Joined May, 2002
Last Seen Nov, 2008
Front Room
17 years ago
Craig's List computer help please - unrelated
I recently found something that I'd like to purchase on Craig's List. But when I try to contact the person listed it won't let me, I get a message...
17 years ago
Different types of strip clubs
<p>Contrary to popular opinion, strip clubs aren't all alike. In fact one can argue that they are all unique, that no two are alike. There is an almost endless variety, which is part of the fun of visiting different strip clubs. But sooner or later most of us develop a...
Front Room
17 years ago
Dancer names
We've often talked about all the silly names that dancers use in clubs. But it seems to me that I've been running into an increasing nuumber of young waitresses,...
17 years ago
How she became - 7
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In my prvious blogs I've explained how Funny Girl became my ATF and how we became club buddies. But some of you may also be interested in how we made the transition to real friendship.<br />
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As I previously explained, for over year I was...
Front Room
17 years ago
Take the pledge
I've seen the light. I agree with Shadowcat, there's way too much unrelated BS on this board lately. I therefore hearby resolve not to post on any thread...
Front Room
17 years ago
Lots of new people here
Seems like we have a lot of new people posting here lately. Which is great, welcome all. So as the senior member here (age-wise) I thought this might...
Front Room
17 years ago
OK it's your turn
I was going to post one more chapter in my "How she became my ATF" blog series but I probably won't get to it anytime soon. In the mean...
17 years ago
How she became - 6
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Aside from my second visit to an alternative universe, several aspects of this tale still amaze me. Fist of all, timing was everything. If we hadn't met exactly when we did, none of this would have happened. We were each ready for each other. Timing is clearly...
17 years ago
How she became - 5
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If you recall from the third episode, Snuggles has moved on to greener pastures, leaving Funny Girl as my main attraction. So I began hanging out with Funny Girl on a weekly basis. The thing that initially attracted me to her, aside from being cute and very friendly, was...
17 years ago
How she became - 4
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We're getting close to the denouement, ladies and gentlemen, but before we do a slight digression is in order. This may seem totally irrelevant but it's relevance will eventually be made clear. I also warn you, dear reader, that we get a little weird at this...
17 years ago
How she became - 3
JULY 2, 1997<br />
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I've actually gotten PMs from at least one misguided soul asking me to continue this saga, so here goes.<br />
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By the summer of '97 I had been seeing Snuggles regularly for several months and things had deteriorated - she had become very popular and as...
17 years ago
How she became my ATF - 1
Elsewhere I mentioned that, as promised, earlier today I wrote a very long blog on this subject. But when I tried to post it I had timed out and I couldn't. So I'm going to try again, except this time I'm going to do it in fairly short installments.<br />
Front Room
17 years ago
When did you know?
When did you know that your ATF was indeed your ATF? Did it happen gradually, eventually dawning on you over time? Or is there some specific event or...
Front Room
17 years ago
Have you experienced this too?
I went along for many years visiting strip clubs occasionally, maybe 4-6 times a year when traveling on business. Then one day I found a place full of girls...
Front Room
17 years ago
Conversations with Wondergirl
Wondergirl and FONDL have been discussing some of her observations and thoughts following her tryout at Club Risque. I thought some of you might be interested in what she...
Front Room
17 years ago
A question for you married guys
Seems to me that most of the comments here about blow jobs and full service etc. are by those of you who are single. What about you married guys...
Front Room
17 years ago
Laughter in clubs
Another thread made me think of something that I've never understood - why is there so little laughter in most clubs? We all seem to regard BBF as one...
Front Room
17 years ago
Back in the game
I'm happy to inform you all that after a 2+ year drought, FONDL is back in the game - I visited a strip club earlier today. It was one...
Front Room
17 years ago
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hope you get to spend time with people who love you....
Front Room
17 years ago
Pennsylvania clubs
I've been stuck home alone all day because of this ice storm the Northeast is having (and I hope all you Midwesterners survived yesterday.) And I spent more time...
Front Room
17 years ago
I've had several stripper "relationships" that went through the same 4 phases - (1) First few meetings are wonderful, we really hit it off, and she couldn't be nicer to...