
OT: Good thing Brady wasn't suspended

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Monday, September 21, 2015 4:13 AM
He's on fire. Over two games, he's thrown for over 750 yards and 7 touchdowns - against two good team. He obviously has a point to prove and he's doing it. Normally, I would be more of a good sport about my team's wins, but after this shady attempt by the NFL to do behind the scenes what they cannot do on the field, fuck it. Brady has a point to prove and he's doing it. Going 4-0 in the first 4 starts, which is looking increasingly likely now and which would not have happened if Brady was suspended for those games, would be a great start. .


  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I have GRONK on my fantasy team. So as much as it pains me, I'm glad Brady is throwing Touchdowns -- For now anyway.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Wow! They beat the Bills. There's an accomplishment (then again you're the guy who thinks paying a hooker for sex is one).
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    If gronk stays healthy Brady should have a good year.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Doug the Bills have potential this year, but take that with a grain of salt... After all Cleveland and Jax are 1-1, Seattle and San Fran are 0-2. This certainly is an interesting start to the season.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    I'm glad he wasn't suspended too. Now, when the Pats lose, their fans won't have the excuse that they didn't have Brady at QB.
  • bkkruined
    9 years ago
    Living in Seattle, being a Seahawks fan, I've heard no one say that Brady isn't a very good QB. And, it's pretty widely acknowledged that he didn't have to cheat to win, esp. in that game with the Colts. But, it's pretty obvious he did cheat anyway. Even with his remarkable skills, he's a cheating douche bag.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Good point. He's still a cheater on a cheating team. He's also a borderline future hall of famer to me. In his prime manning was a better player on a worse team. Rodgers is a better QB now. Brady is still easily top 10, probably top 5. But he's borderline elite.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    brady is a BORDERLINE future hall of famer to you? lolololol JamesSD just lost all credibility on NFL talk
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    and shayilnn....the san fran 9ers aren't 0-2 they beat us thanks for reminding me :-(
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, I don't know what you are responding to, but the Bills are a much better team this year. They beat Indy last week, convincingly I might add, and the Vegas odds makers actually pegged the Patriots-Bills games as a push. Looking around the AFC and at the Bills schedule, I think that they could compete for a wild card spot this year.
  • Rholder55
    9 years ago
    I know you guys saw how bad my eagles looked yesterday. Honestly, I haven't seen them play this poorly in such a long time, considering the expectations this team had coming into the season. I think Chip Kelly gets the ax after this season..
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    rholder55....you think Chip gets the axe after this season? think again dude, chip won 20 games in his first 2 seasons with the eagles..........that's VERY good you're just overreacting like the rest of the eagles fans
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    @GoVikings, try being a Charger fan. Lots of great players and seasons, never made it. Now we're buying that some talented young guys will help get the job done. I wish but...
  • Rholder55
    9 years ago
    GoVikings, if we continue to play the way we did yesterday, we're not winning more than 5 games. Kelly has a system that's predicated on speed, which works effectively at the college level. You just outrun the opponents on defense. Problem is, this is the NFL, EVERYBODY is fast. Coaching staffs around the league have figured Kelly out. Force the O into 3 and outs, chew up the clock and tire the defense out. My birds were on the field for almost 41 minutes last night, and somehow only gave up 13 points. I tip my hat to them. Yes Kelly may have won 20 games in his first two seasons, a formidable task. BUT, what you may not know is that this offseason he was appointed director of personnel, essentially making him a GM. Bad decision making at the GM position can cost him his coaching job, remember what happened to Andy Reid before Kelly was brought in. I can go on for days about why the Chip Kelly experiment is in a downward spiral. He's been getting GRILLED mercifully by the Philadelphia media for his player personnel decisions. He trades away Nick Foles and draft picks for Sam Bradford. Are you kidding me? Sam Bradford? All he does is talk about the culture of the team and believes any player can be inserted into the system for instant success. Hell, McCoy is better suited for Kelly's style of offense than DeMarco Murray is. I'm not saying McCoy is better than Murray, but Murray is a downhill runner, and doesn't have the lateral ability or agility that McCoy has. Leads back to poor decision making as a GM. Jeffrey Lurie gave Kelly too much power, and now he may be starting to realize it. While it may be a bit of an overreaction from your perspective, us Eagles fans have been down this road before. It's still only week 2, but this organization as a whole has to get their head out of their ass. Remember the Vince young appointed "Dream Team" from 2011? I know you remember how that turned out for us. If things don't turn around next week when we play the Jets, things will get ugly..
  • Rholder55
    9 years ago
    That should say "getting grilled mercilessly," not mercifully..
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    mikeya02-- i know exactly how it feels. the vikings have had lots of great players and great seasons as well, but have never been able to get over the hump........just like the chargers rholder55- great post. but yeah, we might learn that all the drastic moves chip made over the off-season turn out to be a terrible decision. but at this stage of the season, we still don't know. its only week 2. you didn't see me jump off the bridge after the 9ers game on MNF, did ya?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Everyone says Aaron Rodgers is the best QB in the league right now, but looking at it objectively I would definitely take Brady over Rodgers. Rodgers has the regular season stats, but he comes up too short in the postseason for my liking. He's been beaten twice in the playoffs by Colin Kaepernick, he should have closed out Seattle last year, he lost to Eli Manning in the playoffs at HOME the year the Packers went 15-1. Brady is arguably the most clutch QB ever, Montana might have something to say about though.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    The simple fact is that when it is all said and done Tom Brady will be remembered by honest sports fan as the single finest qb in history. Buffalo destroyed Luck and Brady destroyed Buffalo. Brady destroyed Pitt and Pitt destroyed San Fran. Manning on a worse team? Yeah Reggie Wayne; Marvin harrison; edgerrin James; Dallas clark all pale in comparsion to guys like Aaron dobson and reche caldwell. I still think Montana is #1, but after february's super bowl win in 2016 the numbers change.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    ^^^ "single finest qb in history." Joking, I hope. No way you can compare the QB pussies of today with the real men that played the game years ago. As an example... [view link]
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Skibum609 you're a Patriots fan...your opinion is automatically bias just like your fellow Patriots fan Ricky-Boy
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Bias does not necessarily = inaccurate. I would also add that many are equally biased against him. Look at his career and everything he has accomplished and their is a strong case for him. Look at all the years he helped pull the Pats to a winning season even when the team had serious deficiencies, including marginal defenses, no name receivers, etc. Look how many different receivers came out of the scrap heap, became brand names and then left for big contracts because Brady was throwing to them. Look at how many headcases the Pats took on (Randy Moss and Cory Dillon among others) who became good corporate citizens, in part, because Brady was the undisputed leader of the team. Look at how he has handled adversity. He's one of the most mentally tough and agile QBs in the game and he never quits. He even makes adjustments to his throwing style and timing when his offensive line is having trouble protecting him, unlike some QBs who whine like little pukes when conditions aren't perfect. And speaking of conditions, he has played many of his most critical games in harsh New England winter conditions, unlike so many of the QBs who play most of their games in domes or in warmer weather climates. His tremendous talent, leadership and toughness are all reasons why the Pats have been in so many Superbowls in this century and have earned 4 rings since 2001. Name 1 QB that has done as much as Brady under as many challenging conditions.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    should be "there is" not "their is" - I am typing too fast, lol.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    New Superbowl prediction. Colts vs eagles.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ^ You do realize that Romo is going to be out for at least half the season, no? Besides, even is Dallas miraculously made it that far this year, Romo is a choke artist who can't win the big games.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I think if Brady wins 5 Superbowls, Montana will still be looked at the best ever. Montana went 4-0 in Superbowls, and Brady lost twice in the Super Bowl to freaking Eli Manning. Not to mention people will always talk about Spygate and Deflategate. I think Brady needs 6 Superbowls to be looked at the undisputed best ever. RHolder55 is definitely right that Chip Kelly will get the ax at the end of the season if the Eagles don't make the playoffs. Good riddance too, he's such a arrogant pompous ass.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    "Not to mention people will always talk about Spygate and Deflategate." No they won't. They were both non-events, the former being something that many teams were doing up until then and the latter not even being true. Only the press and other dramatic bitches would even still put a "gate" on either one and neither will be remembered as a serious event or "black mark" on the enormous accomplishments of Brady, especially if he puts an exclamation point on them this year. We now know that the deflation itself can't even be proven, nevermind the wild speculation surrounding it. And until a year or so before so-called "Spygate"around it.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    ranukam---nah, chip won't get fired if the eagles miss the playoffs this season. dude, coaches are judged on their overall body of work, not ONE season. and although the eagles aren't off to a good start.........chip's overall body of work with the eagles is good
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Dugan can you be objective at all when talking about the Patriots? Dude, of course they're gonna bring up that stuff when talking about Brady's legacy, especially Deflategate. By the way it wasn't proven that Brady wasn't part of deflating balls, it was just that they didn't have enough evidence to warrant suspending Brady. Govikings you have to look at the whole picture. If the Eagles don't make the playoffs this year, that will be two straight years of not making the playoffs. The one year they made the playoffs they got bounced in the first round. Not to mention they got rid of all their playmakers (Jackson, Maclin, McCoy etc). Chip is now in control of player personnel, so that's all on him. Not to mention all the controversy surrounding Chip, the fact that it's Philly, and the NFL is not a patient business. Yeah he's definitely gone if they don't make the playoffs, that's pretty easy to see.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Rick, you're over looking Bradshaw and the Steelers won 4 superbowls in 6 years..The competition was tougher also. They had to go through some great teams
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    ranukam-- let's bet on it then
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Holy shit GoVikings, Chargers play the Vikings this Sunday. Wanna bet?
  • Rholder55
    9 years ago
    GoVikings It's interesting you say that coaches are judged by their overall body of work and not one season. If that's the case then why isn't Jim Harbaugh still the coach of the 49ers? Took them to 3 NFC Championship games and a Superbowl appearance in his first 3 seasons. Last year (his 4th as 49ers HC) he goes 8-8 and is let go. It's not solely based on what happens on the field. If a coach loses his grip on the locker room or players begin second guessing him and lose their confidence in their coach, it can go downhill in that fashion as well..
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Ranukam, they can't even prove if, or by how much, the balls were even deflated. Do some more research - the original stories on the matter, initially broken by ESPN, were found to be bogus.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    mikeya02, Bradshaw, see my post above. "No way you can compare the QB pussies of today with the real men that played the game years ago."
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    This RickyBoy sure is hung up on the subject of Tom Brady and his balls. What a fuckin' homo!
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    Deflategate merely proves that people are stupid. Since deflategate broke Brady, over the three game straetch has been literally perfect. All you suckers fell for it.
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