
Hong Kong Gentlemans club

Crazy Town USA
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:26 PM
Has anyone who post on here regularly ever been to the Hong Kong club in Mexico? I keep seeing reviews for it on this site and it seems almost too good to be true, girl wise, price wise and the ability to take a girl to a hotel room connected to the club. Was just wondering what the experience has been for anyone here that might have gone. I'm really thinking of making a trip to San Diego and taking the quick trip over the border to visit this club one day...


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I'm in San Diego, and the Mexican guys I worked with all said Adelita's was the place to go. Beautiful girls for cheap. But as for me, I really don't like TJ, and I don't feel like visiting a busy brothel there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Never been – but often keep up w/ the reviews and pretty much most of the 500 reviews seem overwhelmingly positive – close to 500 reviews can’t be full of shit IMO – I actually don’t recall any SC on TUSCL that gets as many favorable reviews vs non-favorable reviews. If you wanna go – just go – I don’t think anyone else on this board can add much that has not been already stated in the reviews – IMO it’s worth a visit for one to make up their own mind.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IMO HK seems to get more favorable reviews than Adelitas.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Never been there, but I'm working to get things set up so that I'll be able to be there regularly. It sounds like heaven on earth. I can't imagine why mikeya02 would see it differently, but I'd be most interested in hearing more from him. But as I never take anything at face value, I'm also raising the question of what would it take to be able to enjoy TJ Hong Kong quality here in the United States. The issue is not just pricing or the looks of the girls. Rather it is the quality of the sessions and what things contribute to this or take away from it. I feel that it is extremely important that we explore these questions, as domestic strip clubs could be much better. [view link] SJG
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    From everything I've read on here, it sounds like a location to visit if, for no other reason, to enjoy a been there -- done that moment. It is on my bucket list. If it is as great as everyone says, even if I only visit once, I'll know I did it!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    @Warhawks, good catch. Most if not all the HK reviews are from those who are not active on TUSCL. I'd still like to make a visit sometime.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    It's a legal whore house in a 3rd world country. What's not to believe.
  • etsutwigg222
    9 years ago
    Believe the reviews. I go to both whenever I am in southern CA. Try at least to go 4 times per year with one being a weekender. 95% of time trips were well worth it. But much depends on what you are expecting.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… Most if not all the HK reviews are from those who are not active on TUSCL …” That’s probably the case for pretty much all SCs. HK & Adelitas have been discussed on the board b/f and those that have commented pretty much align w/ the reviews.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I plan to go sometime that I'm in San Diego but I hope to find another guy to go with me cause I'm paranoid walking around with cash in a poor third world country.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    There are many HK reviewers that have many reviews of U.S. clubs and they still seem to give HK a big thumbs up.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Be aware you're supposed to have a passport to cross the border, and crossing times can suck. TJ is fairly safe for men but not "safe". Definitely take a cab. Most of the reviews summarize the best way to cross into TJ. Despite close geography, don't assume you can zip from a hotel in SD to HKB. There's a reason a lot of reviews spend the night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… I plan to go sometime that I'm in San Diego but I hope to find another guy to go with me cause I'm paranoid walking around with cash in a poor third world country …” Gringos have been partying in TJ for decades and although the situation in Mexico today is not what it was in years past; it seems HK is very close to the border (even walking distance although most people take the 5-minute, I believe, cab ride). I read the reviews and have not read one yet where someone said “watch your back” or “this happened to me … be careful” – of course one may not want to go wondering around back alleys and such; but more often than not I’ve read reviewers stating they felt safer in TJ than many American cities. TUSCLer silkypants is a pretty heavy reviewer and used to be on the board quite a bit – he’s done TJ many times (couple of times per year) – PM him if you want details.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I have not personally read this website but seems like a good TJ monger site: [view link]
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Don't forget the rooms. Like anywhere else, the more you spend, the better it is. Yes, I was told there are cheapo rooms. [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah – if one plans on a fuck-fest; best to rent a room for the day/night than paying every time you go up there.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I just went to HK and Adelita's earlier this month. I didn't like Adelita's because the girls were too mercenary and business like. Plus a lot of them seemed to be on the much older side. HK is the shit. It definitely lives up to its reputation. Where else can you get UHM contact for $1? The women are good looking and very flirtatious. And you can take her to the VIP or to the hotel next door and fuck her for around $60-$80. Believe the reviews.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    While I agree that HK sounds wonderful, I'm more intrigued by Germany's FKK clubs are on my bucket list. All legal, all accommodating, wide choice of many beautiful women.
  • viju_62
    9 years ago
    HK club is legal club/brothel in Mexico as well. I have been going there for some time alone. I play safe by staying in hotel above this club (same owner). Playing Safe tips 1. Cross Border in day time. (follow crowd) 2. Cross bridge to taxi stand (follow crowd) 3. Take taxi directly to HK (they might drop you at Adelitas, but walk back to HK) 4. Check into hotel above HK. Book Master Suite. 5. Freshen up and head downstairs to HK Club. 6. Pick a girl or two girls if you can handle and take her/them upstairs to your room.. 7. Repeat step 6 above as many times until your energy, budgeted money is spent. 8. For tips inside HK club, follow reviews. All are true. Yes they sound like too good to be true. 9. if you want to eat something, order room service. It's cheap. No need to roam around streets if you don't want to. 10. Check out of hotel. Take a taxi back to border. 12. Wait could be 10 mins to 3 hours on depending on weekday / time. 13. Don't bring back anything from Mexico to US. Enjoy and report your review.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    @viju, do you pay cash for the hotel? Any ID needed?
  • bkkruined
    9 years ago
    I've been to Adelita's and I think if was the Chicago club across the street, but over 10 years ago (maybe 15) when I had friends and family in San Diego. (they've all moved) I'd consider it more of a brothel than a strip club. There was no "stage" with anyone dancing on it, rather a dance floor, with mostly couples. Girls stood around waiting for you to approach them, introduce yourself, and ask to go fuck. But I've only been there a couple times. A long time ago. Possibly before that passport requirements. Each time I went was in the evening, returning early AM, midnight to 2-3, and there wasn't much of a line to walk across the border. (parked at the border parking lot, walked across, got a taxi). It was a great place to go if you've already in San Diego, or close. But if I was going to pick a place to go for fun, Bangkok's always been my favorite, or Pattaya if you really go off the wall. Philippines was always second on my list to visit, but I keep returning to Thailand instead. If that's too far, what I've heard about Costa Rica attracts me much more than TJ. And it might be a third world country, but it's a short cab ride from the a pretty nice area of a very rich country, with a lot of like minded guys making that same trip, cause it's no secret. So there's still quite a bit of demand for whatever supply they have, holding prices steady.
  • viju_62
    9 years ago
    @JamesSD, No ID required for check in. Carry all cash..... Specially enough 1s and 5s for tips and drinks... And carry 20s for sessions with girls. But carry passport or passport card or green card for your return back to US.
  • mark94
    9 years ago
    I've been there. It's exactly as advertised. More bordello than strip club. Mexican ladies.....more curves than you find in the US strip clubs. If you prefer skinny girls, or blondes, don't bother. Perfectly safe inside the club, safe nearby if you are sober. The drunker and further you get from the club (like, more than a block), the less safe it is. Can be a hassle getting back across the border. Use US dollars in cash. Take a taxi both ways. Don't bring or buy drugs. Watch your wallet like a hawk. Don't get drunk. Don't cause trouble. Don't wander outside the club. Do all this, and you'll be fine. Personally, after trying it once, I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Two TUSCLers that I know personally have reviewed TJ clubs--Silkypants and Wongy. Wongy's reviews are dated February 2015, and so the information is current. I would read and trust their reviews.
  • silkypants
    9 years ago
    Been there done that. Can be the greatest strip clubs on earth. It took me a couple of trips to figure out how to deal with the constant drink hassle and get the full strip club experience I was looking for. For the price of a discount flight to Germany, you can have a three day weekend in San diego/TJ including air, hotel, car and as many girls as you can handle. Did I mention the shaving cream show?
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    The drink hassle is the only thing that I don't like at HK. The servers are AGGRESSIVE in picking out a dancer for you and getting you to buy a drink for her. They just will not take "no" for an answer. It's best to constantly roam around the club instead of sitting in one area for too long; otherwise they will pressure you to buy drinks for her. Oh yeah...shaving cream show was off the chain too.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    All the clubs in Tijuana and in Mexico in general are 100 times better than all the US clubs, and don't forget the US is turning into a 3rd wold country lets not kid ourselves
  • Electronman
    9 years ago
    If you've ever wondered what would it be like to live in a place where prostitution was legal, then make a visit to Tijuana, more specifically the Zona Norte where Hong Kong, Adelitas and several lesser quality venues are located. I should also mention that a few of the street girls are also hot and offer very reasonably priced services. I prefer Hong Kong over Adelitas because it is more of a strip club atmosphere with attractive Latina women dancing on multiple stages and being available for fondling and arriba (a trip to the attached hotel) between their stage performances. Also, the shaving cream show is quite entertaining. Adelitas has periodic dancers on a central stage but most of the women loiter around the periphery of the club trying to attract the attention (and money) of the patrons. Viju-62 offers good tips for safety earlier in this discussion. I can think of only three hassles: 1) if you aren't semi-fluent in Spanish, then communication will be a bit of a challenge-- probably only 10% of the dancers speak English; 2) the waiters can be a pain in the ass with their constant hustle to sell drinks and VIP visits (I strongly recommend the adjacent hotels over the VIPs inside the clubs) and 3) the wait time to cross back into the US can be lengthy, unless you tend to cross at night after a visit to the club. Carrry your passport and take the $5 ride between the border and the clubs.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Most of the street girls are beautiful it beats any day trying to get extras in a US club where the girls want 200 for fs ,yea fucking right !
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    If you are close it is worth a visit (and I am a girl who has never had any luck in Hong Kong) Mr Press is always very friendly with the meseros, we have never found anyone pushy, the girls are beautiful, the club is very nice. The block has a good police presence which is good and makes police presence almost un necessary , if that makes sense. There are quite a few clubs quite close together, walk down a few doors or across the street to others safely and you will see that HK feels like the U.S. but with more beautiful women and a lot to see. Cabs are right there at the border and also at the club.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    and yes, get a master room at Cascadas. I believe Rizo de Oro where we stayed is also connected to HK but I am not sure. Don't get a crappy room. Get a master suite with Jacuzzi tub. They are very nice. Rizo is very quiet compared to Cascadas.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Only time I went to Mexico I went to Nuevo Laredo. From what I've read, seems like it is a lower echelon TJ. I couldn't wait to get back in the US and was afraid something might happen like it did to the "most beautiful woman in the world", Sandra Bullock, in "The Net".
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @silkypants wrote, "Did I mention the shaving cream show?" Have you actually participated, or did you just mistype about the whipped cream show? So many people seem to make this mistake. I think TJ's Zona and these clubs are one of the top handful of sacred pleasure spots on the face of the earth and I am working so that in future times I should be able to be there regularly. As I see it, it is not just that Mexico is a 3rd world country were many people have few other viable economic options, like it is has gotten in the US. It is not just that the rates are lower, or that it is legal. There is also something about Latina culture which makes it different. Even though I have yet to be in TJ to partake of this, my own local experiences with Latina escorts in strip clubs and bars running 'Bikini Shows", and also just common experiences with civilians, tell me that there is nothing else like partaking with them in such a conducive environment. @silkypants, we are still anxious for that thread you promised us about Mexicana GFE. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @gawker, What are you seeing in FKK clubs versus TJ Honk Kong which would make you pick one over the other? Both are interesting to me, very interesting. What I would expect to be better about HK, besides being closer to home, is that as it is a strip club the girls are more into sexy dressing and the visual display, and they are more likely to use a strong physical come on so that you can have this sort of relationship with the girl before you commit to the session with her. It is also just my own personal experiences with Latinas. Its always going to be a zero disappointment situation. The FKK idea is derived from a nudist camp movement. Nudist camps are boring places. Now I know they have modified the idea some, but I still would not expect it to equal a strip club. Both HK Bar and FKK clubs seem designed to allow you the possibility of spending more time with your girl. But I suspect that this is more typical in the HK Bar, as I think there it is more understood that the girls are completely free agents who don't have to answer to anyone. They have to eat, bathe, and sleep somewhere sometime, why not with you. Worf Poe video [view link] Hong Kong Bar, body paint [view link] SJG Stones, 1981 [view link]
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    I (ms press) have got to get to writing our GFE from Tropical Bar but I only have the GFE story and not the club review. Mr press was in tropical to see if anything could happen quickly after our booked escort was running hours late and we were running out of hotel time Well it worked out in amazing GFE fashion. Whoa.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Would love to hear about Tropical Bar, GFE. I think the women there are a few years older than those at the HK. They would be great for me! SJG
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I would like to visit HK. Just waiting on cheap airfare to San Diego. It seems like a safe club and fairly priced. It's the only club I would visit in Mexico. I just came back from Mexico City, but I know to stay away. Most strip clubs are there to scam you.
  • silkypants
    9 years ago
    It is shaving cream show. It is not whipped cream.
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