Ever get a stripper fired?

avatar for sflguy123
I did, kinda, decades ago. A club called Solid Gold(on Fed'l Hwy just South of Oakland Park Blvd in Ft Laud) which this version and location no longer exists.

I got some dances from a white girl with dreadlocks kinda skanky looking. She said I looked like an ex b/f.

She took me for lap dances at an area of the club I was not partial to. Got a few dances, don't remember how many anymore and went back to the bar.

I then watched her going around the bar asking every guy if they wanted some dances. She was having zero luck and looked sad.

She came back around to me and I decided to get a few more dances from her. But this time I took her to the area I liked. She complained about cameras here but it was where I liked. Right in the middle of probably the second dance a tuxedo guy came up to us and told her they wanted to see her upstairs when we were done.

She immediately got nervous, got dressed and told me to wait.

When she came back she told me they fired her. Honestly she wasn't even really doing anything. She must have already been on a shit list.

I found it funny that I got a stripper fired and was laughing while she was crying and her stomach was quivering. I gave her her money and a tip and left.

About 6 months later I go into another club, which still exists(Goldfingers in Sunrise), and she happens to be dancing on the main stage. I didn't recognize her right away. This club was way more of a dive at the time. They totally remodeled it since and fucked up a good thing.

I went up to her to see if she remembered me. She didn't remember me(so much for the exbf comment). But after she got off stage and came to me I told her I was the one who was with her when she got fired.

This club at the time I think had the same ownership as the club she got fired from. So apparently they moved her to a lessor club. Or maybe she just went there for a job and they don't compare notes.

Ironically at this club I was able to finger her and do way more to her than whatever it was that got her fired. She was a slutty girl and I probably could have done way more with her but this was early in my strip clubbing days and I was still learning.


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avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
I guess I can't say I've ever gotten a dancer fired but I have got some in trouble before. I really don't know why either because I was the one who should have gotten in trouble. She didn't know what I was going to do LOL.
avatar for sflguy123
11 years ago
"She didn't know what I was going to do LOL"

I find that is the best way!

Oops you didn't want my finger in there. Dammit once again I read the tea leaves wrong.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I fired a stripper once
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I didn't get the strippers fired, they did it to themselves. It was all their fault.

A couple of times maybe I was involved.
One time a stripper stole money right out of my pocket. A thief. Management fired her ass after they investigated and the manager spoke to me and returned to me out of his pocket what I said I thought I had. It was only $40 bucks but she didn't know what I had in my pocket and theft is still theft. She was apparently stealing from others for over 2 years and no dancer was talking but customers kept leaving never returning. Her other trick was to have the guy prepay for a dance and then get his wallet to come out of his back pocket during the dance and shove it into the sofa. Some guys wouldn't think to check their Wallet because they already paid. If they did, they might think it just slipped out on its own. She would take the money when people were gone.

Another dancer either wanted me to visit one night or wanted me to stay at the club until she was ready to leave with me. There was no problem with her leaving with me. Anyway I wanted to leave, I had work in the morning. She insisted on me waiting and we could leave together. Her boss said she could not leave early. club closed at 2 am. She got ticked off. She said at 1:30 am, come on we're leaving now. Her boss said don't come back if you walk out now.

I remember once or twice in topless only clubs, the girl on stage showed me and a girl sitting next to me her pussy. She clearly showed her pussy to me and lots of other people. A few minutes later on both occassions, the dancer was walking out the door in her street clothes. I assume fired.

In hind site, I really should have accepted a lap dance from one girl who said it was her last night and she really wanted to dance for me. I heard the dances were strictly hands off so I said no. I stayed stubborn even after she put her hands up my shorts at the stage. That was a sign the dance might be better than expected. What would they do, fire her when she's already on her last night? I wasn't thinking clearly.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
11 years ago
I don't know that I ever got a girl fired, but I did get this one girl at my favorite club in trouble once. Apparently, she was spending too long with me at my table and not giving any dollar dances, which I find odd because other girls would do the same thing without getting harassed. Then again, I think she was on their shit list for some reason. We eventually went to the VIP and we went into BJTC mode, and then she swallowed like it was her greatest accomplishment in life, which it maybe was. I never did see her again, sadly, but I'm not surprised, considering I heard she stole from the other strippers, although I wonder if that was trumped up, because, like I said, she was probably on their shit list for some reason.
avatar for Essdub
11 years ago
I contributed to one dancer being fired, although it happened because she ignored my recommendation. It was back when I was in college and this one girl would always try to get me to hook her up because I had a good but limited connection for high-quality buds. Occasionally I would get some butter thrown my way as well. So one day I thought I would be nice and bring her a "special" peanut butter cookie. It was a pretty decent sized cookie and I advised her not to eat more than half of it. Apparently she had been drinking too much to believe me and went ahead and ate the whole thing. I wasn't there for the grand finale but the next time I went in I was told that she blew chunks all over the place when she was up on stage and got fired. I felt pretty bad about it at the time, but they let her back like a month later. I thought she might be pissed at me, but she had a pretty good sense of humor about it.
@sflguy123: "I found it funny that I got a stripper fired and was laughing while she was crying and her stomach was quivering. I gave her her money and a tip and left."

Douchebaggery at its finest. What a fucking tool.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
I've never gotten a babe fired, but I've seen it happen, oddly enough they always look hotter in the clothes they walk out in!
I find the original story about as sad and pathetic as possible. You think this is funny? You find it funny someone lost their job and was crying? That made you laugh? Karma means something awful will happen to someone you care about. Post it when it does, maybe someone will laugh. You are a cum stain on the mattress of humanity.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
What skibum said x 2.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I've never gotten one fired but I've gotten more than a few sent home for the night after things got kinda out of hand. Totally worth it....for me, at least.
I didn't personally get the dancer fired, but she was let go for getting caught doing the same thing to another customer as she had previously for me.
In Toledo I got a dance from a thin skanky blonde named Charlotte at Scarlett's on Toledo's north side. We started in the regular rooms and she eventually talked me into a "private room" and off we went. She get naked and grinds all over me and straddles me then leans over on her hands with her coochie facing me. I proceed to rub her but occasionally stroking her pussy. She moves her hips toward my hand every time I stroke her and I end up with two fingers inside her moving in and out while stroking her clit with my other thumb and she is rubbing my through my pant as hard as she is able. After a several of minutes the bouncer is knocking on the wall next to the curtain telling her 5 minutes until time up (also telling her to cool it). As we left the private room the bouncer told her the manager wanted to see her. When she did not come back out and it was getting late I left. I called her later in the week to see if she was working as she had given me her number and she told me she had been let go on the spot for going to far with me. We met a week or so later at her place for a really private lap dance. I only went there once as when I went to use the bathroom there several crack pipes all over the bedrooms and bathroom. She said they were her roommate's when she moved them. I somehow to call her again or answer her calls and since I used a burn phone it was not a problem to ignore the texts for hook ups and money.
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
No but many times I have gotten an incredible lap dance from a dancer that went well beyond her normal dances, and far exceeded the limits that the club tolerated only to never see that dancer since at the club.
avatar for luvthepus
T Town
11 years ago
I had one ask me if i liked my dick sucked after she did 3 dances for me one night at a club I never went to .Well guess whet the answer was .She had me meet her outside in my car for a $50 BJ well as she was doing it the DJ came out side to look for her. She got out went to talk to him, then got in and finished.
like I said it was a club I never went to but 2 months later it was my favorite club I started going 2-3 times a week when I meet the sweetest thing ever she was telling me 1 night about a girl who got caught blowing a guy in parking lot and got fired well I didn't admit to anything then. About a month later the other dancer came back to work at the club, she walked up to me and said you got me fired I played dumb like I didn't know what she meet and she never said anything else to me .
As time went one she was always acting strange to me sweet thing telling the manager if she saw us kissing and other stupid shit I didn't really know how much until 1 night I told sweet thing the whole story she started laughing her ass off she said well that explains the way she acts to us all the time, she got her self fired shortly after that

So I guess yeah I once got a dancer fired.
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