
How much to charge for talking (From StripperWeb)

Car key and wallet dating your sister

Tam2087-->"Hey I have a customer that comes in for 2-4 hrs, he talks fpe 30mins- 1hr, then gets 5-7 dances at $30 a dance and then wants to talk for the rest of the time he is there . How much should I charge him? per song at the same rate or just have a set amount for my time? " -->end quote Tam2087

Candycups-->"It's your call. Some girls charge half price, some charge the same as if they were giving a dance, and others are happy to stay as long as they get tipped a few dollars here and there. Depends on the money you're used to and what you could be making of you weren't talking. I would advise against sticking around for occasional spare dollar bills, especially if you can make $30 off a dance. For me, if I feel I'm making close to or more than what I would make hustling the floor, I stick around." -->end quote Candycups

rareaspasia-->"Also, always ask for more than you want. If he says yes, awesome. If no, then you can bargain down to what you're actually ok with." -->end quote rareaspasia

Unfortunately, not many responses to this question. Previous similar inquiries get the girls insisting that she should be charging near-lapdance rates.... that is, $20 every 4 minutes, $100/15 minutes, etc.

What do you think about rareaspasia's suggestion? I realize she might be coming from a late night hustle POV (I swear I'll never understand why guys go at a time when the dancers have all the leverage), where she can flit between customers at-will. But in general, a girl quotes too high a price to me, and forces me to bargain, I'm not particularly happy with her.

That said, I go at slow-hustle times, and I've NEVER had to bargain for table time. As long as the girls know they'll be getting VIPs, eventually, we never discuss details, and it will usually be an hour before we even do our first dance. She never gets a chance to give me a "quote" for talking; if she doesn't want to talk for a decent while before we do dances, she's always free to leave and try her luck with the two guys sitting at the bar who never buy dances, or the old guy sitting at the stage who is known to smell like mothballs.


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Talking is free. I never pay for chit chat. But if I'm having a fun conversation with a dancer for 10 min+ I'm 99% likely to buy dances. I wouldn't be talking to her in the first place if I didn't like the eye candy, and the convo seals the deal.

    But lots of guys will take dancer's time and not even tip; this is bad. I tell 'wanna dance' types that I'm not interested pretty fast but I can see how a dancer has to decide when to cut bait. That's part of the job and a skill to be learned.
  • Bleeku
    9 years ago
    Talking is free. The only way to score me as a regular is if you will talk for free. With that said, if I'm enjoying your company and I can tell the club is busy and you'd be making money with someone else, I will probably tip you quite well for hanging out with me and not pestering me for money. My wife and I have tipped a girl over $100 + drinks just for chilling with us for a couple hours, and when one of her regulars came in she would let us know, go give a dance or two, then come back. Keep in mind this is a $10/dance club. Our tips for good company are completely voluntary. If the girl asked for or demanded a tip for small talk, we wouldn't go see her again.

    Some girls don't get this. They think if a guy isn't buying a dance within 2 minutes, then he is a waste of time. Sure, some guys are a waste of time. But don't burn any bridges by assuming something. If you approach a guy, be willing to spend a long while chatting with him. Don't hesitate to leave and come back, just make sure you let him know why you're leaving and that you are coming back. Leave something there so that he knows you are coming back, and so the other girls know it too. And ALWAYS come back, and in a reasonable amount of time.

    Another thing you can do is ask a guy what he likes. You may not be his type, but if you get him hooked up with someone he does like, then you are quite likely to get tipped for playing the middleman (err, middlegirl). Plus, unless your coworkers are total bitches, they might do the same for you.
  • WetWilly
    9 years ago
    Call me stupid, but if a stripper starts asking for money to talk, after months of NOT charging for that time, then most likely that is gong to factor into my decision about the dancer I choose the next time I visit that club.

    Most times, if a dancer is spending that much time talking, I'm assuming she's filing in empty minutes by talking--that's her choice--just as it is mine when I say" no thanks " to her the next visit to that club.
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    if a stripper asked me for money to sit & chat with her. I would tell her Good by
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Lol those delusional SW cunts crack me up.
    I can count on one hand the amount of times that I gave a dancer cash for sitting with me. Once was out of pity, and the other time was to make her go away. I never ask dancers to stay and chat, and if they choose to do so it is on them. Come to think of it they should be paying ME for all of the witty conversation that I so graciously allow them to share in.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I prefer to do our talking while she's nude. So I'll do 10 $20 dances, and while she's nude, heavy breathing in my ear, stroking my junk, I'll set up OTC when we can really talk with minimal distractions and then let nature dictate what's next.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I don't pay for strippers to sit and talk with me. However, I will buy them drinks if I want them to stay with me, and I will later take them to VIP for some real fun.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Customers paying strippers just to talk to them are the ones giving the strippers big egos.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @lowpaw: Yes, sometimes I also feel they should be paying me! Pity they never seem to share that opinion...
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    +1 lopaw,,,those bitches they can just set a price for talking. Ummm how abt get up and leave..LOL I've never paid a dancer for talking inside or outside the club. I would have sat and talked to them and then paid for ever how many dances I wanted at $20 a song just like always.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've never had a dancer ever ask to be paid for talking or sitting with me. I wouldn't have even thought such a stupid thing was possible if I hadnt heard it mentioned here. My dancers all understand the obvious fact that the time we spend at my table is a necessary investment in getting me to eventually spend a considerable amount on dances or VIP. If a dancer didn't understand this she would make nothing from me.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS: Lots of discussion of charging (considerably) for talking over at SW. I've never experienced it or heard of it, either. It's one of MANY things I've read over in SW, that make me wonder if any of those girls have actually spent time in a strip club. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that none of us here have heard of this going on.

    Some of you above are a bit tougher than me. If I don't plan on doing any dances with a girl, I'll always tell her after about 10 minutes, usually in the form of "I'm not doing any dances, but if you want to stay for a bit, I'll buy you a drink". For me, at least, I figure the unwritten rule is, if I'm not buying dances, I tell her, and then she can make her own decision. On the slow shifts I go to, the girls will stay and drink a lot of the time. Even then, if we've told a girl we're not buying dances, and she chooses to stay anyway, and she turns out to be super fun at the table, my buddies and I will each give her some cash... we all appreciate a really fun, funny, interesting girl.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Paying for talking is only something I read about here. I have bought dancers drinks and they stayed and talked a while. I often bought two for one dances from them. In many cases, I thought buying a drink for them was like a tip. If a dancer asked me for money to talk, I would never buy dances from her as long as I remembered her. Wouldn't matter to me if she was a hot 9.5 or just another dancer. If no one bought dances from her, that would achieve the desired effect. gone from the club replaced by someone who was more reasonable.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If I don't want dances from her, I'll usually run her off nicely in 2 min, not 10. Otherwise I'm waisting her time and mine.

    This is why I never read stripperweb. It's all either ROBs or ROB wannabes. Listening to them tells me nothing. If there were a web site where real strippers talked honestly, like a couple of our dancers do, I'd hang out with them all the time.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I feel like *usually* after you get your dances from a girl and pay, she's going to move on. I can't imagine a $30/dance club where a girl sits with a reg for 2 hours after getting $200 for dances from him.

    A lot of PL aren't good at saying no to sexy women, but it sounds like this particular girl is letting this guy lock her down when she should be circulating and making more money. She's probably also not making him cum, because I feel like most guys leave after getting off.

    So on the one hand I agree talk is free, but on the other, $200 worth of dances doesn't entitle a guy to have a girl be with him exclusively for three hours, except maybe at the diviest of clubs.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I do not pay strippers to talk. If they wanna chat, great. I will get dances however(usually multiple unless they suck) since I would shoo them away if I'm not interested. I may even buy them a drink if the price isn't inflated. But I will not pay them to talk.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    That's the thing that still gets me, this "pay me for my time" bit. Why would I pay for fake convo that Stevie Wonder can see is a setup for dances? "You know the dances aren't really into you during the dances either"...yeah, but you can't fake friction.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I'd never pay for chat. That time is the investment she is making to sell me on dances. Like with all advertising, it will be effective some and not on others.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I've had girls try to pull this on me a few times.

    If it's busy, and a girl had been sitting with me for quite some time talking, I *may* tip her something. But it's not very often and usually only if I know that she could have been making money off of someone else if she hadn't been sitting with me and I've enjoyed her company.

    But again, hasn't happened very many times. If it's slow and there aren't any other PLs in the club there's no way I'm tipping anything because she wouldn't be making any money anyways even if she wasn't sitting with me.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    How much should a dancer pay me to fart on them?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Joe, that would depend on what you ate for dinner.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JamesSD-->" I feel like *usually* after you get your dances from a girl and pay, she's going to move on. I can't imagine a $30/dance club where a girl sits with a reg for 2 hours after getting $200 for dances from him."

    I'd forgotten she'd said that he wants her to sit and talk afterwards also. I don't expect her to stick around terribly long after our last dance either, but I do expect her to come back to the table and wind down for 15 minutes before she runs off. If we've spent the last 3 hours together and she's happy with her compensation, I like her to come back to chill for a couple then say goodbye

    I do think that the opening -- 30-60 minutes of talk before $200 worth of dances -- is actually generous if it's a slow dayshift, although probably doesn't work for a busy weekend nightshift. On a Tuesday 1pm-3pm shift, to pick a particularly slow dayshift, from what I've observed, many of the girls will only get stage money and a few lapdances. The $200-$300 I give her for those same 3 hours will literally be 5x-8x more money than almost every other girl in the club has made during that time. I don't think you can make absolute statements like "$200 isn't worth 3 hours", outside of that context.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Ultimately, strippers are in sales. I don't pay salespeople for the privilege of listening to their pitch.

    That said, if a dancer approaches me and I know I don't want dances, etc., from her, then I try to let her know that quickly. If she still wants to spend time pitching at me after that, that's her decision and there's no obligation on my part.

    There are guys out there who are lonely enough and so socially inept that they need to pay for company alone. They aren't the majority; they aren't me; and strippers should not build their expectations around those guys.
  • FredDawg
    9 years ago
    Paying for talking time is crazy. If there is some rapport with a dancer then maybe. Any dancer knows if 3-5 mins sitting with you is going to lead anywhere. Dancers that you know or are familiar with having seen you in the club know that they can sit and talk, prolly get a drink and at least 3+ dances, maybe a vip trip. If a dancer chooses to sit with you and ignore other people in the club thats her choice. I've had dancers excuse themselves to work the floor and come back which is fine. I've even told dancers dont feel obligated to sit with me, but im not saying go either. LOL sometimes they need the brain game. For me that weeds out the good from the bad.

    Alot of dancers seem to not know how to work the angles of conversation. Same way in my view of instruction during a lap dance when they dont listen. You basically told her how she can get another dance and she blows it cause she didnt listen. (No pun intended)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I often agree with you so it's interesting I have some nits to pick here:
    -->"Ultimately, strippers are in sales. I don't pay salespeople for the privilege of listening to their pitch. "

    I view strippers as ultimately service providers. Just like my CMT -- who also has to market and sell services, but ultimately it's the service that's the core of the business (or SHOULD BE; there are places that offer consistently-mediocre massage but have strong marketing and sales, like chain massage places like Massage Envy). I can see how a stripper would view "the pleasure of her company" as a service she offers. Or for me, as someone who likes to spend hours with the girls, as an extension of the service she offers, the core service being what goes on in the VIP room. I'm just not paying for it separately from the VIP room -- I'm exchanging $200 for 2 VIP rooms and 3 hours of her time (or whatever).

    -->"That said, if a dancer approaches me and I know I don't want dances, etc., from her, then I try to let her know that quickly. If she still wants to spend time pitching at me after that, that's her decision and there's no obligation on my part. "

    Absolutely, I tell her within 2-3 songs once I"m sure, and after that, I believe I'm obligation-free. That said, if she chooses to stay and she's super fun company, I'll consider throwing some dollars her way (as long as she doesn't ask for it or act entitled to it)
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    I think it's ridiculous for a stripper to charge for convo. I recall reading on the pink site some strippers talking about guys just wanting to talk and paying them for their time. Don't quite understand those type of guys.

    There is a stripper at a club I frequent that I end up giving $5 - $10 after her time of talking. Sometimes it has been because I felt generous and others because I wanted to get rid of her so others might stop by. I guess I have a soft spot because I do want to keep it in good with her when I do want dances from her when nothing else is available.

    There is another stripper at this same club who will take 2-3 song talking breaks while in VIP or on the floor with me. The club or bouncer allows the breaks in VIP so I oblige and go along with her, but she doesn't charge me for the breaks. Not sure if it's part of her hustle plan hoping to get something extra for the extra time or she's genuinely lazy/tired. Either way I pay her a little something extra because there does be some holding/rubbing going on during those breaks.

    Despite the above, I'd never pay a stripper on her request for time used for convo. The convo is the persuasion or just usual prior to getting dances. It beats the walk up "Want a dance?"
  • bkkruined
    9 years ago
    I don't doubt there are guys out there that are really lonely enough that they really want to find a nice lady to talk with. And, I can only image the reason that they are so lonely is because they are so utter fucking boring that a stripper wouldn't want to sit and listen unless she was getting paid.
    If she sits down and starts chatting with me, I expect a sales pitch. Occasionally someone I'm just not interested in does this, but the local clubs (Seattle area) around here are much more mercenary then that and girls usually spend not more than 30 seconds chatting first (usually just "wanna dance").
    But travelling, I find a mixed bag. One time, I saw this hot young thing at this club that was kinda slow, after she was on stage she sat down by herself at the bar and just looked over the place for a while so I decided to approach her and cut pretty much straight to the point that I was interested in some private dances. The next night, right when I arrived, she comes over and sits next to me, we exchange greeting and kinda sit there awkwardly as she apparently expects me to entertain her with some witty conversation about my day. Sorry babe, proposition me for dances, or move on...
    If I'm not interesting enough for you to want to listen to me, don't bother. My feelings would be hurt a lot more if you asked for money to sit and listen than if you just politely excused yourself.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    @Subraman -- I can see that, though I'll point out that service providers and salespeople are not mutually exclusive professions.

    Regardless, the dancer needs to sort out whether or not the guy she's with is a buyer, a tire kicker, or just plain not in the market for a particular service.

    Some guys give off mixed signals, so I can see how it's a source of frustration. But I'd call that the cost of doing business.

    I'm never going to pay exclusively for chitchat.
  • Rabbit21
    9 years ago
    Sorry, babe, you're in sales. It's your choice to sit with me or not. If you do and you're not taking the hint I'm not interested or not pushing towards a dance that's not on me. I'll happily buy a drink to continue a conversation if I am having fun and I recognize that if I have taken up a dancers time and have not communicated that I am not interested in a dance then I owe at least a dance, but no more of the dance is lame. Is it a risk for the dancer, absolutely, but at the end of the day it's my money and I want to spend it smartly.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"Some guys give off mixed signals, so I can see how it's a source of frustration. But I'd call that the cost of doing business. "

    The complete lack of understanding of that concept, "cost of doing business", is one of the things that always amuses me about StripperWeb. I'm certain that, like all of us, SW girls use "cost of doing business" to their advantage ... e.g., sometimes shopping in a brick-and-mortar shop, then ordering the items they liked online for 2/3 the price. Or sometimes walked into a store, handled the goods, then decided not to buy and walk out. But man, the hatred those girls have for guys whose sole purpose isn't buying from them constantly, the unholy entitlement they show, always amuses me. I mean, there ARE things the club could do to discourage that -- e.g., have a 2-lap-dance minimum as part of the entrance fee/agreement -- but then there would be no business!
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I guess I'm the sole weirdo here. I tip for convo. *shrugs*. Pecunia mea, regulae mea. (My money, my rules).
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic: I have no problem at all with a customer deciding that conversation is a service you appreciate and tip for. I do question the SW concept of "conversation should cost as much, or half as much, or anywhere near the ballpark as dances".
  • IwillLapAdancer
    9 years ago
    I have tipped a dancer for conversation. She was from Ireland, and the more drinks I bought her, the more her accent would come out. I was really amused with her telling me all these stories of her life, while her accent got more intense with every drink. It was some of the best money I had spent that day, as I listen and laughed with her as she told me all her Irish tales. Had she just come up and said to me, it will be X dollars if you want to talk to me for X minutes, I would've just said no thank you. This Irish lass just sat down with me, and I offered to buy her a drink, and then this hour long convo started up.

    At the time I felt a little guilty about seemingly wasting her time, so I paid her the price of a couple of lap dances and she was surprised but thankful. I was entertained for an hour by her, so the price of a couple of lap dances was actually a big discount in its own way. I came into the club for entertainment, whether it be in the form of a stage show and/or lap dances, but got an interesting point of view form a pretty girl from a part of the world I'd never been too.

    Yep, I am a loser, so sue me.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->" It was some of the best money I had spent that day, as I listen and laughed with her as she told me all her Irish tales. Had she just come up and said to me, it will be X dollars if you want to talk to me for X minutes, I would've just said no thank you. This Irish lass just sat down with me, and I offered to buy her a drink, and then this hour long convo started up."

    That's exactly the kind of thing I do sometimes. I realize some guys place little value on socializing with strippers, but I imagine a lot of the above "only losers talk to strippers" is the tuscl version of SW-type posturing. IRL, I don't think I've EVER met an SC customer who doesn't like talking to strippers, if it's off the clock.

    But, " Had she just come up and said to me, it will be X dollars if you want to talk to me for X minutes, I would've just said no thank you" exactly describes me too. Getting charged just to talk is a non-starter, I'd not only never do it, but I'd never talk to that girl again, I'd pin her as an uber-hustler, and that would be that.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I don't have any problem with a girl charging for talking. I don't have a problem with a guy paying for it.

    However, personally, I'm not gonna pay a girl to sit and chat with me. If I was chatting with a girl, I'd be planning on buying some dances, and I'd probably have offered a drink. If she asked to be paid for talking, I'd decline and send her off without getting any dances. No way am I gonna fucking haggle over the cost of conversation. I suppose there's some chance I'd do a dance or two if she was particularly hot but its a slim chance. The next time I saw her, she's not getting a dime.

    I always assume the girl I see sitting in the corner on her phone is the one who thinks she should be getting paid to talk. She'd rather spend 6 hours at the club not making a nickel, but feel like she only "worked" for 2 hours and got paid for that time. She's too dumb to see that she actually worked for 6 hours either way, and if she wasn't such a greedy whore she'd probably make 3x the money and develop regular customers.

  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    "I always assume the girl I see sitting in the corner on her phone is the one who thinks she should be getting paid to talk. She'd rather spend 6 hours at the club not making a nickel, but feel like she only "worked" for 2 hours and got paid for that time. She's too dumb to see that she actually worked for 6 hours either way, and if she wasn't such a greedy whore she'd probably make 3x the money and develop regular customers. "

  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I think that SW mentality comes from the VIP/CR pricing. Apparently some PLs will spend $400-700/hr to talk in VIP + tip. I go to a club without rooms now, so that is not an issue. At this place, the dancers are happy to get anything. Hell, most of the time I tip them, they assume I'm pre-paying for dances later. Talking with them, almost NOBODY tips for time or convo, except for a few weird, wealthy gentlemen customers.

    Also, RBD touched on tipping once, and he mentioned it was regional. Meaning tipping for time in more common in the northeast but not really anyplace else. I think I recall reading that tipping out West is virtually unheard of. Not sure about the State Of Confusion (err, State of California).

    Also on the regional thing, I notice in the pacific northwest dancers and customers (Oregon, Wash, Alaska) will call the "tip rack" by the name "meat rack" or just plain "rack." I noticed that on SW. Rack vs. Rail. Interesting stuff!!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Lots of girls in strip clubs have guys that come in just to talk. Sometimes this means with the girl on his lap.

    Anyway, the guys that just want to talk do pay out lots of money, and usually they don't want much sexually. The guys don't want to escalate. Otherwise they would get a civilian GF. The girls really value these customers.


    ^^^^^^ talks about guys who are giving one girl 50% of their paychecks month after month.

    At our local clubs where they can have $20 air dances, I've declined dance invitations and just handed girls $20 just to keep siting and talking with me. Easier to talk when she is sitting next to me, instead of up on a little platform and keeping at least 6 feet away.

    In such places they are actually a bit friskier up on stage then they can be in the private dances.



    Also Rocky Anderson of Salt Lake City

    Discussion of Front Room Makeout Sessions

    Jestrite50 on requirement of front room makeout sessions

    and here:

    Anyone ever seen this? It does not look good!
    Not sure where this is based, or that it even has a base, but the 385 area code should be Salt Lake City. Reminds me of the views of ColdnShallow, and of some other moralistic women I know. Shows me all the more so why Porn, Strip Clubs, and P4P Sex are so important.

    Inside The Devil's Lair: Satanic Temple Revealed

    The Satanic Temple performs the nation's first state-sanctioned Satanic Ceremony in history

    The Satanic Temple and the First Amendment

    Sean Sellers, Oklahoma

    Doors - The End
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    ^^^"should be" "will call the **"TIP RAIL"** by the name" NOT _"tip rack"_
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @JamesSD $200 worth of dances doesn't entitle a man for extended time with a lady? Jeez you folks sure are high collar with your money. If a chick doesn't notice my money as exclusivity, then she should treat even $1K the same.

    Subraman, you always find the weirdest SW threads.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ^^^ You're welcome! LOL ... I have a few more queued up, but want to space them out
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    @Estafador, it depends on the dancer. most will stay with you for some time as $200 (or even $100 at a $10/dance club) is a nice little chunk of change. Most have $$ goals for the night / week / month whatever. As long as she's making her goals, she'll probably hang with you. Although it sounds like most of the mongers here understand that the lady may need to come and go at times to work the floor. My dancers behave like Subraman's dancers in that she will never leave my side without asking to leave first, which is a nice courtesy, and appreciated.

    In JamesSD's example, that's $200 at a $30/dance club, about 7 dances. She may or may not stay for 2 hours then. It depends on how much money she's giving up by working the floor. That's why I like to time separately for time. It encourages her to stay and I'll keep her as long as I'm being entertained. Plus with dances, the house get a cut of that $30 dance fee, whereas tipping for time, she gets to keep it all. The house may take $5-8 from a $30 dance. So she's left with $146-166, no small change, but that's only ~$75/hr, plus she may house fee to pay, which is usually higher at a $30/dance club that it is at a $20/dance or a $10/dance club.

    Generally I let the lady decide if she wants to stay or not. Based on my late '90s and early '00s clubbing, I have an idea of what $/hr it takes to keep them to stay.

    I find money with them goes farther as tips than it does as dances but they do make the bulk of their money from dances, so they're not stupid.

    Although in the OP SW post, the PL is question is kind of a needy leach and probably emotionally draining as a result, IMO. Let's call a spade a spade.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Come to think of it they should be paying ME for all of the witty conversation that I so graciously allow them to share in ...”

    LOL – you can always count on lopaw for a witty yet on the mark post !!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I can only think of paying a dancer for her time once in my professional PL career and that was early on in the mid-2000s at Baby Dolls and b/f I joined TUSCL.

    I had a very nice looking ebony w/ a great personality sitting w/ me after we had gotten dances – we spent close to 45 minutes talking and it was getting close to closing time (2:00 a.m.) and I was not in the mood for more dances so I tipped her $40 w/o her asking b/c I did appreciate her time and company and *was* very attracted to her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I don't necessarily think it's black or white, but like most things, it's the context.

    I “think” most/some dancers would want to be compensated if it's the custy that wants to spend extended time talking w/ them (alhtough I assume there *are* some dancers that expect to be compensated for their time no matter what).

    They say “relationships” are supposed to be 50/50 – you give and you get.

    If a dancer approaches a custy she should not expect $$$ for her time b/c she approached out of her on volition and it's up to her to cut it off.

    But if a custy insists on a dancer's time; then IMO he should compensate her adequately for her time whether that is getting a reasonable amount of dances or VIP.

    One can argue that custies and dancers have polar opposite motivations for being in a SC – the PL is there to please himself and have his/lopaw needs met and the dancer is there to make $$$ - so for a PL it may be nothing to sit there for 2 hours and not do anything or spend anything; but for a dancer that only has so many hours in a shift, burning an hour or two being w/ a custy can be a significant investment.

    It's business – an in business it's best to be clear and upfront so things go smoothly – if a PL wants extended time from a dancer he should be cognizant of her time and let her know what he wants (her time/company) and let her know he intends to get X dances from her after Y time so the dancer knows she is not wasting her time and can decide if it's worth it to her.

    I think how much time dancers invest w/a custy can be relative to the dance price – i.e. for $30/dance I think 2 or 3 songs of talking w/ the custy b/f he either buys some dances or lets her know he'll buy X dances later on after talking for a while; but in a $5 or $10 per dance club I think it's unfair and unrealistic to expect a dancer to spend 30 minutes talking to a custy that may only end up buying 2 dances.

  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    excl post, Papi_Chulo!
  • how
    9 years ago
    I don't ask a dancer to spend time at a table with me, as a general rule. That's especially true if I have no interest in doing more than talking. They ask if I'd like them to sit with me, and if I am interested, I say so. Talking is not a paid activity.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... What do you think about rareaspasia's suggestion ...”

    I think she is acting like a ROB and acting in bad faith.

    I don't like haggling over price for anything alhtough I'm not saying that's a bad thing – in the context of dancers I feel if they are being good to me I should be good to them – I prefer to quickly agree on a fair price rather than the dancer starting sky hight hoping the PL will bite and me starting way low hoping to save a few bucks – I don't like low-balling anyone or taking advantage of a particular dancer's situation so I can save a few bucks below fair market price.

    Many dancers, like many a sales-person, tries to get the most for the least instead of making the most by earning-it – the comment rareaspasia made reminds me of dancers that ROB unknowing custies that are SC-green and for example don't know the dance-prices and they ask a dancer and she will tell them the dance price is 1.5x or 2x what it really is.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I also think sometimes we are not cognizant that for many of these girls, more-so the very young-ones; it's not easy for them to carry a conversation w/ someone 2 to 3x their age whom may also be often better if not much better educated than them and has more and different life experiences – i.e. we often complain about dancers doing the “wanna dance” thing or sitting their like logs and in *some* instances they just are not capable at that point in their lives of doing any better.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    rareaspasia --> "Also, always ask for more than you want. If he says yes, awesome. If no, then you can bargain down to what you're actually ok with." --> end quote rareaspasia

    Subraman --> "What do you think about rareaspasia's suggestion? " --> end quote Subraman

    Asking for tips only works on guys in a narrow range: (1) guys who only get 1-3 dances and aren't regulars, (2) guys who spend less than $60, or for whom you never expect to get more than that, (3) guys you will never see again.

    See, let's call a spade a spade. Asking for tips is classless as fuck. Yes, rareaspasia is acting like a ROB. There is a SW quote that immediately comes to mind. "is it worth picking up nickels in front of a bulldozer?" Dancers should NEVER ask for a tip, unless it is for an "asshole tax" for mileage/VHM/UHM. Then maybe hun, try for it if you feel (Sexually) violated, you've got nothing to loose.

    britneyireland --> "Depending on the type of club you work in, is it worth picking up nickels in front of a bulldozer?

    Think about it this way, if a guy just spent $1000 on the VIP experience and you know he will come in again to see you...do you want to risk turning him OFF? I've seen this happen soooo many times by inexperienced dancers.

    The suggestions above are great for a fast turn over club where your sale is $20-60 and you just want an extra $5. But think twice before appearing overly greedy to higher dollar clientele." --> end quote britneyireland

    tuesdaymarie --> "This is pretty much what fellows on the blue side suggested. The customers who intend to spend their money on you do not appreciate being prodded for an extra $5, no matter how polite or subtle you think you're being. Definitely a wise thing to keep in mind." --> end quote tuesdaymarie

    THREAD: Asking for tips after a lap dance?

    A round of applause for britneyireland (aka Avalon) for understanding us.

  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Subraman, I tend to go on Friday nights. I like the vibe and the energy levels. It's like a party. But, yes, there is more traffic and more $$ from customers, but there are also more dancers on a Friday. This is when all of the 8s and 9s are working. I'm a stickler for quality.

    With that said, the money levels after 12 midnight become INSANE. This when when all of the drunk guys come in from the bars: WHOO-HOO, let's go to the STRIP CLUB!!! TITTIES!!! PARTY!!! MAKE IT RAIN!!! SHOTS FOR EVERYONE! So the $$ to get dancers' attention does up during the 12-1:30 period, sometimes until 2:00. So I try to leave before midnight for that reason. I plan to arrive around 8:45-9:30 and stay for 2+ hours.

    I go to the club to relax and clear my mind.

    I have experimented with Sun nights and Mon nights, so far, and I like Monday better than Sunday. There were only 5-6 dancers on Sunday (meh) and 10-12 dancers on Monday (better overall). Fridays are rockin' with 15-30 dancers. All things being equal, I would prefer to go on days where I don't have to work the next day (I get up at 4a).


    FWIW, the dancers say they feel I'm more of a Monday/Tuesday/Thursday guy, given how quiet and reserved I am and how much time I like to spend ITC (2hr up to 5 hrs). Maybe they are right but I feel like they are trying to move me and my $$ to a slow/dead period to maximize their weekly earnings. With that said, I was impressed with my Monday visit. I plan to try a Thursday visit next!
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    As for rareaspasia and her haggling, I don't like to haggle prices in the SC. That is just odd. A guy should just offer a tip amount that makes sense to the guy. All rareaspasia *should* do, or any dancer *should* do, is either stay or leave (worth it / not worth it). The only "prices" *she* should be setting are for any *extras* or "P4P".

    (I don't do extras, but dancers who do, should be able to set their prices. That's the *only* price the dancer sets )
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    @Hotstuff69babi, the way I started to tip for time started about 17 years ago. At Amber's Caberet, the dancers on day shift used to sit and chat for hours for just the cost of drinks. This was *much* more cost effective than night shift. Then they (collectively?) started to sit and drink, then leave after 10-20 minutes.

    I asked if they could stay and chat. They said they needed to sell dances and would have to circulate. I said I didn't like dances, as I blew through my (at the time) meager budget too quickly. To which she offered, "Well ..., you could *tip* me for my time, and I'll stay and chat for as long as you want." I asked what amount? To which she replied, "whatever amount makes sense to you, baby. I trust your judgement." *wink* -_^

    That was how I got starting tipping for time.


    It was something I did during the time(s) I was between girlfriends in my early 20s. It's Uber-pathetic. I can own that label. The habit kind of stuck with me, even though I less pathetic now, or so everyone tells me. ;-)

    Now I use tipping for time/convo to break the ice and have fun in the front room. Or so goes the experiment I keep telling myself. Realize I've been out of the SC scene for about 12 years. So far the response from dancers (SS) seems to be "so, really gentlement *do* exist. :heartbeat:heartbeat:PL:crush:" to "well hot damn, thank you kind sir!" So I keep it up (so far).
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic77-->"Subraman, I tend to go on Friday nights. I like the vibe and the energy levels. It's like a party. "

    I get that for sure; for me, my cheap bone overwhelms every other bone -- including my Bone bone, if you're picking up what I"m laying down -- every time :) Plus, I often SC with friends, and so drinking with them is all the party I need ... and my guilty pleasure is looking around the club, our table is full of strippers laughing (often more strippers than PLs at the table!) and empty cocktail glasses piled up high, and the rest of the club is dead. Given that I bring the party with me, I'm looking for a mind-blowing time that doesn't break the bank.

    Dominic77-->"but there are also more dancers on a Friday. This is when all of the 8s and 9s are working. I'm a stickler for quality."

    Yep, no doubt, there's nothing like a Friday or Saturday night, quality-wise. That said, it is definitely not true that "this is when ALL the 8s and 9s are working". I run into 8s and 9s on dayshift, on random days of the week, all the time... in fact, the single most beautiful stripper I've ever met was a dayshift girl. Yes, on dayshift, it's a great day if there's two 8s and a 9 (versus Friday night, when there's 20 8s and a whole lotta 9+s), but I just need ONE of them, and the Friday night 8s who charge a fuckload for every minute they spend do me no good anyway. And, once I hook up with my daytime 8 or 9, she'll come in any day I ask, by appointment.

    Dominic77-->" I'm a stickler for quality. "

    Good, I think more of us should be! I do have a bit more holistic view of quality though. A quality stripper:
    - Is at least an 8. Maybe a 7.5 if I'm buzzed :)
    - Loves to drink and party and is super fun at the table
    - Will hang out ALL afternoon, in exchange for a couple of VIPs
    - Delivers YMMV in the back, although in the low-touch alcohol clubs, even YMMV is admittedly low-mileage

    Anyway, none of this is arguing with you (except the notion that ALL the 8s and 9s only work busy shifts), PLs have different experiences they're looking for, and it's great that guys are looking for different experiences than I am -- less competition for me!
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I often go just to sit and party with the fun dancers. I rarely get dances on these days. I want them focused on having fun with me instead of worrying about their tip out so I do tip for their time. I usually tip 10 when they approach and tip 10 with each round of drinks. Comes out to about 40 per hour which, in my opinion, isn't too bad for partying with a fun scantily clad honey. I try to make it win/win. Any dancer that mentions getting paid to sit and talk or take drinks is very quickly distanced from.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Subraman, actually we are on the same page. I mean Friday night seems to guarantee 8s and 9s working. I am sure the 8s and 9s work other shifts too. Other shifts probably have 8s and 9s but maybe its a crap shoot? Monday had a few 9s and a bunch of 8s, some 7s, and a 6. And you're right, I just need a least 1 girl that I am interested in.

    Subraman --> " and my guilty pleasure is looking around the club, our table is full of strippers laughing (often more strippers than PLs at the table!) and empty cocktail glasses piled up high" --> end quote Subraman

    My Monday night actually somewhat resembled that. I bunch of dancers came over and wanted me to describe what clubs were like back in '95 and what a real "red light district" was like back then (shops, adult stores, clubs, video booths, hookers, etc.). Most weren't out of elementary school back then, if they were even that old, so that world was unknown and alien (perhaps Lovecraftian?) to them. So I had 5 dancers to myself for a shortwhile. That was fun. That would probably never happen on a Friday night.

    I also noticed that I was tipping less for time, but the dancers didn't seem to leave. I was tipping $40-50/hour. (two 5s at a time after drinks were out vs single $20) Sunday was the least expensive but Monday wasn't far behind. This was the least amount of $$ I spent out clubbing in my last 5 visits (Sept to Feb). So I'm kind of a fan of the Monday now.

    I still want to try a Thursday and a Saturday night. but so far, I am impressed with the 'A' team working Mondays. :thumbsup:
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    No doubt the highest # of talent is on Fr/Sat nights – but the more I SC and the older I get (46 now) the less I want to deal with/tolerate the Fr/Sat BS both from dancers and the young SC novices.

    More and more I’m becoming more of a dayshifter or non-peak nights (but more so dayshifter) – seems the QoS is just that much better on dayshift along w/ the dancers often being more experienced and more mature and thus knowing how to treat a custy vs acting like entitled little brats.

    Although I agree w/ Dominic in that if one leaves by midnight (particularly in late-closing clubs that get going later) one can have a decent time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Too often I see young dancers on Fr/Sat nights partying more than the custies – i.e. they spend the night getting hammered and acting silly and hanging-out w/ their dancer buddies like if they were in a house-party – and for me personally a hammered dancer that treats the SC as if it was just a party and pays more attention to her dancer-buddies than the custies; is a waste of time.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic77-->"My Monday night actually somewhat resembled that. I bunch of dancers came over and wanted me to describe what clubs were like back in '95 and what a real "red light district" was like back then (shops, adult stores, clubs, video booths, hookers, etc.). Most weren't out of elementary school back then, if they were even that old, so that world was unknown and alien (perhaps Lovecraftian?) to them. So I had 5 dancers to myself for a shortwhile. That was fun. That would probably never happen on a Friday night. " --->

    Exactly! Obviously, a lot of the guys above aren't looking for that experience, but I love it. One of my favorite SC trips was from a few months ago, a rare solo trip for me, the shift was even slower than usual, and almost the entire shift, I had 2-4 girls at my table. The only one I bought dances from was my CF, the other girls just decided to hang out ... apparently, the fact that I was buying bottom-shelf drinks, when no other customers in the club were buying anything at all, was enough to get them to stay. Sometimes new customers would come into the club, the hangers-on would wander over and try to get dances, and if they couldn't, eventually meander back to my table. One of the hangers-on was particularly fun and I did slip her $40 (she'd spent all afternoon with us).

    To re-re-re-emphasize, I'm crystal clear that the only one I'm buying dances with is my CF, but that they're welcome to stay and drink, and I don't feel I'm obligated to tip anything beyond those drinks once a stripper accepts... but, if I'm having super fun with them, I'll tip some anyway.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi-->"No doubt the highest # of talent is on Fr/Sat nights – but the more I SC and the older I get (46 now) the less I want to deal with/tolerate the Fr/Sat BS both from dancers and the young SC novices.

    More and more I’m becoming more of a dayshifter or non-peak nights (but more so dayshifter) – seems the QoS is just that much better on dayshift along w/ the dancers often being more experienced and more mature and thus knowing how to treat a custy vs acting like entitled little brats." --->

    Could not agree more. And I get it -- when customers outnumber strippers, the strippers can behave like entitled brats and still make bank ... and the fact is, there's another PL around every corner practically begging the girls to take their money. I have less and less tolerance for the way night girls behave these days, especially since I discovered how well I'm treated during dayshift. The hotter lineup isn't worth the piss-poor experience, for me. Now that my eyes are open, there's a minimum quality of experience I demand.
  • JimJedi
    8 years ago
    My ATF has a customer that doesn't like to go for dances but he pays her $20 for every song that's playing plus a tip on top of that. And drinks too.
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