
Outlier Visit

Scanning the room from the back
So there's one particular club I've now been to four times. Of the four, one visit, my second, was spectacular. Some mighty fine services were on the table from women worth getting them from.

The other three, however, have been decidedly 'meh'. Visit #3 was pre-holiday, so I wrote it off. Visit #1 was when the place just opened, so I figured it might just be trying to get up to speed. But visit #4 was the worst of all. Talent went from an average of 7.5 in the second visit to a 5. Got dances from one of the few women worth it and they were light and blah.

Has there ever been a club you've been to where YMMV varied SO much between visits that you weren't sure what to make of the place?


  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    Yeah I know what you mean. There's a nude joint I visited about four times, and each visit has been different, in terms of hotness of women and mileage. I judge a club based on the "best" availability of both, and chalk up not so great visits to luck of the draw.
  • tobala
    10 years ago
    I recently reviewed a club like that. I got a really high mileage dance from a really hot girl at a club that's historically low mileage with mediocre girls. I think you just found a good girl in a bad club.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Most clubs I have visited enough to have a "read" on them, they are all that way. Maybe not to the same degree, but...
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I have been to clubs where they are cometely different every time I go. One I went to probably 100 times and there were no two nights that were alike. Sometimes one dancer makes all the difference.
  • Harderlap
    10 years ago
    There are a lot of variables that go into the quality of a visit to a club. The biggest variable is the dancer, so if you can find a dancer that gives a good experience, stick with her. She can also tell you why things are different if they are different. Things like changes in wait staff, the dancer next to you, the floor managers, the bouncers, and even the time of day all influence the quality of a visit. In my experience there is always some variability in the quality of the dances and dancers. If it is bad and stays bad for more than 6 months or so, I frequent other places and monitor the reviews here to see if things change. Post your experiences good and bad so that others can learn.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    + some clubs tend to be good only on peak nights (Fr/Sat eve) and meh other nights

    + for the most part in my recent and local experience; new clubs, even nice ones; seem to have a hard time getting established and getting quality talent
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Good stuff, all. I mean, you expect variability between visits. But this has been to the extreme.

    I think a lot of it is the club. It's in a strange place, about 45 minutes north of the city, nowhere near any main highway and in an area with a golf course, a small airport and a lot of rural land, so it's not like there's a built-in customer base. The only person I've recognized from multiple visits has been the bartender, so I get the impression turnover is high. They're trying things to get folks to go that far out of their way, like doing away with a cover for a one-drink minimum.

    I honestly think they're not that concerned about what goes on in the back, so the right girl and right night can lead to really good things. But that's not something normal for this area and if girls don't make enough money quickly enough to figure that out, they probably won't stay there long enough to.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Papi, that's another piece. This is a newer place relative to the area. Whereas the other few primary options in the city have been around over 15 years, I think this one is two years old.

    Ran into a dancer at another club that worked at the one I'm speaking of. She said that if it wasn't for a multi-year deal they had signed for the space, they'd probably be closed by now. Said they were offering sizable bonuses for dancers in the beginning to draw them up there, but that's no longer happening. Granted, I've absorbed so much SS over time that I take any such talk with a grain of salt, but it seemed plausible.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I the no problem that unless you've got an ATF somewhere, your mileage is probably gonna swing wildly depending on when you go, what dancers are working, etc.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Lol wtf happened to the beginning of my previous post! Should read "I think that unless....."
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    I've had ATFs but I like variety. Even my ATFs don't exactly have a consistent thread to them. [shrug]
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Platinum Plus is consistently inconsistent...
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    It's my personal opinion that 99% of all clubs are only as good as the dancers they hire, which means if the dancers they hire are mediocre, the club is going to be mediocre.

    As far as examples of such clubs, two of them in Iowa stand out as such clubs. I had one spectacular visit to Outer Limits in Des Moines, which was subsequently followed by 4 mediocre or worse visits. This is a dive which is more bar than strip club, but still, some of the ladies seem up for extracurricular activities, so I always find it disappointing that I haven't had a repeat of my first visit. The other is Ossy's in Carroll, which is off the beaten path, but still in a decent sized city for the area (and not far from where one of my grandparent's was born). I find it surprising they have some pretty hot talent there every time I go there, but only once was it worth it. Maybe I just look too much like an outsider there.
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