Do you Think Anderson Might be Gay?

Detroit strip clubs
Anderson Cooper went to a strip club when he was in college and was " talking to the ladies about their shoes."……
He is "their" Kate Upton.
Blue blood simply means that their brains are starved for oxygen making them stupid and liberal.
I have a natural revulsion for 'Blue Bloods' most that I have met throughout my travels have been errogant, lazy, ignorant and highly opinionated. Many have been politicians, lawyers, and eastern educated bureaucrats. They think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, no one can possbly live without their oversight and because that is their view they will pass a law to make it so. If people like Anderson Cooper had their way we would be forced to be fags by law.
what part of HE IS GAY don't you understand?
Tiredcocksucker, based on your statements on this site you just described yourself. Stupid fuck.