
Comments by TortillaChip (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Explosions at Boston Marathon an hour ago
    I'd bet it is anti-govt wackjobs. I wonder where TiredTraveler was today? Person of interest.
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    11 years ago
    Law changes requiring dancers to be paid minimum wage at strip clubs?
    Clubs would probably fire or dramatically decrease hours of strippers who can't sell. Socialism? LMAO
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    11 years ago
    Random stuff ...
    You picked the fight Ranukam. I'll join you in the LOL at yourself. LOL.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Like Alucard says- confinscate all guns.
    That was ALucard. The security guard made a threatening phone call to the retard to stop fucking his stripper gal in the VIP and Alucard decided to be a real commando rather than just a keyboard one.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Start a thread and publish all the PM's he sends. Based on historical reference, I bet you'd get all the LULZ you can handle with what follows.
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    11 years ago
    how to spot a fellow tuscler in the club???
    A nutcase could be defined as an Internet "stud" who wants everyone to believe the hottest strippers in a given club often go home with him, for free, to fuck his brains out because he has a big dick but little money.
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    11 years ago
    Dancers loser boyfriend
    Am I Captain Save a Ho? Nahhh what gave you that idea, because I didn't mention bitches at all except to compare you to strippers who have drama filled lives because of their own actions? I don't give a fuck about ho's Grendelz. I'll prove it. I fuck them in the ass and cum in their mouth. Pretty graphic I know but since I'm a gentleman I won't say any more. If you want any more details, ask your wife.
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    11 years ago
    World Leaders
    I wanted Palin to be President here. Would love to fuck that ass then get her in the Republican position (on knees mouth wide open ready to receive a cum shot).
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    11 years ago
    Dancers loser boyfriend
    Grendelz. You said in the OP you din't reply to the guy. Clearly from the PM's you posted you did. Whatever shit you're in now, you created. Just like strippers create most of the shit in their lives. Obviously you've been banging and hanging with strippers too long. I suggest you take the alleged wife of yours and do some normal people stuff with her and lay off the clubs for a while. Or shut the fuck up and stop whining about shit you create.
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    11 years ago
    Have you met a number of dancers into goth or vampires?
    The Twilight True Blood generation is hitting 18 and infiltrating the clubs.
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    11 years ago
    if you want to know what kind of women Alucard has unprotected sex with.
    This is bullshit. I don't believe for a second Alucard has enough money to get any female to have unprotected sex. And Tiredtravler..the more I read your scumbag posts the more clear the picture becomes..you hate your life. Your amazingly vile political attacks are your final cry for help aren't they? Is your finger itchy? ;) Pardon me while I go drop a deuce...lol
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Off topic, Workers fear they won't be able to retire comfortably
    Good call Ranukam. Actually, Tiredtraveler sounds like HoneyBooBoo, desperate for attention so says outrageous bullshit. Sounds like the kind of douchebag who would go into a bar for the first time, waddle up to that bar and start proclaiming loudly his extremist political positions and then claim to be a victim when people don't appreciate it and tell him to shut his fat diarrhea hole. Sounds about right TiredTravler, yeah it does.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Rand Paul wants answer from president on his ability to kill Americans on Am
    Deogol, interesting take. First, budgets have been submitted, obstructed, and failed to be approved by the same people who thought it would be a great idea to start a couple wars and stay there for decades each AND pay for it all with credit cards. So...excuse me while I've just destroyed that argument. Second, the United States hasn't declared war on anyone since WWII. Yet we've been in numerous "conflicts" since then. So I guess maybe Obama or Bush didn't invent dodging the Constitution, yet this country still chugs on. In fact, The Barbary Wars back in the early 1800's were acts of war undeclared by Congress. So I guess the Constitution has been getting subverted practically since it was written. OMG Crushed twice...ouch.. DBJP...so if an FBI agent came across an American citizen terrorist, about to detonate a bomb and kill hundreds of innocent people and the only way to stop said terrorist was to pop two in the chest and one in the head, he shouldn't do it? He should instead attempt to apprehend the terrorist before he is able to push the button in his hand so the courts can sort out the matter? FBI man would be acting as judge, jury and executioner. We must not let FBI man save lives. Let the explosion happen and arrest him for the courts to handle.
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    11 years ago
    OT: Rand Paul wants answer from president on his ability to kill Americans on Am
    " Obama has already ordered and carried out the killing of U.S. citizens outside the country with no legislated authority, no indictment, no military tribunal, no judicial review/over-sight, no nothing except his orders" That is a bit simplistic don't you think? The "American" citizens you are referring to were members in an organization the United States is at war with. That would make them enemy combatant. I wonder if people started crying Constitution back in WWII every time a German-American who went to fight for the nazis got killed on the battlefield? Pathetic. Trying to make Obama or whomever else gives the order the bad guy for killing terrorists.
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    11 years ago
    OT: Rand Paul wants answer from president on his ability to kill Americans on Am
    TiredTaveler you make me laugh. Why don't you go sit your fat ass in a strange bar again and loudly proclaim your views? And then when people take offense and tell you to shut your fat diarrhea ass up you cam pretend you are a victim again? Piece of shit is a piece of shit, I give you: TiredTraveler.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Do you Think Anderson Might be Gay?
    "most that I have met throughout my travels have been errogant, lazy, ignorant and highly opinionated" Tiredcocksucker, based on your statements on this site you just described yourself. Stupid fuck.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Am I headed down the wrong road?
    So Ranukam, what is it you think the hot strippers like about you the civilian girls don't seem to? Could it be your hooptie, or is it your crappy little apartment? I know the strippers I fuck (for free, about 2 a week) routinely are disappointed my home is too lavish, my ride is too fine. They tell me they wish I lived paycheck to paycheck, lived in the ghetto and drove a 1990 Camry. You got it goin on brah...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What happened to Stripperweb?
    The only one I've seen complain about not searching is Alucard, or in other word: nobody.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Ever had this happen
    Thats great. Teach girls who are perpetually drunk, high or both to shoot. Nothing bad could possibly happen.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    stripper scam #3,405,600
    Alucard doesn't think she's greedy. He has to pay quadruple the normal FS rate to get strippers to sit on his dick in the VIP room so he's scratchin his head trying to figure out why OP is so bothered. He's also confused by the word discount.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Loaning Money To A Stripper {sigh} Lesson Learned
    She didn't ask you to buy her a phone, you offered. Then you try a dick move like that? What the fuck did you expect? Look on the bright side big guy, you can always get your Russian "mafia" connections to collect the remaining money. LMAO.....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    All them kick ass drugs the shrinks give Alucard for his depression and other psychological defects more than make up for never taking a drink.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $1,000 car bill
    Juice why not buy her a brand new car then you can get 48 hours niceties. You can break that car in playa!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    What do y'all think
    Spend it all on strippers and then wonder why you can't afford a better computer.