Law changes requiring dancers to be paid minimum wage at strip clubs?
I live in Maryland and was at my favorite strip club in the area tonight, The Player's Club in Baltimore..a dancer told me that due to the club being sued, or other clubs being sued..not sure about this detail..that the dancers at the Players Club and other clubs in Maryland will soon all start being paid minimum wage. The dancer advised that in return, the dancers will now have to pay the club $10 bucks out of their $30 dollar dance whereas before they could keep all of it....Anyone know if this is a new law in Maryland? First I've heard of this..I think if it happens it would give shitty dancers and ugly ass dancers incentive to stay on the job because they would at least be able to make minimum wage, even if no one is buying dances from them, whereas now the free market dictates who makes money and who doesn't. Seems like strip club socialism to me.
A club either has to not hire fat dancers and face discrimination lawsuit or hire them and either have a club full of fat dancers, or let them go and pay unemployment benefits. It's the end of strip clubs.
In Las Vegas, Sapphire came under fire a few years ago. This 2010 article from the Las Vegas Sun, explains the issues:…
Within the article, an L.A. area law firm is mentioned that specializes in strippers' rights. Some interesting reading there:
I can just imagine what working for that law firm is like!
So keep them from being used in inhumane medical experiments? Lobby for them to be let out of the club to run around in the fields during slower parts of the day? Stuff like that?
No big deal. You now pay for the dance either with the bartender, with the person watching the entrance to the lap dance area, or with some sort of machine. Some have you pay on the way in, others on the way out.
Dancers are paid minimum wage plus state-required benefits as a draw against a commission on sales.
If anything it makes extras a little more common since the tips for extras are entirely hers and off of the record.