That was a non-informational review. All I got out of it is you don't like crack whores, you hate Jen's and you consider all the girls at Jen's Den crack whores. You gave no description of the girl you liked this trip, other girls (other than in caustic generalities), what you did, how much it cost, how much drinks cost, whether they have indoor plumbing, a description of the club, how many girls, etc. We all know what a crack whore looks like (re: Michelle Obama... sorry I did not mean to give crack whores a bad name she's just a bitchy political ho). I have not been in Jen's Den and your review was so venomous I would disregard it and read on to others.
I provided more than informative review of the club, don't get it confused. If you want me to write about if the sign outside the club lights up, you're talking to the wrong reviewer. I care about the girls, and girls only, and I've given a review on just that.
This is bullshit. I don't believe for a second Alucard has enough money to get any female to have unprotected sex.
And Tiredtravler..the more I read your scumbag posts the more clear the picture hate your life. Your amazingly vile political attacks are your final cry for help aren't they? Is your finger itchy? ;) Pardon me while I go drop a
That shizzle be seriously fucked up!!!
And Tiredtravler..the more I read your scumbag posts the more clear the picture hate your life. Your amazingly vile political attacks are your final cry for help aren't they? Is your finger itchy? ;) Pardon me while I go drop a