
Comments by Essdub (page 2)

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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Box Score
    Come on man, he was cheered as he entered the game because he's the first openly gay athlete to play in the NBA. He was signed to a 10 day contract as a roster filler, there really isn't much that's expected in terms of production out of him. What's so hard to understand about applauding him as a person rather than his performance on the court?
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    11 years ago
    Ronda Rousey
    It's not that I think she's ugly from a purely physical standpoint. It's more about the way she behaved on TUF and regularly showed her "bitch face". She's a great fighter, but I want to see her get pounded--by another girl in the face.
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    11 years ago
    Ronda Rousey
    No I would not, her bitch face kills it for me. The more I see of her, the less I like her. I really want to see her get beat tonight.
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    11 years ago
    Advise please
    Wow dude, I used to score 3rd grade essays and even they knew how to use paragraphs.
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    11 years ago
    How do you want it?
    I think a good approach take is to treat it like extended foreplay. Make good eye contact, let your hands roam, and when in doubt--slow down. It helps if you actually enjoy giving the dances, but if not just finding a way to give your customer the impression that he isn't so bad will help too.
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    11 years ago
    Paying Hookers for Sex is an Accomplishment Worthy of Gordon Gekko!
    It's Lais Deleon.
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    11 years ago
    Paying Hookers for Sex is an Accomplishment Worthy of Gordon Gekko!
    Well which ASSHOLE has created this Alias? Of all the hilarious posts this weekend, that one actually made me laugh. I haven't been around the boards that long, but like nearly everyone else here I knew exactly who it was as soon as I saw the name.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's with this Yoda faggot ?
    Papi, don't worry about it man, you aren't missing anything worthwhile anyway. While a small minority on that site might actually be cool people, Stripper Web is mainly just for ass kissers and catering to the egos of a bunch of bitches that think they're the shit.
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    11 years ago
    Strippers and Valentine's Day
    I think it's a tossup between Valentine's and New Year's Eve as the worst possible days to go to a strip club. You might as well go to a random bar.
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    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When you discover someone you know from the non-stripper world is now stripping
    The first time I went to a local strip club I recognized a girl from my African Studies class, and at the time recognizing someone was the worst case scenario. She came over and sat with me but as hot as she was, I couldn't get dances from her, I just tipped her a few bucks and left. She was really a cool girl though, the next day I saw her in class she just smiled and waved. Another time I was over at a friend's house and he introduced me to a roommate of his that I had already met at a strip club, we both just acted like we didn't know each other. It actually wasn't awkward at all seeing her there in subsequent visits. When she talked to me it was just a normal conversation, and if she needed a ride home I was as a safe choice. Assuming your SO is fine with your clubbing habits, you might as well go back if it's a club you like. You know the reality of the situation is that girls find themselves working in clubs because they need money. That doesn't mean she's going to try and get it from you, I think she's more likely to just appreciate having someone there that she recognizes as being a normal, decent guy.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why do strippers get fired?
    It's kind of funny that smoking up in the club is common enough to have a set punishment.
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    11 years ago
    Strippers and Buttonflys?
    I pretty much always wear soft wide corduroys, they aren't your average cords though. I've had a few girls tell me they're the best pants to dance on. I just wear them for comfort, but there's one particular girl that always has to rub up on them and practically begs me to let her give me a dance.
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    11 years ago
    OTC Signs?
    I know some of the feedback you're getting might seem a little harsh, but you always have to remember that the girls are working. I've gotten the wrong idea before even when I thought I knew better. About 10 years ago I met a dancer that was typically always in VIP or looking to get back there. She came over to me at the bar, wouldn't let me even buy her drinks, and we just talked for a couple hours before we did a couple of dances. After we were done she said something to the effect of I want to see you outside of the club, and asked how to get ahold of me. We ended up trading numbers, having a lunch a couple days later and hanging out for the afternoon. It's embarrassing to admit, but I've never hit it off with anyone like I did with her. To make a long story short, a week or two later she finally told me she was engaged. There was never pay for play and we still hung out occasionally, but I never really knew why things started the way they did. As others have said, just enjoy it for what it is. If you want OTC with her you might as well ask, you're not likely to be ruining a good thing.
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    11 years ago
    Silk vs. Cotton boxers
    I have worn both silk and cotton boxers, silk is far superior in my opinion.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do you have a fave LD move/position ?
    I'm partial to the classic cowgirl style slow grinding, bonus points if they bite my ears. Titty fucking and blow job simulations are nice too.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ever get a stripper fired?
    I contributed to one dancer being fired, although it happened because she ignored my recommendation. It was back when I was in college and this one girl would always try to get me to hook her up because I had a good but limited connection for high-quality buds. Occasionally I would get some butter thrown my way as well. So one day I thought I would be nice and bring her a "special" peanut butter cookie. It was a pretty decent sized cookie and I advised her not to eat more than half of it. Apparently she had been drinking too much to believe me and went ahead and ate the whole thing. I wasn't there for the grand finale but the next time I went in I was told that she blew chunks all over the place when she was up on stage and got fired. I felt pretty bad about it at the time, but they let her back like a month later. I thought she might be pissed at me, but she had a pretty good sense of humor about it.
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    11 years ago
    My Dad used to own a business that did oilfield insulating, and I know there are people working there that fall into the oilfield trash category. He swore that everyone who ever worked for him stole something in one way or another. One piece of shit even made a point to be the last to leave the table everyday at the restaurant they were eating at during their stay to steal the tip off the table. I don't think their actions could be interpreted as undermining your authority since they didn't know who you are. They're just shitty human beings, but I also can't blame you for wanting to make them pay for it. The drug testing is a nice little zinger, it would seem to me that a discussion about the events of the evening with their employer wouldn't be out of line either. Perhaps you could also use a personal assistant to chauffer you around and spare you from those pussy drinks in the future.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Perfect set up except...
    I am admittedly a "pit bull person", I have two of them myself, have cared for and been around many and have yet to encounter a bad one. If their owners are comfortable with it, I really don't think you have anything to worry about. You could always bring a couple of deer antlers or 12" bully sticks to win them over and keep them busy, but if they're staying with them in a hotel room they either have crates to secure them for cleaning staff or they're totally fine with people coming and going.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Perfect set up except...
    Pit bulls aren't anything to be scared of. As long as they've been treated like pets instead of property, they are as friendly and rock-solid in temperament as any other dog.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Finding out if she does OTC
    I think Papi has a good idea, but it would have to be someone she wouldn't come in contact with somewhere down the road. Even if she passed that test, you still wouldn't know for sure. She may not do it for just anyone, but that doesn't mean she keeps it strictly ITC. I can't blame you for not wanting to be involved with a stripper that sees customers OTC, but I think the only sure way to avoid that is not to date strippers.
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    11 years ago
    Two Girl Lap Dances
    I've gotten a double once from my two favorites who also happened to be friends. I say go for it, but it's probably not something you want to make a habit of.
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    11 years ago
    Unusual Stripper Names
    My ATF went by the name Heaven. A couple other unusual names I've heard are Rusty and Irie.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I think people that have served or bartended or had a relative who did tend to be better tippers on average, though I'm not sure it's always "appreciated". In my area clubs are more on the low end and I think a dollar is a standard tip for a waitress or bartender. Sometimes I'll tip a five to a waitress or bartender that has always been good to me, same goes for a stage tip for a dancer that I know and like. There's no valet here and I wouldn't tip a bouncer or manager since a lot of them are assholes and get tip outs from the dancers anyway. Generally I just pay the standard rate on lap dances, unless they go above and beyond my expectations, then I might add 20-25% as long as they don't ask for it or try to over count. I don't tip girls for sitting with me, but I'll buy drinks if I like their company. I don't think you should feel obligated to tip extra for lap dances--the price is the price--though I usually do over pay a little bit with my favorite because she gives me great full contact dances for $10, doesn't hustle or bullshit me, is fun to hang out with and stupid hot on top of that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Have you ever tried to make a stripper "jealous"?
    If she was just playing you I doubt anything you do is going to make her jealous. You might as well just go on about your business rather than going out of your way to spend money on everyone but her. The best revenge is probably just ignoring her and not giving a shit. Bringing a hot girl along isn't a bad idea, might as well let her see you having fun without her. If you do something just for the sake of getting back at her, it kind of detracts from the point of going to a club to have a good time.
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    11 years ago
    Boner killers
    I think generally the biggest turn offs are drama, bad attitudes, and girls that come off as being too phony. In her case, I'm guessing it might be that she's just not really putting herself out there, or not giving the impression that she's having a good time, which is probably the case if she's only making a fraction of what other girls are. Good eye contact is something that is often overlooked, a seductive look can do a lot for putting a customer in the mood to spend. If she seems distant in conversation or when she's giving dances or on stage, that's a pretty big BK. It helps if a dancer can enjoy herself with a customer, or at the least be able to give him that impression. As far as the boyfriend goes, I don't think it's really that much of a detriment to making money, assuming she isn't constantly talking about him. I never ask personal questions myself, I don't mind a dancer volunteering personal information, but I'd just as soon not hear about abusive ex-boyfriends and things like that.