Messed up lives of strippers

avatar for rickdugan
I recently posted about a girl I see OTC who lives in a hotel. Last night she further expanded on her situation and let me know that she lives there in a single room with her 4 kids and her father, who has been unemployed for some time now. That's right, even her father is living off of this chick. She has been there for some time and is having trouble getting an apartment because she has a felony conviction that is getting her denied on rental applications. I dared to ask how her Thanksgiving was and learned that they had Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Corral.

Sometimes the more we learn about these girls, the less we really want to know.


last comment
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Yes, our lives do tend to be unstable.
avatar for samsung1
10 years ago
Father could in reality be an older drug dealer. I know a young stripper who lived with an older man who had several prescriptions for OxyContin, Xanax, etc.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
From the title, I thought that maybe HBO was gonna have a new soap opera or something.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Slick, sadly I think that would be an extremely popular show.

Their lives are almost always in various degrees of badly screwed up. Even the DS, angel that she is in most respects, does have some fucked up living arrangements,
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
I'm wondering why anyone would continue to subject themselves to seeing this? The downside of "the System" means you have to see things your mind normally wouldn't, and so I may surmise your addiction not only lays with sex, but also drama(which is why I read TUSCL). Not sure how you can persist with this hobby. One glance at that and I would be heading for Zzzz hills! I don't care how shitty someone's life is, because it can only drag mine down.
avatar for sofaking87
10 years ago
I make a point of warning strippers when they start talking about their kids. I'm there for the fantasy, not the reality, lol!
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
If you don't understand why a guy would endure a little drama in order to have wild passionate sex with gorgeous young women, then I'm not sure that I could possibly explain it to you. It's called being a heterosexual male.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Most of them wouldn't be stripping if their lives weren't messed up.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Corral doesn't sound that bad. The food is pretty good and it's all you can eat.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Golden Corral is nasty. I had a bad experience there
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
No drama with wild passionate sex I've found is way better than drama filled sex with young ladies, unless u got no game then I can see why someone would go the route of banging messed up strippers.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
IMO, I have always been suspect of stroppers with a sob story. At worse it is true (which in it self is sad but you can't change her, she got in that situation and she really is the only one that can get herself out) or at best she is hustling you. It's sad to admit but some people just make poor decisions in their life and there are conciquences to those actions.

Oh, and by the way, I have eaten Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Coral before when I was on the road, pretty good if you ask me.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Meat, all sex with all women comes with drama of some sort, and we all pay for it in one way or another.
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
John smith so true of a statement. Why pile on any more unnecessary drama if don't need to? I'm the kind of guy that can only deal with so much bs in my life and am amazed at others that can put up with it.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
It's remarkable how much you can pick up about a dancer in a five minute conversation. There definitely are "types". There are the substance abusers, be it simply alcohol or a little pot, or something worse. Stripping definitely allows young ladies who REALLY like drugs to indulge on the job. There are the "legitimate" students who you can tell won't be dancing in two years once they finish school and move on. There are the sad lifers who have no real skills or experience and time is passing by. There are the girls you can tell could go either way in a couple years... the girls who are taking a break from school or who are taking a few general classes with no real plan.

Let's face it, the girls who are more open to extras are probably the less stable ones. There are exceptions to every rule of course.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
As TUSCLer dancer “duomaxwell’ once posted – “good girls don’t work in strip clubs”
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Meat, I don't usually put up with it. That's why I pay extra for a dream stripper. I can't believe some of the shit guys her have to deal with.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
How awful. What I've found is that even when these girls get a chance to turn their lives around, they go do really stupid, fucked up shit to mess them up again. I knew one dancer who had trouble making ends meet raising just one child with no help from the worthless father, so she went out and had two more kids each from another worthless piece of shit. I knew another who received a $19,000 settlement from a court case and in two weeks blew the whole whole wad on fake tits and a crappy used SUV with a new sound system. A month later she and here poor little son were evicted for not paying rent. A pal of mine loaned one girl $1,500 for beauty school and bought her another $1,000 in supplies. She quit after two weeks. When these girls start talking about their lives, I walk away. It's not worth it. (I just feel terrible for their kids.)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ you can lead a horse to water …
avatar for alexrain
10 years ago
"A pal of mine loaned one girl $1,500 for beauty school and bought her another $1,000 in supplies. She quit after two weeks. "

She most likely never even went to the school, but gave the money to the local drug dealer instead.

I completely believe that most (by most I mean nearly all) strippers lead fucked up lives, by you have to take the sob stories with a grain of salt. They do piss away money, but it's usually on drugs, or to support some unemployed bad boy loser.
avatar for humvry
10 years ago
Paying for sexual services became a normal way of live. I do believe that that any female involved in it should be well compensated . Any story about her struggles in her life is only an excuse to warrant her behavior. Which IMO goes both ways. Usually they are always worried if they the can pay the rent or pay for the bare necessities in life.
Most of them have more than one child. If I'm aware that there's a boyfriend,, drugs or pimp involved, I would immediately drop her. It's IMO much saver to have an OTC with a proven clean woman from a club than to go to a street walker!
Sex has always been a important part of my life. With the passing of my wife I'm compelled to find a workable solution to relieve my self sexually, without the feeling of guild. Hopefully I 'll find a permanent partner so I don't have to pursue this life style any more.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Was it any worse than your own self-admittedly troubled early life RickyBoy?
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I have one group of relatives with lives that would sound just about as bad as any stripper story minus the drugs, at least they stayed clear of that.

Oh, I don't think Golden Corral sounds that bad either but I haven't eaten there in years.

My job is killing me. looks like I will be working 3 weeks without a single day off and no extra pay. My favorites might start to wonder what happened to me. :(
At least reading this makesme think some situations are worse.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
I've talked to a number of former strippers, and with one exception they all regretted getting into the industry. They'd recommend that no woman should. I think a lot of these girls have no goals in life (other than surviving day to day) or no idea what a goal is or how to achieve it. They get into a way of life where the money can be easy and they're constantly surrounded by booze and drugs. Oh, and they're constantly having to lie at work to get customers and to lie later when anyone asks what they do. Now throw in the fact that they end up working with other women who are often addicts or criminals or who have mental problems, and you can have a pretty awful, hopeless life.

Geesch. remind me again why I go to clubs?
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
^^^^ LOL. No shit!! I think the same thoughts in my head. Drama filled scenery that you can leave behind without taking it home.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
If there weren't women with messed up lives, who would work at strip clubs. Be thankful for them.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^^ touchè.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
Shadowcat, well said!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Stories like this one make me glad to know a dancer or two with her head on straight. Got to visit one ATF last week -- first time I had seen her in probably five years. Hands down, one of the smartest and sexiest women I've ever known, even at 53. She put her daughter through college by stripping. She said that on the Mother's Day she got last year, her daughter wrote, "Thanks for stripping so I didn't have to." This dancer's planning on retiring in a couple years, and she's thinking about buying a small B&B down in Panama (yeah, Central America) and moving there. In fact, she'll be on her way there next month to check it out. Just gotta love a smart woman.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I had a long talk with one my students and she told she had been fired from her job in a production facility because was "a distraction". She is 21 years old and takes care of six siblings (one an older mentally ill sister). Her parents (step-dad) are both employed and sound like users. She is kinda' cute and very worried about not being able to provide Christmas to her brothers and sisters. She is not too smart (vocational trades student) but is a hard worker. These seems like a likely road to dancing without the substance abuse angle. Any kind word would head her in that direction. I am not a recruiter or a pimp but I can see how it happens.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“… I've talked to a number of former strippers, and with one exception they all regretted getting into the industry …”

I would think this applies to many people regardless of job/career – i.e. many people hate their jobs or are dissatisfied w/ them.

In reading; most of the dancers there seem to enjoy being dancers and what it provides for them – especially when they compare it to working a 40 hour week job at minimum wage while not being able to be their own boss and have to take shit from their bosses – many state they like the flexibility (working only 2 or 3 days per wk or even take a whole month off if they choose to); the fact they don’t have a boss over them constantly; and their earnings are not fixed (and low) no matter how hard they would work at a 9-to-5 job.

There are downsides of course; but it seems the dancers see more upsides o/w they would not be in the biz.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
10 years ago
What Papi said! ^^

I tire of the stereotype comments about strippers. It's a JOB! Some do really well, others don't, and need to find another line of work. Lots of disadvantaged folks have lives far more challenged than the average stripper. Think about the millions of homeless folks out there, on the streets for a whole host of reasons, including mental illness. Think about the physically disabled, who can only dream about spinning on a pole to make money. Think about the lazy and discouraged unemployed among us who give up trying to make ends meet.

I've learned to appreciate "sex workers". Not only because of fun and relaxation they provide me, but because they are willing to WORK for what they want. Lots of folks could use some of that attitude.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ that’s one smart giraffe
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“… In reading; most of the dancers there seem to enjoy being dancers and what it provides for them …”

Just came across this SW thread about the subject of pros/cons of stripping (according to the SW ladies):…

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Yeah I knew this stripper who was so crazy she thought she could fix all of a country's problems by invading it. Oh no wait, that was the last guy we all elected President. Sorry, nevermind.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Who farted
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Have to agree with you, Giraffe. One guy I knew sneered at strippers and other sex workers for the type of work that they do. I told him that at least they're willing to work, as opposed to people who are on welfare and refuse to work.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
What wrong with those girls. Not one of them listed being mentored as a benefit of being a stripper. I've always viewed my mentoring as by far the most valuable thing that I provide a dancer.
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