
Free OTC. What led to it?

Obviously a lot of you like doing OTC with strippers (me included) but for the most part it's gonna cost you $$.

To the guys who have managed to fuck strippers for free before, how did you pull it off?


  • GACA
    10 years ago
    This is where the Dancers should chime in...
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    The same way I fucked my wife for free.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Having read more of SW than I probably should, it's sort of like fucking your hooters girl or hot bartender (the latter of which I did once in college by pure luck and charm). Most dancers are 100% business, but some mix business and pleasure, especially the young, inexperienced and chemically modified. The traits that will get you laid for free are going to be the same traits as "real life"; good body, good face, good hair, charming personality.

    It's also a case where like real life, the path to success with 5s and 6s is much shorter than 8s and 9s.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Whether the girl is a 5 or a 9, for free OTC I believe she would have to be genuinely attracted to you.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    It's soo much easier just to pay for it. Searching for free OTC is too time consuming, too uncertain, and too frustrating.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    You are a determined young man, Ranukam.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Is there such a thing as 'free' sex, one way or another we pay?
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    You can't tell from the get-go.

    It's just not possible.

    Or you can use the PUA (pickup artist) and have a frame and set, but most dancer will easily see that and tell right away.

    So I guess, it has to be the alignment of planets and stars in your favor, the random combination of numbers as galaxies and so as black holes.

    The village shaman will say otherwise, but you get my point.

    Luck should be your muse and she would never fail you.
  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    Agree with londonguy ^^^

    "Free" sex with a stripper happened for me by building up a friendship, just like in the civvy world. Spent 4-5 increasingly hotter sessions in VIP with a current fav. Popped the OTC question with a P4P carrot, and got a "Maybe". First OTC finally happened as front end of shopping date. Second OTC, an overnighter, was at the end of a shift, where I'd gotten a couple of dances. Both sessions included some gifts.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    My experience is that if you treat her like a civilian, she usually will be reachable. But you can't be calling it OTC.

  • GoVikings
    10 years ago

    Some people say that there is no such thing as "free sex" and that you pay for it one way or the other. I don't agree. I DO think there is a such thing as free sex.

    Even if a guys only objective is to get sex from a female he likes (and he doesn't care about the girl one bit) and he has to first go on a few dates, buy dinner, buy movie tickets...there's still no guarantee it's going to happen and you have to have at least a little bit of game/know how to make it happen.

    But when you do like many people on TUSCL do, and just pay for sex (directly) in exchange for money, you know that you're going to get it and it's obviously a lot less of a hassle. Anyone can pull this off. All you need is money.

    I could be wrong, but it sounds like ranukam is asking for advice--which if he is---would be very surprising considering all the free OTC sex with strippers he's gotten in the past.
  • ArtCollege
    10 years ago
    Somebody, maybe John D. MacDonald, once said, "Free tail is invariably the most expensive kind."
  • impala
    10 years ago
    First thing, if she thinks this is OTC service for free your done! And it's not gonna be right away usually, you gonna actually have to date her. That means all the usual stripper drama, but now magnified ten fold because your gonna be the one she dumps on. All the crazy stalker "ex boyfriends", the wild party friends, late nights, yada yada yada. Just pay for it, it's a lot easier.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I may be wrong, this one dancer I had a convo with, she mentioned something about go-to guy, there's a guy she can booty call and this guy will do the job.

    You can be that guy.

    No, I do not want to be that guy, though.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    MrSystem2 had some good ideas in this regard.
  • slaux.pas
    10 years ago
    I did not thin you were a retard ranukam but if you do that your a retard cuz a stripper girl that will have free sex must have a disease that will make your dick fall off. Leave that to retards like mikeya02 and crazyjoe and Juice and Douster.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I'm 69 years old. A dancer I've known for 5 years is 25. My second VIP she sucked my dick and didn't ask for more money. My 3rd VIP I fucked her from behind and manipulated her clit manually and she came twice. Then she disappeared and I started seeing my ATF. After a year she called me and we've gotten together for drinks , coffee, or shopping. Then she disappeared again. Upon returning she told me she'd been the traveling companion of a billionaire, but she left him because he disrespected her repeatedly.
    This has gone on and on - when she's around, she calls me and we hang out and I spend money on her. She says we're "friends with benefits". I've tried to figure out how much sex costs me with her and it's probably about $250.
    Londonguy is right - you pay one way or another. My best guess is that she doesn't want to charge for sex, because then she'd have to admit that she's a whore. By "being friends" she's just fucking a friend.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I agree, we always pay one way or another. Last time, I gave her a ride home, which was several miles out of my way. She never offered me gas money, which would have amounted to $1-$2. I had to settle for road head and a three hour romp in her bedroom.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @gawker so go for strippers who claim they don't do extras? I think you might be on to something. ...
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I've had free OTC with some strippers like my ex-ATF. But to get a freebie here and there, I spent a lot of money with these girls over many months.

    To get free OTC with a new stripper, you need to be young, attractive and charming. That's why I have to pay.

  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    A wife is anything but free! Taken in total, that is the most expensive sex there i :)
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @GoVikings- Huh? If I was looking for advice, I would say I wanted advice.

    @Mikey- I'm always trying to fine tune my game. It's like Petyton Manning, he's obviously great, but he's always working on his game.

    In my experience the three big things are: her being attracted to you, treating her like a civilian, and not spending too much money on her in the club. Even after all of this it's still a long shot.

    With a lot of strippers, as soon as you set foot in the club, they automatically eliminate you as a dating option or a fuck buddy option. A lot of them have a rule of not dating customers. Like Dougster has put it, some strippers get with the drug dealers, felons, unemployed etc because that's what they feel they deserve. If you're trying to get with a stripper, she might feel that you're too good for her. A lot of strippers also feel that when customers try to get with them, the customers are just playing games with them, they just want to brag to their friends that they fucked a stripper for free and they don't actually care about the stripper. Also some of the strippers have serious baggage, and they feel that when you find out about all of their baggage, you won't be able to take it and you will just leave her. This is a big reason why they get with the unemployed etc, their loser boyfriends can deal with the baggage, shit in a lot of instances the boyfriends have more baggage than the dancers. Also you have to realize that some of these strippers are prostitutes OTC, which is why the prostitutes would rather just fuck you for money and keep it business, dating a Escort is a whole another can of worms.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Go Vikings, so even if the sole intention is sex and you have to spend money on dates, meals, drinks then you are still paying for it with or without any guarantee.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @Che -- "if you are trying to date or hook up with a stripper you are first and foremost a fool but more specifically you are living a bullshit lie."

    What bulls hit lie would that be?
    I've dated a bunch of sluts who could give strippers a run for their damaged emotional state. Especially in my early 20's. And I don't know if I just attract them, but Jesus, there's a lot of hoe bags out there. They aren't stripping they were in school, at work, lpoked down at strippers and guys who went and saw them. But shit they were just as dirty with all the dick sucking cum drizzling get fucked by a line of frat boys. So I'm wondering what is the difference between hooking up with one hoe is vs the other?
    At least you know where you stand with strippers. And that strippers can't hide their slutty background. ..
    I think its a fool who tricks himself into thinking there anymore to fucking a stripper than anything physical or financial. But don't give me that civie girl are better than stripper bullshit.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago

    I guess it depends on how each individual looks at it.

    The reason I do believe there is a such thing as free sex is because as Che said, there are some situations where a guy can get laid without any type of monetary investment. But this obviously takes some know how and every guy isn't able to pull it off. But it doesn't take any know how to go to a place like Adelita's Bar or any other brothel and get laid. All it takes is money. That's all I was saying.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    It happens :)
    But for all the "free" poon I get, it usually comes with some kind of price tag - sometimes not monetarily, but it's there in other ways.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “Birds of a feather flock together”

    Ways to free OTC w/ strippers:

    + your life is as fucked up as theirs (that way you have something “in common”)

    + you like to party (get drunk, crunk, hi on weed; etc)

    ^ Not the only ways; but seems to help
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    The only time I've had "free otc" was when she was looking for an exit from the business and thought is make a good signicant other/boyfriend/husband.

    Of course as soon as I realized this, I backed out because that wasn't what I was looking for.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    A good way is to have a really big dick.

    As a disclaimer – I’ve never been able to score free OTC
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    It happens a lot of times. Dancers are girls with hearts and souls like any other women. You treat them like you would treat your girlfriend. Yes there is a cost involved in any relationship. You buy her flowers, jewelry, take her out to dinner, movies, buy gifts for her kids etc. The difference is you are not paying for sex. You get sex as many times as you want but it is not a pay for play. Many times you aren't even giving her cash. You may be taking care of her like you would any girlfriend but you are paying for a GFE not OTC sex. If you add up how many times you have had sex with her compared to the costs involved you are getting off for about the same price as a VIP a week but the sex is unlimited. I have 3 of these relationships going now and enjoy taking care of my girls and they enjoy taking care of me.
  • oscarlomax
    10 years ago
    I've had a couple experiences but I didn't go in planning to hook up. I'm a writer and I was working on a detective novel where the investigator's client was a strip club owner. I was talking to a lot of the girls casually just trying to get a sense of their world. I got no lap dances but I was friendly. I bought one drink for one girl. After coming to this club a few times, one of the dancers I had conversations with invited me for breakfast. We met at a Denny's and she invited me back to her place. Turns out she was a journalism major and was getting ready to transfer to a school out of state. I used to send her chapters to get feedback on the authenticity of the stripper world. She liked this really gave me some wonderful insights. A lot of it I didn't use in the book. I guess we had the writing thing in common and developed a rapport that led to her bedroom.
  • trixxi
    10 years ago
    I fuck myself nightly for free. It's only expensive when I decide to buy a new dildo
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    My experience with AMP girls is that they love to be fucked. They do expect a little bit more money for that than they do for HJ. But the money is not enough that it could persuade them to do something they are otherwise averse to.

    And understand, this is just with a first time walk in customer. So they are there, dolled up and on standby, and needing to pay their rent, so of course when it is offered like that, they expect money. But if they were approached in a different way, outside the shop, and buy a guy who is being straight, open, and respectful with them, it would not take long to get them completely off of the clock.

    My experience with SC dancers is that they are very open to civilian relationships. The main requirement is that you treat her with respect.

  • LenaSmirnova
    10 years ago
    I'd have to agree with Diva there must be a genuine mutual attraction for me to take it outside of the club.What personally turns me on is when the guy is young,decent looking,got hot legs that says he plays sports,peaceful and a bit smitten with me.He still has to chaise me around and try to impress me to get my number:))
  • LenaSmirnova
    10 years ago
    Have to agree with ranukam about stripper emotional baggage.it is very real :((
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I think it would easy for a young good looking guy with game to get free fucking in a sc. I see the way the dancers pay special attention to them at the stage etc... All they need is some game to pull it off.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I've said it before, but I will say it again, Lone_Wolf is a smart man, very rational.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "With a lot of strippers, as soon as you set foot in the club, they automatically eliminate you as a dating option or a fuck buddy option. A lot of them have a rule of not dating customers."

    I thought you'd support your topic with arguments not having these.

  • GACA
    10 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Apparently, my head game is *waaaaayyyyyy* better than her husband's.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    If you are going to try for free OTC, a good place to try would be a strip club where customers don't get lapdances and dancers don't ask for them (air dance clubs, places with no VIP, D.C., etc). In these kind of places there's no hustle from the dancers, they pretty much get all their money on stage. Buy the girl you like a drink and work your game. There's a couple of strip clubs like that in my area. It's kind of almost like a regular bar.

    As been said before, a lot of these strippers are in relationships with losers. Just be nice to her, she's just looking for someone that will treat her right.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^ranukam... I will be testing this hypothesis.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I agree first you need a game plan. Be extra nice to her and let her know you're interested. Work your game plan and come on to her like you would any other girl. Then make it happen !
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    mission failed... fuck I got two other dancers numbers they want me to hang out and they are cute do not get me wrong but the new girl was the cutest and she didn't play interested at all she's actually hanging out with broke motherfuckers. anyway I'm very popular at the club I spent a shitload of cash but girl of my dreams didn't care so I'm going with option X. a dancer i used to get dances from she was the cutest one there before the new girl showed up.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Sometimes less is more.

    Sometimes not acting too interested in a girl may actually get her interested in you.

    Act indifferent towards her from now and on and she may come around when/if she need$ something from you.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @Papi ....Unfortunately new girl didn't stroke the ego :) so now I'm over it.
    Thankfully there is no shortage of is hot strippers. And I had a blast just hanging out at the club for a change once I was off the hunt
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