
Comments by TortillaChip (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC Analogy
    You guys just brought Aluretards world crashing down. His low intellect couldn't understand why the only pootang he can get costs $200+ a pop but the duck story clicked. hope hes not off his meds
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    11 years ago
    9/11/2001: 12 years Later
    What the douchebagged cunt otherwise known as Tiredtravler leaves out of his childish diatribes is he disagrees with Obama merely because he is a democrat, maybe black too, but mostly democrat. You see, a piece of shit scum like tiredtravler has no concern other than for what he wants. So if a republican administration browbeats dissenting lawmakers into authorizing an Iraq war, or taking away freedoms and liberties, he's all for it. If a democratic Obama wants to help Libya or Syria, or even his own US citizens, well he's a nazi and must be stopped. fuckwads like tiredtravler are fuckwads because they are the biggest of hypocrites. Whine about "the govt" doing this, "the govt" taking away that but if it were something they agreed with then "the govt" is their hero and anyone who doesn't like it too bad so sad. Ol TiredTravler, King Internet Cocktrap.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Another Crap Review used to gain membership.
    Long rambling reviews full of irrelevant details and bluster are just as bad. Retardacard.
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    11 years ago
    TUSCL Las Vegas
    What a great opportunity for Ranukam to display to his new target Duo that he has zero money! I'll bet that handsome devil who pulls 9 and 10's out of strip clubs and fucks them for free will really impress her with his Motel 6 room and skinny wallet. She won't be able to keep them panties on once she see's that massive bulge in his pants. Can't wait for the stories.
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    11 years ago
    Moderator and comments
    Dumbassacard you wouldn't be attacked if you weren't such a reprehensible toad. Perhaps you should take some time off, go to rehab maybe, become less of worthless piece of shit and the trolls will lay off? lmao
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    just an fyi dude, if you're looking down their shirt, they will know.
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    11 years ago
    Looking for a dancer - Naomi
    The Detroit thing didn't work out for her. She is at Adelita's now. She said its cheaper to live in that area so thats where she's staying.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do I know when one dance is over?
    The dance is over when you make cumpants. Next time get more cash from the ATM, getting one 20 from a strip club ATM is just ridiculous. Make sure when you get to the couches to wrap your jimmie too, else you have a wet spot in your pants. The dancer will wait while you wrap it, no big deal.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    San Diego clubs
    The best clubs and the best mileage are a bit south, across the border. San Diego is lame as fuck as far as strip clubs go. Go to the beach, you'll see more there.
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    11 years ago
    Lap dance climax
    Strippers love it if you make cumpants. Do it next time, and when it happens don't be embarrassed. Make the grunts and groans that ought to accompany a climax. When you're done, tell her how awesome the dance was. Tell her you haven't nutted like that in 20 years. TIP her more. She will be impressed. She might even get hot and want more. rawr!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    The correct verdict was reached. If you look at the facts of the case the correct verdict was rendered. Overcharging often does result in loss and all you whiner's can go suck a dick. Ranukam, for you that means proceed as usual.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    IRS Agents with guns
    I heard the postal service is so far in debt because they are buying all the battle tanks on the market. Even the Army cant get any now because since Obama doesn't trust the Army they don't have buying priority, the P.O. does. The plan is for all them between 100-250k federal employees to drop everything when the Supreme leader makes his call, hop in them thar tanks and take over America. The first target will be Mikey's house, or you know,the studio apt he shares with his mommy. They don't like people who expose their plans. Once its all said and done. We will have real socialism here. TireddumbfuckTraveler will be forced to work and he'll no longer be able to attend strip clubs. He will instead just directly hand his money over to them loser druggie girls with no lapdance as middleman. America is finished. The end is near! Get the kool-aid ready, mikey, Tireddumbfuck and Dallas is done got thirstee!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    "You Fuck Good But You Can't Kiss Worth Shit"
    Alucard has gleaned his valuable opinion from a lifetime of paying prostitutes for sex and extra $$$ for kissing. They tell him he's a good kisser. He must be.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bartender and waitresses working in strip clubs
    I guess taking the hottest strippers Portland has to offer home to fuck for FREE isn't interesting anymore now good ol' Ranukam has his sights set on the waitress. We all know how this story ends, she gets one look at that massive bulge in his pants, her heart goes all a twitter and 20 minutes later she's fucking his brains out. Yep. All for free. Atta boy Ranukam! Skinemax would so buy the rights to your stories an put em up on the big screen!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If its from Alucard it is most likely some kind of John code. The only time he's ever gotten pussy is by paying so I'm sure he got all excited by the avatar. He had a bunch of 20's in his hand as he typed that, in fact.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT just for Alucard.
    If the OP story were alucard's home, we'd just be reading the headline: Helpless old man robbed. Old man pissed because they didn't leave screen names so he could PM them inane comments later"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    What tips from the strippers did you learn there? When offering them money for sex, if they say no, offer a little more? lol
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do drink specials draw you in?
    If the club choices are fairly equal in other things, yes, I will go to the place with better drink specials.
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    11 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Does Another Acquisition
    Does anyone give a shit if you drink or your opinion on alochol? Yet you keep cluttering up the boards with your blather. So why would you have a problem with someone else posting whatever they care about? Alucard, you seriously have the intelligence of a retarded monkey. I'll anxiously await the pm now.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: WW II
    Or get a blow job from a Russian chick and fire something far more pleasurable off!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you don't drink, as per the OP's question your opinion was specifically not asked for. So once again Alucard provides overwhelming evidence of what a sad pathetic piece of shit loser he is. I'll wait for the pm now.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's With All This Food Shit?
    Gawd damn is Farmerart having his period? All he do is bitch moan bitch moan lately.
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    11 years ago
    Sometimes flattery doesn't work.
    Anybody seen that commercial on Tv, insurance or something..this girl is telling a guy anything you read on the Internet must be true! Then the beastly looking man comes up to take her on a date but she says he's a French model, they met on the Internet. This thread made me think of that. Come to think of it, most of Sharkhunter's political posts do.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Warning about Tootsies!!!!!
    He explained who he was in the very next sentence, retardacard. Its called reading comprehension but I guess one would have to graduate H.S. to have that? As far as Lannister, LMAO. Retardacard you are such a simpleton.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Explosions at Boston Marathon an hour ago
    Oh wahhhh! The Tiredpieceofdiarrhea is crying! Whatsa matter, its ok for you to level preposterous allegation without a shred of evidence but others can't? You are the only person that can say outrageous things and wait for the reactions? OHhhhh I get it, its OK when you do it, but a sin against humanity when others do it, particularly if leveled at you. Typical shitbrain "conservative". You are such a piece of scum shit. Go fuck yourself bitch. As far as I'm concerned because of your radical behavior here you are guilty until proven innocent. If it were up to me you'd be in front of a firing squad right now, shitting your pants instead of spreading it all over the Internet. Loser.