Have you ever tried to make a stripper "jealous"?

I was trying to get with this one stripper, but she played me pretty good. Shame on me for falling for it, she really had me thinking she was into me. I was thinking of not ever stepping forth in the club she works at again, but then I was thinking I want this bitch to see me spending money on other girls.
I was thinking of going to the club and not tipping her and ignoring her. I was also thinking of spending money on all the girls except for her. I was also thinking of making sure she sees me go to VIP with another girl. I also had an idea of bringing a hot female patron with me to that club.
Whether it be a Rip Off Bitch or a stripper that played you, have you ever tried to make a stripper jealous?
How did you go about doing this?
last commentSort of. LOL
Do more with another dancer that she knows/knows about.
Yeah I've attempted it a couple of times if a dancer pissed me off. Unless she confronts you though its hard to know if you've made any impact. I did once have another girl approach and ask if I was mad at her friend so I guess my plan worked at least on that occasion.
All it did was get me cock- blocked at her club.
There's no percentage in revenge. I would just ignore her and let her get on with her business.
The two I spoke of were in different states, but knew of each other.
Might as well try to make her boy friend jealous. It's just business.
It definitely works, I've had the stripper come up and say, "what's wrong?", "why are you mad at me?" . All you have to do is dance with a girl you know that she hates, lol!
Best way to get back at a chick is to just ignore her completely as if she didn’t exist & just go about your biz.
If she was just playing you I doubt anything you do is going to make her jealous. You might as well just go on about your business rather than going out of your way to spend money on everyone but her. The best revenge is probably just ignoring her and not giving a shit. Bringing a hot girl along isn't a bad idea, might as well let her see you having fun without her. If you do something just for the sake of getting back at her, it kind of detracts from the point of going to a club to have a good time.
Essdub + 1
Good points Essdub.
I had gotten so used to playing girls that when it happened to me it was like a unexpected punch to the face. It's very humbling. I don't wanna have this feeling again. I've had strippers decline my sexual advances, but this girl strung me on for a long time. It makes me want to retire from strip clubbing because of all the deceiving girls, but that's a story for another day.
I don't find it a productive use of time because by the time you gone blowing money and such, between that, you probably found a girl you want to be with for the rest of the night and subsequentially forgotten about the "girl your making jealous" thus she may be jealous, but you'll never know. likewise, she's probably already done got herself another john to spend hordes of money on her by then.
I just delete their info and move on. I have a stripper shit list and when you make my list you never get another dime from me.
Yes and i did
Life is too short to bother with revenge, especially for something as stupid as this. She's not going to get any more of your money; that should be enough revenge for you.
Money > cock block.
Move on to the next one.
No games, no revenge. Just cut that bitch off from all spending. You will find that she was already blocking you and now you will have a line forming trying to be the next flavor.
F all them hoes. In da butt
I'm with poetry much everyone that says to let your money do the talking.
There was a girl at one place I went regularly. Great fake bolt-ons. Nice fake accent. Liked her. She knew she could count on me for dances. But one night, I got the sense she was phoning it in with me. Next time I went there, had the usual conversation with her, but when she asked for dances, I just said "No thanks, not tonight," then went back with the next girl that came along.
Message sent. She tried harder the next time.
I doubt you would be able to make her jealous bringing a girl there with you or just ignoring her unless it was a slow night or something.
One time I witnessed a customer really get under another dancer's skin though when he brought both of us back to VIP. He wouldn't pay for a full hour but instead would renew the room every 30 minutes. After the first hour and a half he renewed the room, paid me for another hour, and told the other girl we were "done" and dismissed her.
I'm with GMD on this issue. I know a couple of dimes that wouldn't get jealous if you hooked up with other girls at the club. In fact, at this one extras club that I go to, if you get dances with some of the skankier hoes, the dimes won't touch you. Move on and charge her to the game.
Thanks for all the insight. I'm making a big deal of something that's not a big deal. I'm just gonna ignore her and continue to have my fun at that club.
That's the right attitude to have. With so many gorgeous women out here to be had, why waste your time, effort, and capital on ANY female who's not worthy. Keep on stepping and charge her to the game.
I made my then current favorite jealous by choosing another over her. She had been taking me for granted and I enjoyed telling her that I was taken, but would see her again. She ignored me for 2 years after that lol. This was to the point of not even accepting a tip from me when she was on stage and not one customer was tipping.
Waste of valuable entertainment time/spending;
Many dancers wouldn't care anyway;
Smells a bit like pathetic "I'll show you!" desperation; and
In smaller clubs, could result in getting trashed/cock blocked by DR gossip.
Better to just act like you've been there before and move on.
Just ignore her completely, and move on to others who catch your eye. At the end of the day, your wallet does the talking. She may be pissed, but you've made your point.
I think it would depend a lot on the girl. Some girls are have very low self esteem and I'd think these girls you could make jealous - I've seen it before where a girl gets mad that a guys getting a dance from another girl she hates. In this case, I think something close to Rachel's suggestion is probably your best route. Show her the money you would have spent with her and give it to the girl you know she hates.
Just fart on her
Lol I'm in this situation right now with my current ATF she pissed me off so I took a few dancers inside the vip not the ones she hates but who are 9s and 10s and younger than her. She then came up to the bartender and told her that I can't believe he just did that in front of me as soon as I got out she came to me and said wtf did you just did I said you were busy taking care of other clients and didn't even bother saying hi to me so I got busy she then proceeded to ignore me from there on.
Perfect revenge, Scfamatoc323
Here's a little reverse jealousy. One of my ATF's got mad because I wouldn't go for a lap dance. And so she came back with another dancer and the two of them starting grouping a PL who was sitting just a few seats away from me. I that a standard technique to arouse jealousy in a regular PL?
I've tried but the end result was me feeling less confident and more foolish.
Ignore da bitch and move on.
Yes, until I get over myself. It's pointless. Too many emotionally frail guys. Instead of spending money for your enjoyment, you have money spending you for a petty sense of smugness.