Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 3)
discussion comment
12 years ago

There is a second reason for the lack of cheese, 1 the climate over much of the region is less than awesome for milk production. Thus leading that culture to develop a method of extracting protein from soy and putting it into liquid form (soy milk) and that liquid can be curdled and pressed just like cheese to make tofu. So in essence tofu is chinese cheese.
discussion comment
12 years ago

I think I took a political shit once it turned the water green.
Then I realized it was the over abundance of food coloring in some home made black frosting I ate.
discussion comment
12 years ago

New York
For all of those I have nothing to hide types please take note of the last line in tiredtravlers post. Cops are dicks, just like frat boys sure individually they can be nice but get them in a group and they start to do shit like this. They are group of petty people. They also have a near limitless budget to do investigations. How much did that raid cost the city and for what? To make sure a place where people go out of the purview of other people go to get some jollies isnt letting those jollies get out of hand? Or like in the last case just to try to find someone's ex?
Couldn't just send one guy in no lets raid the place. If a cop ever asks can I search ... The correct response is I am sorry officer, But I do not consent to any searches of my person or possessions. Then you Ask Am I being detained or am I free to go? At this point if it takes more than "a reasonable amount of time" and they find nothing then you have grounds for an unlawful detainment case. The other very important thing to say if they respond you ARE being detained and ARE NOT free to go is,"I am sorry i dont feel comfortable answering any questions with out legal counsel present to advise on my rights." At this point time they are legally obligated to stop asking you questions with out legal counsel, However they will almost always keep asking you questions stick to your guns. If you got nothing to hide then FUCK THEM MAKE THEM WASTE THEIR TIME TO FIND NOTHING!
A small piece of advice to anybody who knows kids teach them early cops are not your friends they are the largest street gang and only go to them, when you find your self in a position when you wish you could go ask Don Corleone for a favor, because someday they may comeback to you and ask you to do something small for them.
discussion comment
12 years ago

WOW, I say we should now take bets on how long before Israel and Iran get into it. And how America will just sit this one out. Honestly this four more years of captain limpwrists doesnt shock me there are way too many people who think socialism is a good thing. Also I concur with snowtime personally I am super fucking socially liberal but super fucking financially conservative which puts me at odds with all of the anti abortion god loving fucktards but it also puts me at odds with all the gimmie gimmie freeloading fucktards too.
discussion comment
12 years ago

To be fair I tend to agree with Mr. 10in. But its not just this site, it is everywhere! It just gets so god damned annoying. Hell I have been known to carry a red sharpie to correct the grammar of graffiti. If this site were not filled with good intel and decent stories I would leave due to the lack of language skills. I also find it funny to read the signage of strip clubs as they are rife with bad english and fun made up words like Sextacular.
discussion comment
12 years ago

British Columbia
I still have my phone from 2006 sure it is held together with twine but it works and no one in their right mind is going to steal it. Also I do the same as SC even on the phone if it is soooooo smart it should have a word processor and a copy and paste feature.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Atlanta suburb
Hey look I have found the golden tablets.
Oh my my Mit Romney really is a tight ass
Its simple really Mit Romney is such a tight ass that the carbon based matter he eats simply comes out the back every couple of months as a Diamond and that is the natural reaction of women (even young girls) when seeing diamonds of that size.
discussion comment
12 years ago

New York
Shit that sounds like a fair number of the ones I have found my self in lately.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Clearly some one copied and pasted from a abstinence website. cough shadowcat cough grumble, sorry allergies. Now I am not singling anyone out but if you dont site your sources thats plagiarism and my special lady friend will have to tell the vice principal.
I have a friend she is in her early thirties and she carries around a pamphlet from the late 80's early 90's that is one of those you shouldnt date older people kind of things. It is hilarious being in my thirties and seeing just how much the culture has changed since it was printed.
discussion comment
12 years ago

North Carolina
I find that shit happens more on slow days.
I usually deal with it in a couple of ways.
One is ignore them I mean just pretend like you are on the moscow subway look ahead dont acknowledge them. exchange short pleasantries only.
Another is if they can actually have a conversation then have one but done be afraid to say excuse me when someone tickles you fancy.
Also start asking them about other dancers whos good, whos dirty, whats the pulse of the club today.
One was soooo annoying mid sentence I said "thats cool could you watch my drink and phone got up got 2 Stevies in a row sat back down she departed shortly after. Basically I paid another girl $2 to make the squatter to go away.
Unless there is a click I will never get dances from them I am too damn stubborn for that!
discussion comment
12 years ago

a cheezburger!
yoda for a language coach
a missing speech center in her brain
a language other than english for her primary
discussion comment
12 years ago

she might be a legit escort or at least using a picture of one.
Honey you are going about it all wrong.
look at reviews and then PM individual reviewers that is your only way to get the skinny. All else you will just get snarky answers.
As a side note if anybody needs a research analyst or investigator feel free to PM me
discussion comment
12 years ago

New York
Shadowcat man do i have a story about what happened to me when i wore a shirt like that!
So I routinely gave a 10% per booby discount, so much so that a coworker of mine gave me a boobies make me smile t shirt. now one day i am wearing it and this lady comes in and is looking for a particular type of screen which i later glean is for her meth pipe :( well unfortunately they are all mixed together so she says I will give you $20 if you can get me a hand full so I was going to round up $5 worth and give my self a $15 tip so I start going through them and she asks if she could help I say naah she then asks if she could go and come back later. Cool by me! She Blurts out good I got to go to fascinations(adult book store) and buy some lube! I say all right then 10 min later I am done 30 min later she comes back i hander the bag of screens she gives me the 20 she says i just spent 500 at the porn store shocked I say What did you get she retorts EVERYTHING! quickly fallowed by hey you want do do a 3way with me and my old man. Now she was pretty haggard and the dude that was sitting in the car didnt look to savory either so I pulled the No I cant I am the only one here and cant just lock up the store. She says well is there anything else I can do for you. I point to my shirt and say well boobies make me smile! She smiled and started to lift up her shirt I knew i wan in trouble when i realized those titties didnt move one bit and she wasnt wearing a bra. When the bottom of her shirt started to clear the bottom of her boobs I knew it wasnt good it was that puckered scared rippled skin over salad bowls type fake tits on a haggard meth whore. THOSE BOOBIES DID NOT MAKE ME SMILE THEY MADE ME CRINGE. But being a good little trooper I forced a smile and said good luck and gave myself a $20 tip for dealing with that. I am socked I wasn't fired from that store, i guess 8 cameras dont do you any good if no one watches them.
and to answer the question I dont give a shit what she says or calls them as long as I get to feel and suck on them!
discussion comment
12 years ago

This is MERICA! dont you know canadia is just our kid brother with nothing more than our hand me downs there cant be anything of value up there, Except fries with gravy, a highway to Alaska, and hockey. Many of them are even under the delusion that the capital isnt Toronto, what is wrong with their schools. As for that little COUNTRY named Europe it isnt even on the list plus We here In MERICA KNOW there isnt anything worth value back there,We came from there and we have evolved better than them. And thats why this site is countriest and proud of it. YeeeHa, God bless us all, and God bless MERICA!
To be fair you have legal prostitution in many european countries so why waste you time at the strip clubs. I know I wouldnt. Good luck
Yes I know the capitol of canada is Ottawa. I love screwing with Canadians about that only to say thats why their team is called the senators. Nearly got punched by a guy from the Kronos Quartet for that gag once.
discussion comment
12 years ago

shit didnt actually hit post so in light of new information
Lowpaw: A stripper's head is one place I'd rather not venture into. If you do take a large ball of string so you can find your way back out.
and to follow up on alucard's comment of "By the way, Strippers are NOT Staff. They're independent contractors. They have no obligation to come to you." Also they have no obligation to dance for you even if you ask. They usually will but they can say NO.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Ok so you first need to realize that all of the girls are independent contractors, and few of them are cleaver hardworking go getters most will simply be the vannadance type. I too get super greatly annoyed at the ones who just sit in the corner and Do fucking nothing. But the best way to get the attention of an independent contractor is to ask directly. You dont have home remodelers or flooring companies going door to door asking if you want their services, you have to call and ask them.
BUT I will agree and concede that the SC environment is different you didnt go to the club to bet a burger and have an in depth conversation about landscaping with your friends. YOU ARE THERE TO SEE(and feel) ASSES AND TITTIES, they should know that and see if you are interested in their ass and tities. I will also concede that maybe part of the attraction is having sexually aggressive women coming over to you and actively seeking out your affection. Or possibly you are shy and dont feel comfortable out right asking. So here are some of my tactics.
The most simple way to get their attention is when you slip 1-5 in their g string on stage and PLAYFULLY WITH A SMILE say "when you are available next, swing by the table", you can be more direct by adding "for a dance/drink/chat" a charming fugly guy with the willingness to spend is a better option than good looking angry/creepy/upset guy willing to spend. Trust me that advice usually works.
Secondly, women ,at least 70%, are sexually competitive and when money is involved that number goes up. If there is a gaggle of girls just sitting there the next dancer who asks VANNADANCE the answer is fuck yes. Get ONE (only one) that is all it takes. It triggers the "he is getting lappers" response in most of the other girls. Honestly pick a slightly unattractive one and the 7+ girls will be over in no time. Also for those who are shy and nervous Pick one you really dont give a shit about makes the whole process easier.
Another tactic that works is ask the waitress to let a girl know you are interested I know it a bit junior-highish but it works. Once she comes over just play it off as she must not have seen you or noticed you eagerness to get a dance. Or my favorite Slow Day? Oh the information you can glean from that conversation. This usually works better if you have tipped the waitress well.
However there are just some days where it is so fucking dead and no one is getting dances that it creates an environment where they girls shut down, the levels of rejection just build up and they simply would rather sit there than be told no thanks again. This is a bad situation as it usually means the girls are in bad moods too. Even when you get their attention you will get lack luster service. Those are days when the smile and ask AND the getting a lapper from a mediocre girl simply dont work, When that happens it is best to just pull up stakes and roll on to the next one.
Now these are just jewels I have learned from my experience, That said the more you fuck up the more you learn. You also have to find your own style.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Me too but only for jerry stiller. Sadly I will say the apple did fall a bit far from the tree.
discussion comment
12 years ago

I think that what is sounds like is someone who was pissed off at the other clubs management. Look i think there is a 50/50 split on this yeah a good half of them would go along with it and half would take the stand plus I think the time they had spent together back there could severely influence the decision the dancer would make. Mr G happy hands vs someone like shadowcat. OR traveling salesman vs regular. Strippers are not theives, they may be ruthless, but most are smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds them (if you are a david allen coe fan the dick that fucks them).
discussion comment
12 years ago

I dont know guys it might be legit a stripper/whore could be too stupid to get a login and read a bunch of reviews. and worst case scenario read between the lines. so come on every one lets air our dirty laundry here in the open and tell who gets fucked and where in chi town.
Someone needs to pull the bacon off the stove before they set it on fire.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Touche rh48hr
At least every one I have met. As an old friend of mine said all women are the same fucking crazy candy the only difference is the wrapper. Or you find the one you think is the least crazy/annoying and you keep hanging around with her.
And the promiscuity/trust thing is only a problem if you want to be the only one fucking her. If you are both ok with it than it really doesn't matter. If not maybe you shouldn't date hookers just sayin.
If you are an Ayn Rand objectivist like me you already feel people will do anything to do what they want to do (or what they feel is the best move for them) anyways.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Atlanta suburb
AHHH Lowpaw you are just like my dog with a medical condition that has rendered him only able to eat liquid food he tries to eat every piece of solid food/scrap that hits the floor and every time he starts a vomit loop hoping that this time it will stay down.
In a way I greatly admire the endless optimism, I think the lead up of the seductiveness of victory is what keeps him and you going back.
Hell I too find myself plunking down on a newbie hoping that she will be the one who will just go for the gusto. But all too often it ends with $7-10 being exchanged and me saying good luck.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Atlanta suburb
yes the over zealous bouncer in this case yes he did kill somebody.
My point about the prison unions it was a side note. texas has some of the most insanely strict guilt by association laws and use there of. If you want to see how cops really think watch the tv show the first 48 they film a fuck load of them in texas if you do watch it with this perspective. The cops often try to find evidence to fit their narrative. Sure they are objective until they hit their first lead then they are blinded by a fury to make t it stick.
So if 3 of us were going to go to a texas strip club with the express purpose to pay for sex with strippers and everyone knew I was going to try to use drugs to gain the favor of strippers and one of the three of us got into a fight (even in the case of self defense) and some one died we would all be charged with capital murder in texas because of the assumed risk of my attempted commission of a crime.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Atlanta suburb
on the other hand slipping the bouncer a 20 and saying sorry would have also solved that problem. The bouncer is a dick. And in texas that means he is going to jail. I bet they have really fucking strong prison unions in texas as they will lock up anybody its like they get a stiffy from doing it.
discussion comment
12 years ago

AAAAHHHHH politics, I truly believe America's best days are behind her. I think we have devolved into such a shit show that it will take a monumental amount of cohesive support to get us back on the right track. I also feel there is no fucking way that this amount of support can come from this election. Look we have a government of addicts, addicted to getting reelected and spending money on stupid fucking shit. Our glorious leader currently is probably one of the worst in history. He makes bill clinton, a man who as president sold secrets to fucking CHINA (I wont hold monica against him hell I would fuck that over hillary any day), look like middle of the road level headed leader. I dont believe we can rebuild america, I think we can only salvage it. that means we really need to hit rock bottom and smash apart. I think a Romney Ryan government could do a good job at minor repairs but anything they would do is just kicking the can down the road.
On the question of religion there are 2 religious groups whose members I will NEVER vote for
Muslims: Islam is a religion that came from a schizophrenic nut bag, sure it starts nice and then he gets KILL happy. He talked not to god no no no but the the arch angle Gabriel during fits (seizures)
Mormons: They wear MAGIC UNDERWEAR! I shit you not. That religion was started by a guy who just wanted to fuck more women (to which I can respect). But the belief that if you are a good mormon man you get a magic planet where you will be a god when you die and women can only come along if their husband pulls them along. They will mary dead people so they can get the magic planet. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Caffeinated beverages, doomsday stockpiles, the belief that you are black because god is punishing you( they dont officially hold to this one any more but it isnt too uncommon of a thing to here when you get them one on one.)
My past experience with mormons is watch your fucking back around them that thump sound might just be you getting thrown under the bus.