Race thread Read closely Purposely put out as such as to get insight as to coma

avatar for Djscudmaster
Careful thought on a friend of the way past and on someone else. I'm not sure if this still goes on but here goes
I might be starting a subject that is touchy with many, Yiu decude where club is located

Lets say in a strip club owned by a white person or whites and/or predominantly frequented by white male patrons and where nearly all the dancers are white a Male or group of Males of another race want to visit the club. Lets say for argument sake other than tourists someone visiting out of town who is Anerican but not white decides to visit and finds the experience uncomfortable or where the bouncers are trying to at first prevent his entrance to the club reguardless how much money he has on hand or can get from the ATM. Should He have gone anyways yes or no.
Now lets say He makes friends with one white stripper that wants Him to return to the club the following night for Whatever reasons(You decide), He appears the next night seeing sone of the sane male patrons and new ones and notices how many of them are playing the race card or giving Him funny or disgusting looks like that last time. If in this second visit Other white strippers start giving Him smiles and waves or constantly stare at him off and on should he be cautiious whether to stay till closing or shall he leave early and if so shall He return again for a third night


last comment
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
He needs a lap dance from the Re. All Sharpton.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I liked Juice better.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
This guy is a dumb fuck
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I think someone was doing an experiment with language generation, and this particular bot didn't pass muster.
avatar for smokeshopjoe
12 years ago
Me thinks he is Dyslexic and English is not his first language. As it reminds me of my russian.

Someone needs to smoke more pot and type less. try typing it in word or google docs and then re read it or if you do have dyslexia have someone else read it and then post it.

And in general never return for a third night unless you are fucking her, or else you will just be seen as an ATM.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Let's just say that this guy is an idiot
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
The only color that matters in Strip clubs is Green
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Trying to prevent someone's entrance? We have laws against race discrimination.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
It would have been cooler if had all been in Yoda-speak... "Went to strip club we did, yes? Many dances in lap were purchased...."
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
At the risk of feeding a troll, there are many ways to deter people at the door of a club. Dress code, no hats, ID regulation, high covers etc etc.

You'd be amazed how many patrons will decline to come in when they're told they can't wear their hats. It's a fucking ball cap, get over it.

I've also worked at club where we don't accept broken or expired ID's or can use the 'we don't accept out of state ID's' excuse to bar anyone we don't want in the club.

Club owner's have a variety of way they can control who comes through their door without ever having to resort to obvious racism.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Again, I do not give a flying fuck about something as trivial as race when I'm at work.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Money is green. It is the only color that I have ever seen matter much inside the club.
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