
Capability Declines With Age?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
We all know that what a man can do sexually declines with age, right?

Well suppose this were not really the way it looks to be. Here I find an interesting statement from Gawker.


" I came a couple of times just from watching and frankly twice in an hour is not part of my normal expectations."

So if someone can deliver like a young man once, then maybe there is nothing physical stopping them from doing this all the time?

I remember long ago listening to a radio talk show discussion about the treatment of impotency. They said the first thing they try to do is determine if it is psychological or physical. Almost always it is the former. They want to know if the guy wakes up with a hard on in the early morning, as many guys do. If so, then it has to be psychological.

Well consider, is it possible that all or most of the loss of capability brought on by age is actually psychological. Maybe it is not specifically stress or anxiety. Maybe it is just caused by habitual and reactive habits of thinking?

When people stop learning, when they stop fighting for social justice and instead start to live by "Live and Let Live" and "Forgive and Forget", when they become racists, or just when they become calcified, maybe it is this which causes sexual diminishment instead of anything physical.

A while back JS69 was talking about his Dream Stripper and he quoted Founder, "You are only as old as the women you fuck." Well maybe this is a partial truth. It is not so much the young women, as it is just regaining the ability to keep on learning and to keep growing and to keep thinking in open and creative ways. Maybe then, sexual capabilities, not really being limited physically, can be maintained and even restored?


Rolling Stones Now, 3rd Album, with Little Red Rooster

The Modern School, by Francisco Ferrer

Will Durant


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    For RickyBoy sure seems to have. He was complaining about it recently. Low testosterone no doubt.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I agree it is all psychological. It is not physiological in most cases. When I see a hot girl I want to fuck my dick gets hard almost instantly and stays hard. But if it's a girl I've fucked hundreds of times I can't get excited even. I think it's the new opportunity the new challenge the unknown that turns me on.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I think there may often be both psychological and physical causes. The DS gets me hard no matter what (unlike older or less attractive women), but drugs clearly help me stay harder for longer even with her. No way Id have a date with her without taking my little helper pill beforehand.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    There's more to it than getting hard. Can you move your hips like when you're 20? Probably not.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    You have a point there but I let her do the work. All I have to do is be able to lick lick lick and stay hard. I like to do cowgirl style facing me so I can play with the tits so that requires very little hip action.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^Sounds good. I think a comic once said, "if I can't do it with my hips, I can do it with my lips."
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    SJG - you've obviously been studying my posts which I find flattering.. When I'm with a new young beautiful woman, there's never been a problem once a night. I do awaken with Mr. Stiffy if I've been celibate for a week. At age 62, I had a 90 minute 3-some and it was probably the most erotic 1 1/2 hours of my life.
    I was amazed that I achieved orgasm 3 times, but the third time there was little or no ejaculate. My ATF and I have fucked literally hundreds of times over the past 5 years and only once or twice have I not been able to get it up. However I frequently need to finish it myself ( too many years of self-abuse?)
    My doctor says that as one ages the quantity and frequency of ejaculate diminish. I also have type 2 diabetes and am beginning to experience some neuropathy in my extremities which must include my dick. This causes some loss of sensation which contributes to difficulty achieving orgasm. However, sex, like golf is usually at least 50% between the ears and there's a myriad of factors which come into play. Stress, level of comfort, familiarity, etc., etc.
    The bottom line is, is it still enjoyable? My ATF sometimes feels badly when I don't /can't cum, but I tell her no sweat. Getting blown and fucked by a beautiful woman 40 years younger than I is a joy to be held, no matter the outcome.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    No shit?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I can get it up without the help of pills, but I can't come more than once a night. I'm not 19 any more.

  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    SJG, nice post.
    gawker, thanks for the detailed, transparent sharing!
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    See a doctor for ED first as it can be a sign of high blood pressure or coronary blockage. Also low T can be a factor. I had all of the above and now have normal BP, normal T and with chemical help I can cum on demand. 3-4 times an hour with help from Astroglide or a talented tongue/tight pussy. I'm reasonable sure every man can do that, even though they think they can't. I use the Canadians for $4 "generic" Viagra; I buy the 150 mg and split it in thirds. A dose more than 50 is too much and you get 'too hard' which means loss of sensitivity. Hope this helps.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Want to know how to increase testosterone? Introduce yourself to a new woman.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Mikey02a wrote,
    "Can you move your hips like when you're 20? Probably not."

    When I was in high school our PE teacher said that in later life the strength will be there, but the flexibility usually isn't. For myself, I have always been someone with not really as much flexibility as I might like. So I do need to do stretching exercises, or at least Tai Chi. But I also notice that with professional dancers, say like Fred Astaire, they do remain highly flexible throughout their later years. So more exercising should do the job.

    Of course total impotency can occur at any age, and almost always this is due to psychological stressors. But what I am wondering is if maybe even more of the typically experienced sort of declination, more than what you guys seem to think, is actually caused psychologically? It could be simply the effect of coming to think in rigid patterns, becoming an old fuddy duddy. This happens to all of us if we are not continually facing new challenges and learning new things. It happens when one starts so live life and approach situations as an Uncle Tom, instead of as an Apache Brave.


    Little Red Rooster


    Howlin' Wolf
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Is it age that accounts for this type of difference, slower ejaculation, or could that just be psychological effects and learned experience too?

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Lower testosterone level? Is that really "normal" or is it just "typical". And is it cause, or is it effect?

    Is senility caused by old age? I think it is caused by habitual patterns of rigid thinking, and by not engaging with the challenges life puts before you. I suspect that this is closely related to the typical loss of sexual capability which occurs with age. I don't think either are inevitable or irreversible.

    I can say for myself, that I am seeing now that when I am with an AMP girl who doesn't understand what GFE is and is just running at the mouth with excuse after excuse as I am doing everything short of physically overpowering her, my sexual capabilities are diminished, because that is not how I want to deal with her. If she has taken my money, but still can't do a good job, then the only way to deal with her would have to be in a civilian context where she will finally open up. So my body and its onboard systems do understand this.

    Is this due to old age? I say it is because I know what I want and I want to set the situation so that it happens. She doesn't have to open up in the AMP session. But until she does open up, I'm not going to do much with her. We spent some time showing her how to get to a web site of mine from her boss's cell phone, and looking at how she can set up an email account. So this was our massage session. I paid the $ customary for FS, but the way she wanted to do it was 'extras' FS. I don't want that, and my body doesn't want to participate either.

    On the other hand, with girls I have known who are really opening up to me, my body and its parts still work as well as they ever have. They are working when I wake up in the morning. They are working when I remember girls I have been with, the ones I wish I'd kept something going with. And these systems work when I am with a girl who is opening her self to me now.

    As for those who don't or won't. This is their right. But it is also my right and my body's right to refuse 'extras' style FS. After all, it is in certain ways demeaning. It is the sex life of Pathetic Losers. This is not how I aim to live.

    I've always been suspect about San Francisco SC's offering FS, because I've doubted that it would be the equal of AMP FS. It always seemed like it was a sort of 'extras' FS, or again, FS for PL's.

    Here from RubMaps is someone's review text for a South Bay AMP

    I had made a appt for ( girl's name ) today for 1hr. When I walked in I gave the house $40 dollars. Soon after ( girl's name ) came up and walked me to my room. She's around in her late 30s, body was pretty nice but her face is so so. I undressed with a towel covering my backside. She walked in and took off the towel. She oiled my whole body up. There was a pause cause she had taken her clothes off. She then jumped on the table and proceeded to massage me with her legs. She gave me a great CMT by using her tongue while stroking my member. She told me to flip and proceeded BBBJ. After that she asked if I want to go inside and I said yes. She put the cover on and soon after I exploded. She cleaned me up and I gave her what I had left.

    This guy checked the boxes for Kissing, FIV, BBBJ, and CFS.

    This girl is of course well liked, and probably she is kept busy.


    Aftermath, Rolling Stones
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Maybe 15 years or so ago, right around the time Viagra came out, I read this article in the Spectator.


    by David Steinberg, who was with the Institute for the Advanced Study for Human Sexuality.


    He was a regular contributor to Spectator. Steinberg was in his mid 50's and he had a regular woman partner. He said they wanted to experiment and see what Viagra was good for.

    He said that at his age it took a great deal of mechanical stimulation to get results, but that his partner was good with that.

    So he tried using Viagra, for about $6 a pill.

    He said that the Viagra induced hard-on seemed to have a live of it's own. It certainly was sufficient to do the job, but something about it just felt unnatural. So eventually both he and his partner decided that things worked better without Viagra.

    As I see it there are at least 3 subsystems working here:

    1. Subsystem to cause erection. I think it just amounts to blocking off return blood flow?

    2. Subsystem to cause ejaculation. Mostly it is the Vas Deference, but something else has to block off the back passage way, and there has to be enough liquid available.

    3. The stimulation and it's processing.

    But as I see it, all these things are regulated more by psychology than physiology. These are all nominally involuntary processes, not under conscious control, or only very peripherally under conscious control.

    I mean, if it were limited by physical constraints, then how exactly would Viagra be able to do anything about it? Can Viagra enable you to bench press twice as much weight as you otherwise could?

    So we know that yogis can do extreme things, like gain conscious control over their supposedly involuntary bladder muscles. So they can create vacuum. They can stick their dick into a cup of milk and drain it dry.

    So likewise, stimulation of the penis does not directly cause either erection or ejaculation. Sometimes these things can happen with little or no mechanical stimulation.

    It all comes down to how your psychology has gotten wired up. So if you had a harem full of young hotties, and if you saw your role in life, no matter what your age, as inseminating them, then you would probably be continuing to pump out loads just like a 20yo.

    Likewise then, if you worked at it, you should be able to rewire your workings, to make it go however you want.

    So I draw from this two conclusions. First of all, continued access to dolled up hotties in strip clubs is an absolute necessity and it should be considered a male right. If necessary it should be publicly funded.

    In most places you will get into deep shit if you leer at women. And also, they are not usually dressed for being looked at. So strip clubs are a necessity, as this is what lets you get and maintain hard ons. I remember once at the Sunnyvale Brass Rain telling this dark skinned Filipino super hottie, Mocha, who was always getting her ass into my face, "This is just like junior high school all over again." She thought that was really funny.

    But then also we need a regular diet of real FS, best with the same women. We should not be training ourselves excessively with dry humping, HJ, or BJ. We should not be excessively dependent on DIY either, as it does not work the same way. DIY, really doing it on yourself, requires only the barest minimum of erection because you have learned just exactly how to do it.

    Sex is a learned behavior. Your mind learns how to do it, but so does your physiology. We need to have a regular diet of FS, with nice dolled up hotties that we really like and can really do a good job with. Don't want to cum too fast, or too slow.

    I don't think age directly effects physical physiology. I think it is more psychology.

    So some say that taking too long to cum is a problem in later life.

    Well, but there are young guys who come way way to fast. I don't think the issue is with the nerves in the penis. I think it is all subject to the involuntary control of the central nervous system between the ears.

    I think regular high intensity visual turn ons, like at a strip club, and then regular high quality FS with the same dolled up hotties, will keep any of us young, and it will also rejuvenate anything which has been lost.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Is Viagra the primary reason for the proliferation of UHM strip clubs?

    Is it simply that lots of guys who would have been content to sit in their rocking chairs on their front porches, drinking iced tea and playing checkers, and chatting with their similarly aging spouses, have now found that they can be out boning young hotties?

    Is this the reason for the proliferation of UHM strip clubs?

    Let me argue the other side for just a moment. There is a contingent of the Roman Catholic ultra right which tries to argue for Natural Family Planning. This is the church's almost universally disregarded doctrine against artificial contraception. The current version of it involves using a thermometer and keeping charts.

    As one commentator put it, the women in such marriages have a huge amount of power, and they know it.

    Well those on the ultra right argue that this sort of bogus contraception is good because it guarantees marital fidelity. It only works between those two partners. Whereas they argue, artificial contraception works with anyone, so it encourages marital infidelity.

    Is it the same for Viagra?

    I explained before about how David Steinberg, who was with the Institute for the Advanced Study for Human Sexuality, wrote in the Spectator about experimenting with Viagra, when he was in his mid 50s. Having a very good relationship with a long term partner, they both concluded that sex was better without Viagra. The Viagra hard-on felt unnatural. Where as to get a natural hard-on, it just took a little longer.

    Well this was during the 90's, when Willey Brown was S.F. Mayor and Terrance Hallinan was D.A. So suppose instead of trying it with his partner, Steinberg went to Market St. Cinema and conducted his experiments. Suppose he tried fucking strippers of all races, sizes, and shapes. Say he tried with and without Viagra. With Viagra we know will feel unnatural, to a point. But in that kind of adventurous encounter would one even sense that it is any more unnatural? And wouldn't one be more appreciative of the ability to make it happen quickly and with certainty, and to be able to use the more reliable hard-on to stimulate his stripper.

    I mean the Market St. Cinema was a hard core environment back then. The dancers were openly soliciting who ever they talked to. There was no need for plausible deniability, as they had been assured by Hallinan that LE would stay away. It stayed like that until Hallinan was unseated at the ballot box.

    So does Viagra help more with hooker sex, as opposed to with partner sex, and is this the reason for the proliferation of UHM strip clubs.

    If I may be so bold as to ask, for those who have used Viagra or similar drugs, at what age did you take your first dosage?


    Dizzy Gillespie - "Afro" - Full album
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Continuing to reflect on David Steinberg, who was with the Institute for the Advanced Study for Human Sexuality. He wrote articles for Spectator sometimes, but he was not really a strip club person.

    I reflect back on something Trixxi said a few months ago about the most extreme dives in her metro. She said that the dances were street hookers. I've thought about this a lot. I don't think she means in that they don't look very good, but it is more in how they conduct themselves.

    Well, during those years when Terrance Hallinan was S.F. DA, the Market St. Cinema was a very hardcore place. They had been assured that LE would not bother them. So the dancers were openly soliciting anyone who came in. So they would have been very much like hard hustling street hookers.

    So David Steinberg conducted his experiments to see which was better, with our without Viagra, and he did this with his long term partner. They both decided that while the Viagra hard-on was more reliable, that it felt unnatural. So they felt that things worked better without Viagra.

    Okay, but what if Steinberg had done his research instead at the Market St. Cinema? With some of these hard hustling dancers who do conduct themselves very much like street hookers, and who want to make it happen fast, and who are not shy about taking control of the situation, and where there will often already be all sorts of strange emotional disharmonies in play, would it still be better without Viagra? Or would Viagra actually have given him a degree of power in the situation, hence making it much better?

    Is Viagra the reason we have this proliferation of UHM Strip Clubs now, at this time?

    Discussion of frustrating AMP session, with Light Blue Mini-Dress Vietnamese Y.

    So here, we see a great deal of frustration with marriage here on TUSCL:

    So we have frustration with marriage. We have my frustrating AMP session, with a girl I had high expectations for.

    Then here we have, of all people, Mr. LDK writing about a frustrating SC experience, and finally my own take on how the RedBook improved things:

    So frustration with marriage and really with all civilian relationships, but then also frustration with P4P too. Guys keep on going looking for something. We pay lots of money, but most of the time, doesn't what we get fall short? Isn't this why we keep trying and keep on paying?

    There are lots of psychological changes which come about from age. Just knowing and feeling that you are older effects your psychology, as do any health issues.

    But when it comes to sexual capability, could it be that it is just this continual frustration, in both the civilian realm and the P4P realm, which causes the decline in sexual capacity.


    Discussion of Pre-Patriarchal Religion, and women's control of reproduction:

    Gary Moore, Wishing Well
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    There was a movie I saw once, but I can't remember its name. It is about male sexuality. The main character is an architect. He ends up building a phallus shaped high rise.

    But at one point in the movie the has a beautiful woman in the position and he is going to enter her. But the little head asserts its veto power and prevents it.

    Either in the movie or in places I have read, they call this the, "Wisdom of the Penis". Sometimes it just will not cooperate, and so you have to respect this. It is refusing to allow it because there is something wrong about the power and emotional dynamics of the situation. In this case it was a woman trying to gain power over the character, power in the professional realm.

    So I think it is something like this which causes this supposed declination of capacity with age. I think it is just that the body has decided that there is something wrong about the sexual situations, and so it is rejecting them.

    I mean really, guys read some of the text here on TUSCL, and without even touching themselves they get hard and stay hard. And they wake up hard in the moring, without touching themselves. But yet when they want to use it the need Viagra? And how exactly does this Viagra work, if it is really a physical issue?

    I think it was rockstar666 who posted about cutting the pills up and only taking a 1/3. I'm sure that that is the best way, just taking the bare minimum to do the job.

    But is it really necessary at all? How about practicing yoga, to get better in touch with one's body? Or how about just being open about the power dynamics in sexual situations, and then working to change them?

    I know that the frustrations in marriage and civilian relationships, along with the sorts of frustrations which come along in P4P, are all part of this. The body is just reacting to it.


    Dizzy Gillespie Quintet 1966 BBC Jazz
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 has recently posted a compelling narrative of his most recent sexual escapade with his Dream Stripper.

    He wrote, "I stay uncharacteristically hard after the festivities. Cialis and weed -- an awesome combination."

    Likewise, Mikeya02 posted a while back about marijuana giving you the kind of boner that you can hang two wet towels on. I think it was Steve229 who said, "Marijuana makes you horny."

    So I asked him, "The strippers you know aren't enough to make you horny?"

    If marijuana does indeed work the way these people are claiming, then I become even more firmly convinced that the sort of declining of capabilities which occurs with age is in fact psychological. If there were atrophy of physical structures, then certainly marijuana would not be able to do anything short order to fix it.

    Even with Cialis and Viagra, how can swallowing a little pill let you do more than you otherwise could, unless the limit is psychological.

    Now in saying this I am not trying to trivialize the issue. As one ages they are supposed to grow wiser. Their actions are more thoughtful and less wreckless, so such a decline is to be expected.

    But on the other hand, as it is psychological, it should be possible to reverse it. The means would be Eastern Mindfulness, but applied to the body. This is known as Yoga, specifically Tantric Yoga.



    Interesting page. I am presently trying to talk sense into a friend who has got himself a crackpot "invention". As usually with such, it is a bunch of window dressing surrounding a perpetual motion or non-conservation of energy machine. Very hard to talk sense into such people. But this page of water data is interesting.

  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    "Want to know how to increase testosterone? Introduce yourself to a new woman."

    Truer words were never spoken. Agree!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sexual Performance Anxiety / Psychological Erectile Dysfunction - Causes, symptoms and treatment


    I feel that what this video says is largely the truth.

    The only thing I would add is that feminism is not really the enemy, nor is the government or anything like that. And also, sex roles are limited and contextual roles, they are theatrics. And a man who truly has power does not need to act cocky or go along with this Alpha Male non-sense that the PUA's put out.

    And physical fitness does change how a man conducts himself. I get this because I use bicycles for everyday transportation.


    The First Peoples of Europe History - Full Documentary Movies 2015 HD

    Ancient Egypt Documentary - Complete History - 8000 B.C. to 30 B.C.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Right here, gawker's account

    This is the greatest story I've heard of the supposed effects of aging vanishing!

    Way to go gawker, but everyone one of us should also take notice. It is the emotional dynamics of our own lives, and of the situation, which determine the capabilities of a mature man.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think there may be some specific medical issues. And then I am also inclined to agree that chemical addictions like caffeine are problems.

    But consider this, most guys wake up with a hard on. So long as that is there, and one does not ejaculate, then that should be there and available at anytime from then on, unless perhaps one gets too fatigued or intoxicated.

    But what seems to actually happen is that one's daily concerns get in the way.

    Once one stripper at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail was really showering me with attention, mostly close views of her ass. So I told her the truth. "This is just like jr high school all over again." She thought that was funny.

    Young guys get hard ons all the time, when they are not needed.

    Older guys seem to only get hard when it is needed, as when it is to be used.

    Thing is though, there are more complex psychological issues in play. As I see it, the prospect of possessing the woman is a huge part of it. He might be paying her. This is not really important. But he has to feel that she is really offering herself to him and wants to be possessed. This matters for the older guy, much more so than for the younger guy. For an older guy, hard ons are there when they are needed, when they will be put to effective use.

    Now I am not an anti-feminist. But rather life is much more complex under the surface than it may look.

    Suffice to say, time and energy spent regularly getting in touch with one's feelings. Healthy habits, exercise and bodily awareness, and then just clarity of your intentions when going after a prospect, this should do it.

    If it is there when you wake up, but not there after you are out and about and tending to your affairs, to me it seems like the issue is psychological and highly related to what is going on in your life. Yes, of course this is 'normal'. Older guys are more responsible in what they do, they look at a bigger picture. So the seeming loss will usually not be easily reversed. But I believe that with the above items I have listed, it can be reversed.

    Sexual Performance Anxiety

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lots of good videos about this, lots of them:

    Psychological issues, just life distress, is a big factor. But then it also comes down to circulation issues. And this is highly effected by diet, exercise, and smoking.

    And then diabetes is a huge issue. Most people who have diabetes do not know it.

    What I am reading is that it makes it feel like you don't have good circulation in your extremities. But in fact, it sounds like the real issue is that you blood does not work well anymore, because it is so high sugar.

    And then caffeine causes high blood sugar, even above and beyond what additional sugar the caffeinated beverage might be introducing. Very easy to become addicted to a caffeine and sugar diet.

    And then of course these chemical enhancers solve nothing, they just make you dependent on them.

    MrDeuce's thread


    High heels, tacones, always make the girl, TJ Street Girlhttp://i466.photobucket.com/albums/rr23/archie6…
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ED and diabetes:

    Most people with diabetes do not even know it. Or maybe they are just pre-diabetes.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Wife cures husband's ED

    Again suggesting that declining capability is not irreversible.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Using watermelon to make natural Viagra.

    I think we all need a better diet. This is how I feel, at least for myself.

    Viet Coffee shops, no good!

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Anybody do toda la noche with their wife after taking a dose of psychotropic drugs and Viagra?

    I did and it blew my mind away! Plus my wife was so satisfied that I didn't have to watch the kids for a week. Basically a hall pass for some time with my strippers at my furnished condo, which Bill Maher uses frequently as cover so the media doesn't find out about his hi-jinx:-)!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Jim G's fantasies, using TUSCL to transcribe his dreams as soon as he wakes up in the morning, hoping his wife will still think he is asleep so that he can avoid her a little bit longer.


    ED Sound Wave Treatments

    Shadowcat's Thread


    Marilyn Ferguson

    Aquarian Conspiracy

    Aquarius - Love, Drugs and Dead Hookers (Episode Highlight)
    David Duchovny
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Reading Diabetes for Dummies, 5th edition, by Alan L. Rubin


    It says, 60 percent of all men over the age of 70 are impotent, and 50 percent have no libido (desire for sex). And the percentages are higher for diabetic men.

    It says that Sidenafil (Viagra) is made by Pfizer. Normal starting does is 50 milligrams, but with diabetes probably needs to be 100 miligrams. Effects begin in 30 to 60 minutes and can last for 12 hours.

    Tadalafil (Cialis) works like Viagra, but it stays active for 36 hours and the onset time is only 15 minutes So some call it the "weekender pill", because it permits spontaneous sexual activity from Friday to Sunday. Starting does is 10mg, but with diabetes it probably needs to be twice that. Some guys take 2.5 to 5mg daily so "they're always read to go".

    This book also dispels the myth that people with diabetes have more colds. Factors which do contribute to having more colds are being a child, and especially if your parent(s) smoke, and being exposed to second hand smoke.


    More about the diabetes book and about post human issues

    Texas Abortion Ban

    TJ Street



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