
Comments by s88 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Putting the P in PL
    My policy is the word "love" is for civies only. Saying that ITC seems too desperate and it will never be returned (short of fucking for free but then you might be her BF or baby daddy at that point). "I love your tits" is fine, "I you baby" is not.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    First time OTC tips
    If you can't get hard from a LD ITC, never schedule OTC, you wont suddenly find she is any hotter OTC than ITC. Even worse, she might appear without makeup to your hotel the next day and expect to fuck and now she isn't as impressive as your remember.
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    8 years ago
    First time OTC tips
    Hide your valuables. I prefer under the sofa or bed. Have a bottle of liquor for HER to drink (NEVER YOU). Make sure the TV works or you have some way to play hip hop or other fuck music. As above, be sure you lock the door, never ever let her open it. Dont jerk off for a couple days before hiring her OTC. Have multiple spare condoms of 1 brand that you know fit on you and dont slide off easily. If you can't successfully jerk off and cum in the condom on your own, find another brand. Its really bad for time to expire and you never came, or you run out of condoms because they slip off after a couple thrusts. Her condoms, if any, might not work on you and that is a disaster. Always have a bottle of Astroglide and/or KY Warming.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club who duped cardiologist out of $130,000 when ring of erotic dancers dr
    The articles say the non-dancer girls took the customer's ATM scrip, my thoughts r the CR dancers payed a comission to the madam for that customer, or the SC gave her a cut of the bill or a promoters comission but it cant be proven.
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    8 years ago
    Ever wonder what is to become of topless clubs...
    I do my best to avoid topless and pastie clubs even if it means a large downgrade in dancer quality. Waste of money. You could have a tranny LDing you and you'd never know lol If I dont see pussy, its not a woman in my head.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dealing with Stripper Glitter
    Story smells like shit.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I would have loved to have seen this dance.
    One sister got greedy and danced dirtier than usual, shit got real then :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    @Timex345 "Could you pick up and drop off your girlfriend who is a stripper from work knowing what you know?" Yes. If you are a customer, and everyone on TUSCL is, what is wrong with what she does? If you pay a stripper to grind and suck you, is there anything morally wrong with it? Do you know if she has a real SO OTC? You dont care. Stripping is just the "worst" role an actress can play. If a hollywood starlet can have a SO, even though she fakes interest in other men on camera, how is that any different from a stripper's job? Whether you strip and dance around a pole, or are a "respectable" pop singer, its the same job.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippers with Tiny Breasts
    I prefer A cups on spinners, then implants. Large and natural no.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    I got an answer. She said OTC we are "just friends", if I want more schedule a date ITC with her. This is interesting. We hanged out for 5 hours. She paid 2/3rd of the restaurant bill and for a taxi ride. No hitups for $ of any kind. I met her infront of the SC at closing time on a weekday. On the trip to restaurant, she talked about a horrible customer tonight, I talked about a horrible unnamed dancer, we both laughed over it. She pointed out at the restaurant to me, the restaurant staff must think we are worst customers ever, talking about extras, skanky dancers, VIP rooms, SC managers, SS ideas, baby daddys, gang murders, broken families, rape, incest, weed, heroin, oxy, molly, withdrawl, domestic violence, trailer park life, hourly motels, incarceration, military family life, step dads, DSS and DR drama. She suggested ideas for future dates and to hang out again. I thought I would get conned, some ripoff, something horrible would happen on our date. Nope. Completely normal experience. She has no shame being a stripper, I have no shame being a customer. Her background includes every tragic stereotypical stripper trauma. Everything imaginable. Her life is more fucked up and tragic than mine, but I'm not perfect either. I felt like an equal with her. With all her typical stripper problems in her life and her past, none of it affected our time together. She was bright and awake the whole time. Not high, not drunk, nothing. She seems to be fiercely independent and protective of her kids and other dancers but she wasnt in the past. "I'll find out if she is "wild but safe" or "gonna get shot/locked up/self destructive wild" on the date." She used to be self destructive wild in her early years of stripping, but is now wild but safe. Yet another tragic event, seems to have changed her look on her life and slightly straightened her out, but she is still fun. At the end we took metro to central bus terminal. At the bus gate we hugged long and hard, no kissing, it seemed mutual, I let go, we said 2 sentences, then again hugged long and hard, no kissing, I let go, and she stepped on her bus home and I left the gate area. I regret nothing. I never told her, but bus she got on is the all stops version of the bus I use to goto another regular SC of mine I mentioned in https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=41393#comment495602 . I've eyed her motel as it wizzed by and wondered if its an hourly, she confirmed it was, I asked if her room has a mirror ceiling, she showed me a selfie in her bed taken with the mirror ceiling. Small world.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Fifth Harmony
    Yes in Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui. Others no.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    @RandomMember 4 months older than me @mjx01 "What kind of relationship do you want out of this??? Cuz, the BF option is a bad idea IMO. It already sounds like she has lots of baggage." Relationship, FWB or "open relationship", she isnt GF/wife material for a number of reasons I wont say publicly, but I need practice with women. Her baby daddys are heroin junkies. I asked her what her plans are when she is too old to strip, she said open a pot shop in CO. I enjoy weed and wont touch anything else but that isn't anyone else, especially a stripper's business to know. I'll find out if she is "wild but safe" or "gonna get shot/locked up/self destructive wild" on the date.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who goes to the strip club?
    @SJG ditto
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    What do YOU consider "good money" for a stripper to be making?
    @NinaBambina How aggressive does your friend give out her number? OTC $ never goes through a USA SC, but I do have a POS receipt for "classic sex", "still water", and "Coca Cola Light" as the charges from foreign SC I keep as good memories.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How much should you tip the bartender in a strip club?
    $1 once a visit for each unique bartender or waitress I interact with. I am here to tip strippers, not cock teases or grandmas or stuck up bitches who dont want to strip or give LDs. Tips get you nothing with staff at a SC. "the house is always right".
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who goes to the strip club?
    An update to my last post "On the motorcoach going home along the highway, with its engine purring and HVAC blowing on my face" is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/GGT_MCI_D4500CT.jpg style of bus. Not a urban bus such as http://www.rapidtransit-press.com/ggt1515.jpg . I dont drive so I always take public transit to the SC. The Greyhound style bus is quiet inside, the drivers often keep the lights off, and watching out the window as buildings along the highway pass by is hypnotic just like being buzzed in a SC with flashing lights is hypnotic. The bus ride is really a serene place to zone out after being in the SC for some hours. "There is one thing that I can't get over yet. When I walk into my SC on fri/sat, I generally feel rage and anger for an hour in the SC, that I am going piss $100-$250 away on "junk love" from a "fast love restaurant"." I said fri/sat night specifically. I am very picky over dancers and the ones I pick are high demand ones. If I arrange a "date" on a monday or tuesday at the SC with a fav, I never feel rage or anger going into the SC, since my favs are actually accessible on those days and its not "wanna dance". On a weekday there will be atleast 20 minutes of chit chat if not an hour or 2 with my fav. My favs usually excuse themselves to go greet new random customers for 5-20 minutes and come back to me once the other customer runs out of money or decides to spend none. They say something like "babe, I goto go make some money, I'll be back to you when Im done". Aslong as they come back when the other customer is done spending $, I'm happy. It gets awkward when you make a date with fav #1 at the SC on a monday, and you discover #2 is there randomly and she starts wanting your money and attention but you came just for #1. With my fav either sitting on my leg, or lying on me in the seat with my arms around her waist, talking about random crap, I am in heaven then. Getting "release" at a SC is expensive and I think pointless. I always can jerk off for free in the SC bathroom or at home and fantasize over the dancer I just saw. I see the VIP room as more to get the dancer nude and make some good "HD quality" memories for later rather than getting an orgasm. I've tried regular escorts and hookers before, they are a waste of money. I barely get hard and they have no kissing rules. Only a pornstar escort works for me, but that is a once in a lifetime opportunity $ and location wise. I'd need multiple hours to possibly get a connection with an escort, and there goes the new car fund. With strippers, multiple visits are affordable and a connection and a smile is possible. Without chemistry, I might as well fuck my dog in the ass with astroglide for free, laws aside. I can't bring myself to fuck a corpse, and the typical escort or hooker is a corpse lying on your mattress for 1 hour. Im not a necrophile. A very bad experience I had was an escort saying I have to wait while she drinks or does drugs before I am allowed to touch her because she "isn't in the mood". Now Im the roofie rapist fucking a corpse on my bed. Never again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who goes to the strip club?
    @DaOnion Same here for more me more or less. There is one thing that I can't get over yet. When I walk into my SC on fri/sat, I generally feel rage and anger for an hour in the SC, that I am going piss $100-$250 away on "junk love" from a "fast love restaurant". I chase away the first 30-45 minutes of dancers who approach me, since they are the same old 20 dancers I wouldn't fuck for free. Eventually a fav becomes free, maybe my mood will improve depending on how much talking and eye gazing we do, sometimes the mood won't improve. The 1st VIP room trip is hit or miss whether I enjoy it even though I've done it with that dancer before. Usually due to sheer numbers there will be 1 new dancer that fri/sat night that is fuckable, and 1-2 test LDs later the rush of the new dancer for sure makes me happy. I have a policy to never VIP room a new dancer the same night I first see her work, that will be on the 2nd visit. Eventually towards closing some unfuckable dancers will sit with me even though I wont be buying LDs for them (they will get a couple dollars for their time). These final dancers, even though I see them not as women but as loose friends, finally make the night worth it if the new girl didn't nor the VIP with the fav did. If I get a dancers number that night, the opportunity of the unknown makes me glow. On the motorcoach going home along the highway, with its engine purring and HVAC blowing on my face, I remember how angry I was walking in the door of the SC, but now I have no regrets what I did, and it was all worth it. I get home, get a liquor bottle, turn on some SC style music on the TV, and drink till I pass out on the couch thinking of the stripper's tits faces and voices I saw and heard that night. When I wake up, I wonder if was a dream. I check my pants pocket, and it has my SC wallet, I open it, and know last night was real. Next week, same anger walking in the door, and no regrets after.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who goes to the strip club?
    SC give me game and make me fearless. Alot of the stripper pickup lines they give me I can use at civie women. All of the interactions with strippers, each one is a little bit of adrenaline to wash away your worries and fears.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: Stripper Ages
    - Do you care what age your stripper is? Not really, if im talking to her, I already made up my mind that she is fuckable before she said any word to me. - Are there particular ages that turn you on? 18 or 19, but there is no point in paying for a real 18 year old who looks 30. A 28 year old who looks 18 is good for me too. The 28 year old is also less bitchy and less entitled and more chatty than an actual 18 year old stripper or college girl. - Do you ask her her age? Yes, just to make talk and for kicks to see how old can my dick go if she is skinny and short.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    What do YOU consider "good money" for a stripper to be making?
    $50 to $100 each weekday day. $500 to $3K each fri/sat.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Definitions of Extras Club
    There is no such thing as a 100% clean SC. An extras club is a club where a stripper proposes ITC with specific acts by name to you, not you to her, at a reasonable price, and without judging you civie style. A little bit like a brothel. Requirements: -named service agreed before committing, no generic promises -reasonable price, under no condition can it be more expensive than average TER (not BP) prices for that city, $1K and up CR rooms dont apply -the average customer should be able to get them as first or second visit with that stripper, you dont need to build a long relationship with a dozen visits before she will allow extras -minimal judging of customers, solo customers cant be categorically rejected (if extras are only allowed for rappers, athletes and drug dealers who prepay and negotiate a CR room/bottle service reservation, that is not an extras club) -you don't need to "know the owner" or "grease the bruiser" to get extras If all the strippers say generic things like "fun" and "worth your time" in VIP/CR, and the VIP/CR is $1000 minimum, but 3 out of 4 TUSCL reviews say the strippers would only drink and sit with you, and refused to do anything but air dance, but 1 out of 4 are extras, I dont call that an extras club. The stripper wouldve given that extra for free OTC in a civie club. If you need multiple visits and a relationship with a stripper for extras, that is not an extras club. If 19 out of 20 dancers deny extras and talk about cameras in VIP, 1 out of 20 denies extras when talking but during a VIP dance grabs your clothed dick without asking for a tip before. That is not an extras club. There was no promise of anything in VIP. A tip was never discussed. If in VIP, a dancer grabs your hand and puts it on her bare pussy and you finger her, then she starts to DFKs you, then asks to meet you OTC during the day and you and her make out in public without payment. That is not an extras club. That is your new trainwreck GF.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Girls on their phones
    @Dominic77 One of my regular clubs refuses to do that by policy. No staff member is allowed to tell any customer if any dancer is or isn't there that night. That basically means I will never ever come on a weekday unless I have the dancer's number, AND she responds QUICKLY (30 minutes) that she is in the club already after I ask, or she knows to text me the minute she walks in. I've had a dancer tells me her weekday schedule on fri night, I come on that weekday and pay door fee to find out "not there" and according to another everyday dancer, fri was the last time she worked. I didn't tell the everyday dancer the actual schedule the fav told me. I've had cases where they don't respond for hours, I drive to the club expecting the text, no text, wait 30 minutes on a side street, then go half way home, finally get the text. 50/50 chance I decide to turn around and go back. Another club around me posts the dancer schedules online and fines them for not showing up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Girls on their phones
    @lopaw Exactly. With one of my favs, I routinely have to text her ITC to get her out of the DR and onto my lap and eventually VIP. It works, but god help a custie who doesn't have her number. Sometimes she responds shes in CR or VIP or another customer will soon VIP her (which I guess means multiple regulars of hers have her number). Atleast I know its time to go after some other dancer for the next 10-30 minutes. Girls on phones on bench is better than girls in DR. I've had to pull them from the ol' bench o' strippers on their phones. Once every 3 months, some stripper I "know" tells her stripper friends "hes really cool, make room" to move over on the stripper bench and make room for me. Then its me, stripper I know, and 6 others sitting in a row on the bench. The conversations are usually candid stripper to stripper talk completely ignoring a customer is sitting between 2 strippers. Latest drama is the Manager demands house cut of LD in LD room that he says happened but the strippers say never happened, and its "always the same girls" being accused. Guess I got friend-zoned again although clearly they know I'm not gay from the VIP room.