Many of us know certain clubs where good LDs can be had for $10.
I wonder if dancers at these clubs are getting jipped or might they end up doing just as well (w.r.t. $20/$25 LDs); or better?
Not a question that can be answered outright IMO – but one thing about $10 dances is that perhaps custies may get more of them; or may get some (w.r.t. free-riders that often don't get any); or may get more than they normally would once they have one as a result of the low entry cost?
On the TUSCL top 10 list for value, the #4 & #6 clubs both offer $5 dances. Obviously these clubs have to be popular at those prices. So yes volume can make a dancer more money than higher prices. Too bad so many of them are too ignornant to realize that.
Also, many black dives in places like Miami, Maryland (non-Baltimore area); and other cities like Philly, will have good contact dances for as low as $5.
Was talking with a dancer at Brad's in Indy about that very topic, since the price of LDs recently went from $10 to $20. She says the dancers make less, on average - fewer dances, I guess, and more choosy customers. She did say the VIP room ($100/30mins) business has gone up, so that partially offsets it.
I think except for a few of the hotter dancers who get a lot of VIP action, the LDs are the main source of income. The higher prices, for these girls, means reduced take home pay.
When I lived in L.A., a favorite club of mine was the Strip Joint in Pomona. It's still there. They still have $10. lap dances. They're out in an open area, but the club is very dark. It's a great way to try out a dancer before commiting to a 5-song VIP for all of $75. or $125. nude. I probably spent more there than the conventional $20/dance clubs because of the value and when the dancer asks, "Want another?" and I think it's only another $10. So I say, "Sure." I wound up saying that a lot more times than I intended to!
I think the question really comes down to an issue between motivation and opportunity cost. The song plays weather or not you are on some ones lap and therefore if you are not on a lap you are not making money. Conversely If you find that you are not satisfied with the amount of compensation for the labor you provided and you feel you are better to make no money than preform an action at a suboptimal/sub-acceptable rate well then I guess that is your prerogative.
However if you look at a purely economic analysis since there is in most cases no increase of marginal cost and house fees are usually static or a percentage they should be figured to be a fixed daily cost and thus anything over a house share should be taken and would lower marginal income will easily be made back up by doing volume in even small blocks e.g. 3 for 2 or 5 for 4.
ALL that being said these are strippers we are talking about.
Sure it is more work but it is a question of idle time. It it takes a lot of selling time to try to convince a guy sot shell out for a 20 or 30 dollar dance and they are likely to take a string of two or three of the 10 dollar dances and then perhaps add a tip too, then it can make more money.
The $10 dances kill some dancers self esteem. A dancer would rather sell a $35 dance that requires a $10 house cut instead of just a $25 dance with no house cut. Makes them feel better thinking they are worth $35 instead of $25 a song.
This is actually a very complex question, involving economics and psychology on the part of both dancer and customer. Dancers may feel a loss of self-esteem by giving $10 dances, but customers may also feel a $10 dance is not as good as a $25 dance. Raising the price may generate more demand (this is often true of luxury goods). Lower price/higher volume could put more wear and tear on the dancer. Peer pressure can also come into play, because other dancers may not want a dancer to offer discount prices. The dancer could face drama or a beat down.
I live in MD and can vouch for all the guys, your money can go along way here. You can go to other places and pay upwards of $30 for one LD while I pay no more than $10. My favorite daytime spot only charges $5 and you get plenty of mileage at most clubs.
I hate flashy clubs that charge you more to help pay for what they invested. Why would you charge $25 per dance and the house gets $10, that seems stupid to me. I see that's the norm in most other states so I quess they can get away with those outrageous prices.
I feel sorry for other hobbyist who have to spend double or even triple the amount us urban Marylanders spend at our "black dive clubs".
I just left a club in Miami that has $5 table side dances. I spent near $300, When I go to the Inter Room in Cocoa Beach which has $10 dances I usally spend $150. If I go to a club that has $30 dances I would either pass or spend $60. The girls in the Miami club were making bank as do the girls at the IR. The girls at the $30 per dance are always complaining about "no money". When I open my club I will follow the lower cost per dance rule.
Papi- You ask the perpetual question on just what the economic sweet spot is. Obviously, dancers would like to be able to do less dances for the same ammount of money- i.e. do 20x20 dances vs 10x40 dances per shift. Both models yield $400 with drastically different work levels. But in the real world, a club jacking up the dance prices from $10 to $20 might have a dancer actually selling 15x20 dances per shift= $300 total ($100 loss over old $10 price) as customers balk at higher prices, especially if other clubs in area are sticking to $10 price. Much like car salesman wanting to sell a few high end cars vs many economy models.
One pricing model not often seen is the volume discount- cost per dance goes down the more dances you buy- the Mons Venus business model. I'm surprised more clubs don't do this, as many retailers charge lower per unit costs for larger quantities- i.e. buying a 1 gallon jar of milk/juice/etc. cost less per glass than buying only a half gallon,a quart,and so on. There, buying a single dance would cost $30 or $25 depending on dancer, but buying additional dances drops the price per dance to $25 or $20, resp.
Here in Vancouver, land of the stupidly priced lapdance ($50)I think lowering the price would be an improvment for all parties. I'd happily take a flyer on a new girl for $20-$25 or 5 for $100 but at $50 a dance one tends to get very choosey.
I would think that the A-Team ladies would probably make less as they are generally quite busy even at these prices. Some of these ladies only work 3 hours a night and still do very well, they'd have to put in more time to earn the same. The middle of the pack would probably do a whole lot better as most guys are willing to part with $20 for a dance. The ugly girls should probably find another line of work in an "Extras" unfriendly city.
$20 lap dances seem to be the average. Remember that the value of the dollar has declined about 40% in the last 5 years. So yea, the $5 and $10 dance will soon go the way of the buffalo.
And consider it is more economically advantageous to sell lap dances at a price that matches the national currency.
Now when the US Treasury starts printing $30 or $40 bills..........hold on to your lap dance wallet.
In terms of pricing, i think Deja Vu COI has got it nailed. Their pricing scheme is elastic, meaning various price points for differing levels of service. Moreover they run "specials" periodically through the night (also daily specials) to maximize revenues. This elastic pricing model is akin to what airlines (like United Airlines) use. For example: topless, nude, VIP :: economy, economy plus, first class. I believe that lower prices, will result in higher volume, and thus greater earnings for clubs/dancers. Moreover, the $5 spot I hit in philly was alot of fun, but in a very rough neighborhood. I'm looking forward to some $10-15 dances from clubs in Los Angeles. I don't see how the $35 "no touch" clubs in Pennsylvania stay in business. And I have never visited a SC in Vegas b/c I know the prices will be egregious.
Jack slash hit the nail on the head. MyATF says that there's another dancer who's been giving extras for no additional money in VIP. I checked it out and got BBBJ and CIM and she never mentioned money. I tipped her well and reported back to my ATF who said she and some of the other whoxxx dancers were going to have a little talk with her.. Now she hasn't been in work for close to a month. She's either in rehab or got scared off.
The SR here used to do $10 dances during the day, the dancers kept the whole fee. Last year they raised the prices to $25 with the dancers keeping 20. Universally the dancers all made less, much less. The place was empty most of the time. They've since moved to $15, but the dancers only get $10. They still haven't recovered, the dancers who could get $25/dance moved to other clubs and brought their clients with them. Now without the clients they can't draw in the girls.
Cheetah Pompano down the street does $10 table dances that are popular, but also has $25 lap dances. The girls I've asked almost all prefer doing more of the $10 dances to fewer $25 ones.
I think something that's lost in the value calculation is the other time that goes into selling a dance. A quick intro and a 2 minute chat is usually sufficient to sell a couple $10 dances. Even those seeking repeat business don't have to do much post-dance chit-chat to secure a positive exit feeling. At $25, a lot of customers want significant pre/post dance time. The pre-dance time is high risk too, since they could put in 20-30 mins chatting it up only to get shot down. At the end of transaction, I may buy 4 $10 dances or 2 $25 ones. I probably give both dancers $60, $5 tip per dance. The dancer selling $10 dances may have spent a song before/after with me at most. The dancer selling $25 dances probably spent 2/3 before/after at least. So, the $10 dancer walks away with $60 for 6 songs worth of work while the $25 dancer walks away with $50 for 7+ songs worth of work.
Basically, I think its better for the strippers at $10/dance - but its better for the house at $25. This of course ignores any house fees...
Delilah's in Pleasantville, NJ (just outside Atlantic City) offered $10 dances during the day for many years. I probably gave more girls a test drive because of that low hurdle. I always tipped $5 per song, even if it was a one and done, and the girls appreciated it.
Shortly after they sold the place and it became Crazy Horse they raised the daytime dances to $20. DJ keeps track and the girls pay $5 per to the house. So in my case they net the same. Girl I know that worked both formats said she made far more money with the $10 dances.
Volume selling is great from a dancer's perspective if the cost per dance is $20 for a song. It's relatively easy to stack dances that way and it often leads to time in VIP. That's how I make my money, anyway.
Ten dollar dances are a thing in many clubs in Austin. I work in a ten dollar table dances club (25 for private area) at this time. I don't mind it; after all, the best dancing night I've ever had was in a ten dollar dances club.
last commentI think except for a few of the hotter dancers who get a lot of VIP action, the LDs are the main source of income. The higher prices, for these girls, means reduced take home pay.
But then I suspect there are many dancers who would rather do 3 $20 dances an hour than do 7 $10 ones.
However if you look at a purely economic analysis since there is in most cases no increase of marginal cost and house fees are usually static or a percentage they should be figured to be a fixed daily cost and thus anything over a house share should be taken and would lower marginal income will easily be made back up by doing volume in even small blocks e.g. 3 for 2 or 5 for 4.
ALL that being said these are strippers we are talking about.
I hate flashy clubs that charge you more to help pay for what they invested. Why would you charge $25 per dance and the house gets $10, that seems stupid to me. I see that's the norm in most other states so I quess they can get away with those outrageous prices.
I feel sorry for other hobbyist who have to spend double or even triple the amount us urban Marylanders spend at our "black dive clubs".
I spent near $300, When I go to the Inter Room in Cocoa Beach which has $10 dances I usally spend $150. If I go to a club that has $30 dances I would either pass or spend $60.
The girls in the Miami club were making bank as do the girls at the IR.
The girls at the $30 per dance are always complaining about "no money".
When I open my club I will follow the lower cost per dance rule.
One pricing model not often seen is the volume discount- cost per dance goes down the more dances you buy- the Mons Venus business model. I'm surprised more clubs don't do this, as many retailers charge lower per unit costs for larger quantities- i.e. buying a 1 gallon jar of milk/juice/etc. cost less per glass than buying only a half gallon,a quart,and so on. There, buying a single dance would cost $30 or $25 depending on dancer, but buying additional dances drops the price per dance to $25 or $20, resp.
I would think that the A-Team ladies would probably make less as they are generally quite busy even at these prices. Some of these ladies only work 3 hours a night and still do very well, they'd have to put in more time to earn the same. The middle of the pack would probably do a whole lot better as most guys are willing to part with $20 for a dance. The ugly girls should probably find another line of work in an "Extras" unfriendly city.
And consider it is more economically advantageous to sell lap dances at a price that matches the national currency.
Now when the US Treasury starts printing $30 or $40 bills..........hold on to your lap dance wallet.
I believe that lower prices, will result in higher volume, and thus greater earnings for clubs/dancers. Moreover, the $5 spot I hit in philly was alot of fun, but in a very rough neighborhood. I'm looking forward to some $10-15 dances from clubs in Los Angeles. I don't see how the $35 "no touch" clubs in Pennsylvania stay in business. And I have never visited a SC in Vegas b/c I know the prices will be egregious.
Cheetah Pompano down the street does $10 table dances that are popular, but also has $25 lap dances. The girls I've asked almost all prefer doing more of the $10 dances to fewer $25 ones.
I think something that's lost in the value calculation is the other time that goes into selling a dance. A quick intro and a 2 minute chat is usually sufficient to sell a couple $10 dances. Even those seeking repeat business don't have to do much post-dance chit-chat to secure a positive exit feeling. At $25, a lot of customers want significant pre/post dance time. The pre-dance time is high risk too, since they could put in 20-30 mins chatting it up only to get shot down. At the end of transaction, I may buy 4 $10 dances or 2 $25 ones. I probably give both dancers $60, $5 tip per dance. The dancer selling $10 dances may have spent a song before/after with me at most. The dancer selling $25 dances probably spent 2/3 before/after at least. So, the $10 dancer walks away with $60 for 6 songs worth of work while the $25 dancer walks away with $50 for 7+ songs worth of work.
Basically, I think its better for the strippers at $10/dance - but its better for the house at $25. This of course ignores any house fees...
Shortly after they sold the place and it became Crazy Horse they raised the daytime dances to $20. DJ keeps track and the girls pay $5 per to the house. So in my case they net the same. Girl I know that worked both formats said she made far more money with the $10 dances.