My best guess is that they started a Google search looking for some thing, came up with the topic and without realizing just how old the original post was, they added to it.
I imagine the other old threads were googled as shadowcat mentioned. But, I saw them and purposefully went back and read the oldest topics and replied to any interesting ones I found.
If the person did not stumble upon it while doing a search, as shadow stated; I would think it would take some serious reading of all the threads to get to one that is multiple years old.
Unless it was an oldie that someone filed away or somehow was locked in their memory bank.
If I wish to revive an old thread I will pick a member or members and go through the list of threads they started and see if there is one of interest and one I may wish to contribute to.
Some times I get stoned and start reading the next thing you know you are reading some oooooolllllldddd ass threads. Usually I have the better judgement not to post.
Do you have a problem with old threads being revived?
If the person did not stumble upon it while doing a search, as shadow stated; I would think it would take some serious reading of all the threads to get to one that is multiple years old.
Unless it was an oldie that someone filed away or somehow was locked in their memory bank.
Yeah, like someone who's been on this board since 2000, and has done 7,281 comments. A lot of time on your hands, right Clubber?