
Finding out if she does OTC

Thursday, January 16, 2014 1:02 PM
So I've recently hit it off with this stripper, there is mutual attraction, we are going to the movies tomorrow blah blah blah. She works at a air dance club, so I know extras aren't happening ITC, but I want to find out if she fucking guys for money OTC. I've been involved with a couple of strippers that I found out did OTC, so I'd rather not get involved with her if she is doing OTC. I'm not going to ask her because she's gonna be mad and some strippers lie when you ask them about that stuff. Who's best to ask to find out this information about her? Bartender? Waitress? DJ? Bouncer? Fellow Dancer?


  • canny
    10 years ago
    DJ or bouncer. Ask them if they've had sex with her.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I doubt that club employees would know. The clubs do not want their dancers doing OTC and depriving them of the income. Try asking her boy friend. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    get a friend to pose as a custy and have him ask her for OTC
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    just ask her
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Mellow out Tittyfag. I feel bad for you. Your obvious obsession with ranukam's penis size suggest you aren't happy with your own penis size. That's understandable. You aren't very smart so the only thing you have to offer is your sexual prowess. It is understandable that you would be unhappy if you have a tiny dick. Try to find some other basis for your self worth.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    If $ were no object, I'd hop on a NetJet and come ask her for you, but I'm no A-rod... hell I'm not even close to farmerart in the $ department.
  • canny
    10 years ago
    farmerart probably makes A-rod look poor...... The DJ's and bouncers will know if they had sex with her. shadowcat is right about the club employees knowing if she does OTC with customers, they won't know that. Only if they've had sex with her.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned RickyBoy's The System. You folks just aren't learning!
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @bang69- if me and her are going to be in a relationship I would expect her to say she doesn't even if she does. I was thinking other dancers in that club might know, but it seems like y'all are saying that might not be the case? Again, I don't wanna know because I want to do OTC with her, I wanna know to make sure I'm not getting involved with a hooker. Maybe I could ask customers who get dances from her? Although if I did that I fully expect them to tell her that I asked them.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    On a serious note ranukam...would it bother you if she used to do OTC but doesn't do so any longer? If that doesn't bother you just go out and see how things evolve. Cross the "does she fuck for money" bridge if it becomes serious. But use condoms dude. You don't wanna catch herpes simplex IX and have parts start to fall off!
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Hire a Private Eye. Maybe you should ask her how she feels about your clubbing activities if you two are going to become serious.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    If you have $19.95 for three easy payments I will give you my secrets,and for the first one hundred callers you will receive 30"FREE" Viagra pills. Just call 1-800-567-7228
  • canny
    10 years ago
    The dancers won't know unless they're friends with her. That's something that will get a dancer fired so they tend to keep it very quiet.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Be vewy quite,I'm hunting wabbits.huhhuhuhuhu.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Jeez, take her out on a couple of dates. You should get some good indications if she is the type to do p4p OTC very quickly just by being around her.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Papi- I like your idea, I might have to try it. Mjx01- Thanks Bro Zipman- Good insight, thanks man
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    It's really none of your business what she does. Being young and looking for dates with strippers is beyond me.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Maybe instead of a private eye, a private dick could really tell.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I don't think that you can really find out for certain, ranukam. This is one of those risks that you have to accept if you want to pursue a relationship with a strippa.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    If you're going to the movies, she may think you are open to a serious relationship. Sounds like you're not. Don't lead her on, call her and tell her (before the movie) that you're looking for a FWB type sitch with her. If she says no, tell her how beautiful she is, is there anything you could do so you could get with her. If she is down with paid OTC, she should offer it at this point (or say she wants to hang for a while to check if you're a ax murderer). Yes, there's a small chance she's really dense, and won't get your hint that you are offering P4P. But, if you offer it explicitly, there is a big chance she still has enough suburban prude in her to be genuinely offended. The bad side of this polite approach is that, if she's good with P4P, her opening rate is going to be high. So tell her yes, you're worth that and more, but have some believable excuses why the most you can do is a lower figure. If she won't come down to what you can pay, don't say no right away, say I'll think about it. Give it some time and she may come down some more. When women sell sex, it falls somewhere between them selling you a painting they painted, and them selling you their old sofa. Use I-can't-afford-that much-haggles, not you-aren't-worth-that-much haggles, as the latter are very liable to backfire.
  • Jdoe901
    10 years ago
    Why don't you just fuck her and see if she asks you for money afterwards.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I must be weird, but I find it hysterical asking a bunch of strangers what I should do in my personal life. Hope no one tells him to chop his dick off and present it to her on a platter.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Wow. That takes the Van Gogh gambit to a whole 'another level :-/
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @Jdoe- If I'm dating her, obviously she's not going to ask me for money after sex, I'm trying to find out if she does OTC with other customers. @skibum- I'm not asking anyone on here if I should propose to my longtime girlfriend, I'm simply trying to find out if a stripper is a hooker. You can find it hysterical, but this is a strip club website, so it's revelant. I think Lopaw nailed it. Thanks to all the TUSCLers that gave serious insightful answers.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Ranukam, few dancers from more conservative clubs will readily admit that they have done OTC. I also doubt that the club staff will know one way or the other. Some of the other dancers might know, or at least suspect, but that is definitely not something you want to ask any other dancer as it will most certainly get back to your new dancer friend. There are some girls who never do OTC, some who offer it very openly and often, and some who do so opportunistically (right money, discreet customer, etc., etc.). In my experience, the girls who work in the more conservative clubs either do not offer it at all or do so opportunistically. If your girl is offers OTC, she likely does so discreetly, which would further limit your ability to find out. If I were you, I would just roll with it. Dating dancers was never of much interest to me, even when I was younger and had a couple of legit opportunities, but if you are willing to take the plunge then you need to do so with an open mind. Stop worrying about what she might have done in the past to support herself and just enjoy a movie night for what it is, lol.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy: "and some who do so opportunistically (right money, discreet customer, etc., etc.). " RickyBoy trying to talk like an authority on matters he has no clue about. We are almost back to "The System" days by him. :-) He is so out of tune with the way things really are it's highly questionable that he has even been in an actual strip club at all. That is in the real world as opposed to his narcissistic imagination. Best to just disregard anything that assclown has to say.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Google her # and see if it comes up in any escort sites
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    If you like her, go out with her a few times. If you then are thinking about a serious relationship, you can decide if OTC is a deal breaker. Maybe she's had sex for money, but is that the worst thing in the world?
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I've got to respond to txtittyfag, this is just too funny. Any of you wonder why she keeps me calling me Randy? I wondered so myself. It turns out if you google ranukam, I think one of the links comes up as Randy Anukam from Portland, Oregon. Tittyfag put 2 and 2 together and figured that guy is me! Lol. Geez, nothing gets past the tittyfag. Lemme ask you something tittyfag, do you think I would make it that easy to find out who it was? LMAO. You're even dumber than I thought. For everyone else ranukam is actually a local rapper in my area who I happen to be friends with. We both thought it would be funny if I used his rapper name for my TUSCL username, so I did it. Check out tittyfag's profile pics before he takes them down, he's got two pics of "me". LOL! It looks like I one upped tittyfag again. Get em next time tiger! Hahahaha
  • azdd
    10 years ago
    To the OP - I've had a handful of OTC experiences, and EVERY one of them told me they didn't see anyone else outside the club except me. Of course I believed them, so I'm sure you can trust what your girl tells you too! <sarcasm switch off>
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    +1 Papi!
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    You can try asking her dude, but in the end who knows if she is telling the truth? You can try looking at the local escort websites?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Jack-You always got something good to say.
  • StunnaBitch
    10 years ago
    Club employees will know but the trick will be getting them to talk. Also, you can get to know some of the customers of the club. Another way to find out is if her club income is commensurate with her lifestyle spending. If she had a nice car, nice clothes, nice house...etc and only works two days a week....she's got$ coming from somewhere.
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Odds are if she is going with you to a movie, she is not seeing customers OTC. From what I have found a dancer who regularly sees lots of customers OTC, does so for only the money, and not to date the customer. Meeting you for lunch or a movie would either be a bit too personal, or a waste of time to her. So if the dancer you have a movie date with does see a customer OTC, then it's likely only one or two other guys.
  • Essdub
    10 years ago
    I think Papi has a good idea, but it would have to be someone she wouldn't come in contact with somewhere down the road. Even if she passed that test, you still wouldn't know for sure. She may not do it for just anyone, but that doesn't mean she keeps it strictly ITC. I can't blame you for not wanting to be involved with a stripper that sees customers OTC, but I think the only sure way to avoid that is not to date strippers.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the advice everyone, the movie date went great. I really like this girl, we'll see where it goes. @tittyfag- you really are a pathetic little fool, I'm surprised you have any brain cells left. Let's assume you're telling the truth about the stripper PM. Maybe she knows a black dude named Randy, maybe she knows the guy in your pics, but how can you conclude the black guy named Randy and the guy in your pic is me? LMAO. Go on, keep thinking I'm Randy, no sweat off my back. SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT TXTITTYFAG!
  • 3LeggedMan
    10 years ago
    I've told a couple of dancers that I'd like it if they could come to my hotel room and they could have ALL the money that the club is getting from me that night instead of the tiny share they currently end up with. Eventually the math-oriented brain cells kick in and opportunity knocks. I've seen my CF 3 times OTC and just once ITC in the last 3 months and we're both quite happy with the results.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @3LeggedDude -- I think if you read ranukam's full posts he was doing "teh actu-el date thang" @ranukam -- glad it went well! Good luck for continued dating grooviness. Peace out my pervo brothers.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You have no business even asking her if "she does OTC". And of course you should NEVER ask anyone else about her. Simply decide what you want to do with her, and then invite her. Makes no difference what she has done with other people. And I strongly suggest keeping it 100% civilian. Never say anything which amounts to treating her like a prostitute or a potential prostitute. If she wants money, she will indicate that. And even so, there are lots of ways to go that direction with her without actually treating her like a prostitute. Now I look closer and see that this is a very old thread. SJG
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