
Comments by bkkruined (page 24)

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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Too Much Information.
    just don't read the shit if you don't want to. If it's really important they'll find a way to find you. The only time I respond to shit like this is if I'm getting laid out of it, for free. And I already know I'm not getting a freaking email about that, so I never read the shit.
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    8 years ago
    Trump having the gaul to look at Beauty contest participants
    Ever been to a brothel and had the line up done for you. I felt pretty damned embarrassed and awkward about it myself, and visiting on a subsequent occasion just hung out in the attached bar until I started hitting it off with the right lady. And I've been other places where they introduce the ladies one at a time, instead of having the line up, cause it's just kinda, creepy to have a bunch of hooker stand in line in front of you and wait to be picked to get fucked. I can only image when it's like for them. I don't want to think about how bad it is when some creepy fucker shows up with a notebook and starts taking fucking notes walk in circles around each lady. But, it wasn't a fucking brothel it was the miss universe pageant. But that didn't stop that creepy fucking goofy ass toupee wearing douche from doing just that.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Yes, you can be fired for being too hot
    I'm pretty sure I'd rather not work for a company that fired women for being too hot. I really rather enjoy the distraction. And, I'm not going to be a customer either. Especially for a massage therapist, if they are firing women for being too hot, I'm going somewhere else where at least I have a better chance. Even if I was guaranteed to get a boring old legitimate massage. And, hot or not, I find it kinda disturbing that a judge can find getting fired cause of a potentially jealous spouse wouldn't be gender discrimination. If you can't be professional enough than to keep your wife from thinking you might be more interested in your employees, or can't find some other way to deal with that, you don't need to start your own business.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    As a stripper I've spent two decades naked, and this is what I learnt
    unequivocally empowering? Kinda like, it's not fair!!!! Boo @#$*ing Hoo. It put the pleasure of men above the Equality of Women? It did what every #@!$* job does, it put the pleasure of the customer above the equality of the service worker. My high school stint at McDonald's wasn't "unequivocally empowering" either. Think I can get a book deal out of it? Or do I not know enough big words because my parents didn't send me to private boarding schools and I did get the job for the money, which I needed.
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    9 years ago
    I doubt it's illegal, but those kinda details change from state to state, and maybe different counties and cities in the states. Most clubs probably have it against the rules. Of course a lot of strippers aren't very good at following rules. I've had a couple girls do this. And, I LIKE IT. But I understand the reluctance, especially if guys start expecting it, issues with bad breath, cold, flu, mono... Probably more diseases spread kissing than fucking (the ones spread kissing are just less likely to last). In my experience, it's easier to get them to fuck than kiss (more than a quick peck).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Invasion of Privacy OR Defending America?
    You don't put a backdoor into one specific phone, or "decrypt" it. If it is properly encrypted, it will not decrypt unless the key / passcode is given. At issue is that Apple has a setting to self destruct / delete everything if the wrong passcode is put in too many times. And the FBI wants to get around this... So, the phone should be dismantled, physical memory mounted on a separate system and the encryption broken via brute force, or copied from to / from the phone each time the 10 incorrect passcodes wipe the phone so that all 100,000 or so possible passcodes can be tried without it wiping the data (how long can they be?). At that point, the FBI has a whole lotta work to do to get data off a phone, and isn't going to be going that unless they really need it (i.e. really a terrorism case) and that's something that doesn't really bother my sense of personal privacy. Just putting back doors in stuff, the way some LE and gubbermint dumbasses are asking, bad bad bad bad bad.....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    How much to charge for talking (From StripperWeb)
    I don't doubt there are guys out there that are really lonely enough that they really want to find a nice lady to talk with. And, I can only image the reason that they are so lonely is because they are so utter fucking boring that a stripper wouldn't want to sit and listen unless she was getting paid. If she sits down and starts chatting with me, I expect a sales pitch. Occasionally someone I'm just not interested in does this, but the local clubs (Seattle area) around here are much more mercenary then that and girls usually spend not more than 30 seconds chatting first (usually just "wanna dance"). But travelling, I find a mixed bag. One time, I saw this hot young thing at this club that was kinda slow, after she was on stage she sat down by herself at the bar and just looked over the place for a while so I decided to approach her and cut pretty much straight to the point that I was interested in some private dances. The next night, right when I arrived, she comes over and sits next to me, we exchange greeting and kinda sit there awkwardly as she apparently expects me to entertain her with some witty conversation about my day. Sorry babe, proposition me for dances, or move on... If I'm not interesting enough for you to want to listen to me, don't bother. My feelings would be hurt a lot more if you asked for money to sit and listen than if you just politely excused yourself.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Man Skips Work For 6 Years, Nobody Notices
    There are people like this in all kinds of industry, government and private, large and small. I've never known one to last 6 years, but there have been plenty of people at past employers that no one knew WTF they did. And, usually they did show up, one or two were strictly work from home. And likely they had some kinda project they were working on, generally some manager's pet project that never gets done before some reorg gets rid of them...
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    9 years ago
    Liquid Lap Dance Pants- reviews?
    I'm a little too interested in getting a lady who lets the little guy out. HJ, BJ or FS is great, but even if she just lets him out for the dance with nothing extra on the menu it's always appreciated by me. And, I'd be embarrassed to be caught with something like this on. Maybe I shouldn't be, stripper pulling my cock out to dance with anyway, so I have strange magic underwear on, who cares? but I still fear that shame and would refuse to wear them.
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    9 years ago
    just don't get arrested by dirty cops and sentenced by a dirty judge to a dirty jail.
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    9 years ago
    dancers not actively solicit dances
    The one thing I've found worse than sitting there being ignored by some hottie with the perfectly little body is finding out how shy and frigid she is about actually touching (either way) after paying her. And then seeing the either scared or disgusted look on her face when she finally does end up rubbing her ass on you. If your real lucky, after 1-2 songs, she'll follow you back to your table and sit there like a bump on a log for the rest of the night, "owning" you so none of the other ladies come around... I'm sure most of the time, it's just not that bad... But I've had enough awkward experiences such that if she ain't approaching me, I'm not going to be running after her. Some of the worst experiences have been in Thailand, where there's a "mom" that's usually going to push a girl onto you if your sitting there alone long enough, and don't look like a total dead beet. Often, it's a new girl, little practice with English, shy, and scared, doesn't like alcohol, etc. Sorry, I don't care how cute she is, let her go sit and play with her phone.
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    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Good thing Brady wasn't suspended
    Living in Seattle, being a Seahawks fan, I've heard no one say that Brady isn't a very good QB. And, it's pretty widely acknowledged that he didn't have to cheat to win, esp. in that game with the Colts. But, it's pretty obvious he did cheat anyway. Even with his remarkable skills, he's a cheating douche bag.
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    9 years ago
    The “It’s a fantasy” lecture
    Of course it's a fantasy. I know they're faking the orgasm when I'm fucking them. I don't fake mine, and that's what counts for me!!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    skill, luck or a guaranteed easy fuck ?
    Guaranteed easy for me please. I'd like to think their fucking me because of my good looks and charm. But then I remember I don't have any of either, and they much be fucking anyone agreeing to the same price (or less in other's cases, I'm sure).
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    9 years ago
    Stripper Tried to Play Me
    She has no car. It's impounded. She needs $200 to get it back. (Or, she's just lying.) Give her $50 after she pays $200 and shows you the receipt? She's going to move on to the next guy and get $200 from him. She's not going to want to fuck 4 guys for $50. Or even just hassle them, and maybe even promise to fuck them or repay them, or whatever, later (which she isn't going to do). Especially since she HAS NO CAR, remember, it's impounded? How's she supposed to run around and collect this money? Ask her what hotel she can meet you at. you'll bring the condoms. If your that freaking worried she actually uses the money to get her car back, tell her you'll give her a ride to the lot after you fuck her.
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    9 years ago
    ITC DFK/LFK with hotties
    I must need to brush my teeth more often of something...
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    9 years ago
    Potential CraigsList escapade
    Pretty good chance she'll show up and be a little heavier and older than her picture. And then, she probably hasn't wanked a guy off since high school, and as her wrist gets tired the whole thing will seem more and more awkward as she won't look at you (or your cock) at all intently staring at anything else. And of course, she doesn't want to try a BJ or fuck when she can't get you off with a HJ, because she has a BF, or "just doesn't do that". There is usually an advantage to hiring a pro.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Make a stripper wet during lapdances
    Same way you get any other girl wet. They don't have some different anatomy just because they get nekkid and dance on your lap for money. SUPER SOAKER!!! (Ya, I'm paying her, but when I realize she's had to go change outfits it really stokes my ego).
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    9 years ago
    shaggin waggin
    Put a jack under it. Or install air bags that can be pumped up enough to not bounce.
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    9 years ago
    has anyone ever told you not to touch?
    Couple years ago in Columbus Ohio... Well, this nice young lady that took me into the private booth was pretty agreeable with just about anything I wanted to do. Rubbing her breasts, ass, grabbing her hips, outside her G string, inside the G string, and even further inside.... As she turned around and started to rub around on my lap I continued my exploration and within seconds someone popped into the room and started yelling at me to keep my hands off her. Well, I thought it was a roving patrol, pretty common in other clubs that I've been too, pulled my hands back and they went away. She turned back around and we got back into the groove, fingers wandering back into a wet spot. This goes on for another minute of two, she turns around again, hands run up and down her body and creep back under the G string... Bouncer suddenly returns and yells at me. Then stops, tells me I can't touch under her clothing and whatever other rules they had and leaves. Another song, we continue to enjoy ourselves. She's making out with me, riding the fingers. She turns around again, after a bit of this I get carried away a little more, and here he comes again. I'm now finally realizing, there's a camera... (Ya, little slow when I'm drunk). And while she seems to be enjoying the attention, or at least the money she knows is pretty much attached to allowing it, the bouncers are none too thrilled to have a blatant open, obvious display of my hand going into her G string on there monitor. But, as long as they can't see my hands (when her back's to the camera, and she's facing me, and my hand is in her crotch) it was apparently all good with them, even though they can't be dumb enough not to know where they are.
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    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Can't the dead have a just A LITTLE fun???
    When Chinese die, stripper's dance!!! (there's something really wrong with that idea, but I still like it).
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    9 years ago
    Colorado & Legal Pot
    REEFER MADNESS!!!! Somehow, legalizing marijuana caused a whole bunch of people who never before smoked it before because it was illegal to now smoke it, and drive (which is illegal)?
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    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Hong Kong Gentlemans club
    I've been to Adelita's and I think if was the Chicago club across the street, but over 10 years ago (maybe 15) when I had friends and family in San Diego. (they've all moved) I'd consider it more of a brothel than a strip club. There was no "stage" with anyone dancing on it, rather a dance floor, with mostly couples. Girls stood around waiting for you to approach them, introduce yourself, and ask to go fuck. But I've only been there a couple times. A long time ago. Possibly before that passport requirements. Each time I went was in the evening, returning early AM, midnight to 2-3, and there wasn't much of a line to walk across the border. (parked at the border parking lot, walked across, got a taxi). It was a great place to go if you've already in San Diego, or close. But if I was going to pick a place to go for fun, Bangkok's always been my favorite, or Pattaya if you really go off the wall. Philippines was always second on my list to visit, but I keep returning to Thailand instead. If that's too far, what I've heard about Costa Rica attracts me much more than TJ. And it might be a third world country, but it's a short cab ride from the a pretty nice area of a very rich country, with a lot of like minded guys making that same trip, cause it's no secret. So there's still quite a bit of demand for whatever supply they have, holding prices steady.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Which would you prefer 50 lbs over weight or 50 lbs under weight.
    5'11"??? Tell me WHERE!!!! How many of you know a 5'11" stripper (not including the heels). When measuring height to determine healthy body weight, they have to take the stripper heels off and stand on the floor. I'd bet at most clubs I've been to the average is 5'4" (maybe shorter), about 120, maybe 130 is "fit", and if they're 50 pounds underweight (70 pounds?) they've hopefully been checked into a hospital. I like them thin. When I see a girl with a string bikini, and the string across the front is stretched from hip to hip without touching her stomach, I start getting fixated on it. But, that's probably going to happen on a girl that's 5'4" and 110 in very nice shape, it she's 5'4" and 60 pounds, that's rather grotesque.
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    9 years ago
    New York
    She told me...
    The one thing I've NEVER heard a stripper say, "I don't do this for the money".