Advise please

avatar for matuwes232
I have long but the same time short love story of my life. I met a girl at college. We were studying together for 4 months but I have never paid attention to her to be honest. One day I was at work when I got text from here saying hey I am with my friend wanna come over. I said ok I'll come as soon as I finish my job. When I arrived I noticed that I am the only person who wasn't drunk yet. She was flirting with me but still I didn't pay attention to her.......Finally her friend wanted to go home we took her home and we were alone. We decided to go somewhere to eat we were looking for a restaurant for hours and nothing was open it was around I told her lets go to hotel and we gonna order some pizza from there. She said ok........Finally we had a sex together I don't remember even a single episode cause we were both drunk...........Now its been 2 years we are together.......After having sex couples times I found out that she works at strip club as a dancer and I was so disappointed and shocked. After that I was ignoring her every time she was calling me or texting hey come over to my house I feel alone...........After 3 weeks I gave up I said myself go for it...........Honestly money is the last thing between us. I have never gave her money for no reason. From the beginning she fall in love with me and every time I left she was either calling or texting me I missed you.....I love you so much.....I was always saying ok..........Its already 2 years we are together now. Last year and half we were together almost every single day. Few times a week I was staying with her for day or two. During the summer we could stay together for 10 days just her and me and nobody around. Every single place we visit we kiss each other hug and stuff like that. Every single day we were saying each other how much we love each other whole day long. We are together 2 years but every time we see each other act like we didn't see each other for a while. We could have sex for few days nonstop staying at home for few days. Every little thing I see I compare with her how she does things. Last summer I was working 14-16 hours a day 6 days a week when I was staying at her house sometimes whole night she wasn't sleeping whole night. She was kissing my body, fondle my whole body. The problem last year we were fighting almost every single day even without reason. She was jealous to every single thing that surround us. My phone, my friends, the places I go, felt like she was controlling me and my life. The reason I think is her past. By the way she has 6 years son who is an autistic. While she was with me she has never touched any guy. The place she works she has her own customers like old guys 60-70 year old who come and talk with her and give her money. She is dancing on floor too but just once a while. I checked her million times. She is the only person who doesn't cheat physically and verbally. Its kinda hard do trust her because she works there. One time we were drunk and she said that I am her 52-53 guy who she had sex with. She said that even she has list of all guys names. She used to tell me that she has never love someone like she loves me. One time we were coming back home from restaurant and I said to her listen real last relationship you had you thought its a first and last relationship in your life. How can I trust you that one day you are not gonna leave me like you left him. She said I love you more than my life. She said lets swear god that no matter what happened we gonna be together in rest of our lives. We did............First year I was just spending my time with her but then everything changed. We were together almost every single day like most couples.......past summer I felt that can't live without her............every time we had a fight I tried to break up with her but couldn't do that. with her I feel like in paradise its not about sex anymore. Every night before going to sleep we always hugged each other. We could wake up during the night and kiss each other till morning.......but its already 2 fuckin years still crazy about each other. She doesn't get aliments even from her previous husband I know that for sure........she is not money hungry like many other people. Money was the last thing we care. Past summer I lost my job and couldn't find one for a month. We were going somewhere to eat she was paying almost always without me knowing about it.........she was saying hey you don't work just come down you will effeminately pay when you get job.............I am gonna be 24 and she is gonna be 31 soon. The issue is right after Christmas she said that she loves me so much, but something wrong is going on with her.......2 months before that she went to her friends baby shower who was from her job.....from the beginning I was against their friendship because she used to tell me every single thing even if its about her job. She used to tell me only bad things abut her even that she uses only bad words while talking to someone. I kinda felt something is wrong, anyways........It was middle of November she went to baby shower.....then I found that its not really baby shower cause there was so many couples only she was alone with her mother.....I said to her why you do this??? I don't go anywhere without you, we had an agreement that we should always go somewhere together.......she said she didn't know that, but her friend knew me she could tell her to come together.........she said that she invite couples because her husband was I said to her this is the first and last time you go somewhere alone I don't care about anything else........she said the only reason she doesn't want to go somewhere together because she is jealous, she can't control her feelings, she is afraid she can lose me......A month later we had a little fight......I tried to talk with her I went to her house she made a scene front of her mom tho show how bad I am........I didn't call, text or visit her for a few days. Day before Christmas I went to talk with her cause I wanted to be together in Christmas Eve. She said we can't be together cause I went to my friends house I was drunk, I sit on man's lap and we were kissing..........I am so sorry but I was drunk and didn't recognize what I was doing......why I went there why....I would give anything in my life to not go there that day..........She said now every time we fight you gonna mention this and I can't live with that.....I swear her that I am not gonna do that cause I love her so much.............we celebrate Christmas together.....2 days later I was about to sleep when I got text from are the best person I have ever met in my life, you have good hart, I love you so much blah blah blah............... I said what's is going on with you did you drink again? she said yes but I have some issues.......again love you so much..........know its crazy but I talk with that guy I met and I want him......but love you blah blah blah...........She said just come to my house as soon as you wake up cause I wanna see you so much and talk with you.......just couldn't sleep whole night......finally it was morning.......I was calling her but she wasn't picking up the phone..........a few hours later she called me back hey I just woke up....sorry we can't talk today cause my mom has high blood pressure, I have to take care of her, my son.......offered me help to her even to take her my to my doctor if its necessary she said no thanks.............few hours later txted her to know how her mom doing.......she said she is at work I was kinda shocked to hear that cause she didn't go to work so many times........she said give 2 weeks, we gonna see each other after new year and we gonna talk........said just know how can I celebrate new year without you........was waiting her in her house........we were kissing each other over an hour nonstop......she was crying.........I said lets change everything together, she was just saying give me time to think about everything........I am gonna go to mountains and stay there for 2 days with my mom and friends........I was just shocked.........she said its already 3am just go home we gonna talk tomorrow by skype.....said no I wanna see you she said ok just come until 5 and we gonna talk cause my I invited my friend and her mom to my house ........I kept texting her her hey can you come outside I wanna talk with you, otherwise I am gonna stay in car whole night........she was saying hay baby go home please its so cold in outside you gonna get cold.......she sad just give me 2 weeks if you want our relationship back again, said now how I can celebrate new year without you, its impossible............she said why you think about new year, about celebrating something, who cares...........


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avatar for matuwes232
11 years ago
Guys who thinks that if 2 people love each other so much like crazy can't be together? Who thinks at some point instead of love it becomes suffering? usually after we fight she used to tell me its better to be with someone who gonna love me but I am not gonna love him but at least I am gonna be happy instead of being nervous and jealous all the time........Now I kinda agree with her thoughts.........
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
My advice is learn how to put space between your paragraphs.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Man, didn't you post this same story yesterday? And why ask strip club hounds about love? We just care about pussy.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
I 2nd GoViking's comment
avatar for Essdub
11 years ago
Wow dude, I used to score 3rd grade essays and even they knew how to use paragraphs.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
Pretty clearly, using more paragraphs would help ease these relationship issues.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Anyone got the tl;dr version?
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
^I thought the same thing as soon as I looked at it.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
At a quick glance (because I'm not going to read the whole thing), isn't this about the same story as the OP's other thread? Maybe someone who has the patience to read it all can tell us if it is, or not.
avatar for ime
11 years ago
this seems like the same thing as yesterday just written even more poorly, and English as the second language isn't helping it.

Either way dude you have to make a decision based on your experiences no one here can really help you.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
I'm going to wait for the Reader's Digest condensed version...
avatar for rh48hr
11 years ago
I'll have an answer after the cliff notes version of this comes out. Holy shitcakes that is long.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Yeah, by the time his stripper babe reads through that whole post and he finally decides to propose, she'll likely be dead of old age (or boredom).
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