9 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedCamelot1823 M St NW Washington, DC 20036High quality dancers for weekday afternoon
10 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedSpearmint Rhino10965 Composite Dr Dallas, TX 75220This is my second review of...
11 yrs ago•Tecolotereviewed4 Play Gentlemen's Club2238 Cotner Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064This was my third of fourth...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedForeplay Gentlemen’s Club409 E Baltimore St Baltimore, MD 21202I was up in the Baltimore...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedBrad's Brass Flamingo4011 Southeastern Ave Indianapolis, IN 46203I stopped by around 8:30 on...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedLarry Flynt's Hustler Club5420 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204I stopped by the Hustler club...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedScarlett's Cabaret5841 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204I visited Hollywood Show Club on...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedDiamond Cabaret1401 Mississippi Ave Sauget, IL 62201I was in St. Louis for...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedSpearmint Rhino10965 Composite Dr Dallas, TX 75220I visited Spearmint Rhino first on...
11 yrs ago•TecolotereviewedThe Lodge10530 Spangler Rd Dallas, TX 75220The great thing about Dallas is...
12 yrs ago •Tecolotecommented onDilemna10 seems generous to me, but it depends on her opportunity cost. If she's losing money that she could be making from other customers, then I'd tell…
12 yrs ago •Tecolotecommented ondancer preferences?For tipping on stage, it can vary. If the girl is my type (usually long, lean build with nice legs), then I'll tip to show appreciation.…
12 yrs ago •Tecolotecommented onRussian Dancers / Clubs with Russian Dancers@londonguy: sounds like I'd go broke in London. @gsv: thanks for the tip re Flashdancers. @thatotherguy: thanks for the tips. sounds like Gallagher's 2000 is the…
12 yrs ago •Tecolotecommented onRussian Dancers / Clubs with Russian DancersThanks, everyone. ThatOtherGuy: Any specific clubs to recommend? lopoaw: what are are you in? any specific clubs?
12 yrs ago •Tecolotecommented onWhich is Most Important to You When Visiting a Strip Club (Dancer AttractivenessFor me, it's all about a certain look / type. The dancer doesn't have to be a ten, but I'm only interested in certain body types.…