Has TUSCL made you more of a SCer ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo

In my case; I’ve def gotten deeper in the SC game after joining TUSCL – i.e. I visit SCs more often; visit particular SCs b/c of reviews I’ve read; and have taken SC trips based on info I’ve learned from TUSCL.

I visited ATL in March and was not planning on visiting again for a while; but reading some reviews of a particular black club made me pull the plug on another trip in November.

Has TUSCL changed your SCing one way or the other – if so how?


last comment
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
More? No. I've been clubbing significantly less since the xATF crash and burn.

Better? Yes. TUSCL has definitely helped my adjust where/how I club to improve results. PMs from certain member have also been very valuable.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
It's definitely made me better. The info really helps me when I'm deciding where to go. After reading enough reviews, I don't feel I need to hang around certain clubs for long periods to see "what they're all about." For example, I just moved from Virginia back to NE Ohio. Much of the hot club action had moved to South Akron to dive bars like Lusty's, Ole Glory Daze and Dreamer's Girls. Those places can be pretty sketchy, with plenty of potential action and lots of scammers (and way too many substance issues). Reading TUSCL helps navigate a lot of problems. It also motivates me to write reviews and articles to help other club fans. I keep hoping, even in some small way, TUSCL helps improve the industry by pushing the bullshit out and putting a light on the things a club does well.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Maybe in the sense that the review help you locate clubs in new cities and know what to expect. As for the DB, well, with about maybe three or four exceptions it is populated by complete idiots.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
It's made a fiend of me :( keep aiming for JS69 status
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
My knee-jerk reaction was to say "No," but then I asked myself, "Would I have gone clubbing in Detroit had I not known about TUSCL? Or in Indianapolis, had not BBF been so close to the top of the rankings for so long?" And my honest-with-myself answer was ... no.

So I guess I have to say yes, I've clubbed more because of TUSCL, not to mention that my out-of-town experiences have probably made me club more at home, too, though the ease at which ITC/OTC is found out of town has not translated back to home, unfortunately.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
It has made me more successful. Reviews help me pick the right clubs, and discussions help me with areas that are kinda new to me like otc. More success means I probably go more than I otherwise would.
avatar for gatorfan
10 years ago
More what
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Oh hell yea. And as a result I've spent way more money than I would have. But knowledge gleaned from TUSCL has saved me a lot of scratch too.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
This site has been an amazing resource over the years. 'Nuff said. ;)
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I don't go more often due to TUSCL but I go smarter.
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
less but in a different way. tuscl helps avoid to avoid which clubs and cities to avoid. like other have posted here-saved a lot of dollars.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
10 years ago
Great tool. Saves time and money. Can easily pick the best clubs for my tastes locally, or when traveling domestically or internationally.

But, have learned not to be overly reliant on TUSCL reviews. First hand experience is also helpful. Clubbing and adult entertainment is "adventure". Part of the fun is trying different things. Met my diamond in the rough ATF at a poorly reviewed club. Also helps to get different perspectives from other sites.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
No. My SC visits have always been related to my business travel.

I do agree with what Shadow said, I go a lot smarter. Not only do I have reviews to go by but I also have the expertise of others who I can share info with.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
What mjx01 said
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
For my rare out of town trips TUSCL has helped significantly, and by doing so has encouraged me to explore more than I usually would when I'm far from home.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Lopaw, when are you coming to Phoenix so we can club together!!
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Tuscl is great. The number of reviews leads closer to the truth all the time. I have saved a lots of money because of all your help. It has definitely changed my SC experiences. DB carping is amusing but rarely edifying.
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
This fucking site has ruined SCs for me. After hearing about all the fun people outside of Ohio have, I just don't want to go to our shitty no nothing clubs any more! FML!
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
More visits, no.
More knowledge, yes.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Having spent a couple of years in Ohio, off and on, you have my sympathy. At least I was able to return to S. Florida.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“…But, have learned not to be overly reliant on TUSCL reviews. First hand experience is also helpful …”

Yeap – in the “one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure” idiom – many of the black dives I visit often get terrible reviews (mostly from white guys) - yet this is where I am at home and like Styx I have “the best of times”.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
I concur with Clubber. Would like to go more often and visit out if town clubs but I have time constraints. Not enough time.
avatar for bluemonday
10 years ago
definitely, without this site i would have known nothing about the many clubs that abound. it's made me want to visit other clubs and of course when confident i know enough about them to comment properly, to review them.

that said, i've read probably every bit of advice on here about clubbing, then ignored the lot and gone my own way... so far it's worked !
(i am now a proper paid up PL and proud of it !!)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
How come more people aren't citing RickyBoy's The System as having helped them?
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
Pretty much what everyone else said. The most notable thing (so far) that TUSCL has done for me is introduce me to Inner Room. I decided to try it out on my way home to South Florida once - even though it's a half-hour out of the way - and really enjoyed it. Actually going back when I go home for the holidays next Thursday. I wanted to try the famous Follies when I went to Atlanta, but it wasn't in the cards.

I don't put too much credence into the opinion part of reviews - still don't get how anyone can prefer Mons to 2001, for instance - but I find value in the information. TUSCL has made me better by letting me know what to expect in particular clubs.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Dougster: I have had one hundred percent success in attracting hookers since I bought my Saville Row suit and silk ties!

How's that;)
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
@Corvus - I got a friend in Tempe that I haven't seen in a loooong time, and I hope to go visit with her & her husband sometime early next year. When that happens, I will for sure holla atcha! :D
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
The site hasn't really changed things much for me. It has helped a few times but most of the time, I know more about local clubs than whatever is posted.
avatar for marc5
10 years ago
Short answer...hells yeah!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Not really, but it has helped me decide which clubs I want to visit.
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