
Comments by HungryGiraffe (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    To all...
    Merry Christmas everyone!
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    3 men robbed by mob of 20 men.
    Example of why I've learned to appreciate valet parking. Well worth the cost, for the added security. Navigating dark parking lots, or running the gauntlet of shady individuals can be the worst part of this hobby.
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    10 years ago
    CF This Holiday
    Beautiful post! Happy for you alabegonz!
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    10 years ago
    New South Wales
    Best dancer pick up line?
    "You can have whatever you want baby."
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    10 years ago
    Free OTC. What led to it?
    Agree with londonguy ^^^ "Free" sex with a stripper happened for me by building up a friendship, just like in the civvy world. Spent 4-5 increasingly hotter sessions in VIP with a current fav. Popped the OTC question with a P4P carrot, and got a "Maybe". First OTC finally happened as front end of shopping date. Second OTC, an overnighter, was at the end of a shift, where I'd gotten a couple of dances. Both sessions included some gifts.
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    10 years ago
    Logistics question
    Glad you asked Juice. Just be your true "authentic" self. It's really easy to mess up in life when you are trying to be someone you're not. I'm not talking about aliases on this site. I'm talking about being the original you everywhere you go. You are one of the greatest and smartest TUSCLers of all times, and I would love to see you just...do you. In short, maintain your originality and authenticity! That will help you in this play ground and in real life. If things are really desperate for you, my friend, seek professional help. Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season.
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    10 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Capability Declines With Age?
    SJG, nice post. gawker, thanks for the detailed, transparent sharing!
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    On an OTC Mission...
    ^^^ What jackslash said. Just ask. All sex workers are used to being asked straight out for sex. If you connect in the right way, sometimes it's relatively free (it's never totally "free"). If you start getting OTC relatively free, just be aware that the free service might be cut off once your friend realizes she could be getting paid.
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    10 years ago
    You guys like a manly breakfast?
    I'll have a 3-egg omelette, with smoked salmon, cream cheese, spinach, onions, tomatoes and cheddar, cooked lightly. Please add hash browns and a big biscuit, coffee, and a combo of cranberry and orange juice. Also need strawberry preserves for biscuit and fresh cracked pepper for omelette.
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    10 years ago
    City Downfalls
    Agree with Providence selection. However, Club Desire has retained much of its old school charm. I could be wrong, but I understood downfall was driven by LE activity, prompted by local politicians.
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Outlier Visit
    Yeah I know what you mean. There's a nude joint I visited about four times, and each visit has been different, in terms of hotness of women and mileage. I judge a club based on the "best" availability of both, and chalk up not so great visits to luck of the draw.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't understand why so many of you rave about Kate Upton.
    She's got awesome tits, good height, nice hips and a decent enough face, with makeup, to make her very attractive.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Boobs vs Booze ?
    There's no direct correlation between mileage and whether alcohol is served or nudity allowed. The most significant correlation is with attitude of management. If management has a setup that allows high mileage it will happen. If they don't it won't. One of the highest mileage clubs in NJ is a bikini club that serves alcohol. It's basically a brothel. Every single dancer offers a full menu. I've also been to nude clubs where bouncers and the setup are not conducive to high mileage. BTW, I have to give credit to Dougster for explaining this in response to one of my early PL career posts. I hypothesized that clubs with private lap dance booths consistently offered higher mileage. That's not true.
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    10 years ago
    Sleep Overs
    Second OTC with ATF was a sleepover at my hotel. Only regret is not enjoying her one more time before I left early the next morning.
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    10 years ago
    I probably shouldn't ask but...
    Agree with lopaw. We're conditioned to equate physical beauty with upward mobility and higher social status. The fascade we see of a gorgeous sex worker done up in a revealing outfit and make up, masks her typically lower socio-economic status. Sure, there are exceptions, as some come from privileged backgrounds. We assume these lovely ladies would have their pick of men. It just doesn't play out that way in real life. Ultimately, they connect with guys who are on their true socio-economic level, and guys who match up with their true values.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How well does the SC handshake work on you ?
    Definitely influences my decision making on whether to buy a dance. However, if she's fugly or doesn't come across as being fun, the special handshake alone won't move me.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Messed up lives of strippers
    What Papi said! ^^ I tire of the stereotype comments about strippers. It's a JOB! Some do really well, others don't, and need to find another line of work. Lots of disadvantaged folks have lives far more challenged than the average stripper. Think about the millions of homeless folks out there, on the streets for a whole host of reasons, including mental illness. Think about the physically disabled, who can only dream about spinning on a pole to make money. Think about the lazy and discouraged unemployed among us who give up trying to make ends meet. I've learned to appreciate "sex workers". Not only because of fun and relaxation they provide me, but because they are willing to WORK for what they want. Lots of folks could use some of that attitude.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancer gets wet during LDs/VIP
    OP: "Is it possible for a dancer to get wet but not be turned on by what you are doing to her?" Yes, very possible she is not turned on. What others said about wetness. For example, if a dancer is into women (as many are), she might get wet while taking your dough, but only get "turned on" when with a certain type of woman. OP: "Or if she's wet does that pretty much guarantee that she is enjoying it too?" No, wetness isn't a "guarantee" she's enjoying it. Wetness can simply be a response to the physical stimulus. "Enjoyment" happens in the mind, and typically is the result of multi-sensory stimulation and recall of past experiences. For instance, let's say you are tall (her first orgasm was with a tall guy), show up with a gotee (she loves men with facial hair), wearing Jordan cologne (last week a fella smelling like that fucked her brains out), sporting cowboy boots (she's originally from TX), make her laugh (always a winner with chicks), and touch her lightly behind her left knee (makes her pussy run like a faucet). If you connect like that, yes there's a very good chance she'll be wet and enjoy hanging with you. Of course, women are complicated and there are a lot of other variables that come into play.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Taylor Swift or Jennifer Lawrence?
    Taylor Swift. Love her eyes and spinner body.
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    10 years ago
    Native American Dancers
    Cool post. Nice link, deogol! Had my very first strip club encounter with a dancer that was a Native American and Italian mix. Stunning woman!
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What clubs have a good day shift
    In the NYC/NJ area, a consistently good time can be had at Gallagher's 2000 (Long Island City, Queens NY) and Playhouse Lounge (Burlington NJ).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New boyfriends
    New boy friends have definitely been a hindrance to OTC with a couple of favs, but haven't experienced any ITC impact.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Has TUSCL made you more of a SCer ?
    Great tool. Saves time and money. Can easily pick the best clubs for my tastes locally, or when traveling domestically or internationally. But, have learned not to be overly reliant on TUSCL reviews. First hand experience is also helpful. Clubbing and adult entertainment is "adventure". Part of the fun is trying different things. Met my diamond in the rough ATF at a poorly reviewed club. Also helps to get different perspectives from other sites.
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    10 years ago
    The looks of your ideal woman
    Everything you mentioned rankum, with the exception of breast size. Prefer natural D to DDs. Light brown to green eyes are also a plus.
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    10 years ago
    Pushy Dancers
    In life it's important to learn how to stand up to bullies. You work in a tough line of business. You will need toughness in dealing with other dancers, custies and management. If you are going to survive, better start hardening up now. Key is building alliances and friendships.