
Picking a favorite

Older than dirt
There are two strippers from the same club that I've been seeing OTC for about 6 months. They are both very attractive and yet very different from each other. The first is my ATF who I've been banging for almost 7 years. She has man made D's and a slim athletic build which I love. She is hands down the best cocksucker I've ever encountered. She brings me right to the brink and backs off, time after time. She and I have a routine after literally fucking well over a 1,000 times. She starts out cowgirl ( bareback), after I'm nearing lose of control she switches to a reverse cowgirl which visually turns me on. I then usually finish with a little doggy which she says hits her g-spot and occasionally gets her off. Our foreplay frequently includes DATY but only if I'm sure I'm the first customer of the day. Actually she's not been seeing any other paying customers for several months but still fucks around with "civvies". This is a woman who truly loves sex and enjoys the power that it gives her over men. She's now 30 years old and still in top notch shape. The downside of this favorite is primarily the fact that she's been an active heroin user for 15 years and over the years I've known her she has lapsed between using and recovery more times than I can count. I've brought her to detox and rehab literally dozens of times. When she's clean or on methadone she's there when I need/want her and we usually talk or text every day. When she's using she stands me up, lies, tells me 1/2 truths and is generally undependable. I like her company, get a kick out of her drama, and love what she does for me.
The second dancer is 23, mixed race, slim and athletic with nice natural C's. She has narrow hips but a nice rounded, yet firm ass. I was drawn to her watching her dance because she is truly an excellent dancer and she varies her look but is always HOT. It took many, many lap dances and champagne room visits before I was able to arrange OTC and we've met at her apartment since then. Sex with her is fantastic in that she, too is a master of the oral arts and some visits have consisted of smoking weed, DATY and BBBJCIM. She gets wet so easily and cums while I eat her or while fucking. We've 69'd several times and it is memorable. One time in the club we had bareback sex but every other time she has insisted on a condom. She has an on again off again boyfriend and to the best of my knowledge no other OTC customers. We've gone to dinner a few times and went target shooting with Ruger semi-automatic .22's one time, but usually it's chill at her apartment, smoke weed, and fuck around. She's quite artistic and sends me poetry and asked if I'd edit her blog once she gets it up and going. I enjoy her company and I like her music. Her downside if there is one, is the use of condoms interferes with my ability to get off. I'm not sure if I've got neuropathy of the dick or if it's between my ears, but I just don't feel it. She is also quite private about her life and is much more difficult to get personally close to. I'm quite sure another dancer is moving into her apartment soon and she won't see me there if there's someone else from her club around.
I'm now at a point where I cannot financially keep seeing two and they are slowly learning of each other's role with me (and my wallet). I'm 70 years old, feel extremely fortunate to have had the pleasure of enjoying the best of these two lovelies, but sadly have to end things with one of them. I know there's "plenty of fish in the sea", I know the benefits of variety; and I appreciate the best qualities of both. What should I do?


  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Good lord, this could use some paragraphs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Use the force
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Obviously it’s your call and only you can make-it – it seems both have pluses and minuses – perhaps you can “time-share” them and see one for a while/couple-of-months and then go w/ the other one when you miss her too much?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Papilloma - that's kind of what I've doing, but where they work together and both have kept quiet, they're picking up on what's going on. For instance my ATF was in detox for a week and all of her clothes, possessions, pots, pans, Keurig, etc were in my car for a week. #2 saw it all and wanted to know what all the crap was. I said I was helping a friend move. She gave me a funny look. They're both working tonight and the ATF knows I've seen the other one. I told her if she gives her any shit, I'll be gone out of her life. My fingers are crossed. They get very possessive about my money.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    That's a funny auto-correct if I've ever seen one.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… They get very possessive about my money. …”

    Women; and particularly dancers; can be and are often very manipulative; they know they don’t have exclusive rights to any custy and they know custies like variety (some more than others); but they will try to keep custies and their $$$ inline often by any means possible – more often than not they know the deal and understand and almost always take you back “after you’ve strayed” and sometimes may even treat you better b/c of it.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If it was a choice between the original DS and her protégées, I would chose the original. She's too special and we have too much history for me to voluntarily give her up. But our situations are different. I dont face the drug abuse history, and my history with my fav is a lot shorter than you.

    I'd try very hard to keep both at some level. But if one of them must go, I really think this is a personal decision that only you can make. We can't know your relationships enough to fully understand the dynamics. And anything I'd recommend would be tainted by my experiences which are different than yours.

    Good luck though.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    I'd pick #1, you know what to expect. Druggies treat all guys the same and the guys are interchangeable and replaceable. #2 seems to keep secrets and maintain a different or unique style of relationship with every guy. #2 seems like the first to start limiting herself to manipulate you. #1 wont remember anything except "him and I fuck" and wont be bright enough to scheme without you realizing it.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'd cut the junkie off and go with the 23 year old, but I know you have a history with the junkie.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Ms heroin. You already fucked the other one now try to fuck another.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Your ATF. I think that will be your choice no matter what we say. She is like my ATF--a crazy mess but the most fun I've ever had.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I almost always avoid girls with drug problems, I don't want the drama or problems associated with them. You do what works for you, but I refuse to go down that road.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Well the decision was made for me today. About 10:30 this morning I got a call from a public defender. Apparently my ATF was a passenger in a car that got stopped by LE. While she had not violated the law, the police found several outstanding warrants from a neighboring state. She had been held overnight and could only be released on bail ($1000) if she agreed to go to the other state and turn herself in. I know for a fact that she has been determined to be a habitual traffic offender and that's an automatic one year sentence. I declined to post bail.
    I called her BF and had a long talk with him. He mentioned that he was well aware that I'd been fucking her regularly for years and that while he loved her he was no longer in love with her. We both agreed that a spell in jail might be best for her at this point.
    I then called my #2 and set up a meeting for next week.
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