Hottie On The Street
Warm sunny day in downtown Vancouver.....having fish taco lunch from a food truck.....sitting on bench of office building plaza watching the hotties pouring out of the office buildings for their lunch breaks.......focus on east Indian hottie as she waits at light for a green so she can cross the street.....gust of wind comes up.....blows skirt of east Indian hottie over her head.....east Indian hottie is commando under the skirt.....sweet luscious cameltoe for all the world to see.....hottie screams and gets skirt under control....I spill fish taco all over my shirt.....look sheepishly at guy sitting next to me.....he is wiping pulled pork BBQ sauce off his shirt.....also has sheepish grin on his face.....think of going back to work in exploration camp next week.
I want to shoot myself!!
I want to shoot myself!!
Shadow your t-shirt will be there soon.
I too would have been depressed over dropping my fish taco.
You are exactly right. It was a damn good fish taco.
I almost dropped my fish taco just reading your story,
Well actually it is just a regular Mexican taco because I am sitting in one of our local Mexican restaurantes.
And yes, my Mexican (actually from Mexico) waitress is a hottie too. (Unfortunately no commando peeks).
I LOVE your story. Vancouver must be a wonderful place.
Not to change the subject, but I have had the pleasure of visiting Vancouver once, and it was awesome, especially for a North Carolina country boy. Very relaxed vibe..spent half a day at Stanley Park and had lunch near the steam clock? Shit now I'm ready to go back!
You are exactly right about Vancouver's charms. If you ever return here walk the entire seawall around Stanley Park. There is no other stroll like that in any urban centre in the world - 2 hours of the most spectacular scenery (and some guaranteed hottie watching on a sunny day).
If I were ever to renounce my rural lifestyle, Vancouver would be my choice of a new place to live.
When I look at this thread title, I can't help but think this should be a new reallity show on FOX's new fall TV schedule.