
Am I headed down the wrong road?

Sunday, March 3, 2013 5:53 PM
I'm a strip club addict like everyone else here, but the difference I am younger than most. I am currently 24 (gonna to be 25 in a couple of weeks), and for the past year or so I've been averaging out about 1 strip club visit per week, usually on a Friday or Saturday night. My friends want to go to nightclubs and bars, but I usually just blow them off and head to the strip club. Strippers have what I desire- great bodies and great in the bedroom. I don't have a high paying job, but I'm usually able to get what I want in the strip club without spending too much. I usually just go in, find the hottest stripper, have good conversation with her, buy her a couple of drinks, get 2 or 3 lapdances from her and then convince her to come back to my place for sex (although lots of times it takes more than one visit to get her back to my place. All this usually costs anywhere from 80 to 100 bucks. All the OTC I've gotten has been free (I would estimate like 10 to 15 strippers), however there have definitely been some strippers that insist I pay for the sex, I just tell them no, and I move on to the next girl. There have been plenty of times I left the strip club without getting pussy later on because I refused to pay for sex. If I started to do the sex for money thing I wouldn't be able to afford it due to my low paying job. The point is my strip club addiction is not putting a dent in my savings account. I definitely know some hot civilian girls, but I don't like waiting for sex, and some of these civilian girls will make you wait a month or two before they give it up. WTF? Also I've known some hot civilian girls with their clothes on, but their body is underwhelming to me when I take their clothes off in the bedroom. At least with strippers you know what you're working with right away. The crazy thing is every single stripper I've been with has had major issues, but yet I still go after strippers. I know some of you have done the marriage thing, didn't work out (got divorced), and that's why you're visiting the strip clubs. I know some of you are married, but your wife won't give it up anymore, so that's why you're visiting the strip clubs. My situation is very different than most of my fellow TUSCLers. Am I headed down the wrong road? Should I get some help? Someone my age should not be visiting the strip clubs as regularly as I do. I should be at the nightclubs and the bars. I should not be fucking with all these strippers with crazy issues. I should be looking for someone that is going somewhere in their life, like nursing school or something. Thoughts?


  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Sounds great to me. When I was young I worked hard all the time so I could support a wife and children. I was too busy to have fun. Now I have the time and money to chase hot strippers and I love it. You're doing what I'm doing, but you're getting the sex for free.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… I'm a strip club addict like everyone else here …” Hold on a minute – I am not addicted to strip clubs - I just can’t stop :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    At 25 being interested in sex only ain't that bad. Things to watch though - sounds like you may think you should work more on career. You probably still got some time on that though. Might also want to think why you are attracted to strippers more than civies. Might just be for the reason you - they are about guarenteed to put out quickly and are up fof anything sex wise usually. With someone like you that might be all there is to it. If others on the board told nd that was all there wad to it I won't believe it. Some are more attracted to strippers precisely because they are psychologically different then most women. Then there are other reasons that apply to the most fucked up of minds. If you are asking the question it's good, but there are many logically possible answers. I'm sure you've heard them all and need to decide which applies to you.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Yea, you're headed down the wrong road. A 25yr old guy should only need an occasional stripclub visit. Having sex with nasty filthy dancers is fun, but is this what you want for the rest of your life? You are exactly right, its an addiction for you, and with most addictions, you will eventually suffer a painful withdrawal. But you probably don't care right now.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Maybe Portland is different than here, but I think if you took a sample of college girls and compared them to strippers the college girls would be better looking on average. Then again I go for the cute type which I won't say meshed with the pictures you posted overall. (Note there are many paths to hottness that don't involve cute. Just different preferences.)
  • jack0505
    11 years ago
    Just don't do BB and end up with a disease. If these strippers are having sex with you for free, they're surely having it with a lot of other guys too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… Just don't do BB and end up with a disease. If these strippers are having sex with you for free, they're surely having it with a lot of other guys too …” Sometimes free isn’t really free
  • sonic_r6
    11 years ago
    Some thoughts: 1. Mix it up. See strippers and civies at the same time. 2. Divert some of that energy into making more money; new job training, go back to school part-time. 3. I'm relatively young and kinda new to the strip club chase. In a transition to getting my own place, which hindered a few possible OTCs. But after reading some of the messages on here--I'm thinking I should at least see her at a hotel before taking her back to my place. Have you had any bad experiences taking girls back to your place?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If you were pulling strippers out of the clubs for free with the ease you claim then you should be able to do the same with equally hot civilians without spending. But the point is moot since I don't believe you're routinely getting free sex from different strippers.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    God, is the jestie-girl like the ultimate hater or what? Too fuckin' funny!
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Hard to say. I wouldn't say it's the wrong road necessarily. I'd be curious to hear what you think a year from now. Note that civilian bars aren't that great a place to find a girlfriend/wife either, if that's you want.
  • TortillaChip
    11 years ago
    So Ranukam, what is it you think the hot strippers like about you the civilian girls don't seem to? Could it be your hooptie, or is it your crappy little apartment? I know the strippers I fuck (for free, about 2 a week) routinely are disappointed my home is too lavish, my ride is too fine. They tell me they wish I lived paycheck to paycheck, lived in the ghetto and drove a 1990 Camry. You got it goin on brah...
  • sonic_r6
    11 years ago
    Jester wrote: "But the point is moot since I don't believe you're routinely getting free sex from different strippers." Only two ways in my opinion can this be true (Free sex regularly) 1. A cop implying he can help her out if she ever needs it (kinda saw that scenario play out once). 2. You have drugs available for her. Not to come off as a hater, but pulling that off regularly for FREE, there has to be something in it for her in other ways.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    If it's something you REALLY don't have control over, I do think you're headed down the wrong path. But if it's just something you like to do, and you know you have the ability to stop, then I don't see a problem with it. Hell, sounds like you've got it great to me. jester is right about one thing though, if you're pulling strippers that easily, you should have no problem picking up hot civilian girls- and they don't have the issues that comes with a stripper.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Usually good advice consists of people pointing out things you hadn't considered in your decision-making. When people insist the right answer for them is the right one for everyone, rarely is that good advice. Whenever you're concerned that you may be doing the wrong thing, I suggest it's important to ask yourself, who are you hurting? I don't see that you're hurting anyone by never getting married (or otherwise committed to a woman). If you talk yourself into a commitment that your heart is not really in, you're very likely going to hurt that woman and make her feel betrayed. If you do decide to commit to someone, I suggest being honest about any doubts you have, so she knows what kind of risk she's taking. Many people would say humans are too dumb and/or subjective and selfish to decide right and wrong for themselves, they need to follow traditional morality (generally supposedly provided by God). Some truth to that, but, problem is, doesn't allow for changing circumstances. Only fucking one person your whole life is no longer remotely necessary or the best way to make sure that children are loved and well cared for. In life it's rarely a good idea to only have Plan A. You want at least Plan B, and maybe C, D, E, etc. Your Plan A could maybe be, find a very special woman (some chance she could even be a stripper!). One who doesn't have hang-ups about sex being "dirty", nor sees it as a way to manipulate men. Also, her life is not a circus. Only join a circus cause you like circuses, not to try and shut it down. Maybe you need this woman to accept an open relationship. Maybe you need her to accept that, if/when she loses her looks, that will be the end of the sexual part of your love for her. One maybe hard question is, are you willing to accept everything you're asking her to accept? Since this Plan A is a long-shot, you'd need a strong plan B. Which could simply be, keep doing what you're doing. In any case, you don't need to decide now. You can wait till you're 35 to get married, longer if you don't want to have kids. Sounds like you need to get your income up before thinking about having kids anyway.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Vikings: " Hell, sounds like you've got it great to me." Yeah, I'd like to have his "problem". :-)
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    Hey Ranukam I started young at 19 when I went to My first strip club. Hell I was in a relationship at 21/22 with a Hot Married Stripper. I think you should attenpt to date civs to mix it up. I still attempt to do the internet date thing since I broke up with last stripper GF(Although re-dating her isn't out of the question). Since I look younger than my age an way more attractive then the average joe I feel you for picking up strippers without spending much. I hope that you do do relationships as they are healthy and make you see the other side outside of just sex. When your 30 and single like I was thats when life hits you and you reflect on the past and plan for the future.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    ranukam: Based on what you said, I think it boils down to this: do you want a relationship with a girl? If your answer is yes, then you should reevaluate your time spent on hobbling vs. chasing civies. (I'm not that much older than you, but I'm not really looking for a relationship. Honestly, I've given up hope that I have what it takes to make a relationship work. I function so much better as a single dude, it just doesn't make sense to me anymore to bother with trying the relationship thing. The ATF thing was working well for awhile. Had some fun without any serious relationship overhead.) Since you are in PDX, I would tend to think you'd have a better than average chance of finding a stripper who's got something else going on for herself school or career wise. I know others on here will disagree with that, but PDX seemed to me to be liberal enough and frankly high enough volume that you'd get more dancer with there life together, but I've been wrong before. You seem like a good guy, so I wish you all the luck in finding the holy grail of a stripper with her act together. other thoughts: Whether or not you change from stripper to civies, don't always blow off your friends. Spending time with you friends and having those memories and experiences with your friends will mean a lot to you in a few years.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Not sure what's so suspicious about a 25 year old guy having hooked up non-commercially with a dozen or so strippers. We're the boys who pay the bills but they got other boys who give them the thrills.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ilby: "Not sure what's so suspicious about a 25 year old guy having hooked up non-commercially with a dozen or so strippers" Yep. And the guy above who said they won't do it unless there was some of reward. Hello? The reward is girls like to fuck too. Especially at that age. I think guys like jestie are just jealous. Well, I'm jealous too, but at least I don't let that objectivity translate into conspiracy theories that anyone that age who is scoring free OTC is lying. (Now guys like alutard, and tittyfuck. Stupid 58 y/o fucks claimed the same, that one is a bit harder to believe... :-) )
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    ilbbaicnl- I believe ranukam, but it's still very surprising he's gotten sex for free from that many strippers. 2 or 3 I wouldn't be surprised, but over ten is shocking.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I know several strippers outside of the club and only 1 of them claims that she doesn't have sex regularly. With their boyfriends or cute guys, or even not so cute guys. They enjoy sex or they wouldn't work in the sex industry.
  • gsv
    11 years ago
    I am a younger guy like you and also frequent strip clubs. You have to understand what strip clubs ultimately are, and not use them as a replacement for things that civilian dating would be better suited for. I personally have a very busy lifestyle between work and school, and on some level the commitment of having a girlfriend right now isn't going to work. So I satisfy my needs my going to strip clubs. You say you are getting sex from strippers for free, which is honestly quite phenomenal. I only have one such story that may come sort of close to that, but even then I wouldn't actually call it free as there were other expenses involved leading up to it. Anyway, just don't let the strip club scene distort your vision and have you miss out of on civilian experiences - this is the age when they are most possible and probably the most fun as well. At the same time, the sheer existence of strip clubs in your mind can prevent you from getting too caught up on any single civilian girl and probably prevent you from being too emotionally invested. In some ways, this is a good thing. Some civie girl is being bitch? Just go fuck a stripper and forget about her for a night. Not a bad solution :)
  • gsv
    11 years ago
    I have also seen to some degree success stories from younger guys gaining some degree of confidence from strip clubs; you aren't so intimidated of talking to a good looking girl in normal settings when it happens so easily in a strip club anyways. This isn't a factor for everyone, but it can make a difference. So there are some positive aspects of having strip clubs as a "part of your life" as a young guy so to speak, it's just important to keep it in moderation.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Great insight so far. Just to clear a few things up. 1. As far as routinely getting it for free, I wouldn't say that. When I do get it, it is for free. That is because I reject it anytime they want me to pay for sex. I don't go to the club every week and get free pussy. Let me stress again that there are plenty of nights that I leave the club with no pussy for later. But yeah I would estimate I've fucked like 10-15 strippers for free. Who cares if you get it for free or if you pay for it? The bottom line is you're getting what you want. Me pointing out I get it for free I'm just making my point that my strip club addiction is not hurting me financially. I don't know how some of you thought getting it for free was the main point of this discussion. 2. I don't where I stated I can't get the civilian girls. Can someone point that out to me? I said they make me wait a month or two for the sex, and I'm impatient. @sonic- no bad experiences at my place so far. I do smoke a little weed, so yeah sometimes they do smoke some of my weed at my house. @tortillachip- wow you actually said something that didn't have to do with Alucard! I'm impressed. Jester being a hater? I didn't see that coming. LOL. He's probably just mad that's he young and he can't get it for free. If you can't get it for free when you're young, you'll never be able to get it for free. Right now I make 40,000 a year, but I'm working on my graduate degree in Heath Care administration, so we'll see where that goes.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ranukam: "Who cares if you get it for free or if you pay for it?" Even though I'm as white as there can possibly be, I totally agree with the saying "ain't trickin' if you got it." If guy has it (game) then it doesn't matter if he pays or not. He does not lose "it". So he doesn't care. As for those who ain't got it, paid versus didn't pay makes a world or two of difference.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I also realize that I'm young and I can still have fun. But I think a lot of people my age already have their careers figured out. I really think I need to leave the strippers behind and start focusing on my career. The hard part is leaving the strippers behind.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Why is it so suspicious? If it was easy as shit to pick up the hottest stripper in a club and fuck her for free then there'd be a lot more guys in their 20's walking out with hot strippers on their arm every night. I've also witnessed way to many guys fall flat on their face trying to do this to believe it's working for anyone regularly. Most importantly if ranuk is young, attractive and charming enough to pick up gorgeous women with ease out of a strip club why not find a more normal avenue to do it, probably for less money? The only reason this isn't suspicious to some of you is the same reason many of you believe every screen name purporting to be a woman is actually a female, you want it to be true. Now perhaps I'm wrong and he's a Brad Pitt lookalike with a John Holmes size penis OR his "not high paying" job is that of coke dealer. But I'll err on the side of this not being accurate.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I have to admit that I'm an addict too. I'm one of the "older" members. Where I feel the addiction has hurt me is that I'm so used to being around strippers who are young, attractive, voluptous girls, that if I did want to date within my own age group, I'd be severly disappointed. I sense that the past ten years of actively hanging around strippers, and doing OTC has jaded my view of civilian women in my normal age group for dating.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Well said, jester. Couldn't agree more.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    The vast majority of my sex is free, I just don't get it from strippers. As I've stated before I'm not hung up on the idea of sex with strippers. HJ's or BJ's ITC are one thing but I have absolutely no interest in sex ITC and rarely have interest in even trying to get OTC. I find your claims to be likely exaggerated or missing crucial information as they run counter to what I've seen over the years in strip clubs. If that makes me a "hater" then so be it. And for the record, if civilian girls are making you wait a month you need to find some new ones.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The main thing driving most strippers seems to be that alot of them have trouble taking on the usual responsibilities that are out there for adults in our society. Sex addiction (and other addictions common in the SC world) can be an escape world from those responsibilities. They need the low responsibility/fantasy element of the strip club environment as much as the customers do. And for some customers it is more than a temporary break once in a while. Most strippers I've followed get out of this phase with time, and become normal citizens, so I'm optimistic. Some never do, however. (Or "some will win, some will lose, some are born to sing the blues" as Journey put it. :-) ) Customers/junkies I feel less optimistic about, because the mind gets less plastic as we get older.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    lol @ " I should be looking for someone that is going somewhere in their life, like nursing school or something."
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    jestie: "if civilian girls are making you wait a month you need to find some new ones" Some have a "three week" rule. If they real like the guy they make him wait three weeks for a couple of reasons - don't want him to think they are sluts, want to see how serious he is. Same girls might just fuck a guy they don't like before that since they don't see it going beyond a fling. Maybe if the girls are making ranukam wait, it's because they like him? (Could it be? Nah. Always got to be the bleakest interpretation, right, jestie?)
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Actually, it isn't really hard to have sex with a stripper for free. Just be her type.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    "But I think a lot of people my age already have their careers figured out. I really think I need to leave the strippers behind and start focusing on my career. The hard part is leaving the strippers behind." Most people your age don't have their careers figured out. I'm not that much older than you and while I have a very good job, I routinely think about making a change into something I think would be more enjoyable. Unless actively visiting strip clubs would hinder a healthcare administrator's career, then I would suggest you can keep the clubs and focus on your career at the same time.
  • DBJP101
    11 years ago
    The key to a healthy life is moderation in everything. I'm a bit older than you (early 30's), but have never really been concerned with my frequents. That being said, I would never date a dancer, or even want her over at my house for that matter. Any girl who will fuck for money is a prostitute bottom line. Just because you're not having to pay doesn't mean a guy your fathers age isn't paying. I mentioned moderation, because if you go clubbing enough your reality of women becomes distorted. 9/10 of these girls are narcissistic conniving whores who have no soul. However, they are great at satisfying one's carnal needs.. Treat these visits purely as fantasy, and you won't have a problem. See the club for what it is.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I worked a lot of nights and weekends when I was in my twenties. Thought it would be appreciated but it wasn't, I just got played. It's not a lot to ask to have 2 - 4 nights a month to cruise for strippers, and 2 - 4 nights a month to hang with your buds. Think hard before you give that up in exchange for vague promises that it will pay off.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    When I first started on my career path I pissed away money that I didn't have on stupid things like dope. At one point I realized that I was throwing my career away for shit. Now strippers ain't dope (well some are!), but it wasn't until I established myself at work and started bringing in more money that I really started exploring the SC's with abandon. Unfortunately by then I also had a very money-hungry SO. But that's another story. ranukam - just the fact that you would even question all of this indicates that you are aware and engaged and I wouldn't worry since you're obviously not breaking the bank getting dancers. It sounds like you've got a pretty good handle on things. Enjoy it while you can!
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    why not date a stripper. take her for a relatiinship rather than fuck her and move on to the next girl. I;ve had several stripper gf's in My life and although all were short term relationships they were all fun while it lasted.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Uh-oh looks like we're going to go off on the "strippers are the spawn of hell!" tangent yet again. A large minority of strippers are very hostile people, generally due to their miserable lives. Their desire to crap on your day is often stronger than their desire to make $$$. Most of the rest, as is typical of commissioned sales people, have gotten very comfortable and good at lying. But adjectives like "conniving" only apply based on the falsehood that the rest of us are as pure as the driven snow. There are a fair number of strippers who know how to manage their money and are not compulsive spenders. Since they don't feel the same desperation for money, they don't become dishonest and hard-hearted. A more enlightened society would admire the way strippers tolerate the pawings and shriveled penises of icky old men, in the same way it admires those who change the bed pans of the bedridden. Stripping is kinda like construction work. The work isn't steady, and the working conditions can be hard. So you get a lot of drunks, ex-cons and such, more than the typical occupation. But don't dump on strippers because they're women and they have no problem with casual sex. If doing that makes sense to you, you're an idiot who'll believe anything just because you hear it repeated often enough.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    "Now perhaps I'm wrong and he's a Brad Pitt lookalike with a John Holmes size penis OR his "not high paying" job is that of coke dealer." Is that what you look for in a guy, jester? Is that what it says on your OK Cupid profile: "Must look like Brad Pitt and have a cock like John Holmes. Or be a small time Coke Dealer."? We're the same age, ranukam, and that's a question I've asked myself before. The last time I got ITC I left thinking "what am I doing here?". At the end of the day it's all just for fun. I don't think of it as anything else. Sometimes I'll shoot hoops, or chill with friends, or go to the SC, or whatever I feel like doing for fun at that moment. As far as effortless sex goes: sometimes it doesn't even require crazy game. It's right place, right time. Being that he's there once a week, it wouldn't be so crazy for him to have those kind of numbers. The problem with some guys is this kind of thing is so far out of their reality that they couldn't even imagine scoring like that. So they don't.
  • sonic_r6
    11 years ago
    Not to toot my own horn, but I wrote: "Only two ways in my opinion can this be true (Free sex regularly) 1. A cop implying he can help her out if she ever needs it (kinda saw that scenario play out once). 2. You have drugs available for her." He said that they smoke some of his weed, lol. Youth, good looks and free weed; I can believe it now, lol.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @ranukum back when I was young I sometimes got the feeling it was a disadvantage to be "marriage material". Women will withhold sex for a long time to convince you they're chaste, wife-types. If they figure out there's not chance of you being serious about them, they get offended, and won't do a hookup with you out of pride, even if they're horny for you. Tell civilian girls you're career plan is to be a world-class competitive hot dog eater. They may not give you their real names but they'll fuck you're brains out.
  • Dain
    11 years ago
    Yes, you are--and I say this as someone who started earlier than you did. Short term sexual relationship tend to crowd out long-term deeper ones. I hope that, within five years, you find a wonderful woman whom you love deeply.
  • endlesstempo
    11 years ago
    I'm 26, and I feel like Ranukam has it made. Ranukam, if what you're saying is true, I wouldn't sweat it. You still have several years to work on your career path and settle down. But I will say that I think one visit a week is a little excessive, and I do agree that some of your attention might be better off focused on other things. But as long as you're aware that it's an issue I think you'll be fine. It's when you convince yourself that you don't have a problem that it'll start to really blow up. Keep it in mind and try to keep it in check, but as long as you're still sociable in your everyday life, you'll find a girl you're willing to wait for, haha.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Jestie: " I'm not that much older than you and while I have a very good job" Sorry, jestie, but despite whatever your mommy is saying to comfort you "janitor" is not a very good job.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    DBJP: " Any girl who will fuck for money is a prostitute bottom line." and " 9/10 of these girls are narcissistic conniving whores who have no soul. However, they are great at satisfying one's carnal needs.. " Hey, someone who gets the basics! Very nice to see. Welcome! (To be very pedantic I think 9/10 are narcissistic or have sibling cluster B disorders.)
  • cnyknight
    11 years ago
    i think regardless if you are laying strippers on a regular basis for free or not doesnt matter because statistically being a younger guy, you are in your sexual prime. as long as you are careful because unlike the older members who may not care so much about an std, you should. im in my 30s and have a somewhat established career path now. my question is what kind of clubs are you frequenting regularly. if they are barlike clubs i would say thats not an issue ... i stop at my local topless dive 1 or 2 times a week for a drink, chat, and some titties. if you are going clubbing then i would be careful, it sounds like you are within your means but that can slip away fast. take a look at your 5, 10 and long term plans .. ultimately life is about being happy.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    jestie: " The only reason this isn't suspicious to some of you is the same reason many of you believe every screen name purporting to be a woman is actually a female, you want it to be true" And why do you jump to the worst possible interpretation of everything? Because you want it to be true? Why? Because it jibes with your inner disposition to want to hate everything. And why do you do that? Probably due to your upbringing and inconsistent parenting. Time to move on jestie. The world is not as bleak a place as you think it is. Try smiling and laughing (and not at others expense) once in a while. Go have sex with a girl without paying for it. Just because someone says something out them that is a little of ordinary (i.e. ranukam has sex with strippers pretty often, Carolynne is female but still provide of being a massive slut) doesn't mean they are lying. Not everyone fits into some cookie-cutter mold and deserves to because they don't.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    Thanks Dougster. Jester214, as I said I know several strippers outside of work and every one of them except one is sexually active. One who is ultra low mileage when she's stripping complains that her boyfriend wants sex less than she does. Why do I believe them? I've met most of their boyfriends. Am I the one that they're sleeping with? Unfortunately not. That doesn't mean that some of them don't go home with other men who they meet while they're stripping. Men who are a lot younger and better looking than I am I might add.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Stax a gay joke, how shocking coming from dugly's little brown noser. Canny I don't deny that strippers are sexually active just like other women. But that alone doesn't mean they are routinely walking out of the clubs with random customers for free. And even if it does happen I'll still doubt that the same guy is pulling it off even infrequently.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    Oh, attacking me for agreeing with Dougster. Cause you haven't done that 100 times already... And what makes you think that was a gay joke? I've always thought you were really a girl posting as a guy. The only reason you being a guy isn't suspicious to some of the posters is the same reason many of them believe every screen name purporting to be a woman is actually a female, they want it to be true. If you wanna do this we can do it, fart eater. But let's not flame out another thread.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    I think you're going down the wrong road because you have a low paying job, not because you fuck strippers, most of us fuck strippers, so anybody on here telling you that it's wrong to fuck them is really hypocritical. While I'm same age as you, I don't fuck them for free, I'm not a good looking guy nor I take care of myself, but I make good money so I'm not ashamed to say that. Most of what I can get outside of strip club is ugly, and I don't like ugly girls, my choices are limited, but we're all dealt with a deck of cards so I'm just playing out mine.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    "Fart eater" Are you 12? I don't need to "do this", you destroy your own credibility with "witty" one liners like that.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    You're right, jester what was I thinking? SMH I'm not 12. You know that. Buuuutttt...lol You need to AddreSS the other thing...I'm ASSking you: are you a guy or a girl? Besides, don't act like you don't know the history BEHIND "Fart eater". That's what makes it so funny.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Jestie: " you destroy your own credibility with "witty" one liners like that." But your one liners like "brown noser" enhance yours jestie? Ok. WHATEVER you say... (Also curious what age people use the phrase "brown noser" at?)
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    When I say "Buuuutttt" I mean "BUUUUTTTT". And would it be "witty" if I called you "Fart Dijester" instead of "Fart eater"? ;)
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Dalex says "I think you're going down the wrong road because you have a low paying job," You think 40 grand a year is a low paying job for someone who is only 24 years old in an terrible economy? Lol. I couldn't disagree more. Most people who are making much more than that are older. You don't start at the top. Now, if he was 40, perhaps it's a low paying job, but at 24 years old? Hell nah.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    Dougster, exactly. GoVikes, I wish I was making that much right now.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    GoVikings, didn't know that was good, my mistake.
  • endlesstempo
    11 years ago
    I skimmed over the posts with all the infighting, but in case this hasn't been mentioned already I should point out that 40k a year is very solid salary for someone in their 20s. I assume that's 40k net, but even 40k gross is pretty good since that's like ~30k after taxes.. depending on allowances/dependents etc. Not that 40k is a "good" salary per se, but it's a great starting point for a young person in the work force.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    A lot of good insights here from a lot of smart folks. I would just second what others have suggested w.r.t. moderation. We all go to the SC for the sexaul gratification in which ever form we undertake. So what you are doing is no different than what most of us do in terms of SCing execept you are in the rare minority of scoring w/ strippers for free. You being 24 and liking hot naked women and wanting to have sex with as many as you can is the norm and not the exception. Most 24 year old guys don’t have as much sex as you b/c they can’t; not b/c it’s a “bad thing”. Having said this, priorities are priorities and one needs to take care of first things first. Hanging around strippers and SCs too much can potentiallhy be detremintal if one needs to focus their time and energy on other important things such as establishing one self in their career. As long as you see it (strippers/SCs) for what it is (and what it is not) and take care of what is really important, then you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it too much. Sex is a need that cannot (and perhaps should not) be denied – especially in your 20s. the only thing you are guilty off is having a sex drive and being able to do somehting about it – just keep things in prespective. Liking and wanting sex is a need that does not go away until it is satisfied – it is like our need for food.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Fart DiJester. Love it! Jestie definitely getting out jested in this thread.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Per Wikipedia, $40k/yr (gross) puts one in the 45 percentile or so (meaning one makes as much, or more, as 45% of the population) with the median being $44,389/yr (gross). And these #s are for *households* - so being single (no dependents, i.e. no wife/kids) and making ~$40k/year may put one in a bit better position than many (although it means you can’t SC like a whale though, or any other very large marine mammal :)) [view link]
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    If I was broke I wouldn't be going to strip clubs. I'd work on my "game" or something.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    who's rankyass?
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    WOW great great insight. I really appreciate all the TUSCLers that took the time to write a insightful response. Keep it coming! @dalex- txtittyfag has another alias. Her name is Vivi24. Vivi is a off and on dancer. Vivi got mad with the way we portrayed dancers, so she decided to create the account txtittyfag to try to make fun of us. I'm willing to bet Vivi fucks for money. Vivi err txtittyfag is referring to me when she says rankyass.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Vivi's grammar and vocabulary were much different (worse) than txtittyfag, so unless it's one extremely clever troll I doubt they're the same person. I think we all know whose "alias" that is.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    What? My first guess was also vivi. But if that's no right my second guess is txtittyfan.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    My reasoning for txtittyfan is that I'm pretty well known for not liking the guy, and some think I use multiple aliases (which is incorrect), and I like point call out who the "fags" are on this. Some tittyfan credited "txtittyfan" to "prove" his multiple aliases allegations. Who else would people think it is? Haha! Okay, if tittyfan was clever he would have done that, but there is no way in hell tittyfan can think it that many levels. He is truly a what chess players would all a level 0 thinker. So whomever it is has some cleverness and has been around the board for quite some time (some subtle allusions to obscure posts in the past.) I really have no idea who they are, but some (though not all) of the satire is quite entertaining!
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I was going to give a response but Kate Upton keeps distracting me. She's on tv with David Letterman. I was going to say have fun while you can. Maybe one day you'll figure out what you want. I would try to be careful about std's. The other thing I would be careful about is letting some dancers get you alone and take advantage of the situation. You don't want to pick up a std with a dancer you never cared about in the first place. Some dancers can be very aggressive and persistent. The other thing I might get concerned with is if a dancer seems to be getting a lot more attached than you want. If she says she likes you better than all the other guys she's known, watch out. Probaby just a matter of time before she finds someone else though if you maintain your distance and only treat her like a fuck buddy. Maybe.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Lol is right Stax. This thread had everything you need in a good TUSCL thread. It had trolls (txtittyfag and tortillachip). It had spammers (NorrisJordan). It had conspiracy theorists (Jester214). It had flame wars. It had great insight. I think the only thing missing is juice. Very Very entertaining.
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