
Strippers and Valentine's Day

Friday, February 14, 2014 9:46 AM
Got no wife (so no mistress, either) and no girlfriend. Might as well spend the money that was saved not buying flowers and chocolate and go to the strip club, right?

Wondering if anyone's ever spent Valentine's Day at the strip club and if it's a good day to go or not? Presumably every customer there will be one of the no wife/girlfriend types today.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    This is probably the only day of the year when those loser boy friends, husbands and pimps might actually do something with their stripper S/O's. It would probably be a good day to stay away from the clubs. I know I will.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    I can't help but think that out of all the days of the year this has to be the PL-est day of them all.
  • trixxi
    11 years ago
    I will let you guys know how it is for me today ... My only goal is to be sexy and have fun ... I think the holiday will really last all weekend as different customers come on different days of the week
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I concur with Shadow and Sclvr. Also, as I've pointed out before, I don't feel that Valentine's day is a good day for clubbing:

    New Year's Eve and Valentine's day are the two most difficult nights of the year to get baby sitters for those who would need them. All the young, pretty, potential baby sitters out there are likely to be wined and dined by their boyfriends. If you're just going to a club in hopes of seeing whichever dancers might be there, you're not likely to see the full selection on those two nights. But, if you're going to see a CF who you know will be there, then that should be fine.

    Also, dancers have told me in the past that they don't work on Valentines day because they go out to celebrate with their boyfriends/SOs. (Those that don't need a babysitter.)
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    It sucks that Valentine's Day falls on a Friday this year. Friday nights are usually the nights I go clubbing, because of Valentine's day I won't be clubbing tonight. Today I am with the girlfriend all day. I will be back clubbing tomorrow night.
  • steve229
    11 years ago
    @Shadowcat - On the other hand, club could be flush with dancers pissed at their S/O's ... Maybe a chance to further field test your theory?
  • Essdub
    11 years ago
    I think it's a tossup between Valentine's and New Year's Eve as the worst possible days to go to a strip club. You might as well go to a random bar.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Steve229 - I hope they get pissed at them today and then come to the club tomorrow looking for revenge. I'll be there to console them. :)
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    A long time ago, when I was still a college student, several of us who didn't have girlfriends decided to go to a strip club on Valentine's Day. One of us thought it would be cool to give them a rose for the day. I think they were openly mocking us. That also ended up the night I got a speeding ticket, but since I was the designated driver, I wasn't drinking, so I survived that ordeal. I vowed never again to go on Valentine's Day, but since it's on Friday this year, I feel tempted to go tonight, but frankly, I'm just not feeling it today.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    These girls have lives outside the strip club so I doubt they be working that day. Probably only the lowest tier will be there. Hey you might just find yourself a girlfriend there. If ugly desperate women is your thing, this might be the day you actually have a shot. As for me, I'm taking this girl out for dinner. I might visit the club just to see how it is.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    It being a Friday night; I’m tempted to think many dancers will not pass up a profitable working night – especially since it appears clubs have been pretty slow January and February (perhaps even more so in places where there’s been bad weather).

    I think many dancers may show up tonight to make $$$ and they either celebrated early (yesterday) or may celebrate tomorrow during the day.

    If it fell on a Monday or Tuesday; I could see many of them not showing up.

    I also read on SW about this a few days ago and it seemed more dancers than not said they would work.

    The dancers that may be there tonight probably wanna be there or need to be there; along with perhaps less PLs; could be a good night for the custies.

    My $.02.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Locally, the Farm Machinery Show is in town this week, so Valentine's Day or no, any dancer who wants to make money is in the clubs hoping the rednecks will spend. And generally speaking, they do, at least on the weekend. According to some of the dancers I've spoken to in the past, the week of the convention apparently turns into a scouting mission for the guys to see what club they want to go to on the weekend.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I stopped in for an hour - spent 30 min in VIP - very nice BBBJ and the dancer told me she was 1 1/2 hours late for work, her first customer took her for a 1 hour VIP which paid her $400, then 5 quick LD's for another $100, then $150 from me and she'd already made $650 with 3 hours more to go. The club was not busy, but not too slow either. This dancer had her eye on a $1000 afternoon.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Lets go Shadow,scrape those barnacles off your chin and go for it.Sounds like most on this thread are watching tv tonight.So acidic.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    TD- Maybe I should go to Columbia tomorrow. :)
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    Mixed bag for me, depending on where I was, and the night of the week. On a Saturday night in South FL, place was hopping, replete with feature performer. Another year, another place, Tuesday evening visit was dead even for a Tuesday. Other times have been OK/normal. Just don't plan to go to Outback, etal for a bite to eat. Looking over at some club cams, seems slower than normal.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It looked like everyone was out today clogging up the roads. It's been several weeks since I saw so. much traffic. I guess without people saying it was a snow emergency, everyone came out of their hut. Just another work day for me.

    All the favorites I avoided by accident last week will probably be trying to find me Tommorrow. If they don't miss me I know they probably missed my wallet. I didn't even need to stop by the ATM I spent so little.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Yeah – traffic in my area (Miami) was pretty bad yesterday and today – actually traffic on most Fridays seems to be pretty bad – either folks taking the day off or working half-days.

    I went to a Chilli’s in a nearby mall last night (Th) for a bite to eat. The mall was super congested and the parking lots were all almost full – I was like what the heck – it’s February and a Th night – why so many damn cars – it didn’t occur to me until a few minutes later that it was people doing Valentines Day shopping.
  • trixxi
    11 years ago
    Here is a breakdown of my shift today (1pm to 7pm) at Kings Wild a large dive club in SE Portland. 7 dancers showed up for the shift (4 white / 3 black) the club which is normally pretty slow was much busier than usual. I think 4 or 5 of us received some bouquets of flowers and even though the club was busy only 3 girls during the whole shift sold private dances (myself, and 2 other white dancers). I sold 4 private dances and I was hoping to sell more. When I left the club it was even more crowded and I considered staying but I left because I was tired. In the dressing room all the dancers complained about not making any $ (on stage or PDs) even though there were a lot of people in club, one beautiful brunette said she didnt even make $20 on stage. I walked with $111 and flowers. I am hopeful for the weekend and grateful I went in today.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    A year ago on Valentine's Day I gave my ATF roses and Godiva chocolates and other gifts. Today I have no ATF and I'm all alone on Valentine's Day. Today is better.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @PC-Chilli's? With all of the good restaurants to eat at, you chose Chilli's? Say it ain't so.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    Hey, Spic, don't be dissing Chilis. It's my 5-yo grandaughter's favorite place. She asks, "Can we go to the pepper store?" If not that, it's the pancake store (IHOP).
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Last night saw a snow/ice "event" in our area. Apparently a bunch of accidents around town.

    Glad I wasn't out in it. My son apparently almost didn't make it home from work. :)
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Spent all day Valentine's Day with my ATF at the time, two yrs ago. I sent flowers and gave her a small gift. It was well appreciated and I had an EXTREMELY fun day with her.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I knew yesterday was going to be a terrible day to go clubbing but I didn't expect it to carry over into today. I went to Follies with Verybigdawg and we found that they couldn't even field a "B" team. Third stringers at best. I came home with most of my money. Maybe the 3 day weekend had something to do with it.
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