I am with txtittyfag, except for the kill them part. I am more into torture and pain. Keep them alive to witness and experience the magnitude of pain they have invoked to countless others.
What gutless cowrds to attack innocents! Step up and be a man/woman about it!
If they use this event for more government control,and to take away more of our freedoms....then i think criminal elements of the government should be no.1 suspects.
"the issue is useless [pieces] of shit that want to kill and maim innocent people!"
What makes you think that there is more than 1 person involved?
"I hope they catch the people responsible and kill them! They don't deserve a trial"
Well how would you like to be thrown in a prison directly after being arrested for something? You might be innocent? Sounds like you are an advocate of Lynching!
"If they use this event for more government control,and to take away more of our freedoms...."
3 more explosive found around Boston. City on semi-lockdown tomorrow. Nobody claimed responsibility yet, though I would put my money on domestic anti-government whack jobs. I agree this I starting to look big.
I have a feeling this will turn out to be an action by foreign Muslims or perhaps American born converts. There have been several people caught in the planning stages since 9-11. It was somewhat inevitable that someone would go further.
I feel that a domestic group would attack a more specific target.
Don't think so, jestie. Shrapnel/nail bomb probably in a trash can, doesn't seem to be muslim style. Too trashy, plus they would prefer the glory of martyrdom especially if it helps take out more infidels.
Other evidence the target city - Boston (where the tea party took place) on tax day, patriot day.
The multiple targets, OTOH, is muslim style, but how come the dipshits who launched this attack were only able to get 2 of their 7 bombs off?
Shrapnel is de rigueur for suicide vests, why not bombs?
Domestics would attack some establishment they would frown on killing the child. Even Mcveigh said he would have reconsidered his target if he'd known about the day care.
My son lives in Boston. This year he decided to watch the Boston Marathon on the news. He got his eyeglasses on Saturday fron LensCrafters so he would not have to fight the Patriot's Day crowd today. The first bomb went off in front of LensCrafters.
I was close by & it was chaos the rest of the afternoon. I was receiving dozens of text messages but could not respond. Luckily my wife got stopped & turned around a half mile from the finish. Getting out of Boston was horrible due to the gridlock. Saw many panicked police officers who were trying to respond to every suspicious object on the side of the road. Sad & scary day.
I wish ALL the talking head douchebags would just shut the f... up until they had something substantial to say. They reported the cell net had been shut down but it turned out to be just overloaded with people trying to text and call.
Tort-turd-illa I was working to pay my taxes (like I do every week for 60 hours per week) so you welfare recipients can sit at home, text on your I-phones and watch cable. (Lets see every American that pays taxes must work until almost May or more each year for the government before he or she can start to pay their own bills.) FYI I have not been in Boston in many years.
I have never advocated anything other than throwing the thieves out of office and a strict adherence to the Constitution !!!
Let us hope the White House, Congress and media stay out of this investigation and let the investigators do their job.
The OKC bombing was investigated quietly by people that never have been mentioned by the media because they went in, gathered evidence and left before the circus noticed. They then gave their finding to the big wigs to claim credit.
I will not even venture a guess as to who is responsible. I hope they find the real culprit(s) not just a scapegoat.
<i>I was working to pay my taxes (like I do every week for 60 hours per week) so you welfare recipients can sit at home, text on your I-phones and watch cable. (Lets see every American that pays taxes must work until almost May or more each year for the government before he or she can start to pay their own bills.) FYI I have not been in Boston in many years.</i>
Oh wahhhh! The Tiredpieceofdiarrhea is crying! Whatsa matter, its ok for you to level preposterous allegation without a shred of evidence but others can't? You are the only person that can say outrageous things and wait for the reactions? OHhhhh I get it, its OK when you do it, but a sin against humanity when others do it, particularly if leveled at you. Typical shitbrain "conservative". You are such a piece of scum shit. Go fuck yourself bitch.
As far as I'm concerned because of your radical behavior here you are guilty until proven innocent. If it were up to me you'd be in front of a firing squad right now, shitting your pants instead of spreading it all over the Internet. Loser.
<i> As far as I'm concerned because of your radical behavior here you are guilty until proven innocent. If it were up to me you'd be in front of a firing squad right now, shitting your pants instead of spreading it all over the Internet.</i>
Kinda soundin' conservative yourself there... just sayin.
Somebody said up in this thread that ball bearings arent muslim terrorist style. It actually is their style to a T. Typically they use this on the side of roads in Iraq and Afghanistan. They pack some sort of container with ball bearings, copper, and other crude materials. These are typically used to penetrate armor and sever limbs. The extremly long wait time for a medivac chopper makes it very likely that victims will bleed out on the battlefield. Yesterday there was a lot of medical personnel on scene already so casualties were smaller than they would be in some barren desert where they would typically use such a bomb. That being said this could have been any type of extremist, not just jihadists. Could have been domestic terrorists as well with military training or an internet connection.
Threats, name calling and screaming is how most liberals try to win their arguments since logic and facts will not support their views and when that does not work they resort to violence.
I have never heard a conservative person threaten a liberal even over abortion, but I have personally witnessed a Planned Parenthood abortion activist push a teenager down and kick her (on a pro-life walk across town between churches while walking by planned parenthood). I have been screamed at and called names before when I have caught a liberal in a bald face lie. I guess Freedom of Speech only applies if you agree with the libs.
Did you know that John F. Kennedy and Barry Goldwater were good friends who disagreed politically and after heated discussions on the Senate floor respected each other's views.
I will not comment on all the speculation by unqualified persons (political, media, or self anointed experts) who want to steer the investigation to their advantage/profit and I will wait to listen to what the investigators come up with.
This is the last political comment I will make and will try to limit posts to TUSCL relevant.
" Threats, name calling and screaming is how most conservatives try to win their arguments since logic and facts will not support their views and when that does not work they resort to violence."
By the way, there is something called the U.S. Code, a collection of the laws passed by Congress. This is what we American citizens get governed by. These are our laws.
You can't govern the US STRICTLY by the words written on 200+ year old Constitution. It is impossible. That's way local, state & the Federal government pass laws to govern us and run cities, states & the USA.
Hey, sick liver. Quick question for you. Why do sometimes post as "sick liver" which seems to be you main alias and then sometimes you post as urpissedonpot or jester214? What influences your choice as who to post as is it just relate to how much alcohol you have over consumed?
I guess I was just getting to the fact that its possible to be considered conservative in some aspects without being an extremist. Our population seems to want to label everyone and place a one-size fits all stereotype on everyone. That doesn't always work though
I'll toss one out here, how about this being maybe N. Korean in origin? They have been rattling their swords lately. Instead of an ICBM, they used some small.
"its possible to be considered conservative in some aspects without being an extremist"
It is the Extremists of all types that get all the attention because they yell the loudest & push their agendas the hardest. A person can have a multitude of viewpoints and beliefs of different types & degrees. I have some extreme opinions & views & some rather conservative ones. I simply voice my opinions a lot.
There is certainly people on TUSCL with some extreme opinions and some moderate ones.
a) choose the name "sick liver" for his handle b) posts under at least 5 different other aliases c) has a hardon for and is try get the crazed man-hating lesbian lopaw into bed
but despite all that, he calls other people "retards"? Please, get a clue you fuckin' alcoholic moron!
LMAO Fagster or tittyfaggot and all of the other aliases you use here! Really got under your skin eh? Good! Your a whiny bitch and its fun to watch you sputter!!! LMAO!! I'm outta this thread shitbag so have at it!!! LOL!!!!
^^^ poor sick liver. Let this be a lesson to anyone planning to move to Vegas and end up as an alcoholic. You really want to do that and be actually like sick liver is like? No? Didn't think so!
Ah, now we got an explosion in Texas just up the street from Waco. I think that ought to clench it that it is domestic anti-government kooks. Looks like the country is under a bit of a minor attack here.
last commentWhat gutless cowrds to attack innocents! Step up and be a man/woman about it!
What makes you think that there is more than 1 person involved?
"I hope they catch the people responsible and kill them! They don't deserve a trial"
Well how would you like to be thrown in a prison directly after being arrested for something? You might be innocent? Sounds like you are an advocate of Lynching!
"If they use this event for more government control,and to take away more of our freedoms...."
Maybe you'd be happier in another country.
You certainly would. Maybe a country with no guns or booze. Perhaps give Saudia Arabia a try?
There is a good supply of ball bearings in camp and it is not entirely impossible that I might be able to put my hands on some trinitrotoluene.
My licence is still live and we can always do more seismic surveys up here. The wild scavengers would quickly dispose of any evidence.
Unless it was a North Korean "nuke"
Damn. I wish the news media would get facts straight before reporting it.
I feel that a domestic group would attack a more specific target.
Other evidence the target city - Boston (where the tea party took place) on tax day, patriot day.
The multiple targets, OTOH, is muslim style, but how come the dipshits who launched this attack were only able to get 2 of their 7 bombs off?
Domestics would attack some establishment they would frown on killing the child. Even Mcveigh said he would have reconsidered his target if he'd known about the day care.
I was working to pay my taxes (like I do every week for 60 hours per week) so you welfare recipients can sit at home, text on your I-phones and watch cable. (Lets see every American that pays taxes must work until almost May or more each year for the government before he or she can start to pay their own bills.)
FYI I have not been in Boston in many years.
I have never advocated anything other than throwing the thieves out of office and a strict adherence to the Constitution !!!
Let us hope the White House, Congress and media stay out of this investigation and let the investigators do their job.
The OKC bombing was investigated quietly by people that never have been mentioned by the media because they went in, gathered evidence and left before the circus noticed. They then gave their finding to the big wigs to claim credit.
I will not even venture a guess as to who is responsible. I hope they find the real culprit(s) not just a scapegoat.
FYI I have not been in Boston in many years.</i>
A little off the point, but I agree.
As far as I'm concerned because of your radical behavior here you are guilty until proven innocent. If it were up to me you'd be in front of a firing squad right now, shitting your pants instead of spreading it all over the Internet. Loser.
As far as I'm concerned because of your radical behavior here you are guilty until proven innocent. If it were up to me you'd be in front of a firing squad right now, shitting your pants instead of spreading it all over the Internet.</i>
Kinda soundin' conservative yourself there... just sayin.
Because like anything in it's extreme form it has the potential to become over zealous in it's theology and inhibit the rights of others.
I have never heard a conservative person threaten a liberal even over abortion, but I have personally witnessed a Planned Parenthood abortion activist push a teenager down and kick her (on a pro-life walk across town between churches while walking by planned parenthood). I have been screamed at and called names before when I have caught a liberal in a bald face lie. I guess Freedom of Speech only applies if you agree with the libs.
Did you know that John F. Kennedy and Barry Goldwater were good friends who disagreed politically and after heated discussions on the Senate floor respected each other's views.
I will not comment on all the speculation by unqualified persons (political, media, or self anointed experts) who want to steer the investigation to their advantage/profit and I will wait to listen to what the investigators come up with.
This is the last political comment I will make and will try to limit posts to TUSCL relevant.
Now its accurate.
By the way, there is something called the U.S. Code, a collection of the laws passed by Congress. This is what we American citizens get governed by. These are our laws.
You can't govern the US STRICTLY by the words written on 200+ year old Constitution. It is impossible. That's way local, state & the Federal government pass laws to govern us and run cities, states & the USA.
It is the Extremists of all types that get all the attention because they yell the loudest & push their agendas the hardest. A person can have a multitude of viewpoints and beliefs of different types & degrees. I have some extreme opinions & views & some rather conservative ones. I simply voice my opinions a lot.
There is certainly people on TUSCL with some extreme opinions and some moderate ones.
a) choose the name "sick liver" for his handle
b) posts under at least 5 different other aliases
c) has a hardon for and is try get the crazed man-hating lesbian lopaw into bed
but despite all that, he calls other people "retards"? Please, get a clue you fuckin' alcoholic moron!