
Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    For Dancers ... Can Volume be Better that Price Per ?
    I think the question really comes down to an issue between motivation and opportunity cost. The song plays weather or not you are on some ones lap and therefore if you are not on a lap you are not making money. Conversely If you find that you are not satisfied with the amount of compensation for the labor you provided and you feel you are better to make no money than preform an action at a suboptimal/sub-acceptable rate well then I guess that is your prerogative. However if you look at a purely economic analysis since there is in most cases no increase of marginal cost and house fees are usually static or a percentage they should be figured to be a fixed daily cost and thus anything over a house share should be taken and would lower marginal income will easily be made back up by doing volume in even small blocks e.g. 3 for 2 or 5 for 4. ALL that being said these are strippers we are talking about.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    SC Bartenders
    A couple of reasons, You want what you cant have. They have a different "energy" about them and therefore they are different and you dwell on it making you notice them more. They are hot enough to get your money without having to try or do anything too degrading, so they do. and lastly lets face it any woman getting you a beer automatically looks sexier!
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Car Adventures
    I have sex in my car more times than I can count. I drive a SUV, sex utility vehicle!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strippers who smoke at work or on the job
    Shockingly as my name implies I did work at a smoke shop so to me Couldn't give a fuck. In fact I would prefer smoke to the smell of something in between 10 year old girl playing with perfume and 80 year old lady who cant tell how much she has put on anymore.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Do you Think Anderson Might be Gay?
    See I knew he was gay when we were having dinner with some family friends and They had.. well two gay friends (SUPER Stereotypical old flamers from the 80-90's) that lived in the same building Mr. Cooper. Some lady made some comment about him being hot. To which one of them pipped up "Oh Honey he likes young black men." to which Our friend BLURTED out "ME TOO!" and an awkward moment was had by all.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Turns out you can get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC
    Honestly I refer to the dealing with bull shit if i listen to more than 30 min of bs I usually say thats cool I will catch this story later. I have pissed off many of annoying ladies that way but I am not in high school anymore and have no time for time wasting bastards. As a Side note I have only seen one person move out of the friend zone to the fuck zone and it ended poorly. Personally I make no bones about what I want, there is no reason to waste anybody's time. and finally inappropriate joke time Q: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? A: What does it matter clearly the bitch doesn't listen any ways!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Turns out you can get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC
    And now we all know that the friend zone exists with strippers too. As a side note, to everyone in abusive relationships, go fuck your self and you deserve the shit you take. sorry had to let that one out. reminded me of a friend zone experience (with a non stripper, although she could have been, right personality, nice body) from back in the day. And to any women who might read this, stripper or not, while guys do genuinely care about your bullshit to some extent. It is completely proportional to how much we want to fuck you. If you give us very little bullshit then we dont need the want to fuck to hang out. However if you lay tons of bull shit out than you better hope we, in our diluted minds, think you can suck chrome off a bumper, and that said bumper will be ours.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Question for Stripperweb.
    Minnow For The Win
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Race thread Read closely Purposely put out as such as to get insight as to coma
    Me thinks he is Dyslexic and English is not his first language. As it reminds me of my russian. Someone needs to smoke more pot and type less. try typing it in word or google docs and then re read it or if you do have dyslexia have someone else read it and then post it. And in general never return for a third night unless you are fucking her, or else you will just be seen as an ATM.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anyway the wind blows...
    Should I stay or should I go?
    You should have gone I once got a pitty bj with out even asking, when I said my gf ditched me on valentines day. Hell their romantic life cant be a hell of a lot better they are working on v-day.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Who's Gotten OTD?
    Just a hockey rink for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Missin' da Juiceman
    here watch this it is almost as good as the juiceman http://www.youtube.com/user/rawfoods
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    STD's From BBBJ
    EarlTee FTW!!!!!
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    12 years ago
    What are these abbreviation meaning
    NO NO NO SB means Son of a Bitch or colloquially "SonBitch"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting change back as funny money
    In most states they have clearly defined statues on what is "currency" in many states "currency" includes gambling tokens/chips and coupons (hence the 1/100th of a cent value) thus making it a felony forgery to copy them. However if they didnt have a clear notice on the door or have a policy of exchange I am sure you could sue them to get your change back. Which would undoubtedly cost more than the change as it costs at least $25 to file a small claims case in every state. While I have never got back "club money" as change a waitress gave me back clearly fake dollar bills as change. wanna guess which ones she got back as a tip?
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    12 years ago
    carolynne's boobs
    Or they are a computer generated set that is a combination of every titty picture that google has access to. AND thus they are the super boob, a boob set that triggers the deepest most primal traits in most every man. Such a picture would be dangerous as one could rule the world with it, so we must keep it out of the wrong hands.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    customer or friend?
    My simple philosophy is if she is worth it then pay her. Let her either say no this one is on me or try to arrange a a cheaper follow up experience. As a general rule in life (not just when dealing with strippers) loaning money or helping someone out should always be written off as a loss. I have helped too many people move and never seen any reciprocity and never expect it either. If you loaned you guy buddy some money you wouldnt expect sex with him for repayment and you wouldnt rush to stop dealing with him until he repaid either, but you would probably not lend them something so quickly next time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Saudi court voids marraiage of 90 yo and 15 yr
    Ahhh the islamic arab world. Worked with a guy who was former navy and told a story when he was in dubai saw a man kill his wife in the street, the man yelled out "she was a christian"(according to the translator) and everyone went back to their daily routine. Yet if you don't like the idea of women being sold and killed as a mater of daily business then you are considered a Racist or an Islamophobe. Tribes with flags.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol was involved.
    Also nothing good comes from talking to police officers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club T-Shirts.
    I usually just give mine to someone else in the club at the time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is another way to piss off your money in Vegas.
    Shit I am 30 And I agree with latinlover69. Plus one word sunburns.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think that a stripper insulted me today.
    Shit at least she didnt tell you that you look like Dom Deluise, That was an insult. (to be fair to that misguided bitch she did inspire me to start loosing weight) Shit next time all you have to offer her is $50 and then tell her you know I am quick. And as a subtle perspective When I cum is when I cum and it is never too quickly or too late it is ALWAYS RIGHT ON TIME. (It just happens to be a time only relevant to me.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Jamacian Clubs
    Smoke some ganja with Jah Rastafari for me while you are there. I would much rather go see a cricket match than go to a strip club in Jamaica.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    No alcohol on smokers patio
    It reminds me of something my mom said once "Pick and choose your battles," It also depends on who is doing the enforcing and why, If its the liquor board then they probably care more about the booze than the boobies, if its the general police they are probably more concerned about the boobies than the booze. Things like that make me think of the time I used to teach jujitsu to cops, they told stories and strategies on how to legally force you into a traffic stop or some other stupid situation (of which I heard many). Basically if some big cheese over at the cop shop is looking for a reason to go poking around at the titty bar, openly/ visibly violating smoking and liquor policies is a quick ticket in.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Who does this???
    Some times I get stoned and start reading the next thing you know you are reading some oooooolllllldddd ass threads. Usually I have the better judgement not to post.