
Comments by farmerart (page 59)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Perfect winter vacation spot for farmerart
    @motorhead, Nah, I'll pass on Texas in the winter - too freakin' hot! I will attempt to make some money in Canada's North instead. As for 137kph; that is just cruisin' speed in the slow lane on Hwy 2 between Calgary and Edmonton (official speed is 110 kph). There aren't enough horsemen in all of Western Canada to ticket every car doing 137 kph on the Calgary/Edmonton highway. Those damn horsemen seem to target responsible oilmen testing the perfectly safe capabilities of a sweetly manufactured Italian sports car rather than the texting-mad mommies in their monster SUVs or goofy rig pigs fishtailing down the road in their souped-up F-150s.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One of the Greatest Reviews Ever
    Massage parlours, too. I had a much less successful visit to the 5 earlier in my week in Vancouver. Walking back to my hotel that particular evening took me perilously close to The Platinum Club (men's club cum massage parlour) on Homer. A 45 minute visit left me thoroughly 'refreshed'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    have you ever had a dancer suck butter off your dick ?
    Was there foreskin jam to accompany the butter?
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart
    She remembered? I often forget even my own birthday. I wouldn't have a hope of remembering an anniversary.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How important are TVs to you in a strip club?
    If there were Bloomberg terminals available for the patrons I would spend much much more time in clubs.
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    12 years ago
    How Do You Feel about Dancing?
    Is there really some alternate universe out there where old fat guys dance for hot young women?
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    12 years ago
    Hottie On The Street
    @magicrat, You are exactly right about Vancouver's charms. If you ever return here walk the entire seawall around Stanley Park. There is no other stroll like that in any urban centre in the world - 2 hours of the most spectacular scenery (and some guaranteed hottie watching on a sunny day). If I were ever to renounce my rural lifestyle, Vancouver would be my choice of a new place to live.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever feel dirty?
    I, too, know what you are talking about. Can't express my feelings any better than rickdugan did in his post.
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    12 years ago
    Hottie On The Street
    @motorhead, You are exactly right. It was a damn good fish taco.
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    12 years ago
    Nude Maids
    Got any girls in western Canada? My big old house is a real bitch to clean. I am always hot and sweaty after doing the cleaning deed. I would be happy to help your ladies shower down and dry off after they have done my house.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One of the Greatest Reviews Ever
    jeez, you guys, you'll give me a swelled head! Remember the 'fiction' disclaimer at the bottom of this page. Not saying that this review was fiction, but.....there might have been a bit of poetic licence taken in describing the pathetic events of the sordid evening and night. If trojangreg posts a review of the same visit he will corroborate at least some of the evening's happenings. I still don't believe that bastard had to work early the next morning.
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    12 years ago
    If all Strippers were fat would you continue to patronize Strip Clubs?
    If I want fat, I look in the mirror when I get out of the shower.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I finally made it with a "10".
    My visit to No 5 Orange in Vancouver last March resulted in a pleasant, energetic encounter back at the hotel. That girl was as close to a 10 as anybody I have ever messed around with from a SC. My visit to No 5 Orange last night was sad. I ended up in a massage parlour.
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    12 years ago
    Strip Club Brawl; Oregon Style
    Aaaaaaah, memories of my scrappin' days. Never tangled with loggers or fishermen, though.
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    12 years ago
    What? Is it that time of the year again?
    Bring on the winter.....the hell with summer! Moving the big iron up north is virtually impossible in summer when the muskeg is floating on the permafrost. Heli-lift is a possibility but hugely expensive. Can't beat those -20C (and much colder) days to get serious work done. Bugs don't do too well in the winter either.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thoughts on Massage Parlors
    Very slim pickings at No 5 Orange tonight. The hottest girl was running the beer tub at the door and absolutely refused to do lap dances with me (even refused titty tips). All the other girls were not even lap dance worthy and certainly not takeout candidates so......... Just came back from a Vancouver massage parlour that I had not previously patronized. Very pleasant discovery - open much later and much less expensive than my last massage parlour experiences in Vancouver ($140 full meal deal). Vancouver is now less expensive than Edmonton and Calgary. Who would have thought?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    American Football
    1.7metres?? 62kg?? The American guys here are going to blast you for that. They are the only people in the world who do not understand the metric system. Better you should come to Canada. Metric is understood here. Canadian football is much better than that sissy game played south of the 49th parallel. But best of all, farmerart likes kinky dancers with hourglass figures and long red hair. I am 1.79m and, sadly, much more than 62kg (but all that excess weight is in the wallet).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Removing Make-up From Clothes
    I have a pussy glitter infested tuxedo jacket that now hangs in my machine shop for use on cool days when I am underneath the F-150 changing oil. I still want to shoot the dancer who ruined that tuxedo.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    Your single posted review is for a Mississauga SC, one of the few Mississauga SCs that I have not visited. I can tell you that a quick peek into any of the VIPs of the Mississauga clubs that I have reviewed will give you an instant understanding of SC extras. Are you a shy guy?
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    12 years ago
    Who makes the most entertaining/memorable threads on TUSCL?
    Interesting threads come from the most amazing sources but the comments are even more important than the topic initiating the thread. You would be hard-pressed to find anything better than Dick Johnson's various trips into insanity. I liked the stripper/financial advisor topic, but all of Dick's topics were hilarious. He had a quick retort to other guys' comments as well. Like: 'Why are all you guys getting dances from this stripper named ROB?' georgmicrodong has posted some eye-popping tales here, see the topic of a stripper's water bursting on stage among his collection of odd and weird SC experiences. For reviews, I think ralphy boy is the most stylish writer of SC reviews on tuscl. But for me, the all time best read on tuscl was Badd Jack's review featuring ratso, shamu, and assorted other delightful ladies and their exemplary entertainment skills.
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    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    @minnow, I was traveling with family for most of my vacation. I wasn't about to pick up the tab for business/first class travel for my 20 family members so I just went with the flow of the trip as organized by an anal female cousin. I bought a few meals for the group in Sweden and that was expensive enough. @steve229, That Netjets share might have come in handy for this trip but I am still embarrassed about that Netjets episode during my retirement. Way too 'nouveau riche' for this old hillbilly.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thoughts on Massage Parlors
    In my stomping grounds of Western Canada, massage parlours kick strip clubs' asses! Guaranteed FS in elegant surroundings. Reasonable rates. Drawbacks include shorter hours than SCs and less choice of 'entertainers' in massage parlours than in SCs. You can even get a massage in a massage parlour in Western Canada (if you wish). No LE worries means that the girls feel no constraints in their advertising.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Russian Dancers / Clubs with Russian Dancers
    Try Swedish clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "So, what do you do?"
    I tell the truth; but 'entrepreneur' does not seem to be in many dancers' vocabularies. It would be even worse if I said 'seismic data interpretation leading to crude oil and natural gas exploration and production'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hot Fat Women....well maybe lukewarm
    I have just spent a few days fooling around with my Hawaii girl. She has put on a few pounds since I last saw her. Nothing so bad that I had to kick her out of bed. But then I packed on about 10kg with three and a half weeks of fine dining and good wine in Europe and NO exercise. I hope that I can still squeeze into my work clothes when I get back on the job.