the neighborhood by locals who didn't like us parked there, so her spot was really not so good. Then, to top it off, she started getting nervous when she thought that a cop pulled behind us during the ride back to the club. She told me that she had a warrant for a felony out on her and that she'd be thrown in jail if we were pulled over. She also ,mentioned that she had some "stuff" on her, which would not bode well for me. Oh yeah, and did I mention that I might not have fared well if a breathalyzer test was administered?
I should have just brought her back to the club when the room fell through. The hotel is right down the street from the club, which is why I use it. Both the club and my house are both close to highway entrances and exits, which means that I am not usually exposed to much back road driving after these club trips - which is by design. But on this night I was exposed to a lot more late night back road driving in a not so good area, all for a lousy BJ. I am lucky as hell that I didn't get pulled over, either randomly or because of a call from the residents of the aforementioned neighborhood.
On this night I made a lot of bad decisions and I am lucky that they didn't really cost me. It was simply poor impulse control on a number of fronts.
Anyone else have similar bad decision moments that they would like to share? Any close cal;ls or bad decisions that actually resulted in serious consequences?
Anytime a guy like yourself, with more than a few bucks, in assets gets himself into a situation like this, that is more than just bad decision making. I think you need to rethink your strategies, among them why the hell do you drink enough to be worried about driving, or instead take a cab or Uber or something. Just sayin.
I'd say this was "non-brilliant" and advise rickdugan to get help if I believed a word he said, but that is pointless!
Has anybody here actually met rickdugan on one of the TUSCL meetups? Or even gone to clubs he's reviewed to see whether his descriptions are accurate? I just can't believe his persona on this board is an accurate representation of his real life.
My theory is that rickdugan is actually a virginal 30 year old college dropout that is still living with his parents. He lives vicariously by creating a "rich stud" character that always drives drunk and expresses an inexplicable obsession with the idea that strippers will fall victim to some random misfortune so he can save trivial amounts of money trying to get them to have sex.
All of that is non-brilliant, but I'll give him one thing: his fiction is entertaining, even if the protagonist of his stories is a serious d-bag!
I think he should try to write a novel. It might sell and then he'd actually be able to have sex.
Interesting. All I hear from this accounting are the usual girly squeals about having a few under mt belt when I did all of this? Only in a group of degenerates like this could that be the focus. I hear what you're saying boys, but a misdemeanor DUI was the least of my worries compared to charges like harboring a fugitive or a felony drug charge for having the shit that she was carrying in my car. I was also damned foolish for letting her guide me into that neighborhood in the middle of the night to begin with.
^^^^You are pretty much the caricature of a dumbass. Your posts are always the same, you and SJG both think you are the smartest guys in the room the difference between the two of you is, the fact that you should know better, he doesn't understand.
"Interesting. All I hear from this accounting are the usual girly squeals about having a few under mt belt when I did all of this? Only in a group of degenerates like this could that be the focus. I hear what you're saying boys, but a misdemeanor DUI was the least of my worries..."
This would be a non-brilliant point even if the rickdugan character were real, but I'll just point out that the drunk driving is the only part of the story that might affect an innocent bystander.
Moreover, had the rickdugan character ended up in jail it would have the benefit of him being off the streets and not endangering people with his drunk driving.
Of course, this is all fictional, so the points are moot! Have a brilliant afternoon in your mommy's basement rickdugan!
Honestly Rick, from the way you describe it, it sounds like the level of intoxication was the proximate cause, or at least a contributing factor, of the whole string of events. Do you think you would have made the rest of the bad decisions without the influence of alcohol?
BTW I'd like to be there, to hear your girly squeals when you get charged with the misdemeanor DUI and hear even more girly squeals when you find out how much its going to cost you, even if there is no secondary problem, But if there is a secondary problem like an auto crash, or worse your girly squeals will be louder than anybody here's girly squeals, you stupid dumbass, it will go from misdemeanor to felony in an instant, smart guy.
But the question remains, do you think the alcohol caused the rest of it?
I don't recall stringing together that may questionable activities all at once, but I've probably done most of those things on occasion.
I remember one girl who showed up to my room after her shift, went into the bathroom to "go pee," and came out with blood trickling down her arm. I didn't see any other track marks in the club, so I don't know if she generally did it elsewhere, or if that was her first attempt.
Another time, I picked a girl up, and after we got on the freeway, she pulled out her grinder and started grinding her pill, and snorted it off the back of her hand. It wasn't even night time.
I also one time here in Louisville went to a park with a girl, as you describe, and tried to do it in the car. Didn't work at all.
I don't really care about the DUI portion as I'm often in the same boat except my club and apparently make a call and get me through a check point (they did once).
Just thinking about the system, I thought the advice was to arrange for the hotel first before you hit up the club? Or is this a case of being close to home and feeling comfortable and getting complacent? Just curious.
I have no judgement - just trying to learn as I read here.
Personally I don't care for blow jobs so I'd hate to pay for an overpriced one at that. So that part sucks (pun intended).
Honestly, Rick, what do you expect from this site? You have posted here ad nauseum about how much you look down on PL's who like to get their rocks off in the club, which, frankly, is probably 90% of the guys here who actually go to clubs. When you sit in judgment of other PLs while your standards of behavior are even lower (and put innocent lives at risk, btw), don't expect to get too many sympathy votes here.
What's clear by your posts both here and on SW/SCJ (when it was still viable), is that you are a both a bottom feeder and a predator looking for the weakest link in the herd, which is why you end up with so many problem dancers and dancers with problems. "The System" aside, your apparent goals when going to a club are to drink to excess, find a weak stripper or one who is in dire financial trouble, get her drunk so as to impair her judgment even further, and then find a place and fuck her before she sobers up.
For me, I've been doing OTC for 25 years now, averaging about 15 dancers per year, so that's about 375 dancer OTC booty calls. Probably not as many as you, but definitely enough so that my sample size is relevant. I doubt I've fucked a dancer the same night as I met her in a club more than 10 times. Most of the time, we exchange phone numbers, I text her a few days later, and we hook up in the daytime at a local motel. I'm sober and so is she. And guess what? Out of all my encounters, my drama quotient is about 1/10th of 1% of yours. My dancers make the choice to fuck me for money, show up and then leave without all the baggage and drama that just permeates your seemingly typical encounter. No drugs, no alcohol, no back braces or other medical conditions, no sob stories about jail or being thrown out of their apartment/house or beaten by boyfriends or phone bills not paid, etc. Just a good time between two consenting adults who each made the decision while sober.
Now, on a side note, 4got2wipe, please be quiet in a thread like this, as adults are talking. While Rick may be close to worthless as a human being, within the context of this board, he actually provides real value. His reviews are spot on, and he shares stories of actual strip club experiences and behaviors, not just tired links that we've all already seen or giving attaboys to the other 'tards on this board. Your actual contributions to strip-clubbing in general and this board in particular (both as 4got and your previous character Zipman) couldn't be measured using the most power electron microscope in existence.
I probably shouldn't bite, since I have a sneaking suspicion based on that post that Chili Palmer = rickdugan. More accurately, based on when the characters were created, I actually suspect rickdugan may be a character created by the same guy who created this Chili Palmer character.
Regardless, I find it a bit amusing that you say stories about being a giant d-bag that apparently drives drunk 24/7/365 are adult conversation. If I didn't think it was all fictional I'd think it was both pathetic and criminal.
I will congratulate you on telling amusing stories. The rickdugan character is compelling, even if I'm kind of hoping that he'll wrap his car around a tree before he kills someone else. Normally I'm a positive guy and don't wish ill on anybody. But I'm making an exception here, because I'm 99% certain rickdugan is a work of fiction.
And on the 1% chance that rickdugan is real I only have one thing to say to him. "Get help!"
I'll reiterate my question to actual adults who post enough to be trusted (i.e., not a mostly inactive handle that I suspect of being rickdugan): has anyone ever met rickdugan? If so, is he the giant d-bag he portrays himself as?
If nobody has met him, has anyone gone to a club that rickdugan has reviewed? Has he shared anything that makes it seem like he was actually there?
Seriously rick ol' boy, every time you talk about a bad descision, you're ALWAYS intoxicated...and behind the wheel. AND your always lucky. You ever thought about being sober for one night when your out having fun? Minimize's the use of the luck bar that is continually decreasing because you ain't gonna have that luck forever my friend. And from so many suspended license holders I talk to, nothing's worse than losing your ability to drive. Ok it's a big loss, but not the WORSE.
CP, some random responses to that rather melodramatic post:
First, I have never said that I look down on guys who get their rocks off in clubs. I've made fun of guys who cum in their own pants, but so have a great many others. In fact, I have posted many discussions about back room trips over the years.
Second, you aren't in a position, either factually or morally, to pass judgment about my worth as a human being. I thought that you were brighter than that, but that nugget was a potent mixture of ignorance, arrogance and hypocrisy. The ignorance and arrogance came on display with your goofy belief that you can learn enough about any person from posts made here to make a holistic life judgment. I won't detail all that I do in this life on this board, but suffice it to say that this is only a sliver of what I do - I carry a great many burdens and help an awful lot of people. Can you say the same? I'll talk more about your hypocrisy below.
Third, 4got2think is just a troll. I can't see what he posts, but I'm sure that is as trollish as usual.
Finally, your views as to what is permissible in sourcing OTC are mindboggling. In CP's twisted view of the world, it's ok if a girl less than half his age fucks him for money so long as he doesn't have to confront why she is doing it. After all, you didn't really think that all of those girls were fucking you because they really wanted to, did you? What I truly don't understand is whether this is true hypocrisy in action or some absurd emotional weakness that leads you to sticking your head in the sand so that you can cope with fucking desperate girls. I am no predator. I have never coerced or forced anyone to do anything that they weren't willing to do and, contrary to your assertions, I don't take them anywhere if I believe that they are too drunk to consent. But yes, I do take advantage of economic disparities and needs as a way to lock down OTC and, whether you know it or not, so do you. ;)
I think aside from the glaring error of not knowing her well enough to know she's got a felony warrant and is also riding dirty, this is a mistake I've seen several other people here make: "So she then stated that she knew a place where we could park and do the deed." Strippers routinely have poor judgement, and drunk strippers even poorer judgement. If I'm OTCing in my hometown, as opposed to travelling where I don't know the area, I can tell you a parking garage where the corner spots are surrounded on 3 sides, and a makeshift curtain in the back window is all it takes to basically have a good deal of privacy. The point being -- it's always the case that you might need a Plan B, and it's also the case that you should never let the stripper suggest what Plan B should be... sex with strippers is too important to leave things to chance, if it's my hometown, or a place I have time to do a little recon in advance, I know where my backup location is.
People think I am too uptight when I say I only OTC in decent hotels. I've never had locals chase me away. I've never been afraid of the police. if I need to sober up I have a bed, room service for coffee and a meal and can take a hot shower. I can book the room from my phone so there is no chance of me showing up and not getting a room. if I can't find a room, I tell her the truth and say we'll try some other time.
"If nobody has met him, has anyone gone to a club that rickdugan has reviewed? Has he shared anything that makes it seem like he was actually there?" Yes! We have compared info on the Goldrush Showbar in Atlanta. We don't do things alike but have the same goals.
1. Why does Rick Dugan generate strong negative response? Some old rivalry? 2. Is Rick Dugan and RickyboyDugan the same fella? or Rickyboydugan is fictitious character from a dugan hater? 3. I find him to be no different than most of TUSCL members. He has posted lots of reviews. They are accurate and bring in a valuable viewpoint. 4. Previously I remember having read "The System". Interesting write-up but not sure if Rick Dugan wrote it or Rickyboydugan 5. There's a few annoying posters on TUSCL. Won't name em but Rick Dugan ain't one.
... if this whole thing is an inside joke - then never mind.
So - bad decisions. One I still remember - drunk dancer asked for a ride home and wanted me to fix a broken window. Drove at 2 AM. Getting there, immediately realized - bad neighborhood. In her apartment - hammering a nail to fix her window. Neighbors equally drunk, and yelling starts. I'm done with the window and seeing her fucked up state, I am ready to leave. 2 cops arrive. 1 male. 1 female. Female cop looks at the dancer - and says are you the vodoo witch and then runs away. Never seen a cop that scared. I explain to the male cop everything. He seems like a nice guy. Cop leaves. I leave. But walking to my rental I was on the lookout - lots of homeless, druggies and vandals. Fortunately Car was intact and I didn't get shot/stabbed/mugged - I get in and race out and back to my hotel. This was in Baltimore on a cold November 2 years ago. Lesson learned - don't go to a strip club in a fucked up neighborhood.
shadowcat said "Yes! We have compared info on the Goldrush Showbar in Atlanta. We don't do things alike but have the same goals."
Well, this is an interesting twist, since I largely trust shadowcat to be who he portrays himself as.
However, I'll point out one thing: even if rickdugan has been to the Goldrush Showbar we still have no evidence that he's the drunk driving idiot he portrays himself as.
rickdugan is amazed that people are bothered by the drunk driving. Well, I'll give him a clue. His drunk driving is the only of his "bad decisions" that can affect any of us. If he ends up in jail because he's driving around with felony girl and she has drugs on her that affects two people:
1. felony girl 2. rickdugan
Notice that "4got2wipe" isn't on that list. Nor are any of my friends or family. Or any of the cool TUSCL posters.
Perhaps he should think about that and try to see why I and most others don't care about the bad decision of driving around with felony girl!
But I'll still go with rickdugan's biggest bad decision being the drunk driving!
I'm a positive guy so I won't wish that he wraps his car around a tree. However, if rickdugan is representing himself accurately, and I'm still not convinced he is*, I do wish that he gets arrested and is required to go into rehab!
*All we know is that he's able to describe Goldrush accurately enough that he convinced shadowcat he was there.
To be honest - I have an OTC routine - that I follow every time I go OTC. If there are any deviations - I bag the whole thing. I'd rather throw in the towel - than get into any issues with law enforcement. So I would have bailed once I found about the hotel being full.
There are enough chances you face when allowing a dancer to ride in your car - as you don't know what might be in her purse - or what legal troubles she might have.
To Rogertex- to answer your questions in order 1) because he is nasty , sarcastic in his responses to members and he comes across as a fucking know it all 2) yes 3) that's your opinion not the general consensus 4) not sure how to answer that except to say he writes well and being as articulate as he is he intends to provoke people like an asshole that he comes across as. 5) I and many others disagree, not that there aren't many annoying posters but he most certainly is one of them.
Simple, once he gets caught the. His perspective on this topic will change. Rick Dugan probably thinks he is a little invincible and has avoided major trouble, and skipping from harm several times in situations that he describes in this post. But it only takes one very BAD day when you're caught up in a lot of bullshit that you regret, and you wish you would have been smarter about your prior decision making. Hopefully his risk management planner for his business can also clue him in on risk managent with his personal life.
Cashman-->" To be honest - I have an OTC routine - that I follow every time I go OTC. If there are any deviations - I bag the whole thing."
I think if I bagged the whole thing every time there was a deviation, I'd never get to do an OTC :) NOT NOT a criticism, Cashman, you gotta do what works for you. But for me, I think that's way more program discipline than I need to have. Instead, I just have fallbacks -- I have a few hotels to fall back to, after which I can fall back to a nice clean hot tub place, after which I can fall back to that super private parking garage. I do tend to scout the area in advance for alternative places to eat/drink/party. For me, it's not "any deviation and I cancel", it's "have backup plans for the inevitable surprises."
Of course, I have the luxury of: - OTCing in a city, so there's always lots of places to go and lots of choices of where to have sex, though some are uncomfortably expensive - 90% of the time I OTC with someone who is already a CF (we've probably spent at least 12 hours together over 3 ITC trips before I ever asked her for OTC), so I know her a bit already. Then I stick with her if she performs, so we know each other super well after a while - 95% of the time, I OTC on a separate day from a day she works, I'd rather just spend the entire day together partying and sexing, than get her drunk and exhausted after her shift
All of the above are personal choices of what I enjoy, not criticizing anyone for doing otherwise
I clearly have a lot to report back to my lion buddy. How dare you people criticize the most intelligent hairless ape ever born. Who cares if rickdugan runs over some random hairless apes? It isn't like they're important. Just bunch of damn dirty apes!
I expect this sort of wildebeest shit from the usual suspects that are already on the wildebeest list, like twentyfive and the guy that doesn't wipe his ass. But I'm a bit shocked by the vitriol from Chili Palmer. That mornon has one chance to apologize immediately and unconditionally or I'm going to tell my lion bud. Roar...cough...cough...squawk!
I'm betting that idiot Chili Palmer won't apologize for the grave sin of insulting a rick. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. My lion bud is going to give him the full wildebeest treatment.
Then, after a soupçon of aging in the sun he'll be yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy!
Subra I don't think anyone was criticized for anything other than being stupid about buzzed driving which affects innocent bystanders and the OP doubles down and tries to deflect instead of realizing the original mistake. This is a guy that always tries to profit from the misfortunes of others never once has he ever considered how his actions impact others he's a dumbass that never takes responsibility for his own actions that is what most are dead against.
25-- Oh, I know, I wasn't commenting on the original uproar, I was kinda having a side conversation with Cashman,. That is, I was not criticizing his "any deviation and I abort" philosophy if it works for him, just contrasting it with my "scout the area in advance and have layers of backup plans"
Not a Doctor Phil, shut your loser mouth or my lion bud will kick your ass. But I won't eat you because I'm sure you must have some sort of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy to be so fucking stupid.
Plus I suspect you'd taste rank even if you didn't have a diseased brain. The kind of rank that would require more than a soupçon of aging in the sun.
@subraman - I know what you are saying - and it's all good. I know I'm a bit eccentric about the whole OTC thing. It doesn't work for everyone and that's fine.
I know there are many deviations that can happen OTC - and I don't have a plan B - so I have ended up calling it off several times. In my mind - if I let my little head deviate a little - it can end up causing many little deviations - and that's when it gets dangerous.
I always scout a SC or notel location a day or 2 before actually going there as a customer. Drive up and park on the street half a block away and watch for 20 minutes what is going on, who is walking around. Or if I am walking, just stand on the nearest street corner in a hoodie with a baseball cap. Who are the customers? What are they dressed like? What kinds of cars drive in and out? Are there non-staff people loitering about the property, but aren't stepping onto it or in the building? Are there normal (parents with kids, groceries, work uniforms, seniors) civilians walking around who are not supposed customers? Do cars stop or strangely drive slowly on the block?
Local knowledge of the city's PD is also good. Some PDs, have a policy to investigate any car parked in a suburban area on a commercial property at night after the business closes for the day. The strip mall or retail pad parking lots are supposed to be empty at night. There are only 2 reasons why a car can be in a commercial lot at night, the car broke down, driver got a ride, and it will be towed the next morning when the garage is open, or "illegal activity".
look asshole i know that there really is such a thing as “retard strong”” so in real life you must be about the strongest person in the world but here? shit you are just another internet tough guy. i’m shaking in my boots – not.
so fuck off you goose stepping, george soros dick sucking, America hating asswipe. oh sorry, i guess that asswipe comment is something you don’t understand with you not having any firsthand experience with basic hygiene
dugan, what you describe sounds more like a bad circumstance verses a bad decision. There is always risk that an OTC encounter can go south regardless of preparation. A couple of my bad decisions would include sitting in a hotel room waiting for a honey that never showed after being so stupid not to get her number. Also took a dancer out and bought her so many drinks she had an emotional breakdown. As far as the rest, I doubt any of us on TUSCL have a right to sit in judgement of each other.
1. Why does Rick Dugan generate strong negative response? Some old rivalry?
Because some years back I made fun of a troll's former screen name for saying some asinine things one of the few times that he actually tried to post something stripper related. When he doubled down, I questioned whether he ever actually visited strip clubs and if he was, in fact, a shut in who learned what he knew by reading this site. Little did I know just how much spare time and how many screen names this dude actually had, nevermind how long he has resided on this site using various aliases. But you know what? I'd do it again if someone else posted something so stupid. I do not normally challenge other people's experiences because I am in not in their shoes and experiences will differ, but his shit was just that ridiculous. Anyway, it is what it is.
@Lone_Wolf, Thank you, but I'm not going to let myself off the hook that easily. I screwed up the moment I started taking directions from her and going on this little joy ride through parts unknown. I didn't pay for a hotel in advance because my OTC is often a game time decision - too many times I have done this and ended up paying for an unused room. Also, the hotel in question rarely sells out. But I should have called it a night and saved it for another day once the room fell through. GMD may be right that alcohol played a role, but the head that was doing my thinking also really wanted to be in this pretty girl's mouth. But I agree on the whole about the judgment thing. Few of us haven't done something stupid when we were chasing tail - I just post about it more freely as I see value in doing so (whether I am right or wrong who knows).
I'm going to break the fourth wall for this post, because it'll be funny to do so.
@DoctorPhil, you do realize that your having an Internet shouting match with somebody pretending to be a vulture, don't you? Scratch that. Of course you don't. If you'd realized that you wouldn't have let loose with the bizarre Soros rant. I'm making you dance like a little monkey and laughing my ass off.
Now I'll say something that even someone as stupid as you will understand: took off your tin foil hat so now your mine...beep...this is George Soros...beep...beep...I want you to take your go stand in a dumpster...beep...beep...put the gun in your mouth after making sure it's pull the trigger...beep...message from Soros ends...beep...beep!
Try to make sure you have the dumpster cover in a position where it'll fall shut when you die. I wouldn't want a vulture to find you and get a tummy ache.
@Chili Palmer, you're almost as much of a dumbass as DoctorPhil. Why the fuck did you try to call out that 4got2wipe retard on a thread where he actually had a point? Admittedly, he was being over the top in his condemnation of Rick because he apparently likes to troll Rick. But maybe you should save the invective for a thread where he's actually being a complete retard. There are enough of them.
Is it so you can show your "superior" knowledge of figuring out how to pay whores for sex? Real accomplishment there Einstein. You strike me as an idiot who dropped out of college after two years because underwater basket weaving was too intellectually challenging. You're worse than either DoctorPhil or 4got2wipe. They sort of seem to recognize that they're being assholes. You are an asshole but you seem unaware of that fact. SMH!
@4got2wipe, stop pretending to be some happy-go-lucky man child and then trolling Rick. You're being an asshole and you should be smart enough to know that. Admittedly Chili Palmer and DoctorPhil are more responsible for derailing this thread, but you were a serious dumbass for responding. No good could come of that if you actually enjoy Rick's threads as you claim.
And if you were trying to derail Rick's thread, you were a lying hypocrite. So what is it - lying hypocrite or dumbass?
Beep...beep...message from George Soros ends...beep
Wait, what happened? I need to go put my vulture-sized tin foil cap back on. I think George Soros just mind-controlled me. That's the ticket! Squawk!
Vultureboy, you and 4got2think don't get to have valid points or opinions. That's what happens when you decide to become an Internet troll. You don't get to be a goofy manchild over and over and then expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when it is convenient. So CP and anyone else is well within his right to shit on anything that he or you say whenever he wants.
Just because somebody's worried that they might blow over a .08 doesn't mean they really would. I've heard people tell of how they got pulled and blew much less than they thought they would. It's common knowledge that the police are often about making arrest and fine quotas, or just hassling minorities for fun, at least as much protecting the public from any actual danger. Shouldn't jump to conclusions and jump all over somebody just because they are worried about a possible hassle with the cops.
"Shouldn't jump to conclusions and jump all over somebody just because they are worried about a possible hassle with the cops."
Fair point ilbbaicnl, but in rickdugan's case it seems that all of his posts have one or two themes.
The first is "I hope misfortune X befalls hot little stripper Y that I've had my eye on and then maybe I can save $Z when I get OTC with her." It's like rickdugan mad libs! Fill in the X, Y, and Z and you have a new story. Brilliant!
The second is that he is always talking about being too drunk to drive, which is his explanation for why he didn't find some easy way out of the problem. Usually, extricating himself from the situation he has gotten himself into involves driving which he claims he can't do. Unless he wants the drunk driving to feature in the story, in which case he just acts like he doesn't give a fuck.
Like I said, I don't believe that he's accurately recounting his life so it's all moot. Maybe he has actually been to a strip club. He's convinced shadowcat that he's been in a specific Atlanta club, after all. But I doubt that he's actually this sociopathic d-bag that is always running some angle and driving everywhere drunk. At least I hope he's not that kind of sociopathic d-bag!
We often think with our dicks and this will at times cause us to take chances; it’s the human (male) condition.
I don’t hang much w/ dancers OTC but I’d say there is always some risk involved particularly w/ a dancer one does not know very well.
“The best laid plans can often go awry” and one just has to roll with it and be on their toes to make sure one does not get caught off-guard if a situation arises; but one can’t eliminate all risk w/o potentially eliminating or not having the opportunity to experience some interesting situations.
“… Little did I know just how much spare time and how many screen names this dude actually had, nevermind how long he has resided on this site using various aliases …”
LOL – sometimes we fail to choose our battles wisely
Many of us have the luxury of planning our SC/OTC adventures or have the time to get to know OTC candidates over time – Dugan has stated he is married and many of his OTCs are while on the road so he may not have the flexibility to have rock-solid OTC game-plans as many others that may not have the same constraints; thus one would think his OTCs have more room for failure/drama.
I believe he has also mentioned he does not Uber b/c apparently/I-assume he does not feel comfortable leaving a paper trail; thus this wil cause issues w/ getting buzzed in the club which many like to do.
At the very least he shows some awareness of his dilemma and this should cause him to not go even further into dramaville.
last comment"Your routine drunk driving is a bad decision."
Reminds me of you know who----RickyBoy ;-)
Has anybody here actually met rickdugan on one of the TUSCL meetups? Or even gone to clubs he's reviewed to see whether his descriptions are accurate? I just can't believe his persona on this board is an accurate representation of his real life.
My theory is that rickdugan is actually a virginal 30 year old college dropout that is still living with his parents. He lives vicariously by creating a "rich stud" character that always drives drunk and expresses an inexplicable obsession with the idea that strippers will fall victim to some random misfortune so he can save trivial amounts of money trying to get them to have sex.
All of that is non-brilliant, but I'll give him one thing: his fiction is entertaining, even if the protagonist of his stories is a serious d-bag!
I think he should try to write a novel. It might sell and then he'd actually be able to have sex.
This would be a non-brilliant point even if the rickdugan character were real, but I'll just point out that the drunk driving is the only part of the story that might affect an innocent bystander.
Moreover, had the rickdugan character ended up in jail it would have the benefit of him being off the streets and not endangering people with his drunk driving.
Of course, this is all fictional, so the points are moot! Have a brilliant afternoon in your mommy's basement rickdugan!
Brilliant point! I could end up vulture food!
Do you think the lion will forgive me if I apologize? ;)
But the question remains, do you think the alcohol caused the rest of it?
I don't recall stringing together that may questionable activities all at once, but I've probably done most of those things on occasion.
I remember one girl who showed up to my room after her shift, went into the bathroom to "go pee," and came out with blood trickling down her arm. I didn't see any other track marks in the club, so I don't know if she generally did it elsewhere, or if that was her first attempt.
Another time, I picked a girl up, and after we got on the freeway, she pulled out her grinder and started grinding her pill, and snorted it off the back of her hand. It wasn't even night time.
I also one time here in Louisville went to a park with a girl, as you describe, and tried to do it in the car. Didn't work at all.
Just thinking about the system, I thought the advice was to arrange for the hotel first before you hit up the club? Or is this a case of being close to home and feeling comfortable and getting complacent? Just curious.
I have no judgement - just trying to learn as I read here.
Personally I don't care for blow jobs so I'd hate to pay for an overpriced one at that. So that part sucks (pun intended).
What's clear by your posts both here and on SW/SCJ (when it was still viable), is that you are a both a bottom feeder and a predator looking for the weakest link in the herd, which is why you end up with so many problem dancers and dancers with problems. "The System" aside, your apparent goals when going to a club are to drink to excess, find a weak stripper or one who is in dire financial trouble, get her drunk so as to impair her judgment even further, and then find a place and fuck her before she sobers up.
For me, I've been doing OTC for 25 years now, averaging about 15 dancers per year, so that's about 375 dancer OTC booty calls. Probably not as many as you, but definitely enough so that my sample size is relevant. I doubt I've fucked a dancer the same night as I met her in a club more than 10 times. Most of the time, we exchange phone numbers, I text her a few days later, and we hook up in the daytime at a local motel. I'm sober and so is she. And guess what? Out of all my encounters, my drama quotient is about 1/10th of 1% of yours. My dancers make the choice to fuck me for money, show up and then leave without all the baggage and drama that just permeates your seemingly typical encounter. No drugs, no alcohol, no back braces or other medical conditions, no sob stories about jail or being thrown out of their apartment/house or beaten by boyfriends or phone bills not paid, etc. Just a good time between two consenting adults who each made the decision while sober.
Now, on a side note, 4got2wipe, please be quiet in a thread like this, as adults are talking. While Rick may be close to worthless as a human being, within the context of this board, he actually provides real value. His reviews are spot on, and he shares stories of actual strip club experiences and behaviors, not just tired links that we've all already seen or giving attaboys to the other 'tards on this board. Your actual contributions to strip-clubbing in general and this board in particular (both as 4got and your previous character Zipman) couldn't be measured using the most power electron microscope in existence.
Regardless, I find it a bit amusing that you say stories about being a giant d-bag that apparently drives drunk 24/7/365 are adult conversation. If I didn't think it was all fictional I'd think it was both pathetic and criminal.
I will congratulate you on telling amusing stories. The rickdugan character is compelling, even if I'm kind of hoping that he'll wrap his car around a tree before he kills someone else. Normally I'm a positive guy and don't wish ill on anybody. But I'm making an exception here, because I'm 99% certain rickdugan is a work of fiction.
And on the 1% chance that rickdugan is real I only have one thing to say to him. "Get help!"
If nobody has met him, has anyone gone to a club that rickdugan has reviewed? Has he shared anything that makes it seem like he was actually there?
First, I have never said that I look down on guys who get their rocks off in clubs. I've made fun of guys who cum in their own pants, but so have a great many others. In fact, I have posted many discussions about back room trips over the years.
Second, you aren't in a position, either factually or morally, to pass judgment about my worth as a human being. I thought that you were brighter than that, but that nugget was a potent mixture of ignorance, arrogance and hypocrisy. The ignorance and arrogance came on display with your goofy belief that you can learn enough about any person from posts made here to make a holistic life judgment. I won't detail all that I do in this life on this board, but suffice it to say that this is only a sliver of what I do - I carry a great many burdens and help an awful lot of people. Can you say the same? I'll talk more about your hypocrisy below.
Third, 4got2think is just a troll. I can't see what he posts, but I'm sure that is as trollish as usual.
Finally, your views as to what is permissible in sourcing OTC are mindboggling. In CP's twisted view of the world, it's ok if a girl less than half his age fucks him for money so long as he doesn't have to confront why she is doing it. After all, you didn't really think that all of those girls were fucking you because they really wanted to, did you? What I truly don't understand is whether this is true hypocrisy in action or some absurd emotional weakness that leads you to sticking your head in the sand so that you can cope with fucking desperate girls. I am no predator. I have never coerced or forced anyone to do anything that they weren't willing to do and, contrary to your assertions, I don't take them anywhere if I believe that they are too drunk to consent. But yes, I do take advantage of economic disparities and needs as a way to lock down OTC and, whether you know it or not, so do you. ;)
Sorry ladies I've been on this site only 4 years.
1. Why does Rick Dugan generate strong negative response? Some old rivalry?
2. Is Rick Dugan and RickyboyDugan the same fella? or Rickyboydugan is fictitious character from a dugan hater?
3. I find him to be no different than most of TUSCL members. He has posted lots of reviews. They are accurate and bring in a valuable viewpoint.
4. Previously I remember having read "The System". Interesting write-up but not sure if Rick Dugan wrote it or Rickyboydugan
5. There's a few annoying posters on TUSCL. Won't name em but Rick Dugan ain't one.
... if this whole thing is an inside joke - then never mind.
So - bad decisions.
One I still remember - drunk dancer asked for a ride home and wanted me to fix a broken window. Drove at 2 AM. Getting there, immediately realized - bad neighborhood. In her apartment - hammering a nail to fix her window. Neighbors equally drunk, and yelling starts. I'm done with the window and seeing her fucked up state, I am ready to leave. 2 cops arrive. 1 male. 1 female. Female cop looks at the dancer - and says are you the vodoo witch and then runs away. Never seen a cop that scared. I explain to the male cop everything. He seems like a nice guy. Cop leaves. I leave. But walking to my rental I was on the lookout - lots of homeless, druggies and vandals. Fortunately Car was intact and I didn't get shot/stabbed/mugged - I get in and race out and back to my hotel. This was in Baltimore on a cold November 2 years ago. Lesson learned - don't go to a strip club in a fucked up neighborhood.…
In the future, make sure you only partake of renumerated in-car blow jobs where you see this sign:…
Well, this is an interesting twist, since I largely trust shadowcat to be who he portrays himself as.
However, I'll point out one thing: even if rickdugan has been to the Goldrush Showbar we still have no evidence that he's the drunk driving idiot he portrays himself as.
rickdugan is amazed that people are bothered by the drunk driving. Well, I'll give him a clue. His drunk driving is the only of his "bad decisions" that can affect any of us. If he ends up in jail because he's driving around with felony girl and she has drugs on her that affects two people:
1. felony girl
2. rickdugan
Notice that "4got2wipe" isn't on that list. Nor are any of my friends or family. Or any of the cool TUSCL posters.
Perhaps he should think about that and try to see why I and most others don't care about the bad decision of driving around with felony girl!
But I'll still go with rickdugan's biggest bad decision being the drunk driving!
I'm a positive guy so I won't wish that he wraps his car around a tree. However, if rickdugan is representing himself accurately, and I'm still not convinced he is*, I do wish that he gets arrested and is required to go into rehab!
*All we know is that he's able to describe Goldrush accurately enough that he convinced shadowcat he was there.
There are enough chances you face when allowing a dancer to ride in your car - as you don't know what might be in her purse - or what legal troubles she might have.
1) because he is nasty , sarcastic in his responses to members and he comes across as a fucking know it all
2) yes
3) that's your opinion not the general consensus
4) not sure how to answer that except to say he writes well and being as articulate as he is he intends to provoke people like an asshole that he comes across as.
5) I and many others disagree, not that there aren't many annoying posters but he most certainly is one of them.
I think if I bagged the whole thing every time there was a deviation, I'd never get to do an OTC :) NOT NOT a criticism, Cashman, you gotta do what works for you. But for me, I think that's way more program discipline than I need to have. Instead, I just have fallbacks -- I have a few hotels to fall back to, after which I can fall back to a nice clean hot tub place, after which I can fall back to that super private parking garage. I do tend to scout the area in advance for alternative places to eat/drink/party. For me, it's not "any deviation and I cancel", it's "have backup plans for the inevitable surprises."
Of course, I have the luxury of:
- OTCing in a city, so there's always lots of places to go and lots of choices of where to have sex, though some are uncomfortably expensive
- 90% of the time I OTC with someone who is already a CF (we've probably spent at least 12 hours together over 3 ITC trips before I ever asked her for OTC), so I know her a bit already. Then I stick with her if she performs, so we know each other super well after a while
- 95% of the time, I OTC on a separate day from a day she works, I'd rather just spend the entire day together partying and sexing, than get her drunk and exhausted after her shift
All of the above are personal choices of what I enjoy, not criticizing anyone for doing otherwise
I expect this sort of wildebeest shit from the usual suspects that are already on the wildebeest list, like twentyfive and the guy that doesn't wipe his ass. But I'm a bit shocked by the vitriol from Chili Palmer. That mornon has one chance to apologize immediately and unconditionally or I'm going to tell my lion bud. Roar...cough...cough...squawk!
Then, after a soupçon of aging in the sun he'll be yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy!
instead why don't you all go back to posting as @Str8ButtSuck and your love of sucking dicks in your glory hole thread.
and btw you never 4got2wipe. forgetting isn’t intentional you fucktarded idiot
Plus I suspect you'd taste rank even if you didn't have a diseased brain. The kind of rank that would require more than a soupçon of aging in the sun.
I know there are many deviations that can happen OTC - and I don't have a plan B - so I have ended up calling it off several times. In my mind - if I let my little head deviate a little - it can end up causing many little deviations - and that's when it gets dangerous.…
I always scout a SC or notel location a day or 2 before actually going there as a customer. Drive up and park on the street half a block away and watch for 20 minutes what is going on, who is walking around. Or if I am walking, just stand on the nearest street corner in a hoodie with a baseball cap. Who are the customers? What are they dressed like? What kinds of cars drive in and out? Are there non-staff people loitering about the property, but aren't stepping onto it or in the building? Are there normal (parents with kids, groceries, work uniforms, seniors) civilians walking around who are not supposed customers? Do cars stop or strangely drive slowly on the block?
Local knowledge of the city's PD is also good. Some PDs, have a policy to investigate any car parked in a suburban area on a commercial property at night after the business closes for the day. The strip mall or retail pad parking lots are supposed to be empty at night. There are only 2 reasons why a car can be in a commercial lot at night, the car broke down, driver got a ride, and it will be towed the next morning when the garage is open, or "illegal activity".
look asshole i know that there really is such a thing as “retard strong”” so in real life you must be about the strongest person in the world but here? shit you are just another internet tough guy. i’m shaking in my boots – not.
so fuck off you goose stepping, george soros dick sucking, America hating asswipe. oh sorry, i guess that asswipe comment is something you don’t understand with you not having any firsthand experience with basic hygiene
Because some years back I made fun of a troll's former screen name for saying some asinine things one of the few times that he actually tried to post something stripper related. When he doubled down, I questioned whether he ever actually visited strip clubs and if he was, in fact, a shut in who learned what he knew by reading this site. Little did I know just how much spare time and how many screen names this dude actually had, nevermind how long he has resided on this site using various aliases. But you know what? I'd do it again if someone else posted something so stupid. I do not normally challenge other people's experiences because I am in not in their shoes and experiences will differ, but his shit was just that ridiculous. Anyway, it is what it is.
@DoctorPhil, you do realize that your having an Internet shouting match with somebody pretending to be a vulture, don't you? Scratch that. Of course you don't. If you'd realized that you wouldn't have let loose with the bizarre Soros rant. I'm making you dance like a little monkey and laughing my ass off.
Now I'll say something that even someone as stupid as you will understand: took off your tin foil hat so now your mine...beep...this is George Soros...beep...beep...I want you to take your go stand in a dumpster...beep...beep...put the gun in your mouth after making sure it's pull the trigger...beep...message from Soros ends...beep...beep!
Try to make sure you have the dumpster cover in a position where it'll fall shut when you die. I wouldn't want a vulture to find you and get a tummy ache.
Is it so you can show your "superior" knowledge of figuring out how to pay whores for sex? Real accomplishment there Einstein. You strike me as an idiot who dropped out of college after two years because underwater basket weaving was too intellectually challenging. You're worse than either DoctorPhil or 4got2wipe. They sort of seem to recognize that they're being assholes. You are an asshole but you seem unaware of that fact. SMH!
And if you were trying to derail Rick's thread, you were a lying hypocrite. So what is it - lying hypocrite or dumbass?
Beep...beep...message from George Soros ends...beep
Wait, what happened? I need to go put my vulture-sized tin foil cap back on. I think George Soros just mind-controlled me. That's the ticket! Squawk! got blocked a while back, any man who likes anything near their ass should probably be visiting a more homo erotic forum.
Fair point ilbbaicnl, but in rickdugan's case it seems that all of his posts have one or two themes.
The first is "I hope misfortune X befalls hot little stripper Y that I've had my eye on and then maybe I can save $Z when I get OTC with her." It's like rickdugan mad libs! Fill in the X, Y, and Z and you have a new story. Brilliant!
The second is that he is always talking about being too drunk to drive, which is his explanation for why he didn't find some easy way out of the problem. Usually, extricating himself from the situation he has gotten himself into involves driving which he claims he can't do. Unless he wants the drunk driving to feature in the story, in which case he just acts like he doesn't give a fuck.
Like I said, I don't believe that he's accurately recounting his life so it's all moot. Maybe he has actually been to a strip club. He's convinced shadowcat that he's been in a specific Atlanta club, after all. But I doubt that he's actually this sociopathic d-bag that is always running some angle and driving everywhere drunk. At least I hope he's not that kind of sociopathic d-bag!
That was a classic clip - LOL
We often think with our dicks and this will at times cause us to take chances; it’s the human (male) condition.
I don’t hang much w/ dancers OTC but I’d say there is always some risk involved particularly w/ a dancer one does not know very well.
“The best laid plans can often go awry” and one just has to roll with it and be on their toes to make sure one does not get caught off-guard if a situation arises; but one can’t eliminate all risk w/o potentially eliminating or not having the opportunity to experience some interesting situations.
LOL – sometimes we fail to choose our battles wisely
I believe he has also mentioned he does not Uber b/c apparently/I-assume he does not feel comfortable leaving a paper trail; thus this wil cause issues w/ getting buzzed in the club which many like to do.
At the very least he shows some awareness of his dilemma and this should cause him to not go even further into dramaville.