How well does the SC handshake work on you ?
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Once you’ve SCed for a while; you’ve kinda heard it all in terms of dancer lines – i.e. “I’m the best” – “I’ll show you a great time” – bla bla bla.
So many of us kinda become immune to the SS – but I must say that the SC handshake almost always has an effect on me where I’ll almost always say “what the heck – one dance won’t hurt” – post a SC handshake.
Do you consider yourself extra vulnerable to the SC handshake or does it just have the same effect, or lack thereof, as the rest of SS?
When it happens, I'll let you know.
I don’t think you need to wonder about that LOL – they’re always trying to hustle us – it’s the nature of the beast :) – as long at they follow thru on their kinkiness and provide good dances; then the hustle is worth it and unavoidable really.
Once in Portland I had a beautiful redhead sit with me and do the handshake on me at my table for about 15 min while I watched the stage show. She got my $ that night.
The best ever was from a past favorite of mine. The hand shake and a "breathless" whisper in my ear of, "I want to suck your cock!" She did, many times.
In my experience, if it's from a dancer I just met, it's usually a red flag for me. Most have used it as a sales pitch and don't follow through.
If it's from a girl I've met before and somewhat know, it usually ends well. ;)
1) Follies
2) Former Heartbreakers in Columbia. Now renamed Platinum West
3) PP in Columbia
4) Goldrush in Atlanta
5) Pleasers in Atlanta. presently closed due to a fire
IME seems to be more common in the dives – but then again I mostly visit dives.
At the Platinum Plus in Columbia, it was fairly routine whenever you tipped at the stage or the satellites, at least a few years ago. Maybe that doesn't count as a handshake. More of a thank you sailor, and by the way how's your father.
Since, no it doesn't really work, as that doesn't mean she is really opening herself up to me. I have my own ways of testing this.
That is the girl just comes over and sits on your lap and starts nibbling on your ear and licking your neck, and just encourages you to make out with her.
The handshake is just one quick thing. This make out session is something she will let you lead, and it is a chance to get to know her some too.…