
Removing Make-up From Clothes

Strip Club Nation
Monday, September 3, 2012 7:20 PM
A dancer put her face into my crotch and started blowing and simulating head. After I left the club, I noticed make-up stains all over the crotch of my pants which were light-colored. Has anybody else had this problem? How do you get make-up off of your clothes?


  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Make-up on white shirts seems impossible to remove. I end up throwing them out. If anyone knows how to get it out, please share. Even dry cleaning failed.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I'm not sure about white shirts. I once had my cotton white shorts all red from a dancers lipstick and the Tide detergent with bleach took it all out first time.
  • HB13
    12 years ago
    Tide bleach pens in the car works wonders on my white clothes.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I have a pussy glitter infested tuxedo jacket that now hangs in my machine shop for use on cool days when I am underneath the F-150 changing oil. I still want to shoot the dancer who ruined that tuxedo.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    @farmerart that is classic, sad but classic.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    Yeah, my pants were white. They are at the dry cleaners right now; I am hoping they can get the make-up out.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Sinclair: I sympathize with you. Generally, my dry cleaner can get most of the make-up out of my clothes. However pussy juice is another story. I try to swallow as much of it as I can, but invariably, sometimes some of it winds up on my crotch area. I still have pants with those stains (somewhat noticeable). Good luck.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The solution is to take your pants off in the first place. :)
  • Sperrz
    12 years ago
    Had exactly the same problem on. Washing my pants didn't do it but the dry cleaners did. Don't know what they did but it worked... Try a darker color.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Egads! White pants in a strip club - bad form, old boy. At least it wasn't after Labor Day.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    Art, I knew you were classy, but putting on a tux to change the oil really takes the cake.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Wear a kilt. Then you can just flip it out of the way. Seriously, though, light colored pants? What *were* you thinking? :) Depends on the type of makeup. Try googling it instead of asking here; you might have more luck.
  • sandman96
    12 years ago
    Great wisdom from shadowcat!
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    I know I'm going to sound like a tv pitchman, but OxyClean works if you're washing your clothes. Just put in a scoop with your laundry load. I've gotten rid of lipsticks, face makeup and female snail trails instantly! Works like a charm!!
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    Don't wear white to a strip club. Seriously. There is almost no way to get makeup out without washing. If you did wear white, you can use a cap full of bleach in the washer. You also can use Shout and other stain removers. Check for issues with colors in cotton fabric. Of you don't have either, hydrogen peroxide will help of the stains are not ground in deeply. Oxyclean is basically peroxide. Whatever you do, DO NOT DRY YOUR CLOTHES IN A DRYER until you can confirm the stain is out. The dry will lock in the stain forever. Strippers who wear glitter should be flogged. You can wear White after labor day, as that is an outdated rule.
  • Otto22
    12 years ago
    I recently posted about "Dancer Residue" and apparently many of us must deal with this issue. The recommendation from many brothers is to always carry a change of clothing in the car.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    UPDATE: I picked my clothes from the dry cleaners today and they looked like new. No evidence of there ever being make-up on them. I do not know how they got it off, but it only cost $7 including tax.
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    Generally, drying the material in a typical hot-air dryer, and washing the material with hot water but no stain-remover, will both "set" the stain permanently. The stain must be removed before putting the material into hot water wash or hot air dryer. To know how to remove the stain, first determine what the actual dye and vehicle are that are staining your pants or shirt. Most make-up stains are a conglomerate of several petro-chemicals, so it's reasonable to guess that you will be removing an oil-based pigmented stain. If you happen to know that the girl uses organic-only, then try an organic solvent first. Either way, you'll work your way up to a drugstore stain-remover such as RIT's dye-away or any of the other brands. Follow the instructions. If it doesn't work, then DON'T wash and dry the clothes. Instead, go to a professional clothing "repair and cleaning" place. Most dry-cleaners pretend to be clothing repair places, but often they just send the material out to a sub-contractor. Find the sub-contractor and work with them. If you have to do it quickly on the way home before wifey sees it, you may very well ruin the clothing. Better bet is to cover the girlie stain with a manly stain. For example, to hide the lipstick around your zipper, maybe cover your entire crotch with gasoline and tell wifey that the pump almost exploded. Or roll in dirt and say you slipped and fell. Or something like that. So that the lipstick is camouflaged until you can get a real opportunity to remove it properly.
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