
dancers not actively solicit dances

Sunday, September 20, 2015 7:18 PM
i noticed in the SCs I frequent a lot of dancers would not circulate among customers to ask for for dances. Instead they would stay in the dressing room, or talk on their cell phone, or chat with each other. Some would even sit by themselves doing nothing. How are they going to make any money. Any thoughts?


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    You're new here. This has been discussed over and over. When they were passing out brains, they thought they said trains and opted to wait for the next one. They're still waiting. :)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Also. Sometimes you have to show them you're not going to waste their time talking for free. If you want a dance tell them that you're want one, and that if it's good, there may be more.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    And COI clubs especially not girls have whale regulars so they aren't hurting for cash.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I agree, this does not makes sense, but as shadow said, not the brightest bulbs in the box either. FWIW, in the club I am currently frequenting the most, I see a lot of dancers who 'hide' early, than start making a push to sell in the 10-12 window when the club is full.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Theories: 1. Some dancers are lazy 2. Dancer might wait for their "regular" or "big spending whale" to arrive in the club which they (the dancer) will make their money off of. In the meantime while they are waiting, instead of trying to make more money please refer to #1. 3. Some dancers have told me they are picky on who they will solicit dances to and will pass on asking customers who they deem "unsavory."
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    This has been discussed before. Try telling them you're interested when they are on stage or go up to them or male eye contact or grab them as they walk by you. I know everybody wants the dancers chasing them but it doesn't always work that way.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    I used to work with a girl who was I, I have to admit, much hotter than I, but I always made at least double what she made, and I just couldn't understand why. Then she told me she was afraid of rejection so she wouldn't ask the guys for dances. So if you like a girl, let her know.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The thing to do is get out your phone and text her while you are in the club. Then you can easily arrange a meeting. :)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I have also noticed whenever i sit in certain spots that are harder for dancers to reach, some dancers just walk the other way that stop me and ask for dances otherwise.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Wait do they have WiFi on the slammer? Great to see you Diva
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    One of the biggest pet peeves for stripclub customers is dealing with lazy or unmotivated strippers not circulating. You either approach them or take your money and leave. I tend to do the latter.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Shailynn said it all, chessmaster told you what to do about it.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    Also, if you go to a club regularly, some dancers will not go up to you to ask for a dance if you are known to be someone's regular. On my latest trip to my local SC, I had to ask this one girl for a dance and she said the only reason she never asked me for a dance before is that she knew I was this other dancer's regular. The odd thing about that statement is that the dancer she named doesn't care if I get dances from anyone else and would probably do a double with her if I asked (not that I'm asking).
  • BigChas
    9 years ago
    I think you are all being to hard on these ladies. These ladies are salespeople. And all sales people make their decisions on how their going to make their money and what their willing to put up with. These girls will make decisions on how you are dress, if you are a regular that spends money or want extra's. If you are a guy that is known to only get table side dances or talks a lot and don't tip enough of coarse they are going to over look you. I see it all the time, the new girl gets stuck with a regular that has their hands all over her. Waist up twenty minutes of their time and buys 1 or 2 tables sides, and sometimes nothing. That's enough to ruin any salesperson day or night. Go to buy a new car and dress like you don't have any money. See if the salespeople are going to chase you down to talk to you. The sales manager is going to put someone on you while the staff pretends to be busy so they don't get picked. Look at their point of view. Is it worth their time and self esteem to hustle dances if they might or might not have a good day or night. I have talked to girls that said they really needed to make money that day and was on their feet hitting every body up and made very little because they hit the wrong customers at the wrong time. (the ones that talk and spend little to nothing). And if they wait to let you approach them at least they can figure out if you are serious customer quickly and move on.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I think it's a common belief that all dancers are outgoing and have gregarious personalities. After all, if timid, you're not going to get naked it public, right? My ATF was extremely shy. She hated approaching new customers and often tag-teamed with an older dancer when asking for dances. I had to accept one of the double dances together with her mentor for me to get to know her.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Don't try to figure them out. Instead, if you see a girl that you want, go get her. Waiting for her to circulate to you will only lead to frustration and blue balls.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    iibravo88: I hear you, but there are many reasons. My ATF is likely to just hang out at the bar unless one of her regulars shows up. She has a large enough following that she usually doesn't hustle any more. She especially stays away from the under 40 set because they're more rude, less rich and have unrealistic expectations more often than not. My #2 is good at circulating. She also has lots of regulars and is a top earner, but she likes people in general unlike my ATF, so it's easy for her to chat up anybody who's not creepy. My new #3 also circulates but if she has had a bad day you're probably better off staying away!
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Dancers have different personalities just like we do on who they will give dances for. Go up and ask them for dances as they are texting on their phone or gently take their hand as they walk by and ask them to join you.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    BigChas-> I think you are all being to hard on these ladies. These ladies are salespeople." I think you've taken the StriperWeb approach of trying to rationalize every move a stripper makes as an act of sales genius. You are absolutely right that ONE of the reasons strippers sit around is business reasons: she's profiled the customers and doesn't think she has any prospects, she's saving her energy and good attitude for her whale who is coming in later, some of the guys are other girls' regulars and she doesn't want to break The Code, etc. But you're way off base -- and maybe haven't hung out with strippers OTC and heard frank talk among them -- if you don't think there are loads of completely non-business reasons they do that, too: feeling lazy, way hungover from rolling molly or drinking too much yesterday, just feel like partying and bonding with her girls, is shy, is sulking because she got shot down by the past 3 customers she asked, in a text message fight with her boyfriend, is in a bad mood because the series of bad choices she's made over the past few months/years is coming to a head.. I do think the business reasons happen far more often than we give the girls credit for here on tuscl, but not to the point that it dominates personal reasons (as SW would have us believe)
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Strippers are alot of things, but good sales people is generally very low on the list.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The bottom line is if she doesn't want to sell you a dance, why would you want to buy? Many strippers are strippers because they're young and pretty but lack work ethic. Those girls often give terrible dances. On the other hand, some girls really are entrepreneurs. They want to extract every dollar they can from the room and they will provide good service to keep guys coming back. Sometimes they are too popular unless you're a big spender, but these girls are my favorites.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^what do you mean trying to "sell" you a dance. The classic "wanna dance?" line or approach you and chit chat first? In any case I get better dances when I tell them I want a dance first vs when they approach me.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    When the dancers aren't circulating or I can't seem to get the attention of one that I like, I'll just sit at the rail to interact with the ones that catch my eye. Works almost every time.
  • bkkruined
    9 years ago
    The one thing I've found worse than sitting there being ignored by some hottie with the perfectly little body is finding out how shy and frigid she is about actually touching (either way) after paying her. And then seeing the either scared or disgusted look on her face when she finally does end up rubbing her ass on you. If your real lucky, after 1-2 songs, she'll follow you back to your table and sit there like a bump on a log for the rest of the night, "owning" you so none of the other ladies come around... I'm sure most of the time, it's just not that bad... But I've had enough awkward experiences such that if she ain't approaching me, I'm not going to be running after her. Some of the worst experiences have been in Thailand, where there's a "mom" that's usually going to push a girl onto you if your sitting there alone long enough, and don't look like a total dead beet. Often, it's a new girl, little practice with English, shy, and scared, doesn't like alcohol, etc. Sorry, I don't care how cute she is, let her go sit and play with her phone.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If they're not in the dressing room, you can still approach them yourself. If they are sitting together, you can introduce yourself to the group, and that leaves them wondering which one of them you like. And then of course it is easiest to approach them via tipping when they are on stage. SJG [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Contrary to popular opinion, women, even in the sex industry, are not robots programmed to go after money. They have broader identity issues which come into play. It is not easy for them to face rejection. But even in the sex industry they respect a guy who is not afraid to assert himself. SJG [view link]
  • Tiburon
    9 years ago
    I've learned that if you ask for a dance, you get less than they could fully offer. But if they ask YOU for a dance, and you really make them work for you to say yes, they put their best foot, in this case tits, forward. I never ask for dance. The power goes from even split to all in her favor. Best thing you can do is tip the girls on stage and they will notice. Don't gotta make it rain (please don't if you are just gonna make it "drizzle") but semi to regular tipping shows you got money to spend on the ladies and they will notice. Buying a drink can help, but I personally don't bother as I am here for dances, not to get her drunk or fill her drink quota.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @bigchas I LOVE going to a car dealership dressed like a bum for the EXACT reason you said. they look over, try to make everyone seem busy and EVENTUALLY after an hour of so that you are still there, they send SOMEONE over. And to add fuel to the flame, ask for a car and ask to pay it all at once. Watch the thinly veiled insults come out and BOOM, you have ammo to reduce the price. It happened to a friend of mine. He's 21, makes $100K a year (he started his career before high school was over) and wanted a 40K car, and wanted to pay it in cash. He was dressed like he just got out the gym and waited two hours and a salesman asked in disbelief AFTER already suggesting a used version of my friend's desired car if he could really afford that and where was his mom. Went to the manager and got 10K off the sticker price with free registration stickers and plates. Give it a try next time your against a car salesman. I know I will.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    For most of my professional SCing career I preferred dancers approach me b/c I thought the ones that approached you really wanted to give you a dance and make that $$$ so the dance would be good – and I thought if I had to approach the dancer and ask her for a dance I figured she was not that interested to begin w/ and the dance would be half-ass. It wasn't until recently that I get fed up and just started asking dancers if they were around me and were not approaching me – I gotta say I have not seen a decrease in dance quality and probably have had better dances and wayyyy more fun with this approach (instead of missing out on dancers I wanted). The argument can be made that some/many dancers may even give better dances if you ask *them* b/c they may be happy that someone wants dances from them and wants to spend $$$ on them (at least in the case for dancers too shy or unmotivated to approach custies for w/e reason).
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm tempted to start approaching dancers more often. Especially if it works for Papi, he's definitely got some wisdom.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Papi is wise, indeed. Once I changed my approach and began thinking the same way as he did about making first contact, I was a much happier clubber all around. Nothing is 100%, of course. But between the dancers that do approach and the ones that you go and fetch, you've significantly increased the odds of hooking up with a honey that will meet your requirements. Hell - it's better than sitting there bemoaning the fact that no one is coming over. That's on par with the strippers sitting at the bar pissing and moaning that they're not making any money. And that's soooooo SW!
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    There is a very pretty young dancer at my favorite club. She hardly ever circulates and asks for dances because she cannot handle the rejection. She is shy! She has slowly built a long list of regulars that she knows will want dances from her and now keeps constantly busy. They got on her list by flagging her down and asking. She is so busy that she now is actually selectively "busy" when new guys ask her.
  • BigChas
    9 years ago
    Subraman-you made some good points. And I believe your points are valid but I think my opinions are the core of the problem. Example- say the club had a rule that the customer had to pay a certain amount for each contact the customer initiates. If a girl sit at your table you must pay her. You have a conversation with her you must pay her. If this was the case, the same girls you all say are lazy will be the biggest hustlers you have ever seen. Money creates motivation, not being paid creates laziness. Now I know a rule like that would bankrupt a club. I certainly wouldn't go to a club like that. But I have been in sales all my life, and I know what motivates people. Take the same person and have them work one week at each store (Sam's club, Costco) and they will put in a better effort at Costco because their being paid more.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Let's see- OP has started 3 threads, 2 of them are griping about aspects of stripclubbing. What's next- complaining about being hit up for dances by ugly dancers only, or about umpteen "wanna dance" robodancers driving by not taking the time to get to know you, or bathroom troll doesn't have your favorite candy.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Goldmonger, that describes half my favorite dances at what I assume is the same club.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Tiburon wrote, "I've learned that if you ask for a dance, you get less than they could fully offer." Being assertive with a girl and letting her see that you really like her, go a long way. So it is really like shopping for a used car. I've not actually done this, but in the future this is how I will be doing it, both in the U.S. and Mexico. Standing on my feet scoping them out and selecting one I really do feel something for, approaching within about 1", "I like that kind of high heels on you. ( something she has done on purpose ) When you dress like that for me, I know it costs money. ( handing her $20. But not putting it into her cleavage or g-string. I'll be pawing her soon enough, so I don't need to use the money transfer to do it. ) You should be spending your time with me, so that I can take care of you." Inviting her to sit with me, perhaps even some initial fondling, or an initial DFK. But she ends up sitting on my lap and, with a steady supply of money and lots of getting to know each other, we end up making out w/ FOV or FIV. Maybe it continues into the VIP Room, or maybe she just walks right out the door with me. Either way the chances are very good that she'll be making my breakfast the next morning. Then in the days and weeks following she'll be doing paid lingerie photo modeling and MSOG sex sessions with me. And she'll be getting introduced by telephone to the other women and men I work with and be getting taken to lunch with them. When it is the women I will have her picked up by them, but stay clear of it myself. After that she will become more fully involved in my affairs, becoming my boots on the ground for that metro. SJG [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Not like shopping for a used car. Correcting my above post. SJG
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