Joined Feb, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2022
Front Room
3 years ago
The farther you get from the Mexico border, the more and better the reviews
In fact, the further you get from the southern bother, the more reviews there are. No doubt being relatively close to the Mexican border kills strip club reviews. Most...
Front Room
4 years ago
Rare sighting- Hot girls working out in a Planet Fitness/
Making it even more stranger is that this was on a Saturday afternoon. There were perhaps eight or nine guys, but about 15 gals- all young, fit and good-looking. I've...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
Hey Fauci, how's them facemask working for you now?
I told all you idiots that facemasks would only somewhat slowdown the spread of the virus, not stop it. And here we are nearly a year after the appearance of...
Front Room
4 years ago
Still think facemasks are helping?
COVID-19 death rates are rising to what they were at the start of the U.S. epidemic. This is happening even though people use facemasks in public areas in most places...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
Sweden didn't shutdown their economy and took the full brunt of the Coronavirus head on. Because of this their COVID-19 deaths per One Million population swelled to over 550 deaths...
Front Room
4 years ago
TLC "90-Day Fiance", more viewers than either NBA Playoff games last night.
When your big major American Sport playoff games have fewer viewers than a second tier cable channel's cheap reality TV show, you should just close the doors and shut everything...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM
So Michael Jordan pledge a billion dollars over the next 10 years to the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet this same organization is torpedoing his business, as Jordan is the...
Front Room
4 years ago
1 in 5 Black Male College Students Support Trump
Yes sir, the times they are a changin'. Bravo for my fellow intelligent black young brothers who are breaking away from black slave mentality. Pretty soon the Democrats will be...
Front Room
4 years ago
Chadwick "Black Panther" Boseman has Died.
In the context of BLM I was just thinking about the black panther movie, and how to me it is the anti-BLM. Boseman died of cancer at the age of...
Front Room
4 years ago
Thug Culture, I warned about it for years on TUSCL
I complained for years about thug rap/hip-hop music in strip clubs, and the overall toxicity of that culture. And I regularly got shit for it. However I saw how that...
Political Discourse
5 years ago
I really want to vote against the Dems, but I absolutely hate Trump and Trumpism
I disdain just everybody everything coming from the left these days. Yet I know Trump and Trumpism is giving liberals extra political tolerance and is shielding them from a larger...
Front Room
5 years ago
Now Fauci wants everyone to wear goggles and a face shield!
Next will be the recommendation to slip into a body sized condom. At this point if you have wear the kind of safety precaution needed for welding, just don't leave...
Front Room
5 years ago
Fear of COVID-19 making people seek healthy lifestyles?
Public health and political leaders and major media outlets may not want to publicize it, but I think Coronavirus is scaring people into better health. I see a lot more...
Political Discourse
5 years ago
Jim Carrey's "The Environment Guy" from "In Living Color".
He's freaking Barry Goldwater compared to liberals today....
Front Room
5 years ago
DuckDuckGo is a nice alternative Search Engine.
Just in case you want to get away from Google Search for the next month or so. Look I could care less about anyone's sexuality. I'm just tired of all...
Front Room
5 years ago
HGTV is the most watched Entertainment Network on Cable TV.
So after news and sports networks (Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ESPN etc.) HGTV is what most Americans prefer to watch. That is astonishing! I mean I myself pretty much stopped...
Political Discourse
5 years ago
Thanks a lot BLM and Liberals. The GOP has increased support thanks to you.
FiveThirtyEight's website shows increases in general and congressional races toward the GOP. Trump is gaining on Biden and where the Dems had leads, they've either lost them or had huge...