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Comments by smokeshopjoe

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Ever Notice
11 years ago
what kind of bread pumpernickel?

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G.I. Commando
11 years ago
hell go try some on, commando, and see how you look.

keep in mind when you are rocking thin pants commando, you want a lil bagginess so as not to ruin everyones imagination on what your cock looks like.

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dancer's salary
11 years ago
@gawker: Revolution.

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G.I. Commando
11 years ago
@lowpaw that is because women's undies are fun and playful, and dont become awkwardly fitting with a boner.

Well I am sure they would become awkwardly fitting with a boner if a guy was wearing them, but I would also hazard a guess that they would be awkwardly fitting on a guy without a boner too.

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G.I. Commando
11 years ago
And the only thing that turns off a dancer, that you should worry about, is running out of money.

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G.I. Commando
11 years ago
Get microfiber slacks or golf slacks, and a golf polo shirt they will feel like you are naked at the club. As far as feeling awkward, well you will feel that the first couple of times you go out. Just go do some dry runs during the day shift I am guessing about the 3 rd time you go you wont feel so "creeperish". Then the next thing you know you will be wearing them when you fare making a late night run to the store because you just cant be bothered to find real pants and undies or is that just me?

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Athletic Shorts
11 years ago
Ok I am down in tucson, and I have a couple of things to say about wearing gym shorts to a club.
1 you will feel like a creep the first couple of times because, you are, but thats ok because you are going to a SC to perv on naked women. (Read thats kind of the idea)

2 It lets the dancer know that you have a certain set of expectations, and I want to feel you as close to me as you can get. If they dont like it they will avoid you or be Quite obvious about giving you a shitty dance so they can fuck off. (this is the most important reason to wear them)

3 Wearing gym shorts is a good way to get mr happy some free unsolicited action. Most dancers who bare hand the 3rd leg will do soooo much more with a little more privacy and motivation($).

4 If other guys think you are a creep, fuck them, this is a pot calling the kettle black situation. What is their trying to get sexual satisfaction from nearly naked women is any more upstanding than yours? It would be like a rapist saying to another rapist,"well I only rape girls over the age of 18"
11 years ago
did you get a tow art? are you still on the side of the canadian highway?
11 years ago
cheer up, you have cell phone signal, and it isnt winter.
11 years ago
Well if you eat their buffet and call that dinner then I would suggest taking in only $20 with you when you are doing your I hate traffic pit stop and tell the girls that is what you are doing. So they dont think you are going to give them a bill today, then on the days when you want to do some extra stuff bring some more cash with you. That way they know that you are not getting dances you are just killing time but if you are getting dances than come over and jiggle in my lap. As a side note you will find yourself in the position as a regular and I would bet that the p4p price would drop. $20 a day 5 days a week is $100 a week and $400 a month... I dont know what you budget is.
12 years ago
See I live in tucson where it was 104 degrees today so no one questions shorts when it is ball meltingly hot. On top of that flip flops and t shirts are acceptable attire for going to the theatre (ballet, opera that kind not the movie kind although also ok there too) hell I once over heard some ladies talking about how when they moved here they scoffed at other people wearing sandals and t shirts to church and now they couldn't think about going in anything but. Also time of day matters 1pm more than likely no one will give a shit, 8-10pm well that is a different story.

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Boxers vs briefs
12 years ago
For mongering commando. I find no need for support while sitting in a chair/couch at a strip club. Everywhere else usually boxers or more commando.

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saw down woman shirt
12 years ago
Using the wrong homophone is not nearly as bad as that crap Dacandyman is passing off as writing. So stop the ad hominem attack on 23cambyman. At least he has valid points and is trying to help this kid. If this kid cant form/write cogent, legible, and adult (not childish/adolescent) thoughts he is doomed to a life of working in the service industry. Hell from everything I have read that he has posted he might as well drop out and get a job working at the club. It will probably be the intersection of earning potential and job satisfaction for him.

Sadly I have several friends who are teachers and I have seen the crap the kids think is correct/acceptable writing... America, we are so FUCKED! I have seen first hand kids not understand that writing like its icanhazcheesebruger is not just wrong but stupid. I also blame touchpad keyboards for the increased acceptance of crappy typing and really bad typos. Seriously kid your kind gets run out of places like this so either get on board with us old folks or get truckin'.
12 years ago
If that place existed I would totally be a conductor on the underground ginger rail road
12 years ago
In response to jackslash I will rebut with this

but if you find that club I am fairly certain my GF would want to go there.
Lets pray that they have the forms needed in languages other than english
12 years ago
METH/ coke
12 years ago
Seriously go to vegas and find some drunk slutty tourist and fuck them then the day after your 21st go to a club. Also go to vegas so you can gamble too. The only birthday where most complete strangers will gladly buy you booze is your 21st, personally I wouldn't wast that in a strip club. Also aside from a small local club you also stand a good chance of getting a stranger to buy you a birthday dance in vegas, as people in vegas are just having one big party and want to celebrate with everyone.

Bottom line: I think you will have an all around better birthday in vegas, but you might find a better strip club experience elsewhere.
That is funny A couple of weeks ago I was hanging out with some friends, mixed group of guys and gals, and a guy friend B says in reference to another of our lady friend J's weird relationship her best friend who is a dude she used to date. He clues us in on why they stopped dating as the dudes cock was way too big, And B just cant see how having such a big cock could be a problem. I pause for a second and formulate one of my sagely pieces of bad advice/examples, and came up with this to give him perspective.
Me: Have you ever had a shit so big and hard that it fucking hurt when taking a dump?
B: WELL, Yeah!?
Me: Now imagine that is how it feels every time you are having sex, for the duration of sex.
B pauses for a second, puts his hand up and says "High 5 for being average!"

There was a scatter plot chart of penis length on one axis and girth on the other axis. Then they outlined the area of the chart where most men's penises fell, Ironically only about a third of the points fell in that ring and the other 2/3's fell just outside of it to the larger size. Which is why you typically see dildos just slightly larger than the average cock and not the size of the little mini baseball bats they give out on bat night at the stadium.
Saw that in the local news. Honestly not a big loss, That club is shitty, knowing that they sold drugs I know understand how they were staying in business because that place was slow, the bartender/waitstaff couldnt care less about getting you a drink and the dancers were not that good looking nor did they go the extra mile. Shit I would say they didnt even make it one lap around the track. Maybe it will return to the nude juicebar that it started as. I will bet if it does it will still suck.
The only piece of advice I have for you on your first trip is this and it is simple.

Leave your credit/debit cards at home, Bring only the amount of money you are willing to place in a paper bag and set on fire. Dont bring any of that money back home with you.

Remember have a good time, bring a DD, and dont piss off the bouncers.

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Dead Father's Ashes
12 years ago
For some odd reason I have the feeling that shadowcats kid will take him to the club one last time. Shit I Will probably take my dads ashes to the club one last time before we scatter them by a trout stream.
well my hang up would be my ex-employer is an unstable biker gang member, and i didn't leave that job on the best terms AKA I am fairly certain he would call some people to beat my ass. I know sitting next to my dad would completely destroy my A game. hell it would destroy my b and c games too.

Dice: no I dont know the unwritten rule. or if I do I cant see how it applies to this case or I am thinking about a different rule.

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Pussy Galore
12 years ago
I second your first answer, quite frankly I could not care less about how they look as long as they are free from sores or warts
12 years ago
And that is why I wear shorts!