I think its a very sad time in our country when Everyone isn't outraged over the fact that the President and our criminal Attorney General Holder say its legal to kill Americans with drone strikes.
Part of the "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) has a clause that authorizes Obama to hire and pay for "an emergency response force" that is Only answerable to the White House/him. The national guard is answerable to each state governor and the US military swears an oath to uphold the constitution and the protect the country and is citizens and is precuded by law for operating on US soil against US citizenry. His group od hire thugs have no restrictions and is only accountable to the head Chicago thug---Obama! He is already purchasing billions of rounds of ammuntion and has ordered urban assaule troop carriers for them. He is raising his own private army at our expense.
this isn't about being democrat vs republican either.I wish people would realize that both parties are corrupt for the most part and have been bought and paid for.Everyone should also be against the Patriot Act which Bush signed.
"His group od hire thugs have no restrictions and is only accountable to the head Chicago thug---Obama! He is already purchasing billions of rounds of ammuntion and has ordered urban assaule troop carriers for them. He is raising his own private army at our expense."
What do they need all that for the american people for ? Why the gun owner targets of pregnant women,grandmas,kids,etc?And they want our guns? lets wake up people.
Besides Fox News, which is anti-Obama, present sources of well known national media like the major Networks or major magazines that aren't mouthpieces for the extreme right.
I think we were fucked before Obama took office, and we'll still be fucked when he leaves office. We may as well go get fucked by a stripper or two to take our minds off the other fucking.
TiredTaveler you make me laugh. Why don't you go sit your fat ass in a strange bar again and loudly proclaim your views? And then when people take offense and tell you to shut your fat diarrhea ass up you cam pretend you are a victim again? Piece of shit is a piece of shit, I give you: TiredTraveler.
" Obama has already ordered and carried out the killing of U.S. citizens outside the country with no legislated authority, no indictment, no military tribunal, no judicial review/over-sight, no nothing except his orders"
That is a bit simplistic don't you think? The "American" citizens you are referring to were members in an organization the United States is at war with. That would make them enemy combatant. I wonder if people started crying Constitution back in WWII every time a German-American who went to fight for the nazis got killed on the battlefield? Pathetic. Trying to make Obama or whomever else gives the order the bad guy for killing terrorists.
Nobody has declared war. For the last twelve years the congress has snubbed it's duty to declare war. There is a lot of shit that doesn't follow the constitution going on.
@tortillachip The real issue at hand is that the President has the authority to kill American citizens on American soil with drone strikes. While it's extremely unlikely this would happen, it's the principle of the matter.
No one person should have the authority to be the judge, jury and executioner. This is a basic concept of internal controls, and a violation of seperation of powers.
I care, and I'm outraged over the drone war, targeted killings, DHS/TSA, warrantless wiretaps, and more things that Bush invented and Obama not only hasn't squashed but has actually expanded. But I don't complain about them here because I'd rather talk about strippers.
First, budgets have been submitted, obstructed, and failed to be approved by the same people who thought it would be a great idea to start a couple wars and stay there for decades each AND pay for it all with credit cards. So...excuse me while I've just destroyed that argument.
Second, the United States hasn't declared war on anyone since WWII. Yet we've been in numerous "conflicts" since then. So I guess maybe Obama or Bush didn't invent dodging the Constitution, yet this country still chugs on. In fact, The Barbary Wars back in the early 1800's were acts of war undeclared by Congress. So I guess the Constitution has been getting subverted practically since it was written. OMG
Crushed twice...ouch..
DBJP...so if an FBI agent came across an American citizen terrorist, about to detonate a bomb and kill hundreds of innocent people and the only way to stop said terrorist was to pop two in the chest and one in the head, he shouldn't do it? He should instead attempt to apprehend the terrorist before he is able to push the button in his hand so the courts can sort out the matter? FBI man would be acting as judge, jury and executioner. We must not let FBI man save lives. Let the explosion happen and arrest him for the courts to handle.
I've found most posters here prefer to discuss tits and ass topics here. If you want to talk about outrage, I usually pop over to http://www.abovetopsecret.com/. where some people care. I think it's been terrible what I've seen with our elections for several years. I think Obama is like Bush2. I was telling a relative declaring it's ok for any high ranking government official to bomb Americans if they are a threat to the nation opens up the US to being a dictatorship. All it would take now to get rid of the pretense would be for Obama to declare martial law. Disband congress and ban guns. If you don't comply you are a terrorist or enemy combatant of the US and can now be shot or bombed via drones or taken out by one of the Two billion hollow point bullets our government is buying in case of civil war or unrest. They already stripped due process to spy on Americans without a warrant under Bush. Under Obama they assumed the right to detain without trial any American they choose if they label the person correctly.
However the US suffers a stupidity crisis. We elect stupid corrupt people into office and watch them fight it out over minor issues while they both screw the people over and over again. Both parties have spent like drunk sailors and argue over cutting tidbits. Then the people elect politicians who promise to give them more and more which is really stupid in my opinion because it means they will borrow more and more until your savings if you have any is vastly devalued and your salary doesn't have anywhere near the buying power it once had. Unfortunately other countries suffer similar problems so many countries are racing to devalue their currencies. Instead of politicians working for all of us, they argue and only agree to spend and tax us more.
I was thinking natural gas vehicles with government prodding to set up natural gas fuel stations everywhere would do wonders fior fuel prices and cut out our need to have troops in the middle east. Plus it's much greener to burn natural gas rather than gasoline. That would allow hybrid vehicles more time to develop. If the US restricted too much nat gas exports, then maybe the fuel would stay cheap for many years here in the US.
last commenthttp://www.thenewamerican.com/…
Print your independant PROOF here.
What do they need all that for the american people for ? Why the gun owner targets of pregnant women,grandmas,kids,etc?And they want our guns? lets wake up people.
Besides Fox News, which is anti-Obama, present sources of well known national media like the major Networks or major magazines that aren't mouthpieces for the extreme right.
Piece of shit is a piece of shit, I give you: TiredTraveler.
Eh, due process is overrated anyway...
That is a bit simplistic don't you think? The "American" citizens you are referring to were members in an organization the United States is at war with. That would make them enemy combatant. I wonder if people started crying Constitution back in WWII every time a German-American who went to fight for the nazis got killed on the battlefield? Pathetic. Trying to make Obama or whomever else gives the order the bad guy for killing terrorists.
No one person should have the authority to be the judge, jury and executioner. This is a basic concept of internal controls, and a violation of seperation of powers.
First, budgets have been submitted, obstructed, and failed to be approved by the same people who thought it would be a great idea to start a couple wars and stay there for decades each AND pay for it all with credit cards. So...excuse me while I've just destroyed that argument.
Second, the United States hasn't declared war on anyone since WWII. Yet we've been in numerous "conflicts" since then. So I guess maybe Obama or Bush didn't invent dodging the Constitution, yet this country still chugs on. In fact, The Barbary Wars back in the early 1800's were acts of war undeclared by Congress. So I guess the Constitution has been getting subverted practically since it was written. OMG
Crushed twice...ouch..
DBJP...so if an FBI agent came across an American citizen terrorist, about to detonate a bomb and kill hundreds of innocent people and the only way to stop said terrorist was to pop two in the chest and one in the head, he shouldn't do it? He should instead attempt to apprehend the terrorist before he is able to push the button in his hand so the courts can sort out the matter? FBI man would be acting as judge, jury and executioner. We must not let FBI man save lives. Let the explosion happen and arrest him for the courts to handle.
The idea is for FBI man at apprehend the subject, and then let him have his day in court. If he kills in self defense this is completely different.
The intent of a drone strike is to completely annihilate your target. On American soil, this is simply inexcusable.
This is my last post on this subject, as your reasoning and logic are akin to that of a chimpanzee that throws feces.
Of course they are.
"The Walking Dead" is my favorite show at the moment.
I was thinking natural gas vehicles with government prodding to set up natural gas fuel stations everywhere would do wonders fior fuel prices and cut out our need to have troops in the middle east. Plus it's much greener to burn natural gas rather than gasoline. That would allow hybrid vehicles more time to develop. If the US restricted too much nat gas exports, then maybe the fuel would stay cheap for many years here in the US.
And I will add, There is a lot of shit that DOES follow the Constitution NOT going on. IE: a budget from the Senate!