
Comments by farmerart (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Work history of strippers. Valuable or not?
    Most assuredly, georg, dancers move back and forth across Canada. It is very difficult for a Canadian dancer to work legally in USA clubs so they are likely to move across Canada if they want variety in their work. Alberta with its booming economy is particularly popular with out-of-province dancers even though it is an agency area and requires dancer licencing. The loonie/toonie toss is mega-bux for dancers in Alberta clubs. All but one of my Alberta OTC encounters has been with a dancer who learned the 'way of the world' in the Toronto area clubs. $10k weekends for 'willing' dancers are not uncommon in the boom town of Fort Macmurray. There are thousands of horny young guys with $150k-$200k/yr salaries in that god-forsaken hellhole.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Work history of strippers. Valuable or not?
    Newbies? NO! But, if I encounter a girl in a western Canadian club who admits to working at Toronto's Cannonball Cabaret in the past, I will aggressively pursue OTC with that girl. Usually works out well for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    High Value Good Contact Laps at $10 across USA.
    I can point you guys to $10 no contact private dances in Canada if anybody has any interest. Ralph's Place in Dartmouth, NS. Truth is that the joint is a rather jolly club; I had a great time there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How cool is this?
    I ragged him about that t-shirt at the 5 in Vancouver three weeks ago, shadowcat. Maybe that is why trojangreg abandoned me to the tender mercies of the sharks gobbling up poor hillbillies that night in the 5.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Your Favourite Club - What Makes It Special?
    @pabloantonio, I am assuming that when jester214 introduced Bumfuck, Canada into his comment he was referring to Nisku, AB mentioned in my initial post. As it happens, Rancho farmerart is an hour's drive from Bumfuck. Currently, however, I am at my exploration camp, 1500km north of Bumfuck. jester214, if you really want to work on a rig, come up to Bumfuck. Every drilling company in town has 'Help Wanted' signs hanging from the fences of their yards. It would be a delight to hear you talking about the delights of Bumfuck to a crowd of my boys in the Rig Pig club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs that are liberal with the "extras" action?
    You can breathe the air in Detroit without blackening your lungs. But for truly fresh air come up to the far north to service the guys in my exploration camp - you would have no competition. Only a short comfortable drive over a scenic bush road from the junction of the Laird and Mackenzie Rivers (when the muskeg is frozen solid). Many, many interesting things to do up here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Adding a Club
    Same experience for me, shadowcat. Twice I have passed on info about closed clubs and that info is acted upon immediately but I can get no attention when I send info about a new club for tuscl. Go figure. I have given up on that particular tuscl feature.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Don't fall asleep in the Champagne Room
    I have done the Champagne Room thing just one single time. I did not fall asleep.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    HiLiter Gentlemen's Club
    @motorhead, Yes, I know trojangreg, and your 'reading disorder' is curiously apt with regards to greg. As I attempt to recover from an evening with trojangreg it is eerily like looking back at an area of nuclear destruction, particularly for my wallet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What Strippers look for in a potential client.
    Kid, the world is not going to stop for you. You have to decide if you are going to get on for the ride or not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs that are liberal with the "extras" action?
    Arnies in Harvey (south Chicago). Prices may be too cheap for you, however.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What Strippers look for in a potential client.
    I always have a big wad of cash with me when I visit a SC. I may be wearing a tux or I may be wearing rig pig gear. I am a road warrior so dancers have no clue about my spending habits from any previous visits. No matter the case I may be swarmed or shunned by dancers. A pure crapshoot for the dancers. I have long since given up waiting for dancers to approach me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Adding a Club
    As was I, georg.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Adding a Club
    Over the last year I have twice tried to add clubs to tuscl's data banks. Nada - which was too bad because in one of those clubs I had a grand time and would have done a pretty spicy review. I have visited four other clubs which don't appear on tuscl's lists and have not even bothered to submit those clubs' names to tuscl. These clubs were all in western Canada. James1557, what we are seeing here is the Amero-centric nature of tuscl. Non-American tusclers like you and I make up a very tiny fraction of tuscl contributors. tuscl is an American site. The sad truth is that most Americans do not travel outside of their own country and have little interest in anything that is not American.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Good is your ITC/OTC Intuition?
    @che, I stand by my statement. In business I make a conscious effort to make all decisions based on facts, numbers, and my long years of experience. When doing a deal I expect, through my knowledge and experience, to be better informed than the counterparty to the deal. If not, and the deal goes sour on me, I just have more experience to fall back upon when doing the next deal. There is an old observation about trial lawyers never asking a witness a question without knowing the answer beforehand. Same with me doing an oil patch deal - if I don't get the terms that I deem proper, I don't make the deal. If I had relied on intuition over the years when choosing a well site I would have a resume of dusters to brag about. I do agree that frequenting SCs is rock solid evidence of my social retardation.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    Looking at the US election from afar via TV news, newspapers, magazines, and internet sites I can only say that Romney is running a pathetic campaign. Obama is eating his lunch as a campaigner. Both of them are pretty smart guys but Romney just seems to be unable to communicate to the average person. Occasionally in the cook shack up here in camp the rig pigs will talk US politics. The big Romney issue with my boys is his refusal to come clean with his tax returns and his record of killing jobs with Bain. The big Obama issue with my boys is his social agenda, not health care but everything else. Good luck making your choice, my American tuscl buddies.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Good is your ITC/OTC Intuition?
    I'll make an effort, rick. I can't say that I have any special intuition that gives me any aid in my SC hunting. In many of the clubs on my review list no intuition is necessary viz. Bogarts or Cannonball Cabaret or Club Pro. In other non-bordello style clubs I always keep my eyes open for opportunities, of course. I have had the occasional success in these clubs but I attribute those successes to my growing experience in the hobby not to any special intuition that I may have developed. In a (now closed) Calgary club a waitress gave me much help; certainly no intuition on my part in that club, just $20 bills frequently tucked in that waitress' cleavage. In a Vancouver club where I have had occasional success I am slowly coming to the realization that many of the girls in that club will play for pay but it wasn't until one of the girls propositioned me that the light went on for me. Again, no special intuition on my part; more like getting hit over the head with a pipe wrench. One thing that has given me much help is tuscl. While chatting with a dancer in a club that is new for me I always ask about the other clubs that the girl may have worked in. If the girl mentions any of tuscl's notorious clubs I will pursue her with tenacity. I have no intuition into the workings of any woman's mind or emotions. My teen age and young adult years were spent working in an entirely male isolated environment. I never did receive the normal socialization that most all men receive as they mature into adults. Any success that I have in SCs is a product of luck, tuscl info, my cash, and my growing level of experience in the hobby. Intuition plays no part in this for me. In fact, I really question if intuition exists in any area of human interaction. I have had the odd epiphany or gestalt moment in my life but those cases never involved any human interaction.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Are Fewer Dancers Working in Your Area Than in Prior Years?
    Bad economy? What bad economy? In my area of the world the economy is in a state of white hot rock and roll. Even the super lame SCs of Alberta seem to be doing OK. In fact, during my last SC visit in Alberta in July the club was short of dancers and waitresses for the huge crowd.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Topless Kate
    Ummm, londonguy, for decades before the phone hacking scandal your London tabloids were much more intrusive than this French magazine.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why I love my daughter
    Perhaps now that you have discarded cigarettes you will no longer be in need of Vitamin V. Be healthy, shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper Boyfriends - Reloaded
    Sounds like she has her hooks into you. Thank heavens that I am much too old to be any stripper's boyfriend. My one instance of minor 'sugar daddyism' is in the past and will never be repeated.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I hate the fucking valet parking fees.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    Interesting comparison - my holiday experiences with the realities of flying in Canada's northern bush. Jets vs. DC-3: even though the DC-3 was packed with drums of diesel and pallets of food I was much more comfortable in my pull-down hammock seat in the noisy, unpressurized DC-3, lots of leg room and no smelly fat lady or crying baby seated next to me. Security? - stifling, intrusive, inefficient at airports; nonexistent at the bush charter company's offices. I showed up, greeted the secretary by name, she shouted down the hall 'farmerart's here', return shout 'send the old bugger out to the plane', went out to plane and clambered up the little ladder, threw my bag on the floor and pulled down my seat, plane took off 5 min later. Cost? - all flights during my holiday came to about $8k; each charter from Yellowknife to the strip at my exploration camp costs my company $15k. Ambience? - pure misery on commercial airlines; jolly camaraderie on the DC-3, bullshitting with the mechanic about the merits of F-150 vs. Dodge Ram and sitting in cockpit chatting with pilots as we landed at camp.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Topless Kate
    I would rather see her sister Pippa's ass. Kate is too boney for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In Your Experience What % of Strippers Have Sex For Money?
    My experience in Alberta clubs suggests that the number is very low, something under 5%. The single British Columbia club that I know well has a much higher percentage of players, perhaps 30%.