Strippers who smoke at work or on the job

Maybe this is just me but when a girl sits on my lap right after shes smoked I find it completely disgusting and a big turn off. As a non-smoker the last thing I want to do is give you $$ of my hard earned dollars while you, "the human ashtray" grind on me and make me vomit in my mouth. Do us a favor and QUIT! You'll smell better, maintain those good looks a lot longer, and best of all customers like me might buy a dance from you.
I figure that your paying $7-8 per pack, not getting paid, and hurting your looks. Its completely backwards that you smoke especially at work. Get some gum or a patch.
I've noticed some girls try to cover up or freshen up after smoking. IT doesn't work. One time a girl came up to me after smoking and she had used Listerine after her smoke break. Her and her breath smelled like smoke covered in Listerine.
Sorry for the rant. I was at a club recently and this really nice girl wanted me to get a dance and she smelled like she just smoked a pack of Lucky's. YUCK! I felt bad.
Anyone else out there with me on this one?
I figure that your paying $7-8 per pack, not getting paid, and hurting your looks. Its completely backwards that you smoke especially at work. Get some gum or a patch.
I've noticed some girls try to cover up or freshen up after smoking. IT doesn't work. One time a girl came up to me after smoking and she had used Listerine after her smoke break. Her and her breath smelled like smoke covered in Listerine.
Sorry for the rant. I was at a club recently and this really nice girl wanted me to get a dance and she smelled like she just smoked a pack of Lucky's. YUCK! I felt bad.
Anyone else out there with me on this one?
I've been going to clubs for a long time (a really long time) and I decided I have to learn to put up with a few things I hate if I want the company of naked women:
•loud music
... in a perfect world the question "Do you smoke after sex?" would be answered by a sweet young thing looking under the covers, then smiling back at you with the word "YES!" And she would still have minty fresh breath along with her devilish smile ;-)
Unfortunately I agree that the aura of smoke goes with the kind of gal who would peel their clothes off for random dirty old men and then go in the back room with strangers (again mostly older guys) and perform sexual acts for ca$h. Its part of that risk taking thing, not to mention the whole oral fixation- hey, remember if your at an extras club the cigarette isn't the only thing she's had in her mouth today that you wouldn't want in YOURS ;-) Yup, buzz kill but its a fact- and the orally fixated cigarette as phallic object thing is part of why some guys still have a smoking fetish and surgeon general be damned, there are still amateur porn galleries devoted to girls who smoke. Go figure!
One guys turn off, another guys passion. I'm just happy that more and more clubs are smoke free
As I recall, the first time I met sc, I asked if it was ok to smoke one in PP. He said smoking wasn't allowed and also not enforced. So I did and all was well. A Dazzling experience on that trip.
Take a good look at shadow! :)
What bothers me more than a dancer smoking is when you are sitting next to another customer who is just smoking up a storm and you are having to inhale that shit b/c there may not be another seat in the busy club.
I recall being very happy when I lived in Dallas and smoking was banned in all indoor establishments - in the mid-2000s or so.
However if I don't smell smoke or am not desensitized due to it, I smell all kinds of other disgusting smells on people everywhere. Perfumes can be overpowering. I often need to be at least 8 feet away from most people not to smell something outside of smoky clubs. Some people I need to be at least 15 feet away. Maybe I'm part vampire. I had a weird dream one time where something was telling me that animals could detect your scent and tell if you were a meat eater or not. I was told not to be around predatory animals without eating meat.
Fortunately, the two states I've lived in (CA and WA) since I started club-going have prohibited indoor smoking. Occasionally, a dancer will come up to me who had been outside, smoking on her break, and then covered the smoke breath with Altoids. That seems to work fairly well, but I can still detect the odor of cigarette smoke.
Non-smoker here, too. Guess 30 years has just aclimatized me to it.